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venerdì 15 dicembre 2023

Revenant - Juliette

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Black/Death
In Italia la scena underground è da sempre viva, ma manca e forse mancherà sempre qualcosa, che permetta a band come questi Revenant di pubblicare album a livello di media-grossa distribuzione. I cinque genovesi volevano infatti pubblicare il loro debut album, avvalendosi di una buona volontà nel riuscirci e proponendo una musica molto cattiva, particolare e teatrale. Musicalmente, ci troviamo di fronte a un death melodico per quanto riguarda il lato strumentale, mentre quello vocale è molto più estremo, direi black con inserti qua e là di parti più classicamente death. La loro proposta non è originale, ma come detto c’era (la band si è sciolta nel 2006/ndr) la buona volontà di riuscire a realizzare un progetto solido e valido perché, come sappiamo, trovare chi pubblica dischi non è mai stato facile. Questo demo cd comprende sei canzoni che comprovano quanto detto finora, in cui si vengono a creare atmosfere oscure, romantiche e teatrali in linea con i testi ispirati dai romanzi del Marchese De Sade, che rendono quanto meno interessanti i contenuti di questo demo.

mercoledì 13 dicembre 2023

Megadeth - Youthanasia

#FOR FANS OF: Heavy/Thrash
This one doesn't pack the same punch as their previous 3-4 albums. It's more heavy metal based rather than thrash metal and the riffs aren't as catchy as 'Countdown To Extinction' but they're still good! It's just not so fantastic as the previous they seemed to get more seller out than anything else. But let's enjoy the Marty Friedman era of Megadeth. The riffs could've been better but still they're decent. The leads are alright, too! Dave seems to be a little bit whinier as well. I don't think anything could surpass Dave on their previous. Or even on 'Rust In Peace' and 'Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?'.

It's definitely milder than previous Megadeth releases. But that doesn't take away from the great guitar riffs and succinct leads by Dave and Marty. They both kick ass and it's to be this era of Megadeth to be the better. I'm not as familiar as the more modern playing of this band, I just know that I like the first two almost decades of the bands. Dave is always seeming to be in Metallica's shadow, or at least jealous of their success over Megadeth's. He definitely wanted a band that was heavier than Metallica but of course we know that Metallica took precedence over Megadeth, unfortunately. Maybe James's rhythms are catchier than Dave's could be it why they're favored?

The sound quality was definitely good, just like 'Countdown To Extinction' about the same. Just the music isn't as catchy as that album. But I still think it's worth a 75 rating, definitely. Some songs were really catchy and noteworthy. It's a step-down from 'Countdown...' but Dave shows that they still have it going strong. I always liked his songwriting. Even in Metallica, some of his riffs like in "Jump In The Fire" and "Phantom Lord" were some wicked riffs on those tracks. And on 'Peace Sells...', he came up with some amazingly catchy licks that are some of the best in the history of Megadeth (in my opinion).

For Megadeth fans, this isn't a disappointment. This is showing a somewhat milder more heavy metal type of gig than thrash metal. But they're still catchy with the songwriting and worth checking out if you haven't already. This is a way old album, but as you can see, I'm just getting around to writing about it. It's how far gone I am in Megadeth's discography. But this is because I only recently decided to give the band a fair shake which I've done. And I've found them to be among the greats. Look upon this as a victory for the band, not so much of a failure that Dave may think. Get it on CD or stream it or both! (Death8699)

(Capitol Records/UMe - 1994/2014)
Score: 75


lunedì 11 dicembre 2023

Flukt - Omen ov Darkness

#PER CHI AMA: Black Old School
Siete dei nostalgici del famigerato true black norvegese e bramate di ascoltare nuovi capolavori devoti al maligno, e provenienti dalle lande innevate della Norvegia? Beh, eccovi accontentati con il secondo disco dei Flukt, 'Omen ov Darkness', che vi riporterà ai fasti del black metal di metà anni '90, quando impazzavano le chiacchiere da bar sulle chiese incendiate, la rivalità tra alcuni individui della scena, e, più importante, il forgiarsi di splendide band estreme. Ecco, erano gli anni '90, 30 anni fa, i Flukt arrivano fuori tempo massimo con un disco che sicuramente trae linfa vitale da quella gente, prova a infilarci un pizzico di idee, giusto per non farsi sgamare troppo nell'aver scopiazzato a destra e a manca dai vari Gorgoroth, Mayhem e compagnia cantante (ci sono anche influenze derivanti dal black svedese, Dissection e Setherial in testa) e spera di farsi notare in una scena brulicante di dischi come questi. Non mi hanno preso questi Flukt, mi spiace, io che sono cresciuto musicalmente a fine anni '80 inizi dei '90, quindi quanto contenuto in questa release per me, sono solo sonorità stra-abusate e alla fine anche noiose, che non trovano, ahimè, il mio benevolo appoggio. Certo, se siete dei fan incalliti della fiamma nera dell'ultima ora beh, allora qui troverete tutto quello che fa per voi: screaming vocals, tributi ai Darktrone ("He Who Must Not Be Named"), chitarre incendiarie ("Falt Fra Himmelen") e addirittura una terribile copertina, proprio in linea con la tradizione true black. Onesti (speriamo) ma ormai sorpassati. (Francesco Scarci)
(Dusktone Records - 2023)
Voto: 60

sabato 9 dicembre 2023

Valhalla - V Gimnah I Proklyatiyah

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Pagan Black
For Slavs Only. Nel booklet, titoli e testi sono in ucraino (tranne la settima canzone, "Invasion", il cui testo però non è stampato). Nulla da ridire: le nazioni hanno tutto il diritto di difendere le proprie specificità, anche linguistiche, contro la marea montante dell'omologazione culturale imposta dal nuovo ordine mondiale. Tuttavia, pur riconoscendo a queste espressioni musicali la dignità che meritano, non possiamo non provare una forte sensazione di estraneità culturale di fronte ad esse. Ma veniamo al demo in questione. Per quanto concerne i contenuti prettamente musicali, non è che ci sia da stare troppo allegri: sinceramente in giro c'è di molto meglio. Comunque, diciamo che si tratta di un black metal piuttosto naive con qualche inserto folk. L'opera ha, per così dire, un sapore vagamente agreste. La band sicuramente presentava ampi margini di miglioramento, in realtà dopo questo album si è sciolta, segno che le qualità non erano proprio ottimali.

(Beverina Productions - 1999/2018)
Voto: 45


giovedì 7 dicembre 2023

Cannibal Corpse - The Wretched Spawn

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
What a BLAST of Cannibal Corpse tearing apart your speakers. I've never before listened to this album, nor have I ever owned it then gotten rid of it. It's staying in my collection! All-Star lineup featuring Jack, Pat, Alex, Corpsegrinder and Paul. This is one of their better line-ups though Rob and Eric are in the slot of guitar duties. Sounds like they're in B-flat tuning and have that ultra thick sound on the axe's. Corpsegrinder has range on here, especially with the screams! The music went well along with the vocals. Everything seemed to fit into place on this one. No complaints really, just Jack has never really been strong on his lead playing.

I thought the songs were well written musically. Just never been into the gore lyrics, I tend to focus on the music as well as the sound of the vocals. The drums are usually solid, no complaints there. The production was top-notch, it really does sound great. These guys did good on here, though I feel that there's a tinge of the past, then paves the modern way Cannibal sounds. The riffs just kick ass here, wholeheartedly. Corpsegrinder is better than Barnes ever was! That's my opinion at least, the guitars and drums just favor the way Corpsegrinder conducts his Barnes had no range.

As I've mentioned, the sound quality or production it was top-notch! The music was well mixed and everything was woven in smoothly. This is one of my favorite Cannibal releases to date. It's just completely brutal and in your face. The riffs just talk to you so to speak. You hear Jack and Pat rip it up. It was all five of them kicking ass. No holds barred here, these guys are just legends. I'll never favor the lyrics but as long as the music goes, I'll always be a fan. Their latest 'Violence Unimagined' was good though I think this one is tighter. The sound of the guitars and the vocals are better here!

I took a chance since 'Vile' didn't do anything for me and man I was blown away! It's much more convenient to stream this than to get the actual CD. Show support for the band and buy this album. If you don't have a CD player, buy one! I'm that passionate about this album shining through and though! Top 3 of my Cannibal albums this one fits in there. How can I make such a statement? Play this in your car, then you'll hear what I'm talking about. All the songs were good, they were strong the whole album. Beats your eardrums to shreds hailz Cannibal Corpse with this masterpiece! (Death8699)

(Metal Blade/Northeast Steel Industry Records - 2004/2023)
Score: 85


mercoledì 6 dicembre 2023

Cari lettori, vi informiamo che nel prossimo mese il nostro blog offrirà scarsi contenuti a causa delle ferie. Ci prenderemo del tempo per rigenerarci e torneremo carichi di idee fresche! Vi ringraziamo per la vostra comprensione e vi aspettiamo nel 2024 con nuove recensioni

Dear readers, we want to inform you that for the next month, our blog will be posting a few contents due to vacation time. We will be taking some time off to recharge and will return with plenty of fresh ideas! Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to welcoming you in 2024 with new reviews


lunedì 4 dicembre 2023

Sinister - Diabolical Summoning

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School
This is vintage old-school death metal. It varies in the degree of brutality it has to it. Killer line-up! The production quality is good too for a 1993 release. It might seem kind of "hollow" though. It's worth taking a listen to though. That is, if you are a fan of underground music. The vocals are guttural, the guitars are heavy and distorted to the nth degree, tempos are all over the place. Definitely worth checking out they remind me a little bit like Suffocation's early days. The blast beats, the music, and the double bass drums. This is a strong album in terms of their transformation. Their newer stuff is solid as well.

These riffs on here are beyond good, they're phenomenal. The vocals fit the music, totally! The songs are full of energy and originality. I really enjoyed this release. I'm surprised that I learned about this band till much later in their days!

I'm glad that I did learn about Sinister. I bought the CD because I chose to support the band, not just load up on streaming services. The music on here is hyper intensity! They speak to the listener on how they've come together as musicians and dominating the scene!

The leads on here are good as well! I don't think there's a pause in any of this that equally slows down, it exceeds everyone's expectations. The vocals stay brutal and the music just overly compensates the production quality. The tempos are fast and furious at times. But they have a certain groove to them that only death metal bands have to offer. What a magnificent release that will not let you down. I thought it good enough to buy that's how good I thought of it. I'll admit that I downloaded this before I bought it. But I'm so glad that I did! It was never boring or repetitive. It always held extraordinary tempos and the drums did it justice! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast/Cosmic Key Creations - 1993/2023)
Score: 80


sabato 2 dicembre 2023

Elfman - Common Sky

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Nu Metal
Dall’Austria un gruppo alquanto indefinibile: a volte metal o quasi, a volte rap-nu-metal, in altri momenti propongono arpeggi acustici di vaga provenienza. Indubbiamente buona la produzione quanto inutile, almeno per il sottoscritto, la partecipazione di un DJ per i sampling e rumori elettronici vari. Abbastanza simili ai Fear Factory per l’uso delle chitarre ruvide ma che non dicono molto e inusuali nell'uso della voce. Fino a quando questa viene usata in modo pulito e melodico, risulta espressiva; quando s'insinuano sentori rap (vedi la traccia quattro, "Glory D."), allora fa cadere le braccia e non solo. In questa traccia, gli Elfman creano delle parti che faranno felici i seguaci delle sonorità nu-metal, non chi vuole ascoltare metal. A loro favore tuttavia c’è sicuramente l’originalità, pur essendo fuori dal seminato di qualcosa che si possa chiamare lontanamente metal. Non bastano due chitarre distorte per autodefinirsi metallari, alcune loro parti potrebbero essere infatti suonate in una discoteca e nulla più. Fanno sorridere i loro effetti elettronici e i vari loop di tastiera (vedi la quinta "By Myself"). Chissà se avranno successo. Ma forse nel pop, non certo nel metal: qui c’è già troppa merda. Se alle loro indubbie capacità compositive, unissero un minimo filo conduttore sensato, eviterebbero di unire un Kurt Kobain effettato che canta pop a una base musicale alquanto trendy. Non ho parole né voglia di ascoltarli.