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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Blood Red Throne. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 24 luglio 2022

Blood Red Throne - Brutalitarian Regime

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal, Cannibal Corpse
Definitely a solid release by this 5-piece act. I enjoyed the whole album. I thought that the vocals and the riffs were the best things about the album. They really know HEAVY guitar and hoarse voice. The sound quality here was outstanding as well. They remind me a bit of Cannibal Corpse, that's what I initially thought when I first heard this. Just the vocals aren't as fast. But still the music is awesome and the musicianship/songwriting was awesome. I didn't think any less than this album than a "75" rating. I felt that they really deserved it. All 40+ minutes here.

The music goes along well with the vocals. And the drums pack a sure punch to them! I didn't see any flaws here. They really are an interesting band. They know how to do the songwriting to a point to where it's a MONUMENT. I thought their most recent was better, but this one packs a punch to it as well. I hope that they continue to stay a 5-piece band. Usually bands with 4+ members makes a more well rounded band. And this is a great example of that. I felt that they really didn't have any weak points to them. The music is awesome in every respect. I feel that the only thing that they could step up are a little bit more original sound.

The production quality was top notch here. I didn't take any points off in that respect. You can hear everything mixed well on this one and they just do away with you from every respect. There were no gaps where they didn't deliver. This whole thing delivers. Just the leads could've been left out. I think that the rhythms were the best part of the album. The vocals were low-bellowing sort of voice. And everything just seemed to fit here from every aspect. There were no songs on here that lagged in any respect. I liked this from start to finish! But yeah, way a lot like Cannibal Corpse in their compositions.

I showed the band respect and bought the physical copy. I didn't know much about this band at first. Wasn't sure what to expect. They really blew me away. I enjoyed the entire CD. I think that you will too if you give it a fair shake. It may take time to get to liking this release, but I liked it right away. Definitely worth it's weight in gold. If you like death metal, you'll most likely like this one. Definitely a good release through and through. The music just blows you away. Get it! (Death8699)

martedì 15 febbraio 2022

Blood Red Throne - Imperial Congregation

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Brutal death metal in the vein of Suture and Dying Fetus, though less technical than Dying Fetus. The brutality is all there! The vocals crush they go well with the music! The riffs are the highlight of the album, they're probably the best of the bands since their predecessor. I even think that the music is its strongest that it's ever been! I've heard a few releases from this band and I think it definitely is in the ranks of superior to all of their releases! Everything just seemed to fit together and the guitars are right on cue. These guys just crush it all! I was glad that I picked up the CD after hearing it all on Spotify!

The music and the vocals are the highlights to this release. I think they are often overlooked in the metal community for whatever reason. This being one of their strongest releases if not the strongest! 'Fit To Kill' is arguably one of their stronger releases no doubt. But I'd have to say that this caught me into the circle of brutal death metal making it one of their superior releases to date. They worked hard on making this album quite the powerful one and I'm so impressed with the end result. Of course I listen to the guitar mostly though the vocals aren't at all annoying. They actually compliment to music.

Recording quality is top-notch and everything was well mixed into the quality musical instruments as well as the vocals. They seemed to be right on target I think that this one isn't very fast in their tempos just aggressive. I still think they're similar to modern Suture just not AS brutal. It's a close call though. I'm so happy that they brought this forward to the metal community and whooped ass hands down. There's not that much variety in the music it's just brutal as fuck. And the guitars are tuned down a few steps it sounds like. One of the top albums of last year no doubt just they need more publicity!

Again, I'm glad that I picked up this CD. It's totally my gig and hopefully lovers of brutal death metal. The music wholeheartedly crushed! These guys know what they're doing in the music department and the vocals brought this underground totally! It's so heavy and they use a lot of double bass drums to suit the music! So awesome, it's on repeat mode in my stereo! These guys know what they're doing in respect to songwriting. From start to finish it's quality metal. I know that I rated 'Fit To Kill' as a 80% and this one is getting the same rating but I didn't think it is a perfect score, but close, check it out! (Death8699)

giovedì 23 dicembre 2021

Blood Red Throne - Fit To Kill

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
I'd have to admit that I was skeptical regarding this follow-up from Blood Red Throne's previous release 'Union of Flesh and Machine'. I didn't think it possible to top that one, but this one is superb. I like everything about it. The guitars, both rhythm and lead, the production, vocals and intensity. They proved very strong here, songwriting skills for them are getting even better. The music is what grapples the most. Some of the vocals are changed up from low-end to higher-pitched screams. The bulk of the album features the low-end vocals though. It fits the music perfectly. The sound quality is top notch, too. All of the songs just crush.

What's lacking in the death metal community is that bands go from sounding promising to splitting up because of technology and a lot don't progress. It's the exact opposite. I don't mean all death metal bands, but a lot of them. Or they change their style of music. Horrified is a good example of a death metal band that turned to melodic death but melodic death that's just "out there." Blood Red Throne is staying true to their roots and continue to get better and better. In essence, it's going to turn into more followers, listeners, in short, FANS. They sure have me as a long-time fan. It's going to stay that way too, I hope.

The music and vocals are the highlights of this album. Nothing tops this one out of their entire discography in my opinion. The guitars just have great riffs to them and the leads are immaculate. Really everything is with sheer and utter precision. The vocals compliment the guitars and keep it sounding really underground. All the tracks are good and the songs are lengthy. But they never dissuade your attention. Nothing fizzes out on this release. It's anything but "boring." The screams give the songs a little more diversity. It's not just low bellowing grunters. It fluctuates completely.

The fact that this band continues to progress will keep me supporting them. Buying physical CD's really helps the band, but in this day and age, everything is digital. It's good that CD's are still available. I'm sure that they'd appreciate the fact that you buy their albums or listen first then if it's liked buy the physical CD. Do yourself a favor and download 'Fit To Kill', then order it. You won't be disappointed either way, or both ways! Support Blood Red Throne and get it! (Death8699)

venerdì 8 settembre 2017

Blood Red Throne - Come Death

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death, Cannibal Corpse
Aaarghhh! Abbiamo recensito gli ultimi due album dei mostruosi Blood Red Throne, andiamo allora a pescare un loro classico, 'Come Death' del 2007. La band, guidata dall’ex Emperor Tchort, si riaffaccia sulla scena a distanza di un paio d’anni dal fortunato 'Altered Genesis', con un lavoro compatto di una quarantina di minuti, che prosegue il discorso iniziato nel 2001 con 'Monument of Death'. La musica è come sempre un micidiale attacco frontale di puro death metal sulla scia dei migliori act americani (quelli della Florida per intenderci). La release dei nostri segna tra l’altro, l’ingresso in formazione di Anders Haave alla batteria e Vald alla voce, che mostrano decisamente di saperci fare. La musica? Beh, è il solito pesantissimo e intricato muro di riffs eretto dal duo formato da Tchort e Død, sorretto dalla violenza di Anders alle pelli (mostruoso nei campi di tempo e nei blast beat) e dalle gutturali vocals di Vald (che si lascia talvolta andare anche a uno screaming maligno, di stampo black). È un brutal death efferato che non lascia scampo: chitarre al fulmicotone (ascoltatevi “Taste of God”, “Guttural Screams” o la title track per farvi un’idea) crivellano di proiettili il nostro corpo, spaziando con il loro inquieto riffing in territori black o grind, talvolta rallentano nel tentativo di creare atmosfere angoscianti, quasi claustrofobiche, ma che fanno comunque pur sempre male. La quarta release della band scandinava è vincente, anche se non riesce a raggiungere i livelli dei precedenti lavori. Consigliato ai seguaci della band e agli amanti del brutal in genere, perché per chi non è abituato, qui si rischia veramente la pelle. (Francesco Scarci)

mercoledì 20 luglio 2016

Blood Red Throne - Union of Flesh and Machine

#PER CHI AMA: Death Metal, Cannibal Corpse
I Blood Red Throne da sempre rappresentano sinonimo di qualità tecnica messa a servizio della brutalità. Il nuovo 'Union of Flesh and Machine', ormai ottavo album per i veterani della scena death norvegese, non si discosta più di tanto dai precedenti capitoli e prosegue imperterrito nella propria mission di proporre atterrente death/thrash metal. Undici brani trita budella che non rinunceranno però a conquistarvi con un bella dose di groove che affiorerà già dalle note di "Revocation of Humankind", song bella dritta, con riffoni ultra distorti, i consueti cambi di tempo, ma che nel suo finale, ha anche modo di partorire (udite udite) delle parti melodiche. Melodia che viene subito spazzata via dalla tempesta sonica di “Proselyte Virus”, traccia in cui a mettersi in mostra, accanto ai biechi latrati di Bolt (efficace sia in fase growl che nei più rari urletti scream), c'è soprattutto la prova imperiosa del batterista Freddy. "Patriotic Hatred", la song che ha fatto da apripista all'album è famosa, oltre che per il suo incipit in parlato, anche per il lyric video che compare su youtube (dategli un occhio), ove la traccia è stata utilizzata come soundtrack per il videogame 'Hatred'. La song poi, come d'altro canto le successive (di cui vorrei citarvi la killer "Martyrized", la mia preferita), si muovono su di un rifferama che non viaggia quasi mai ad altissime velocità (fatto salvo per le crivellate del drummer in alcuni episodi sporadici), con il quintetto di Kristiansand che continua ad offrire asfissiante death metal fatto di articolati cambi tempo, ferali vocals, acuminati e granitici riff di chitarra, qualche spruzzata di groove (nella title track ad esempio), qualche isterica galoppata ("Legacy of Greed"), qualche assolo qua e là (nella già citata "Martyrized" e in "Exposed Mutation") fino a proporre la cover dei Judas Priest, "Leather Rebel", riletta ovviamente in chiave estrema, ma che comunque lascia trasparire quelle che erano le caratteristiche originali del brano contenuto in 'Painkiller'. 'Union of Flesh and Machine' alla fine è l'ennesimo album che non deluderà di certo i fan del combo norvegese, ma che sicuramente non aprirà a nuovi iniziati, se la band non farà leva su una proposta più fresca e meno ripetitiva. (Francesco Scarci)

(Spinefarm/Candlelight - 2016)
Voto: 70


sabato 1 giugno 2013

Blood Red Throne - Blood Red Throne

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death, Malevolent Creation, Cannibal Corpse
I Blood Red Throne se ne fottono di tutto e di tutti: delle mode, delle novità e di qualsiasi altra cosa. Loro da 15 anni, cosi come Cannibal Corpse e Malevolent Creation (nomi non scelti a caso) da 25, continuano a pestare di brutto con il loro integerrimo brutal death, che con l’album celebrativo omonimo, giungono alla fatica numero sette, attraverso un feroce atto di forza e superiorità all’interno del panorama estremo europeo, alla pari solo con i Behemoth. Come al solito, il quintetto ormai guidato dal solo Død, vista la dipartita del “socio” Tchort prima di “Brutalitarian Regime”, si diletta sparandoci letteralmente sui nostri musi, nove ruvide tracce di uno scellerato death metal, nella sua forma più tenebrosa, ma tuttavia ricca di splendide aperture chitarristiche. “Soulseller”, “In Hell I Roam” e “Hymn of the Asylum”, rappresentano il mortifero trio di brani posti in apertura dell’album, contraddistinto da un rifferama ribassato, un blastbeat indemoniato, cavernose growling vocals (che fanno da contraltare a uno screaming acido), ma anche dotato di raffinati assoli e ottimi fraseggi. Non siamo certo di fronte a dei pivellini, anzi, i Blood Red Throne confermano la loro nomea di essere degli spaccaculi di prima categoria e lo dimostrano ampiamente con i fatti e con una perizia tecnica a dir poco invidiabile. “Primitive Killing Machine” ha un incedere piuttosto ritmato quasi thrash metal, dotata di un bel bridge centrale che lascia intravedere una parvenza di melodia centrale; ”Deatholation” torna a spaccare che è un piacere, pur non aggiungendo nulla di nuovo alla band scandinava e spingendomi a skippare al brano successivo, “Torturewhore” che mi violenta per la sua schizofrenica ferocia. Ubriacanti stop’n go, asperità dettate dai cambi di tempo, il grondante groove che permea tutti i brani e le tremende rasoiate inferte dalle laceranti chitarre, contraddistinguono questo nuovo inossidabile lavoro dei sempre più inossidabili Blood Red Throne, che ancora una volta si confermano alfieri del brutal death made in Europe. Una conferma! (Francesco Scarci)