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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Brutal Death. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 2 febbraio 2025

Disinter - Demonic Portraiture

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine

#PER CHI AMA: Death Metal
Veramente pregevole questo secondo full-length dei Disinter, gruppo di Chicago dedito a sonorità death metal con sfaccettature brutal. La band in questione non spicca certo per la sua originalità, ma propone una miscela omogenea che va a pescare da gruppi svedesi, quali Dismember e At the Gates, piuttosto che dai modelli americani. Il punto di forza del gruppo è sicuramente il drummer, paragonabile veramente a un martello pneumatico. Questo 'Demonic Portraiture' è composto da dieci brani al cemento armato con l’aggiunta di "Blinded By Fear", cover degli At the Gates. L’album comincia con un breve intro acustico che sfocia in "Strength & Honour", la prima vera song del disco, che presenta una ritmica veloce e brutale. Si prosegue nell’ascolto di brani sempre di buona fattura tra cui spiccano la thrasheggiante "Woven With Pestilence and War" e la title-track, che unisce un riff mid-tempo a cambi fast death metal. Come il precedente 'Welcome To Oblivion', questo lavoro dei Disinter dimostra ancora una volta la loro fedeltà a un certo tipo di death metal old-style.
(Morbid Records - 2001)
Voto: 70

domenica 5 gennaio 2025

Exidia - From The Deep

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death
Interessante mini cd di quattro canzoni per questo gruppo di Rovigo che proponeva un death metal d'impronta statunitense. Semplicemente granitica la sezione ritmica: gli Exidia pongono infatti l'accento più sulla potenza che sulla velocità di esecuzione. Efficace si rivela anche la performance vocale del cantante/bassista, giocata su toni stabilmente gutturali. E ciò è un bene, vista e considerata la fiumana di gruppi che ci infliggono triti "duetti" a base di growls e vocals straziate. I testi, scritti in un ottimo inglese, sfiorano, a tratti, tematiche gore evitando però inutili eccessi. Gli Exidia possedevano (la band è ormai sciolta/ndr) i requisiti necessari per suscitare l'interesse di una seria etichetta discografica del settore, anche se solo un'accentuazione delle caratteristiche più personali del proprio sound avrebbe potuto consentire al combo veneto di emergere dal calderone delle bands dedite al death metal.
(Self - 2000)
Voto: 63

domenica 20 ottobre 2024

Drowning - Age Old Nemesis

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death
Ancora buone bands dalla Francia: questa è la volta dei Drowning, brutal death combo di stampo americano che ha sfornato nell'ormai lontano 2002 uno stupendo album sulla scia di bands come Morbid Angel e Angelcorpse. Chiaramente, la potenza distruttiva non è alla portata delle band appena menzionate, ma i nostri all'epoca ci proposero un album fresco, vitale e con molte idee interessanti. Sicuramente un ottimo album per una band a più sconosciuta, che non potrà che farmene parlare bene in giro. La proposta dei Drowning è un brutal molto tecnico e preciso (lodevole la produzione) che non sfocia mai in mostruosi virtuosismi di velocità mortifera, ma incentra più il proprio focus sulla pesantezza e sul, chiamiamolo, groove. Ancora una volta questo pone l'accento su come la scena francese a inizio anni 2000 si sia, in un qual modo, risvegliata da un lungo letargo che sino ad allora sembrava averla del tutto anestetizzata. “Eppur si muove!”, qualcuno avrebbe esclamato, e mi fa piacere che si muova sotto la Bones Brigade, etichetta molto attiva e professionale in ambito brutal/grindcore, che all'epoca diede alle stampe anche ai nostrani Nefas!

giovedì 26 settembre 2024

Mind Snare - Hegemony

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death
Torino, città che fu teatro del definitivo crollo psichico di Friedrich Nietzsche, è il luogo di provenienza dei Mind Snare, band attiva sin dal 1989 (con il moniker Satan’s Slaughter/ndr) e ben conosciuta nel panorama death underground. 'Hegemony' è stato il loro EP di debutto, un mini cd di sei canzoni (più i live di "Monarch of Prayers" e "The Ancients Awakening" nella versione della Psychic Scream Entertainment/ndr), ben registrato, potente, e di sicuro impatto. Nella bio, i Mind Snare indicano fra i propri gruppi di riferimento Immolation e Morbid Angel; e il riffing di Chris Benso risente, effettivamente, dell'influenza di Trey Azagthoth. Trey, del resto, è stata un'autorità in ambito death metal, difficile dunque non rendergli omaggio. Quel che maggiormente colpisce, dei brani di questo mcd, è la coesione strutturale. Non c'è traccia di pressapochismo nel songwriting, ogni elemento è perfettamente calibrato. Ciò è dovuto alla perizia compositiva degli autori, che hanno saputo confezionare brani dotati di un'identità autonoma, adeguatamente variegati e articolati al proprio interno (vi segnalo, in particolare "To Jesus" e "The Ancients Awakening"). Il risultato finale è un death metal di prima qualità, che tiene desta dall'inizio alla fine l'attenzione dell'ascoltatore, senza mai annoiare.

(Psychic Scream Entertainment - 1999)
Voto: 73


mercoledì 18 settembre 2024

Skinless - Progression Towards Evil

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine   
#FOR FANS OF: Death/Grind
I am persuaded that behind this release of United Guttural Records, there is the hand of Richard Limpscomb, guitar and voice of Fleshgrind. I think that among the myriad of brutal bands in the American underground, Rich has found the best. 'Progression Towards Evil' is surely a full-length album for the passionate fans who already know what they are getting when they buy this cd: a very deep voice, drums with a stifled sound, continuous time alterations, and not very philosophical themes. Skinless does everything better than others: the most distinctive comparison I usually hear is with Internal Bleeding, a band quite similar but also quite boring after a few songs. With Skinless, you won't skip tracks because they are well-built, not boring, and as they say in the US, they are catchy. The first two tracks stand out from the other songs for their lyrics (even though there are no other texts, titles like "Scum Cookies" and "Foetus Goulash" are not so hermetic) and they are declarations of hate against humanity that in this musical context are very genuine. In conclusion, I think that bands like Skinless need to be supported by both brutal music fanatics and by people who want to explore something other than Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, and Suffocation.

(United Guttural Records/Burning Dogma Records - 1998/2022)
Score: 75


martedì 10 settembre 2024

Art of Attrition - .​.​.​And it Will All End Forever

#PER CHI AMA: Techno Symph Deathcore
Proprio ieri parlavamo di una scena black nel Quebec, death in British Columbia, ed ecco che oggi andiamo in Alberta per saggiare il techno deathcore degli Art of Attrition, che tornano, a distanza di due anni da 'The Void Eternal', con un nuovo EP. '.​.​.​And it Will All End Forever' è il titolo della nuovo release che mette in pista quattro nuove devastanti tracce che irrompono con la deflagrazione, sin dal primo secondo, di "Drowned in Fog" forte di una sezione ritmica letteralmente frantuma-ossa, complice una monumentale batteria, vera spina dorsale di questa band, una coppia di asce dal rifferama mega ribassato, una sezione orchestrale che dovrebbe attenuarne i toni ma ne arricchisce gli arrangiamenti, per chiudere con un grugnito vocale che sfocia talvolta nel pig squeal. "Vitriol" parte decisamente più in sordina, ma si tratta solo dei primi 15 secondi: i nostri rimetteno infatti in mostra i muscoli con attacchi ritmici che sembrano provenire da ogni direzione. Il pezzo nella sua ondivaga forma psicotica alterna parti più ritmate con sventagliate fuori controllo, in grado di interrompersi repentinamente per partiture tastieristiche sci-fi estremamente ispirate e melodiche. Tranquilli, è sempre questione di pochi secondi e la tempesta sonora torna a battere come una grandinata che squarcia il telaio e il parabrezza di un automobile, lasciandola crivellata di colpi mortali. Ovvio che per avvicinarsi a tale proposta musicale, è necessario avere le orecchie foderate di ghisa e prendere una buona dose di sedativi, altrimenti il ritmo infernale finirà per farvi esplodere il cuore. Il tutto è confermato anche dalla terza "Emaciate", il cui apparato ritmico ha più le sembianze di una mitragliatrice in grado di sferragliare 3500 colpi al minuto. Le orchestrazioni dovrebbero, ma non riescono, a mitigare questa sequenza mortale; ci prova allora un cantato quasi rap ma niente da fare, fa infatti la sua comparsa sua signoria "contraerea di Baghdad", accompagnata da voci isteriche e un successivo assolo da chilo, tale da lasciarci interdetti. A chiudere questo massacro, ecco la title track: non so cosa aspettarmi, sono letteralmente in apnea, anche se la band non lesina certo nelle variazioni di tempo e in inaspettati break ambientali. E infatti, sebbene un inizio più tranquillo, i quattro musicisti canadesi si lanciano in un'altra gara sparata a tutta velocità, in questo magico connubio di violenza, melodia e magniloquenti, terrificanti e orrorifiche atmosfere. Semplicemente paurosi!!! (Francesco Scarci)

mercoledì 28 agosto 2024

Ophiolatry - Anti-Evangelistic Process

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine   
#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death
Il primo album dei brasiliani Ophiolatry reca in copertina un’immagine blasfema. A essere oltraggiata, è una figura sacra ai seguaci della religione cristiana. Mai una volta che i nichilisti se la prendano con Maometto. Sarà perché gli islamici non porgono l’altra guancia. I sedicenti Übermenschen che infestano la scena metal preferiscono, evidentemente, accanirsi su chi non reagisce. Ma veniamo al contenuto musicale del cd di questo quartetto di San Paolo. Avete presente i Belphegor, vero? Ecco, il genere è quello, una sarabanda infernale (aggettivo quanto mai appropriato) con i brani che si susseguono rapidi, brutali, piallanti, travolgendo tutto quanto gli si pari davanti, con la loro furia, senza presentare variazioni significative. Tutto chiaro no?
(Evil Vengeance Records/Vale do Caos Records – 2002/2020)
Voto: 60

giovedì 15 agosto 2024

Legion - Feelings Of Repulsion

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine  
I Legion erano una band milanese, formatasi nel 1998; hanno autoprodotto questo demo-CD dal titolo 'Feelings of Repulsion', composto da cinque tracce di death metal melodico, di influenza svedese. I quattro ragazzi italiani cercavano però di miscelare questo tipo di metal con qualcosa di più brutale e violento, di stampo americano, e infatti, è possibile ritrovare all’interno delle loro canzoni alcuni richiami al brutal death. Devo dire che le tre canzoni “effettive” del CD (le altre due sono un’intro e una bella strumentale in chiusura) hanno stili differenti tra loro, forse perché composte in momenti diversi: la prima, "Full of Hate", ha riff abbastanza melodici (anche se alcuni sono un po’ scontati). La seconda, "Obsession", è la più veloce e aggressiva, mentre la terza, "Generation’s Crime" è quella che più si avvicina alle produzioni statunitensi (e personalmente è quella che preferisco). Dal punto di vista tecnico i risultati sono molto buoni, sia nelle ritmiche più veloci che nelle parti soliste; mi è piaciuto anche l’uso della voce black, graffiante e sofferta, mentre il growl a volte risulta forzato. Della serie bene ma non benissimo.

martedì 11 giugno 2024

Assimilator - Expelled into Suffering

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death/Thrash
Non so se voi ne sentiste la necessità, ma per quanto mi riguarda, scontrarmi con il mondo degli Assimilator, non era proprio nelle mie corde quest'oggi. La proposta del quartetto statunitense riflette una cultura, quella del brutal death, che trova ormai terreno fertile prettamente oltreoceano e che credo, abbia ormai esaurito tutte le cartucce a sua disposizione. Per quanto mi riguarda, infatti, questo genere di sonorità è ormai sorpassato e obsoleto, anche se sono certo che il mio collega Death8699 e tutti i fan del genere, avrebbero da che ridire a riguardo. Però, sfido chiunque a dire che quanto contenuto in 'Expelled into Suffering' sia qualcosa di originale e mai sentito. Per me è un lento e inesorabile maciullamento trita ossa che va dal mid-tempo (a tratti furente) dell'iniziale title track, corredata da vocals gorgoglianti e chitarroni old fashion, a una più scolastica seconda traccia, "Nocturnal Forge", che non sposta di una virgola quanto ascoltato in ambito death/thrash negli ultimi 30 anni. Certo, se vi mancano i riff stile 'Human' dei Death, in questo disco ne potreste anche trovare, cosi come quegli assalti thrash di scuola Exodus o sfrucugliamenti vari influenzati dai Suffocation. Non mancano le sfuriate isteriche nella più ossessiva e angosciante "Changeling", forte di un buon assolo conclusivo o ancora, i blast beat sparati a velocità warp, nella conclusiva "I Am", che chiude questo breve capitolo della discografia degli Assimilator, che di certo oggi non trovano un nuovo fan nel loro stuolo di supporter. (Francesco Scarci)

(Horror Pain Gore Death Productions - 2024)
Voto: 60


domenica 2 giugno 2024

Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Killer beat to this one and as Barnes is usually into his low-end bellowing voice it's a little different on here. It's not really guttural voice, he actually sounds just right on this one. It's low-throat, but not like 'Butchered at Birth' or 'Tomb of the Mutilated.' It's actually better than both. Not musically, but his voice doesn't ruin the music. The music with the vocals go hand in hand. The riffs are spot on! This is where he flourishes, especially various different vocals styles. Barnes is at his best on here, he's tops with me. I don't know why he wasn't able to spew out better vocals on the first few releases. They definitely hit their pinnacle here.

The music on here is simply killer! It's a little of the past mixed with the present releases. It's catchy. Every song on here deserves praise. They've just put some juice in these riffs that keeps them ever flowing! Barnes has a little bit of high-end screams, though they're not held with great immensity.
The riffs on the guitars mix well with the vocals. It just fits on here. By far, this is Barnes's best output and contribution to the band up until his departure. What an onslaught musically and vocalistically. It's strange that we didn't see this in a part of him when Cannibal was just starting out.
I'd have to say that the following outputs with Cannibal like "Vile", "Gallery of Suicide" and "Bloodthirst" were good, but they got even better. I'd say with Corpsegrinder they slay on "Kill", "A Skeletal Domain", "Red Before Black" and without O'brien they needed someone like Rutan to fill O'brien's shoes. The new one "Chaos Horrific" is one of their better with Rutan, not so much on "Violence Unimagined." 'The Bleeding' was able to capture some very good songwriting and is one of their finest. Barnes is at his best, the music just crushes, and the musicianship is astronomical. There will never be a release like this one. Whatever happened to the band was that they were duplicating releases. When Corpsegrinder joined, they had already established themselves as a primordial death metal musicians. And when Jack Owen left, part of Cannibal wasn't the same. Cannibal seemed to duplicate recordings, you sort of knew what to expect. But on 'The Bleeding', they were at their best. Cannibal and Barnes. They tore it up! (Death8699)
(Metal Blade Records/Northeast Steel Industry Records - 1994/2022)
Score: 80

sabato 6 aprile 2024

Cannibal Corpse - Chaos Horrific

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
This album is a step-up from 'Violence Unimagined.' They seem to have more solid riffs, as Cannibal has taken another 5-piece band with one of the top releases for 2023 in my view. They deserved it! Everything seemed to be right on here, with no ounce of anything mediocre.

I think Rutan made more of a difference on here as well. He and Rob make a good combination on guitars. More wicked leads and rhythms on here! The songs are way tighter and this is my favorite release from Corpsegrinder ever since he started with the band replacing Chris Barnes. He's got way more range than Barnes ever had for Cannibal Corpse. The great thing about this release as well is that it's got a lot of variations with the songs. Even though they were more in B-flat tuning to get that chunky sound, it sounds great. All the tracks were good! I listened to the sample before I downloaded this and then bought the CD. I'm so glad I did!

This is one of the top 3 Cannibal albums I'd choose in their entire discography. The others would be 'Red Before Black', 'Torture' and 'Butchered At Birth.' This new one is going to get plenty of air time for me, especially sharing this information to readers to assure them that this is the band's monument ever since some of their previous work that is worth mentioning.

The mixing was top-notch to feature the guitars well in synch with the vocals. The only thing that I didn't hear a lot were Corpsegrinder's screams, they're mainly guttural. However, it suited the music!

If you want to know one top album from 2023 this LP hits the pinnacle for the band! Everything on here is killer! The production quality especially since they've been on Metal Blade is great. I don't see any signs of them slowing down! Loving this whole release! (Death8699)

(Metal Blade - 2023)
Score: 75


lunedì 11 marzo 2024

Skeletal Remains - Fragments of the Ageless

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death Metal
Heavily DEATH and OBITUARY influence like the previous recordings ('Devouring Mortality' & 'The Entombment of Chaos'), they have more of their own sound to them on this release. The vocals are a little bit different too, less echo and reverb, just a grueling sound. The last two releases have been solid, and this one is definitely another "winner" so to speak. The leads are chaotic, the rhythms are chunk filled, and the recording quality is top-notch. These guys put together one creative platter for us death metal fans to incorporate it. Take the last two releases, put them combined into two, and then you have this one ultimately creative. Also features a Hate Eternal cover song entitled "Messiah of Rage."

This release is pretty fast metal all in all and it's tight. This one is definitely a "screamer." They seemed to be on the cutting edge and more mature than the previous two releases. This one is another 45 minutes in length and by no means is it "boring." High energy and great riffs.

I'm not one into lyrics in metal, just as long as the music is good, and the production quality is awesome, then I'm totally locked in. Anyway, the whole bulk of this album is interesting when you pick apart the riffs. Very good musicianship all the way through!

I like the crunch tone guitar sound. And the leads are highly technical and a tad bit of reverb/delay on those navigating through the fretboard. The ultimate quality in sound, and the drums sound great. I dug this whole album, it was an entire masterpiece. Nothing to take away or add to it, the whole album is superb. I caught onto the fact that this album is utterly brutal. They really seem not only to be maturing, but also taking death metal to new heights. I would say that they're constantly maturing. They're taking it a step more brutal each succeeding release. And the guitars are done with ultimate precision! These native Californians sure as hell upped the brutality and are coming into their own, especially on here! (Death8699)

Maledictive Pigs - Bloodshed

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death
Alla prima occhiata di copertina mi son detto: "...chi cacchio sono questi Maledictive Pigs???" In effetti non avevo mai sentito prima parlare di questa brutal death band teutonica giunta con questo 'Bloodshed' tagliava il traguardo del terzo album (su quattro totali/ndr)! Già, terzo album... devastante terzo album. Questi quattro tedeschi infatti si giostrano molto bene in un'eccellente brutal d'assalto che fonde le sue basi su bands come Deeds Of Flesh, Anasarca, primi Sinister e qualcosa dei primi Krabathor. Il risultato della proposta è interessante, soprattutto perché ben curato dal lato tecnico e sulla produzione, decisamente superiore alla media. Non ci sono pezzi che figurano più di altri, tutto il disco si ascolta piacevolmente senza mai annoiarsi. Maledictive Pigs rules!

sabato 9 marzo 2024

Tomb Mold - The Enduring Spirit

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Techno Death
Canadian giants unleash another top-notch death metal release that's a little bit slower than their competing band Cryptopsy though Tomb Mold is a lot slower in their tempos but still ranked as death metal. These guys are more on the brutal end of the genre. Brutal vocals and guitar work. All is sounding original in their riffs and some of the songs contain clean portions, especially the outro song. It's rather good, however.

The sound quality is good as well. Good mixing and production. Those breaks between the heavy guitar sound is refreshing. So it isn't "brutal" the entire way through, but rather their mixing heavy guitar licks with clean portions. There are some melodic parts too as well as some guitars which are fast and ferocious, the few that there are. This band seems to cover a lot of different portions of metal, but they still hold the death metal label. So that's good! They keep it ever-changing and eye-opening through your cranium.

This is one of a better release of 2023 that has them on the top of the charts, despite the "C" average I'm seeing on here. My rank is above for them. And like the tempos, even though it's somewhat odd to have a death metal band that uses quite a bit of clean guitar. Reminds me a little of the older Opeth, but not exactly. The hoarse vocals to the clean guitars keeps them into a realm of their own. No clean vocals here, deep throat here and guitars that are mostly death metal. And leads that well accompany the music. Quite technical, but pretty well flawless!

I would venture to say that this is a release that's got a variety of good licks in it and brutal vocals. I like the diversity, makes it more interesting and fluctuating. They don't mess around, as with their style, they keep you guessing as for what's going to happen next! Own it! (Death8699)

venerdì 16 febbraio 2024

Dying Fetus - Make Them Beg For Death

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Immaculate release, better than 'Wrong One To Fuck With', their previous release. What an onslaught of brutal death metal! The vocals seem to be the same as their predecessor, but the riffs are a lot better this time around. These guys know what they're doing, a heavier yet technical release yet again. But it seems like they put more time in writing this one. Some people shy away from this band for whatever reason, but in my opinion, if you like death metal, this one is no one to fuck with! The technicality is there, but the rhythms are tight, making this release even more intriguing than the previous album. They just are a notch up from that one, and you'll hear it if you compare the previous to this one.

They take off from their predecessor, only the songwriting (to me) is better. The riffs stick out the most and (of course) the burly vocals. They fluctuate and there are two members that are trader off in this department. I feel like there's more emphasis on the music rather than the vocals.

I would classify them to be not only brutal death/grindcore but also technical death metal, which makes them very diverse. I liked this one from start to finish. And I'm showing support for the band by purchasing the CD. The vocals go well with the music because you have that heavy-duty sound of the axe and burly voice along with it. It's uncompromising death metal mostly, despite what I said previous and just to generalize. The guitars are immaculate. This album is intense the whole way through it, and they even put in some melodic guitar riffs alongside the brutal intent. There's really nothing that I would change here, even the production quality was quite good!

Lead guitars were good as well! But mostly, I like the rhythms with the vocals. It's quite immaculate on how they chose to proceed in this recording. All the songs are good, you can just take a listen if you attempt to dispute me over this. Amazing metal quality from start to finish! (Death8699)

giovedì 1 febbraio 2024

Suffocation - Hymns From The Apocrypha

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Techno Death
This album has elements to it that make it pretty epic, though it's undoubtedly not like their catchiness of their earlier work. The intensity is still there though and the technicality of it all though the leads were somewhat sloppy. The intensity is high throughout, even the slower tempos, they are BRUTAL.

The vocals and music keep this release pretty underground. I'd have to say that they earned a "75" rating from me. I like what I'm hearing throughout this release. They're surely not compromising, and that hasn't really changed. Upped into the realm of say Dying Fetus in that aspect, the technicality, the double bass kicks, the wicked guitar work, these guys did well here. I cannot make this into a lower rating because it's molded into me in a great release. I still need to order this album because I only have it streaming, and I want to show support to the band. These guys have had an over 30-year career in death metal history in some of the most influential work!

There's no backing out of saying they aren't witnessing back from their roots on this one. That would be false, a definite false statement. This album is in your face brutality and catchy guitars, brutal vocals and a sound production. I really liken this release!

I had to order this, it would be stupid of me to do otherwise and not factor this in to the CD list I may have for top releases of 2023. These guys just tear it up from every different angle! The vocals go really well with the music, they're left unchanging. No screaming really, just low bellowing vox and the guitars that's riffs go hand in hand with the music. The leads are pretty well executed as well! But they're in no way better than the music itself. They just annihilate your speakers!

If you desire to hear some fresh Suffocation in the vein of the old era, tune in to this because it's where it's at! Balls out intensity! Get it, today! (Death8699)

venerdì 12 gennaio 2024

Vital Remains - Icons of Evil

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
It's a toss-up for me, either 'Dechristianize' or this one 'Icons of Evil'. I don't pay attention to anyone else's reviews, so there is no influence on scores or review material latched onto. I think 'Icons of Evil' is a little less raw and I favored it a bit more than the predecessor, it was a little more death metal oriented too. I like a bit of the guitar harmonics as well. Glen sounds like he does on later Deicide releases. A little monotonous but that's alright. It fit well with the music and lyrical topics (since he is a Satanist). I enjoyed the whole album, just didn't key into the lyrics since they're not my cup of tea.

A long album, but that's a little atypical of death metal releases. The average is about 30–45 minutes, this one is over 60 minutes! I thought that it was good, though they spent a while with the songwriting. And I liked the guitars, not so much the leads, just the rhythms and harmonics (like I mentioned). Brutal music, but I thought better than the earlier Vital Remains. Too raw for me, not 'Dechristianize' but their earlier work. Wasn't a big fan of the earlier stuff. They have not released an album since this one, but they're still active. I'm not sure when they're going to come out with new music but this one and 'Dechristianize' I'll settle with.

The production was top-notch I believe thanks to Erik Rutan who's now in Cannibal Corpse replacing Pat O'Brien. I'm not sure if there are any original members left of the original band. They've gone through so many line-up changes! And even though they're continuing on the Satanic route sort of death metal they could sure put out something of the "newer" sound for the band. We'll have to wait and see. I don't think Glen is going to do any more guest lead vocals since he's still tied up with Deicide. But I'll be watching for that, and he did a great job filling in with the time that he had with the band.

I had to order these CDs from eBay ('Dechristianize' and 'Icons of Evil'). They (to me) were worth ordering. Even if it is the only two that I'll ever own of the band. Don't expect anything utter than brutal death metal with a tinge of melodic work from those albums and this one even more brutal. Both 'Dechristianize' and 'Icons of Evil' are some of my favorite death metal albums of all time. I'm glad that I took the time to wait and see how they were on Spotify before purchasing both. I collect CD's so these two are greatly precious to me. Let's just not get into the lyrical concepts! Long live Vital Remains! (Death8699)

(Century Media/Osmose Productions - 2007/2022)
Score: 80


venerdì 29 dicembre 2023

Suffocation - Breeding The Spawn

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal/Techno Death
Brutal onslaught of death metal galore. This might be one of their best releases in their entire discography! They made some really original, unrelenting and pivotal songs ever. I cannot recall a Suffocation album being this likable. They really know what they're doing and they just did it, ABSOLUTELY! These guys knew how to pretty much invent brutal/technical death metal being an act of just enormous influence. Too many bands in the genre(s). They had some great vocals as well, it's not just the perfection in music, but yes the vocals are simply spell-binding. I can't recall listening to a death metal band like this and really liking the vocals.

The sound quality isn't the greatest though, otherwise this would be a top rating album. But it was way back when it was hard to get albums that were well produced. I think I'm right in saying that. These guys not only tore it up here but the music was mesmerizing as well. Hardcore death metal galore. This album is one that's never to be duplicated. Their debut might've been a bit more likable but both are simply amazing. I like the riffs on here a lot of tremolo picking and down-picking as well! These guys know exactly how to construct songs that are just original as all hell. They just wipe out the competition!

The sound quality, as I said, wasn't the greatest of a recording production wise but it's still admirable. The music on here is just blazing! I like what they did here but, if the recording was more solid, then I would've given this a 100%. Great band, album and rupturing genre. They know what to do music wise and they also had great vocals. Only a few things that I'd change on here. But everything else as it was phenomenal. They did the genre justice in regard to setting the tone to the genre. And just talent as well as passion here.

I know the brigade of streaming music probably has this on Spotify and YouTube, but I urge you to get the CD. I was able to pick it up at a local record store (yes those still exist!). So it's up to you to support the music community and the band themselves. You don't get the same effect as would be doing as getting a physical copy to the album. It's worth it! Sad for all of you that don't even have a CD player! It's a great album and this band is still surviving to this day! Show some respect for the music community and purchase this CD!! I doubt you will dislike it! Own it, today! (Death8699)

(Roadrunner/Listenable Records - 1993/2023)
Score: 85


giovedì 7 dicembre 2023

Cannibal Corpse - The Wretched Spawn

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
What a BLAST of Cannibal Corpse tearing apart your speakers. I've never before listened to this album, nor have I ever owned it then gotten rid of it. It's staying in my collection! All-Star lineup featuring Jack, Pat, Alex, Corpsegrinder and Paul. This is one of their better line-ups though Rob and Eric are in the slot of guitar duties. Sounds like they're in B-flat tuning and have that ultra thick sound on the axe's. Corpsegrinder has range on here, especially with the screams! The music went well along with the vocals. Everything seemed to fit into place on this one. No complaints really, just Jack has never really been strong on his lead playing.

I thought the songs were well written musically. Just never been into the gore lyrics, I tend to focus on the music as well as the sound of the vocals. The drums are usually solid, no complaints there. The production was top-notch, it really does sound great. These guys did good on here, though I feel that there's a tinge of the past, then paves the modern way Cannibal sounds. The riffs just kick ass here, wholeheartedly. Corpsegrinder is better than Barnes ever was! That's my opinion at least, the guitars and drums just favor the way Corpsegrinder conducts his Barnes had no range.

As I've mentioned, the sound quality or production it was top-notch! The music was well mixed and everything was woven in smoothly. This is one of my favorite Cannibal releases to date. It's just completely brutal and in your face. The riffs just talk to you so to speak. You hear Jack and Pat rip it up. It was all five of them kicking ass. No holds barred here, these guys are just legends. I'll never favor the lyrics but as long as the music goes, I'll always be a fan. Their latest 'Violence Unimagined' was good though I think this one is tighter. The sound of the guitars and the vocals are better here!

I took a chance since 'Vile' didn't do anything for me and man I was blown away! It's much more convenient to stream this than to get the actual CD. Show support for the band and buy this album. If you don't have a CD player, buy one! I'm that passionate about this album shining through and though! Top 3 of my Cannibal albums this one fits in there. How can I make such a statement? Play this in your car, then you'll hear what I'm talking about. All the songs were good, they were strong the whole album. Beats your eardrums to shreds hailz Cannibal Corpse with this masterpiece! (Death8699)

(Metal Blade/Northeast Steel Industry Records - 2004/2023)
Score: 85


giovedì 16 novembre 2023

Wrathrone/Necrodium/Spiral Wounds - Back To 90​’​s Old​-​School Death Metal

#PER CHI AMA: Death Old School
E io che pensavo che il death old school fosse ormai morto, quanto di più sbagliato. La Great Dane Records mi sta infatti facendo scoprire un sottobosco estremo che pullula di band cattive e incazzate, spesso non di grande valore a dire il vero, ma che comunque meritano la nostra attenzione e le vostre riflessioni. Quello di oggi è uno split album tra i finlandesi Wrathrone e Necrodium, in compagnia dei sardo-calabresi Spiral Wounds, per una compilation all'insegna di un sound marcescente che richiama alla memoria act del calibro di Dismember, Grave e primi Entombed, almeno nei primi tre pezzi targati Wrathrone. Un vero e proprio ritorno alle origini del male con un riffing che evoca quello delle band svedesi citate, con tanto di growling infernale sopra e assoli super taglienti in coda, per un clichè sicuramente consolidato e che fondamentalmente rinverdisce i fasti di un passato sta andato scomparendo. I nostrani Spiral Wounds si presentano con quattro pezzi, che altro non sono che il loro EP omonimo del 2021, e che evocano in questo caso, il sound primordiale degli At the Gates, con tanto di chitarre ultra taglienti e vocals iper caustiche. A questo aggiungiamo qualche influenza black che permea il mood indiavolato della band che esplicherà al meglio il proprio talento in un brano più equilibrato quale "Uber Feral Winds". Ribadisco, niente di originale da segnalare, ma sicuramente per chi amasse il genere e non conoscesse la band italica, beh si faccia avanti. Con i Necrodium si torna ad un death in stato putrefattivo, questa volta di scuola americana, e penso ai Cannibal Corpse, per gli ultimi quattro pezzi all'insegna della devastazione più totale tra voci demoniache, ritmiche schiacciasassi che trovano anche modo di rallentare, come accade all'inizio di "Compulsive Mutilating Disorder", nel cui riffing ho percepito addirittura un che dei Metallica della primissima ora. Ecco, l'ho scritto, spero non me ne voglia la band finlandese che nel frattempo prosegue la sua carneficina con altri pezzi grondanti tanta rabbia e tonnellate di odio e che vanno a completare una release adatta ai soli nostalgici di un genere che pensavo ormai morto e che invece si conferma ancora vivo e vegeto. (Francesco Scarci)