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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Brutal Death. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 21 aprile 2023

Carnival in Coal - Fear Not

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Avantgarde Death/Grind
Skizzati! È la prima cosa che mi è venuta in mente ascoltando il terzo album di questi due francesi attivi dal 1995. La Season of Mist li descriveva come se i Morbid Angel avessero una overdose di Mr Bungle. Beh, anche se dei Morbid Angel non se ne sente granchè e i Mr Bungle non li conosco (ma so cosa posso apettarmi dal leader dei Faith No More), mai messaggio promozionale fu più azzeccato. Per farvi capire la stravaganza dei Carnival in Coal mi vengono in mente solo i Solefald di 'Neonism', anche se dei Solefald solo in pochi momenti si riscontrano le sonorità e la genialità. Le composizioni dei due francesi sono meno fluide e un po’ troppo eterogenee; d'altronde come coniugare violentissimi stacchi grind con musichette da gameboy come in "Daaahhh!!", o brani brutal death con basi Disco Music anni '70 come in "1308.JP.08*"? Gli episodi migliori sono quelli in cui uniscono la furia del brutal con ritornelli funky rock come in "Yes, We Have no Bananas" e "Don’t be Happy, Worry!". Già dai titoli potete capire lo stato d’animo del disco ma non pensiate che i C.I.C. non facciano sul serio, nulla è lasciato al caso, sono precisi e la registrazione è ottima. Certo è un album molto difficile o, meglio, è difficile digerire un tale miscuglio di generi e sonorità ma a me è piaciuto molto.

(Season of Mist - 2001)
Voto: 75


giovedì 20 aprile 2023

Astimi - TrinaCapronuM

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death
Dopo due demo ('Opus I' e 'Opus II') di black metal piuttosto vario, atmosferico, suggestivo e caratterizzato anche da linee melodiche dell’ormai tipico "Mediterranean Scene Sound", gli Astimi arrivano al debut album con una rinnovata line-up (Agghiastru alla voce, alla chitarra e alla programmazione delle parti di batteria, 3 alla chitarra e al synth, Fantasma al basso) ed un differente stile musicale. Gli Astimi del 2001 propongono del brutal death di classica matrice americana in cui vengono ben amalgamate tra loro parti sparatissime ed altre più cadenzate ma mai troppo lente. È quindi un classico disco del genere in questione che comunque sa farsi apprezzare per la rabbia e la foga con cui è stato concepito e che efficacemente trasmette, anche grazie a dei testi che, con parole dure e sprezzanti, attaccano l’ipocrisia e la falsità del cristianesimo. La produzione è sino ad ora la migliore delle Inch Productions: le chitarre suonano abbastanza spesse ma la batteria poteva rendere maggiormente con dei suoni migliori; la voce, per cadenza e timbro, ricorda un po’ quella di Glen Benton. L’artwork (come per ogni produzione Inch Prod.) è assai curato, ad effetto e stravagante… Cristu Crastu!!!

giovedì 2 marzo 2023

Purgatory - Apotheosis of Anti Light

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
These guys are amazing death metal! And brutal as all hell. The vocals are utmost brutal and the guitars are mostly fast with a furious tempo. They know how to make some awesome death metal. Their album is about 45 minutes long and it's worth a listen to. I actually discovered this band from a friend of mine. What an awesome suggestion! I liked this whole release. It's immaculate and HEAVY. The vocals make it more brutal as the guitars are fast. They somewhat grind on here. They don't let up much in the intensity factor. The whole way through they're absolute dynamite.

I like the overall riffs they're catchy and unique. They play some harmonies too with the guitars. And the leads are impeccable. They're totally heavy and they don't let up much in the tempos. Maybe sometimes they a little less fierce but not much. A lot of blast beating and tremolo picking on the guitars. The riffs are totally catchy. These Germans know how to make good death metal. And they're not borrowing the Swedish sound like some bands do like Fleshcrawl (as an example). They've got their own sound and man are the drums totally wicked. I'm so loving what I heard from these guys!

The sound quality is top notch. Everything is mixed well the production is quality. It's hard to find acts that have good recordings. This one seems to be immaculate. And it does the album justice, absolutely! These guys I hope will be around longer. They've been around since maybe 1993 or thereabouts. I'm just discovering them! That's alright though. Their music and vocals are killer. The songs are powerful and intense. They seem to not let up much on the intensity. They're pretty insanely brutal this whole album. I'm glad that they're taking their aggression seriously and getting out the anger!

This album doesn't really lack anything. Just the vocals take a little getting used to (for me) but I think that they suited the music. Some songs to check out would be "The Moaning of Dismal Halls", "Deny! Deny!! Deny!!!" and "Pantheon of Slaughters." The whole album is amazing! They totally slay in the music department! The music is what made me a fan. These guys don't let up much. Their intensity and their vocals mixed in with the awesome drums totally slays. It's worth listening to this album if you're a fan of Dying Fetus, old Deicide and a Chicago based band called Cardiac Arrest. Check it! (Death8699)

venerdì 24 febbraio 2023

Stillborn - Cultura de la Muerte

#PER CHI AMA: Black/Brutal Death
Non fatevi ingannare da un titolo in spagnolo, gli Stillborn arrivano infatti dalla Polonia con tutto il loro carico di odio. ‘Cultura de la Muerte’ è il loro sesto album in una carriera che ha affonda le sue radici addirittura nel 1997 e da sempre è votata ad un black brutal death old school. Ecco, forse sta proprio qui il limite del terzetto di Mielec, una sorta di staticità nel genere proposto che fa risuonare anche questo lavoro come stantio in un ambito estremo che sta ancora provando ad evolversi per sfuggire da quell’immobilismo sonoro in cui si è arenato parecchio tempo fa. Per carità, il trio polacco si applica per fare il proprio lavoro, muovendosi nei meandri di un brutal death di americana memoriana, che affonda le proprie radici negli anni ’90 e che forse, se fosse uscito 25 anni fa, avrebbe attenzionato maggiormente le masse. Oggi ‘Cultura de la Muerte’ è un disco di otto tracce che potrebbero esclusivamente ammaliare chi ha una certa propensione a uscite di questo tipo, gli altri si astengano. Non basta pigiare sull’acceleratore, esssere veloci e incazzati più che mai, lanciarsi in galoppate furenti (“Profanacja i Bluźnierstwo”) tra blast beat, killer riff e growl animaleschi, serve anche un minimo di cuore in un genere cosi estremo come il brutal, che qui in tutta franchezza, faccio fatica a percepire. Posso sottolineare una solida preparazione tecnica, un desiderio di distruggere qualunque cosa si ponga davanti, ma poco altro per farmi emozionare all’ascolto di un album simile. Ripeto, probabilmente il disco farà la gioia di chi ha ancora una certa avidità nell’ascoltare nuove release in questo ambito, per quanto mi riguarda invece, lo trovo alquanto noioso. (Francesco Scarci)

giovedì 9 febbraio 2023

Decrepit Birth - Polarity

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Very first hearing this band and what a monument! I love the technical aspect that they put into this album. It's totally surreal. Every track on here is good. I'm sure Archspire derived some influence from this band in terms of harmonies and overall musicianship. The riffs really speak to the listener and the vocals are just brutal. But not over-the-top brutal. It suited the direction they were taking to this release. I was blown away by the music on here. They really played from the heart with these songs. It isn't just one or two songs ok and that's it. This whole album is phenomenal. The music is what just took it away with me. These guys knew what they were doing with the recording. Such an amazing record and it seems as though they're still active, but on hiatus unfortunately.

From what's speaking to me are the guitar riffs. They put a lot of technicality into the mix, but the riffs are way melodic. That's what grabs me on here. There actually is an ever changing heavy rhythm guitar. What does it for me are the melodies and harmonies, as previously stated.

There aren't a great deal of technical death metal bands that I'm really into. Now I can say I'm a fan of this band after hearing 'Polarity'. They seem to put their heart and soul into the music. For an extreme band, they're not brutal for the sake of being brutal. I think that they put a lot of thought into their songwriting which is crucial to this genre.

Always positive things to say about this release. I thought that they covered all aspects of metal here with the vocals, guitars, and drums. The production was solid as well. There seemed to be some triggered drums though, they were just on hyperpaced mode. Everything fit together on here no complaints really. These guys know how to make good extreme music! I wish I didn't wait so long to check out this band. I figured that I hadn't heard much about them really until yesterday. What a great album! Don't wait around on this, it's worth looking into immediately if you haven't already! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast/Agonia Records - 2010/2019)

lunedì 30 gennaio 2023

Toughness - The Prophetic Dawn

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Techno Death
Auspico che un album con una copertina del genere non possa avere un contenuto altrettanto orrendo. Si tratta del debut dei polacchi Toughness, intitolato 'The Prophetic Dawn', lavoro che anche a livello di produzione non brilla certo in eleganza. Arriviamo infine ai contenuti: affibbierei alla band l'etichetta di brutal death, questo almeno quello che si intuisce dalle devastanti note iniziali di "Misanthropy Within Transcendence", che aprono il disco. Tuttavia, nel corso dell'ascolto emergono partiture tipicamente techno death con largo spazio affidato al basso di Ziemowit Chalciński e ghirigori chitarristici che strizzano l'occhiolino ai mostri del genere. Con la successiva "Forsaken Entity" emerge forte più che mai l'influenza dei Morbid Angel, laddove la ritmica emula palesemente quella della band statunitense, anche in termini di sound cadenzato e saliscendi di chitarra. Poi una pausa e arrivano le frustate in pieno volto con il growling da orco cattivo di Bartek Domański a narrare, a quanto pare, di mitologia e altri mondi lontani. Quello che non fa scadere la proposta dei quattro musicisti di Lublin è una preparazione tecnica spaventosa, la scelta di un certo rifferama da paura e lo sciorinare di alcuni assoli che lasciano quasi a bocca aperta. Stiamo parlando di un disco comunque che non scopre certo l'acqua calda e che incorpora nel suo incedere il bagaglio sonoro di altre realtà purulenti della scena estrema, in primis i Demilich. Si prosegue con il sound tritaossa di "In Perversity Premonition", dove imperversa un intricato riffing ma soprattutto uno sbalorditivo lavoro alle pelli. Quello che non mi fa impazzire di questa band è il loro lato più violento, tra blast beat e sfuriate metalliche, mentre li trovo ben più brillanti nel comparto melodico, laddove si cimentano anche in rallentamenti al limite del doom come nella stessa song, dove compare anche il suono di una campana a suonare a morto, mentre i nostri si dilettano in contorsionismi ritmici angoscianti. La title track prosegue sulla stessa falsariga, immortalando ancora giochi di chitarra prima di dar sfogo ad una trama ritmica impetuosa, tipica del thrash metal, rozzo e compatto. L'album continua a prenderci a schiaffi con le stesse modalità anche nei successivi pezzi, ove sottolinerei un brano su tutti gli altri, "The Infernal Travelings" con quel suo incipit più controllato che troverà sfogo in divagazioni più progressive, quasi jazzy. Rimane il suono "cingolatoso" della chitarra e quella ricerca di ambientazioni più ipnotiche in una parte atmosferica davvero eccellente (che si riproporrà anche nel finale etereo di "Depths of Nothingness". Per il resto, vi suggerisco semplicemente di porgere l'altra guancia. (Francesco Scarci)
(Godz ov War Productions - 2022)
Voto: 74 

sabato 14 gennaio 2023

Church of Disgust - Weakest is the Flesh

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School
Best way to describe this release is that it's HEAVY and BRUTAL death metal. The first hearing this album and I was impressed. However, I wasn't immediately on the assumption that this deserved an "75" rating. But upon repeated listens to, the more I thought higher and higher of. These guys aren't entirely new to the scene, they have some full length LP's. Based in Texas and on Hell's Headbangers Records they've really stepped up a performance. The guitars and vocals seemed to grow on me. They just downright heavy. It's kind of like Shed The Skin's latest 'Thaumogensis' which is another band on Hell's Headbangers. That label attracts some brutal stuff, but good!

The guitars are noteworthy and catchy. Alongside the vocals, they're really equipped to accompany the music. There was small bits of keyboards too, but not while the guitars were playing. Something unique to have on a death metal record. Reminds me of the second Malevolent Creation release 'Retribution'. The vocals are just chunks of slab hoarse as all hell.

The sound quality was good, there were no instruments drowned out by anything. Really well produced. My favorite parts are the chunky guitars mixed with the voice. Overall, a great effort. I'm not too interested in their older work, I just hope that they'll continue to progress musically. With this gem being as it is, I'm hopeful they'll keep up with momentum. The songs are really fast they're moderate to slow tempos and the lead portions (guitar) are pretty technical. There aren't a heck of a lot of leads, they just are featured on a few songs. Their musical maturity is way there and they show that they're definitely a solid band.

This clocks in about 40 minutes which I wish would've been longer but they made their mark in death metal history with this monument. There's nothing else that I would change about this except the duration. However, I feel that they made their contribution to the extreme metal community. And that they have! Don't wait any longer, this is where it's at in a landmark release on this label. Do what you can to find more out about it! (Death8699)

(Hells Headbangers Records - 2022)
Score: 75


giovedì 24 novembre 2022

Perdition Temple - Merciless Upheaval

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death Metal
Who can hear this and not want to write a bit about it? It has balls-out intensity. Gene from Angelcorpse that led the way for that band. He smokes on here with a somewhat raw production sound but good death/black metal. I've found the whole album to be interesting in terms of the sound and Gene's vocals slay! This is sort of a modern Angelcorpse if there was one. I don't hear any mistakes or forced vocals. Everything seems to be in tandem with everything else. These guys have some balls-out intensity. And the lead guitar is wicked as is, no need to change that as well.

It's weird though that it's four original songs and four cover songs. They were all well played out. The vocals go well with the guitar. These guys seem to progress on each succeeding release. And the sound is wicked, I love this type of production. It has you keyed into every song. Fast and furious yet instances of mild playing, but not much. They are fierce with these songs and impeccable covers. I especially like "Blood On My Hands" from Morbid Angel's 'Covenant' album. It was immaculate! Sounded just like the original. Their own songs too sound really amazing. Sucks that this album is only 33+ minutes.

Like I said about the sound quality, it's great! The production is justifiable. They don't fall short of the game of immaculate musicianship. These guys have stayed around and Gene post Angelcorpse. From my understanding, these guys are in multiple bands. Gene is pretty cool as a person and seems to respect his fans the way his fans respect the band. He returns messages not that they're musicians with much idle time but he reached out which was surprising. This raises my respect for the band. And I do my best to make sure that these underground bands get the press that they so deserve.

I bought this album on CD from Hells Headbangers. But you can find it streaming. What an onslaught! These guys know what the hell their doing and it shows on the outcome of this LP. They really sound great but not overly polished. A release to chalk up another in the Perdition Temple discography. But they need a bigger fan-base. I'm sure death/black or just metal fans can appreciate this. The guitars and vocals are my favorite parts of the album. They just annihilated this time around, yet again! I really hope that they have a long life to this band. They have so much talent and resilience. Check them out! (Death8699)

(Hells Headbangers Records - 2022)
Score: 80


sabato 12 novembre 2022

Exhumed - To The Dead

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
This is one helluv an album! In my opinion, better than their previous 'Death Revenge' that I have. I have yet to hear 'Horror' or their previous earlier material which was in the goregrind genre. This one is fierce and ferocious! Two vocal trade-offs, guitars with sick riffing and a dominating production be it that they're on Relapse nowadays! This album has balls-out intensity. The riffs are full of endless atrocity to your eardrums! Totally their aim on here it wasn't just mind-boggling it was crushing! I enjoyed this the first time I got it then I had to get the physical CD sort of my way to support the band!

The leads were pretty good on here, too! All together this was or is my favorite Exhumed release. I only have heard bits and pieces of their early work which I didn't care much for. But 'To The Dead' is my absolute favorite Exhumed album to date. There are no flaws here on this album, it's got so many highlights I'm just glad that I heard about it. Just buy coincidence through a mutual friend I thought I'd check it out. BOOM! I was in I was totally in! These guys know what they're doing in terms of the concept of this release. Never into the lyrics, there are some songs with strange names to them.

I'm just going by what I've heard on here not so much their writing concepts. The tempos are all changing but not that drastically. Fresh riffs for every song! I like the vocal trade offs it made it more brutal and gave more variety. There are blast beats on here but they still fall under the death metal genre. No more goregrind. That is a thing of the past with them. They're diversifying in terms of sounds they're killing it with their death metal riffs and burly vocals. Totally underground mania! I'd have to applaud the band for such an outstanding performance all almost 40 minutes of this release.

Their album 'Death Revenger' I thought was OK. I never really got into them until I heard this. It blew my eardrums upon first listening to. The production quality was sick everything seemed to fit in perfectly. I'm not taking any points off from this one because I believe it's one death metal album that's tops for 2022. I hope this reaches plenty of fans of the band or death metal in general. It is available for streaming but I went further and made a purchase (like I said earlier). This one goes down as one of my favorite death metal releases for Exhumed in the death metal genre. Check it! (Death8699)

(Relapse Records - 2022)
Score: 84


martedì 8 novembre 2022

Deranged - S/t

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death
Una malsana ventata di aria infetta, satura di miasmi cadaverici: ecco cosa si sprigiona dal lavoro di questa band scandinava incondizionatamente votata al brutal death. Un assalto spietato, letale. I Deranged hanno ormai accumulato parecchia esperienza in questi anni di attività. Ciò ha permesso loro di affinare le armi. Non crediate si tratti di un album dozzinale: vi basterà ascoltare il gran lavoro di chitarre nella opener "Flesh Rebel" per convincervene. È una cascata di violenza sonora quella che i nostri ci rovesciano addosso, interrotta appena da una curiosa traccia intitolata "La Orgia de Los Muertos", che vi riporterà alla mente una scena di 'Full Metal Jacket'. I suoni su questo cd sono semplicemente eccezionali. Non esito ad affermare che i Deranged siano riusciti a superare - e di molto - i Cannibal Corpse di 'Bloodthirst', confezionando un'opera crudele, morbosa, suggestiva.

(Listenable Records - 2001)
Voto: 74


lunedì 24 ottobre 2022

Lividity - ...’Til Only The Sick Remain

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death Metal
Lo sprofondamento nella più cupa abiezione procura evidentemente, a taluni individui, una strana specie d’ebbrezza. Gli statunitensi Lividity, pornofili dichiarati, sfornano un album turpe e morboso, ma senza spingersi ai livelli di abbrutimento dei loro connazionali Waco Jesus (autori dell’album 'The Destruction of Commercial Scum', sulla cui copertina apparivano fotografie di gentili donzelle intente a defecare in faccia a dei pervertiti). Brutal death certo, ma non del tutto scontato come si potrebbe immaginare di primo acchito. Il suono delle chitarre non poteva esser più azzeccato: cambi di tempo e stop' & go contribuiscono a movimentare l’andazzo. La band dà il meglio di sé nei passaggi slow-doom, semplicemente catacombali. Purtroppo però, i Lividity ci infliggono i famigerati duetti voce gutturale-voce isterica; passi per la prima, che risulta coerente al truce contesto, ma la seconda è alquanto irritante. Ciò non toglie che '...’Til Only The Sick Remain' sia un album ben riuscito, più commestibile di molti altri esimi colleghi.

(Morbid Records/Metal Age Productions - 2002/2018)
Voto: 66


giovedì 20 ottobre 2022

Suffocation - Souls To Deny

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Solid guitar and sound on this one! What a difference than on the earlier stuff. This seems a bit more polished. Still good though, not as heavy as their earlier work but still good! The drums hit home on here and the riffs are dynamic! I enjoyed this album a lot. They really did a good job on here as a follow-up. I liked this whole album, I thought that it was really a steal in terms of the songwriting. The guitars are my favorite on this. And the vocals are a close second! But overall, this album has a lot of meat to it! The recording is not as good as all, but that's alright because the music makes up for it!

This album is not super long which I had hoped, but it's still great platter of a recording. I think that they have a lot to offer here when death metal has been a bit stagnant in the year it was recorded (2004). I think they're up-to-par on here and the recording/mixing was a little flat sounding but the music takes over and that's the end of it all. Total annihilation. These guys are way up there on the list of bands who stayed consistent over the years and didn't change their style of music. That's why it's so cool to go through their succession from album to album and see what's change vs. what's stayed the same.

A lot of tremolo picking and down-picking riffs. It makes it brutal an somewhat fast. Their not lacking whatsoever in the songwriting capabilities. Pretty solid as ever! I like the vocals too, they're not as brutal as in the past but still they're good alongside the music. I enjoyed this album immensely. It's one you wouldn't think would measure up to the standards of the past records. But it does! Really good release and despite the sort of echo that the drums emit because of the mixing, everything else is fine. It's that snare drum that's a bit overpowering in ruse. However, everything makes up for the deficiencies.

I didn't download this album though I bet you could on Spotify I ended up buying the actual album. So yeah, it was definitely worth it. You won't get the same effect as their first two releases but it's a great modern or more modern Suffocation album. It's I think one of their better more modern releases even though it's itching away as being almost 20 years old. Still superb recording and I wish it didn't end at eight tracks. You'll enjoy this release if you give it a chance. No expectations. Just remember, they're more mature on here and deserve praise to staying true to their roots. Own it! (Death8699)

domenica 16 ottobre 2022

Cannibal Corpse - Bloodthirst

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
What a killer album that has so many highlights to it! Brutal death metal like they always deliver but the riffs are just fantastic. And the vocals. Everything seemed to fit in on this release. It's one of my favorites from them! This one is a step-up from 'Gallery of Suicide'. The riffs are better and so are the vocals! It seems like this album has a lot of balls to it. Uncompromising death metal the whole way through. It just doesn't seem to let up at all whatsoever! The only drawback is that it's a little over 34 minutes, but intense nevertheless. I find not many flaws with the playing at all and Corpsegrinder's vocals go well with the guitar.

The songs were key to get into the guitar mostly. That crunch tone with guitars that are in B-flat tuning. Totally brutal! The sound quality was top notch. No mistakes there! This album was released almost 25 years ago and still is a top Cannibal release. A few hit-or-miss with this band though just a few flops in their entire discography. I like the Corpsegrinder era of Cannibal though there were a couple of good releases with Barnes on vocals. I would say 'Butchered At Birth' and 'Tomb of the Mutilated' were the best in the Barnes' era. I just don't think he has the range that Corpsegrinder has.

The production quality was superb and every instrument was in sync hands down! There's really nothing to dislike here especially with death metal fans. Some of my favorites from Cannibal besides the two Barnes was on (previously mentioned) but with Corpsegrinder 'The Wretched Spawn', 'Gallery of Suicide', 'Torture', 'A Skeletal Doman', 'Red Before Black' and 'Violence Unimagined'. So it's fair to say that the most consistent they've been with Corpsegrinder. This one is top and 'Kill' is another killer release by them. But it sucks that Pat O'brien is no longer with the band. Meth addiction rendered him insane!

I bought this CD. I'm not saying that you should too if CD's aren't your "thing" at this point. Most people just stream music which doesn't really benefit the band much. Cannibal has come a long way from their origin up until now. They're still kicking ass and 'Bloodthirst' is a monument. Everything seemed to fit musically and vocal wise. I would check it out if you haven't yet. Everything just conquered! They just needed it to be longer but I didn't take points off for that. think this is one of their top releases in the 90's Cannibal era. This is an album that's difficult to top! Check it out if you haven't already! (Death8699)

(Metal Blade Records - 1999)
Score: 86


domenica 9 ottobre 2022

Aemeth - Demo 2002

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death
Death metal rabbioso che sfocia nel grind per questa band italiana. Voce cavernosa ed una buona velocità contraddistinguono tutte le canzoni. La produzione è buona; un po' secca forse, ma che però fa risaltare bene tutti gli strumenti. Sei pezzi, tutti abbastanza originali, ben arrangiati soprattutto per quello che riguarda le chitarre. Non ho alcuna nota biografica per questo gruppo. So solo che il produttore è Joe Testa, che firma anche un assolo come guest musician nella quinta traccia "The Path of Losers". Anche nei mid-tempo si creano delle belle atmosfere e la ritmica si fa sentire molto bene in tutte le tracce e questo mi ricorda, anche se un po' lontanamente, i Deicide. Un buon CD, consigliato non solo agli affezionati al death.

martedì 16 agosto 2022

Krisiun - Mortem Solis

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
A step into the older Krisiun via 'Conquerors of Armageddon' but slower. There's a similar production quality but better. The riffs on here seem to flow. Reminds me also of 'Ageless Venomous' at least the songwriting as well. It's a dive into the middle of those both releases mentioned! I like this one a lot, but it's not getting higher than a "75" rating. They basically found some riffs to work with the vocals but the time signatures are not constant blast beating. In fact, a lot slower. These guys have been going strong since their origin in the year 1990. I'm surprised no second guitarist this whole time just the brothers Alex, Max and Moyses.

This one lasts for about 40-45 minutes and well worth it. A lot of the riffs are technical though they don't receive the blast beating like 'Conquers...' did. I don't think they'll ever make an album as good as that one in my humble opinion. But they show us fresh riffs and that they still have it in the songwriting category. Moyses doesn't have a whole heck of a lot of leads but the licks shine in glory. Brazilian death metal-ers never seem to let up. The sound quality of the album is quite good nothing really muddled everything flows well. The vocals, guitar and drums are top notch. They've gotten a little experimenting with the music.

It's wholly brutal here but they have a lot of things that they've done differently. I still think that 'Conquerors...' and 'Ageless...' are better but this one has a lot of high points where they've just constructed some great melodies for a death metal band. Maybe take out the acoustic guitar and leave it to utter brutality. I suppose that they just wanted to vary it a little but I didn't find it necessary to include that. Otherwise the whole album just shines. It's just a different approach to their music. I thought it could be a little faster but maybe this is going to be the way they're going to be writing like till they break up and go their own ways.

There are a lot of highlights to this album I just think it could've been faster. That's my only beef I have of this whole album. The end of 'Conquerors..' and 'Ageless...' into their own "new" era of the band. They still uphold the brutality at times but all is variety. I like the album and I encourage purchasing a CD or if you wish to stream it's on YouTube and Spotify. These guys need support even though they've been around for over 30 years. They still have it and hope that they will continue have it. Show your gratitude that these guys still are making good brutal death metal! (Death8699)

(Century Media - 2022)
Score: 75


lunedì 15 agosto 2022

Murder Corporation - Tagged & Bagged

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Death'n'Roll
Spietati, brutali, pesanti come macigni i Murder Corporation sono stati una band in cui militavano gli stessi componenti dei Deranged. Questi gangsters svedesi non concedevano un solo attimo di tregua all'ascoltatore. Si esce infatti storditi e boccheggianti dall'ascolto di 'Tagged & Bagged'. Johan & soci con gli strumenti ci sanno fare, come ben sapete. Se siete alla ricerca di un sound realmente granitico, 'Tagged & Bagged' è l'album che fa per voi. Non vi segnalo nessuna canzone in particolare, perché sono tutte meritevoli d'ascolto. Non poteva mancare una cover: in questo caso si tratta di "Survive" dei Nuclear Assault. I Murder Corporation, prima dello scioglimento avvenuto dopo questo stesso album, avevano tutte le qualità per far presa non solo sui fans del grind e del brutal death, ma anche sui patiti dell'hardcore. Le nuove canzoni suonavano quasi death’n roll. Del resto sono loro stessi a citare i Kiss tra i propri gruppi di riferimento! Tenete presente che il cd conteneva anche una traccia video davvero ricca di sorprese: ben quattro filmati (dal Fuck The Commerce Fest svoltosi nel ’98 in Germania: “Hostage Situation” e “Retract The Hostile”; quindi “Chaos Killed The World” in due versioni in studio); la storia del gruppo; informazioni dettagliate sulla discografia con tanto di copertine; e, per ciascuna release, una canzone da ascoltare. Ve le cito, per darvi un’idea della qualità del lavoro svolto per questo dischetto: "Bulls Eye Eight in the Head" (da 'Blood Revolution 2050'); "Violated" (da 'Kill'); "Chaos Killed the World" (da 'Murder Corporation'); "Retract the Hostile" (dal 7" omonimo); "Procreate Insanity" (dallo split con Vomitory); "Murder in Mind" (da 'Whole Lotta Murder Goin’ On'); "Fooled by Fools" (da 'Santa is Satan'). Tutto questo materiale va naturalmente ad aggiungersi alle 11 canzoni incluse. Mi domando cosa si possa volere di più.

martedì 2 agosto 2022

Cannibal Corpse - Butchered At Birth

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
This is a top album by the band over their enormous career. The fact that it's a follow-up from the debut album, they show much superiority in songwriting here, my favorite ever. Barnes is better on here than 'Tomb of the Mutilated', he wasn't so burly sounding, just gruesome enough to show us that he's at his mightiest. The tempos of the songs are pretty fast and the riffs are top-notch. So are the leads. I'm surprised that at early on their style was ingenious. They knew how to construct death metal that has now lasted over 30 years. On 'Butchered At Birth', they took time to formulating riffs that instill precision.

There is no downfall found in this album, it's purely immaculate in its entirety. They really show the listener what a great release is where it's at: IT'S ON HERE! Barnes has no variability on here. It's purely deep throat the whole way through and the guitars are as I've said ingenious. The leads are quality too. I think it took quite a while to construct music like this because not only is it original sounding, but it's unique too. All of the songs took a shit-ton of guts to put forth throughout the entire entourage. These guys know how to kill it and not only that but KILL IT ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE ALBUM!

It's my favorite Cannibal Corpse release to this date. I'm not just jumping on the bandwagon here, I'm being honest about my preference in this respect. Barnes is solid the whole way through the way that wasn't evident on it's predecessor nor the follow-up from this on 'Tomb of the Mutilated'. I've found no flaws on this album and it'll continue to remain my favorite of all time. The music, vocals, production and sound quality is all tight. And Jack/Bob rip it up here on the guitars. Original member Alex Webster racks it on bass as well. Not to mention Glen Benton guest vocals on a track on here to show you that they were at a high level early on.

I bought this CD a while ago and you can probably hear it on YouTube if you're a newbie death metal fan or metal fan at that. I didn't find any flaws on here throughout the release. I would say support the band and buy the CD. And forget the digital, pull out your boom box and listen to it on there. That's where I started listening to it so take back time and go old school! These guys always showed that potential and on here they deliver. Definitely will remain my favorite release on here of all time but that doesn't mean the newer material is bad in any respect! Check this out! (Death8699)

domenica 24 luglio 2022

Blood Red Throne - Brutalitarian Regime

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal, Cannibal Corpse
Definitely a solid release by this 5-piece act. I enjoyed the whole album. I thought that the vocals and the riffs were the best things about the album. They really know HEAVY guitar and hoarse voice. The sound quality here was outstanding as well. They remind me a bit of Cannibal Corpse, that's what I initially thought when I first heard this. Just the vocals aren't as fast. But still the music is awesome and the musicianship/songwriting was awesome. I didn't think any less than this album than a "75" rating. I felt that they really deserved it. All 40+ minutes here.

The music goes along well with the vocals. And the drums pack a sure punch to them! I didn't see any flaws here. They really are an interesting band. They know how to do the songwriting to a point to where it's a MONUMENT. I thought their most recent was better, but this one packs a punch to it as well. I hope that they continue to stay a 5-piece band. Usually bands with 4+ members makes a more well rounded band. And this is a great example of that. I felt that they really didn't have any weak points to them. The music is awesome in every respect. I feel that the only thing that they could step up are a little bit more original sound.

The production quality was top notch here. I didn't take any points off in that respect. You can hear everything mixed well on this one and they just do away with you from every respect. There were no gaps where they didn't deliver. This whole thing delivers. Just the leads could've been left out. I think that the rhythms were the best part of the album. The vocals were low-bellowing sort of voice. And everything just seemed to fit here from every aspect. There were no songs on here that lagged in any respect. I liked this from start to finish! But yeah, way a lot like Cannibal Corpse in their compositions.

I showed the band respect and bought the physical copy. I didn't know much about this band at first. Wasn't sure what to expect. They really blew me away. I enjoyed the entire CD. I think that you will too if you give it a fair shake. It may take time to get to liking this release, but I liked it right away. Definitely worth it's weight in gold. If you like death metal, you'll most likely like this one. Definitely a good release through and through. The music just blows you away. Get it! (Death8699)

domenica 10 luglio 2022

Serpent Spawn - Crypt of Torment

#PER CHI AMA: Black/Death, Possessed
La Iron Bonehead Records prosegue la sua politica finalizzata alla distruzione totale. A dar man forte all'etichetta teutonica ci pensa proprio una band proveniente dalla Germania e con un debut piuttosto ferale ed incazzato. Ecco come si presenta in due parole 'Crypt of Torment', atto primo dicevo, di questi Serpent Spawn, trio che vede in seno membri (ed ex) di Blood e Dawn. Quattro tracce isteriche, caustiche e velenose, che vedono i nostri partire dalla title track, un brano di quasi tre minuti, all'insegna di un assalto all'arma bianca tra accelerazioni al fulmicotone interrotte da brevi rallentamenti, con la voce del frontman Martin Witchskinner, a muoversi tra growl profondi e grida disumane. Le scorribande sonore continuano con il monolitico sound di "Conquering the Trinity", che ammicca qua e là ai Morbid Angel e ai Possessed, complice una ritmica granitica che non trova sosta nel suo acuminato avanzare. Il suono ci porta indietro nel tempo di oltre 30 anni, affiancandosi a quello classico di fine anni '80 e primi '90. Lo dimostrano le ultime due tracce di questo EP, "Carnage Divine" e "Skinned and Gutted", gli ultimi due marcescenti esempi di questo sinistro concentrato di death/black. (Francesco Scarci)

giovedì 9 giugno 2022

Shed The Skin - Thaumogenesis

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School
Another brutal one! But this is way tighter and lots of great riffs! The vocals are about the same as the predecessor. But it's stronger hence then 80% score. Even the band was really proud of this release. The quality of the songs were to a greater caliber than any of their existing LP's. It'll be great when I actually get this on CD! These guys cover it all with the tempos it's heavy but slower then faster. They seem to maintain slower riffs/tempos throughout. Sounds like they tune the guitars low. They are totally underground on their compositions. The leads are well done on here too!

This album is under an hour in length but that is how much brutality they are able to put forth through your speakers. Everything about this album deserves to be mentioned because Kyle and crew just slayed! Actually am getting their CD though it's only available on their record label Hells Headbangers Records. I thought that the compositions were way in line with their concept for this release. They themselves felt that the band as a whole went above and beyond with this release. I heard the change from 'The Forbidden Arts' to this one. It's a whole lot stronger they succeeded in their goal of what they wanted to come out with this!

The sound quality to the album is excellent. I feel like everything was superb! They really did great on this LP. I think the biggest thing is making the guitar riffs much catchier than their last, the music was fresh and original. I listened to this album repeatedly and not once did I get sick of it. It's pretty brutal, but the music in some cases are melodic bit with a load of chunk riffs but overall superb musicianship. This band continues to get better on each succeeding release. It's all that can be expected of a band not fall backwards like say Deicide without the Hoffman brothers in the band. This is Kyle's band and he's consistent.

I ordered this CD as mentioned previously on Hells Headbangers. Hopefully, there's quite a bit of a future for this band. I think as long as their music is being explored, then they'll keep putting out LP's. I believe that this is their strongest album to date. There's songs that are consistent and memorable. I thought that just hearing it on the digital was good to get the essence of the release just getting a physical copy will be fantastic! If you are unaware of this band's albums, they're available on digital try this album and 'The Forbidden Arts' and listen for yourself if it's your cup of tea. This release is fantastic! (Death8699)

(Hells Headbangers Records - 2022)
Score: 80
