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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Nuclear Blast. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 18 febbraio 2025

Oranssi Pazuzu - Muuntautuja

#PER CHI AMA: Psych Black Sperimentale
Converrete con me che gli Oranssi Pazuzu siano un unicum nel panorama estremo. 'Muuntautuja' è il loro sesto album sempre focalizzato a mescolare elementi black metal, psichedelia ed elettronica, in un'opera che sfida ancora una volta, ogni tipo di convenzione. Con questo lavoro, la band finlandese riesce a mantenere la propria identità unica esplorando nuovi territori sonori mantenendo comunque intatta quell'atmosfera oscura e ipnotica, marchio di fabbrica del combo di Tampere. I brani oscillano tra momenti di intensa aggressività (come nell'iniziale "Bioalkemisti" o nell'ancor più sghemba "Voitelu") e sezioni più tranquille e riflessivo (come accade nella title track, che segna una transizione verso un sound più minimalista e fluido, con l'elettronica che gioca un ruolo centrale, ove dominano sintetizzatori inquietanti e ritmi pulsanti), creando comunque un flusso sonoro avvolgente. I brani possono passare da esplosioni di rumore a momenti di calma quasi meditativa (ascoltare l'angosciante "Hautatuuli"). Un break rumoristico ("●") e siamo già proiettati verso un finale apocalittico con un trittico di song che vede in "Valotus" un esempio di umorale rumoristica espansione primordiale, song straniante dotata di un finale in cui il black sfocia in un puro noise dronico. "Ikikäärme", la traccia più lunga del disco, ha un incipit inquietante e un carattere comunque assai stralunato, quasi stessimo assistendo a un incubo a occhi aperti; il pezzo alterna comunque parti aggressive a sezioni atmosferiche che evocano immagini di paesaggi alieni. La conclusiva e ambientale "Vierivä Usva" conferma l'audacia di un lavoro che si configura a essere come una vera e propria odissea sonora, capace di condurre l’ascoltatore attraverso territori sconosciuti al di là delle Colonne d’Ercole. (Francesco Scarci)

lunedì 3 febbraio 2025

Wintersun - Time II

#PER CHI AMA: Symph Metal/Melo Death
Sono serviti ben dodici anni ai finlandesi Wintersun per dare vita al tanto atteso seguito di 'Time I'. 'Time II' è infatti uscito ad agosto dello scorso anno e si distingue dal precedente album per la sua complessità e la cura nei dettagli. Va detto che il nuovo disco del quartetto di Helsinki, si pone come un'opera maestosa che combina elementi di metal sinfonico e melo-death, con una proposta caratterizzata da arrangiamenti intricati e una produzione di alta qualità, che riflette l'attenzione meticolosa del frontman Jari Mäenpää nel creare un'esperienza sonora a dir poco immersiva. Il tutto è testimoniato da un utilizzo copioso di orchestrazioni pompose e parti vocali evocative. Il disco si apre con "Fields of Snow", un'intro strumentale che evoca paesaggi invernali attraverso eteree melodie orientali. Ma la delicatezza iniziale si trasformerà rapidamente in un'esplosione di quei suoni tipici dei Wintersun, combinando melodie eleganti con riff potenti nella spettacolare "The Way of the Fire", un'epopea di dieci minuti che rappresenta sin da subito, uno dei momenti top dell'album. Questo brano è caratterizzato da una varietà di stili, passando da sezioni in blast beat a momenti più melodici e contemplativi. La voce di Jari alterna, come da copione, clean e growl, creando una sorta di contrasto emotivo che non può non catturare l'ascoltatore. "One with the Shadows" è invece più lenta e riflessiva, con melodie suggestive, ma anche dotate di un pizzico di malinconia e un'atmosfera costantemente grandiosa, qui grazie a un ritornello particolarmente coinvolgente. Un breve interludio strumentale, "Ominous Clouds", e si torna a cavalcare con un'altra lunga song, "Storm", un pezzo intenso (complice anche un dilatato preludio strumentale), caratterizzato da riff frenetici e una struttura dinamica. Qui, i Wintersun riescono a catturare l'essenza del caos attraverso un muro sonoro che ricorda le sonorità del precedente 'The Forest Seasons'. Nonostante la sua lunghezza, il brano mantiene alta l'attenzione grazie a una serie di cambi di ritmo e a un assolo di chitarra straordinario. "Silver Leaves" chiude l'album con una potenza emotiva straordinaria. Utilizzando principalmente un riff ricorrente, il brano evolve in un'esperienza quasi trascendentale, culminando in melodie orientali zen che evocano immagini serene e meditative. In definitiva, 'Time II' non solo soddisfa le altissime aspettative generate dal suo predecessore, ma le supera abilmente grazie alla ricchezza delle composizioni e a una produzione cristallina. Ogni traccia rappresenta un viaggio autonomo, pur contribuendo alla coerenza generale del disco. I Wintersun confermano ancora una volta la loro straordinaria capacità di fondere il metal estremo con elementi sinfonici e folk, realizzando un’opera che lascerà un segno indelebile nella memoria degli ascoltatori. (Francesco Scarci)

(Nuclear Blast - 2024)
Voto: 82


giovedì 2 gennaio 2025

Belphegor - Necrodaemon Terrorsathan

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Death/Black
Album violentissimo, situato sul crinale fra death e black metal. È appunto nella commistione fra elementi caratteristici dei due generi che consiste il tratto peculiare di questa release della band austriaca. Provate a immaginare un incrocio fra Cannibal Corpse ('Bloodthirst'), Morbid Angel ('Domination'), Dark Funeral ('Vobiscum Satanas') e Behemoth. Non c'è tregua nelle nove devastanti canzoni che compongono il cd: l'aggressione sonora perpetrata dai Belphegor non concede un attimo di respiro. I brani viaggiano, mediamente, a velocità sostenute, in taluni casi ai limiti del parossismo; le vocals sembrano scaturire direttamente da Malebolge. Furia, perversione, blasfemia: ecco cosa ribolle nel calderone intitolato 'Necrodaemon Terrorsathan'. Una ricetta già nota ai nostri palati, ma pur sempre efficace. Titoli e testi delle canzoni ricalcano purtroppo i consueti cliché anticristiani ("Vomit Upon The Cross"). Se - com'è probabile - l'inferno esiste, i Belphegor ne hanno colto appieno il lato frastornante.

(Last Episode/Nuclear Blast - 2000/2020)
Voto: 70


martedì 24 settembre 2024

Cabal - Magno Interitus Rework

#PER CHI AMA: Death/EBM/Industrial
I danesi Cabal hanno fatto uscire nel 2022 'Magno Interitus', un disco all'insegna di un death black, impreziosito da venature djent/hardcore. A distanza di due anni da quel lavoro, la band di Copenaghen torna con un EP, 'Reworks', che include quattro pezzi di quel lavoro, riletti in chiave elettro industriale dai talentuosi artisti elettronici Inhuman, John Cxnnor, Misstiq e il bassista della band, Johu. Ecco, quello che ne viene fuori è qualcosa di notevole, ma solo se siete di mente aperta e apprezzate le contaminazioni in toto in stile dei messicani Hocico e il loro EBM da discoteca. Si perchè quello che si palesa alle nostre orecchie è un sound intriso di musica techno che esplode veemente nei suoi battiti per minuto, quasi ci trovassimo in un rave party dove ballare tutta la notte su ritmi danzerecci. Quello che tiene la proposta ancorata al metal sono forse le vocals, rancide e rabbiose quanto basta. Questo almeno quanto ascoltiamo in "Magno Interitus", visto che già dalla successiva "Plague Bringer", gli ancoraggi alla musica estrema saranno molto più evidenti, sia a livello vocale (imponente il growling del frontman) che musicale, con una ritmica devastante, infettata da qualche effettistica elettronica giusto qua e là, cosi come qualche voce pulita estraniante il contesto. Il risultato però è figo anche laddove i nostri sfondano la barriera del death doom. Ma con "If I Hang, Let me Swing", le cose tornano a pompare pericolosamente in ambito techno hardcore con un quantitativo di bpm davvero sopra le righe, e vocalizzi growl che poggiano appieno sull'impetuoso tappeto ritmico. Ancor più folle la conclusiva "Exit Wound", che ci proietta in mezzo alla pista da ballo, con suoni sintetici in sottofondo, voci aliene, partiture industriali e tanto tanto altro ancora che vi invito ad ascoltare con le vostre orecchie. (Francesco Scarci)
(Nuclear Blast - 2024)
Voto: 75

lunedì 8 luglio 2024

Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon

#FOR FANS OF: Symph Black Metal
I think that this a highly underrated album. Of course, the synthesizers we can do without, but the rhythm guitars are killer! The music just slays and the aura to the album is pretty eerie and evil. Silenoz varies in his vocals to his own style, then clean. He's got one of the most unique voices in black metal. I'd say this is an above par symphonic black metal release. Too many people dismissing this as garbage. I'd say the newer material isn't very good, but this one is unique in its own way. I enjoyed every moment of it. The sound variety was the greatest experience with it. Absolutely!

I don't really have anything against this release, just an overabundance of the synthesizers (as previously mentioned). The guitars are pretty killer. I like the riffs. They are heavy and melodic, too! Not to mention wholly original! Silenoz really makes his voice fit in with the music quite well! There isn't a song on here that I disliked! I liked them all! Some of the tempos fast, some just mild. I'd say the variety spices up this release. It's not just continuous blast beating riffs/drums. It varies a lot. They just diversify. And the evil female voice just hits home on here. I would have to say this whole album is underrated.

The production quality is quite good. You can hear all the riffs and synthesizers not to mention vocals, too! I think the vocals and guitars saved this release. The music is entirely their own, it's so different from what I'm used to hearing from this band. Wholly killer release! I liked the melodic guitars too! The riffs are all original and spellbinding! I am into this album all the way. Critics can say what they want, this is a solid release! They really dig deep in the sound here, the rhythms I like the most and the fact that there aren't much lead guitar activity is good. I liked this from beginning to end.

If you don't have this album, I'd venture to say, check it out! It's really diverse and original! I liked the whole hour plus of music, totally killer! I'm giving this an "78" because it deserves it. It's one of their better releases, I don't care what anyone says. It's not their best, no, but it still is original and packs a punch! It's also not chronic blast beating guitar/drums. It's balanced. They toyed around with sound, here. I would say that this is one of my favorite releases from the band, in that it's so diverse. I would urge you to buy the album because that's what I did. It really captures the listener! Own it! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2003)
Score: 78


domenica 26 maggio 2024

Aborted - Vault of Horrors

#FOR FANS OF: Deathcore
I thought that this is an outstanding release. It slays from the putrid review that this got previously from another user. I thought it's definitely better than their previous release. I like how they switch off from burly vocals to screaming vocals. They are anything but boring! And plain or obligatory. These guys put together one quite an album. I like how they come easily into the segue of the onslaught! I don't see how they can explore such a great death/grind that they all they seem to do. There's no nonsense with this band, they are straight up abominating. The double bass drums fire off like cannons, and the lead guitar simply rips.

40% from an annihilation like this is quite a pretty poor rating that definitely is off-base with no critical efficacy. This release is definitely tops in my book, especially one of the tops of the March they greeted us with! What a monument of an album that's quite an abomination to the ears!

I think that it's gotten enough spins here to hear how intricate this release is! The music steels the listener and the vocals back and forth keeps you from guessing what's to come up next! The drums seem triggered and super highlight to the release as well!

Some people seem to want to show how disenchanting this release is, and I think the opposite! They're tops with me and I think that this album is better than their previous release of whom I thought a treasure as well! "Maniacult" I didn't think that it was as good as this one. It's the production quality, the vocals, the music and the mixing that make this into a gem into a release. It's my one of the top releases from this year so far. I think this will hold true for the remainder of the year! I like the guitars, I think that they were tops with me. The guitar alongside the drums is what sealed this into itself a "Maniacult", only this one is 'Vault of Horrors.'

These guys know how to belt out quite a release and with no compromise! The death/grind is simply there the whole way through! The music is the ultimate highlight of the album. I think this is how they were able to make this into an utmost vile and dismay reeking from Belgium! You can hear it in the vocals that they shred simply with precision! The death/grind is altogether there, and they don't seem to let up any less than their past recordings!

Check it out yourself and make and opinion not based on the negative reviews, consider what you think! (Death8699)

martedì 19 marzo 2024

Exhorder - Defectum Omnium

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash Metal
This release has quite a bit of peaks and valleys, to me though, there are some peaks just not enough to earn it a top rating. A lot of Pantera-esque riffs...they seem to use the same tuning as Dimebag (I think drop 60). But Pat O'brien does a good job in his solos and his rhythms. Just not enough "great" licks, but enough to earn it an "80" rating. I don't really have much history with this band, though their 2019 release collectively earned a top score. It's made me want to purchase more of their releases even though I don't multitudinously highly believe in this release, mainly because the music itself wasn't enough to gain its favor in my estimation. If the rhythms were as strong as the leads, I would diametrically oppose this belief that they should earn a higher rating.

The vocals are decent, and they vary between yelling to some clean. It compliments the music well. Pat plays the guitar on pretty much all tracks, with (I believe) some guest musicians as well. I think I'm right in saying so. There are some songs that incorporate the vocals with reverb or an echo sound.

Aside from placating the Pantera-esque style on some tracks or licks, this whole album altogether is a great effort collectively. Pat sure hopefully recovered from being axed from Cannibal Corpse due-to run ins in the law and his drug addiction. I believe he was caught last year playing live for Exhorder to replace their existing guitar player. He's made a tremendous effort to be welcomed back into the metal community, even though this band is quite different in their metal genre than they are from Cannibal Corpse. Let's just hope he sticks with the band and continues on his journey with them in the metal world. These guys have a somewhat great mass of riffs that stand out altogether.

What keeps this CD going is the energy to each track and the electric moments of the guitars going alongside the vocals. I enjoyed this album, I thought it was a great effort by the band. They have a history, but not a long history, of LP's in their discography. Let's hope they last a lot longer! (Death8699)

giovedì 1 febbraio 2024

Suffocation - Hymns From The Apocrypha

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Techno Death
This album has elements to it that make it pretty epic, though it's undoubtedly not like their catchiness of their earlier work. The intensity is still there though and the technicality of it all though the leads were somewhat sloppy. The intensity is high throughout, even the slower tempos, they are BRUTAL.

The vocals and music keep this release pretty underground. I'd have to say that they earned a "75" rating from me. I like what I'm hearing throughout this release. They're surely not compromising, and that hasn't really changed. Upped into the realm of say Dying Fetus in that aspect, the technicality, the double bass kicks, the wicked guitar work, these guys did well here. I cannot make this into a lower rating because it's molded into me in a great release. I still need to order this album because I only have it streaming, and I want to show support to the band. These guys have had an over 30-year career in death metal history in some of the most influential work!

There's no backing out of saying they aren't witnessing back from their roots on this one. That would be false, a definite false statement. This album is in your face brutality and catchy guitars, brutal vocals and a sound production. I really liken this release!

I had to order this, it would be stupid of me to do otherwise and not factor this in to the CD list I may have for top releases of 2023. These guys just tear it up from every different angle! The vocals go really well with the music, they're left unchanging. No screaming really, just low bellowing vox and the guitars that's riffs go hand in hand with the music. The leads are pretty well executed as well! But they're in no way better than the music itself. They just annihilate your speakers!

If you desire to hear some fresh Suffocation in the vein of the old era, tune in to this because it's where it's at! Balls out intensity! Get it, today! (Death8699)

lunedì 8 gennaio 2024

Dimmu Borgir - In Sorte Diaboli

#FOR FANS OF: Black Metal
I thought this release was WAY underrated! I really like the guitars, drums, vocals, the whole sch-peal. I think that this band evolved over the years, some for the good, but most for the worst. Not on here, though, they have my utmost attention. I'm fussy when it comes to black metal. If an album is overruled by synthesizers, I'm not interested. They didn't go overboard on here. Everything was in sync with everything else. I cannot stress that enough. They really kicked ass on here, the musicianship is just insurmountable. I think the album is good the whole way through. Everything is original sounding and the vocals slay.

With the help of Galder on lead and Hellhammer behind the drum-kit, this is a no fail release to me. I don't care about other people's opinion on here. It's totally catchy and original guitar-work. And Hellhammer simply crushes as usual. This band should have progressed, but their latest is really terrible. I stopped following this band after this release. I just thought this was the last monument. The album 'Death Cult Armageddon' another one that slays. But I like this one more. Hence, the higher rating. They should've chronically recruited Hellhammer and Galder, but Silenoz has always been killer.

The music on here is what hits home for me. They really do the album justice with the songwriting on here. They don't overuse the synthesizers. But the aura is totally grim. As with past releases, as well. They really need this album for a change and the rhythms are just entirely dramatically well orchestrated. The riffs I look at most on albums being that I was a former guitar player. It just comes natural to me. The whole effort as a band on here is just phenomenal. They really kick ass here. The drums keeping in sync with the music. It's completely there all the way and the choruses are enigmatic.

Check this one out! It's definitely worth it. For black metal fans or just people who like metal, this release is a killer one! Everything on here is worth checking out, the music, the production quality, the vocals and the drums. Everything on here is just amazing. This album is filled with intriguing auras and high points. It's entirely amazing, and they picked an all-star cast. Hellhammer slays behind the drum-kit. And Galder does a great job on lead. But the rhythms are entirely original. Some of the variations in the vocals are intriguing as well. Get this album right now! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast/Avalon - 2007/2020)
Score: 75

lunedì 4 dicembre 2023

Sinister - Diabolical Summoning

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School
This is vintage old-school death metal. It varies in the degree of brutality it has to it. Killer line-up! The production quality is good too for a 1993 release. It might seem kind of "hollow" though. It's worth taking a listen to though. That is, if you are a fan of underground music. The vocals are guttural, the guitars are heavy and distorted to the nth degree, tempos are all over the place. Definitely worth checking out they remind me a little bit like Suffocation's early days. The blast beats, the music, and the double bass drums. This is a strong album in terms of their transformation. Their newer stuff is solid as well.

These riffs on here are beyond good, they're phenomenal. The vocals fit the music, totally! The songs are full of energy and originality. I really enjoyed this release. I'm surprised that I learned about this band till much later in their days!

I'm glad that I did learn about Sinister. I bought the CD because I chose to support the band, not just load up on streaming services. The music on here is hyper intensity! They speak to the listener on how they've come together as musicians and dominating the scene!

The leads on here are good as well! I don't think there's a pause in any of this that equally slows down, it exceeds everyone's expectations. The vocals stay brutal and the music just overly compensates the production quality. The tempos are fast and furious at times. But they have a certain groove to them that only death metal bands have to offer. What a magnificent release that will not let you down. I thought it good enough to buy that's how good I thought of it. I'll admit that I downloaded this before I bought it. But I'm so glad that I did! It was never boring or repetitive. It always held extraordinary tempos and the drums did it justice! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast/Cosmic Key Creations - 1993/2023)
Score: 80


martedì 24 ottobre 2023

Meshuggah - ObZen

#PER CHI AMA: Djent/Techno Death
Dai riff nodosi alle complesse indicazioni di tempo, 'ObZen' dei Meshuggah, spinge i limiti del metal estremo. Pubblicato nel 2008 (e recentemente ripubblicato in occasione del suo quindicinnale), l'album fonde abilmente brutalità ed eleganza, segnando una nuova era per il genere. La traccia di apertura, "Combustion", dà il tono all'album, intrecciando intricati e dissonanti schemi poliritmici in una potente dimostrazione di aggressività. "Bleed", probabilmente la traccia migliore, mostra la meticolosa magia tecnica del batterista Tomas Haake mentre comanda i ritmi intricati che sono alla base della voce gutturale di Jens Kidman. "Pravus", un'altra traccia chiave, vede la band manovrare brillantemente attraverso progressioni di chitarra dissonanti e indicazioni di tempo complesse, conducendo gli ascoltatori in un viaggio caotico ma intrigante. Nella traccia finale, "Dancers To A Discordant System", la band scandinava sperimenta abilmente con il groove, mostrando un lavoro di chitarra strabiliante che oscilla tra dissonanze stridenti e versioni melodiche. La traccia finale, "Pineal Gland Optics", lascia gli ascoltatori su una nota cruda e viscerale, riecheggiando l'intensità complessiva dell'album. Le complesse strutture ritmiche abbinate a voci minacciose creano un paesaggio sonoro avvincente che sfida lo status quo. Per ogni fan del metal tecnico e progressivo, 'ObZen' è un must da non farsi scappare, un lavoro di incrollabile intensità che integra efficacemente l'abilità tecnica della band con la loro caratteristica brutalità sonora. (Francesco Scarci)

(Nuclear Blast/Atomic Fire Records - 2008/2023)
Voto: 90


mercoledì 27 settembre 2023

Sinister - Afterburner

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
This album is totally brutal. The vocals especially! The guitar riffs shred too. Really technical playing and unique. The whole album is remarkable. It’s my first introduction to Sinister I bought the album after hearing it. Totally blown away upon first listen to. These guys have quite a discography. And most of their press is positive. Not everything, just the bulk of it. This one is totally mind-blowing. And it’s hard to keep up with the technical riffs. The vocals slay and go along well with the music.

I think it’s safe to say that I enjoyed the music over the vocals, but overall, it’s a phenomenal album. The amount of effort they have with the guitars/riffs. Really fast tempos. And the vocals are just vintage Sinister. I’m curious as to what their other albums are like. I’m willing to check out more releases. Once I get my new boombox I’m going to blare this. I already bought the CD. What a gem of a release. These guys define what good death metal should sound like!

In some portions, the vocals are redefining what brutal is what’s it should sound like! The songs are on average of five minutes approximately. The riffs vary a lot of fast guitars but some laid back though not that many. A lot of tremolo picking and some songs it just doesn’t let up! Good sound quality too in the production and overall sound. They’ve tackled this one immensely. If you buy the CD, it’s doing the band justice. Even though this is a 2006 release (but reissued in a super jewel box edition in 2022), it’s still filled with vigor.

There aren’t a lot of lead guitar work though which I don’t mind because if the solos are sub-par, it ruins the rhythms. So I’m glad that they took this route and performed mostly rhythm guitar. Their leads were just a few. So the rating scale is up there due to this and they deserved what they put out here with the music and vocals. I’m glad that the sound quality was top notch. And the mixing went well entirely. These guys kick some serious butt! (Death8699) 

(Nuclear Blast/Cosmic Key Creations - 2006/2022)
Score: 78


lunedì 25 settembre 2023

Cryptopsy - As Gomorrah Burns

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Techno Death
I feel like this album was treated rather poorly among critics yet some actually had some decent ratings. Where 'Whisper Supremacy' left off this one was the other half of it (to me). It was only another 30+ minutes but it raped the eardrums like its predecessor. I really enjoyed it and gave the artist credit by buying the CD. Any little bit helps, right? In this modern age of streaming albums, artists are suffering. 'As Gomorrah Burns' was like blasting beats behind the set and lethal guitar pieces. Songs didn't overlap, they kept the intensity high and a lot of the guitar harmonics were noteworthy. Definitely worth checking out if extreme death metal is to your liking.

The vocals were a little different, mainly they were two (it sounded like) contributors so in that respect a little different then 'Whisper...' But it sure as hell went along nicely to this onslaught of a recording. They didn't let up in intensity. I liked that about the album.

What kept me interested in the album was not just the intensity, but the guitars, the vocals and the overall sound. I thought that the way there were tempo changes often again in retrospect like 'Whisper...' too! The crunch guitars sounded killer. The distortion they used, that is. The drums kept alongside the guitars quite well. These guys built a concept into what is meant by "extreme." To look at this release in a negative fashion is not fair in an overall analysis. Because what you have here is top death metal music in an abhorrent sickness. They just toppled your speakers with noise that was in the vein of other extreme acts such as newer Exhumed, et al.

The pace just never wants to let up on here. Good production quality, too. I especially enjoyed the guitars. I felt like they just took over everything tempos, leads, distortion, and harmonics. One thing that struck me was the difference in the voice category. As discussed previously, both interchanging these low bello growls with screaming kept it more interesting to get into. It was one thing that lacked on 'Whisper...'. Well, to me, that is. I feel like this is one of the top albums in 2023. It has so much substance. It blew me away. Don't just download it, buy it. Show the death metal community that you're still supporting the scene. Those of you that got rid of your CD player, well, I don't know what to tell you then. Just give it a listen to in some form! (Death8699)

sabato 12 agosto 2023

Immortal - War Against All

#FOR FANS OF: Black Metal
Demonaz has a strong sound to his vocals just liked Abbath did. Very similar. But on here, the riffs are tighter than most Immortal releases. There's a lot of the albums that I like, mostly 'At The Heart of Winter'. That one didn't have a strong production quality though. 'Blizzard Beasts' was a worst production but the riffs were great especially "Mountains of Might." This is another chapter of Immortal since the dispute didn't keep the band disconnected. I like the direction they're going on here. A lot of epic riffs all by Demonaz. This album is less than 40 minutes but it's worth every moment.

'Northern Chaos Gods' was good but I felt like this one is stronger. The riffs tighter and the intensity more so. Always have been a fan of this band and good to know that they're not dead, defunct. I'm not so impressed about what Abbath is doing with his project, but he has some good songs on his three releases so far. He's just got to quit drinking. This band had a little different dynamic when he was with the band. Less technical on the guitars than Demonaz but still there were a lot of great releases with him in the band. Demonaz was notorious for his lyric writing but now he's in the spotlight with the guitar riffs.

This band I hope has a long life following this one. I feel like the music is totally tight and original. Demonaz is a wizard with the riffs. Really creative and surreal in his music and it leaves Abbath in the dust with his technicality.

As long as Demonaz is the new frontman, he'll hopefully continue to write some more great music like he did on here. Really hit home with his riffs and the session musicians did a strong way in accompanying the riffs and vocals. Maybe he'll recruit some official musicians and tour. A lot of us want to see Immortal kicking ass even without Abbath. I know that's possible. This album tells it all! This guy has some great licks and the vocals emulate those of Abbath with a little twist. I do recommend every Immortal fan to listen to this one because it literally slays. On any platform, I bought the CD! Don't miss out on some great music! (Death8699)

mercoledì 10 maggio 2023

Benediction - Killing Music

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
It'd be good (since they're not defunct) that they do a follow-up from this album. It's quality death metal though Birmingham based band that's been in existence for quite some time now. Former vocalist Barney who's with Napalm Death exclusively still measures up in supreme quality. That's for sure, though this one deserves a "75" because the production was a little bit pithy. Aside from that, the music is great, not to mention original, too. They change it up a bit on here it's not too fast tempo-wise, but brutal. This whole album is doggone brutal. They're still good even without Barney on vocals.

All the tracks are catchy guitar-wise. Catchy and unique. And that double bass drum kicking ass alongside the tremolo picked axe-work. These guys have been awesome throughout the years. Let's hope they will work on new material, if they're still thinking about it! They sure are unique as stressed they're also a healthy contribution to the death metal community. They know how to write some killer licks with a minimal amount of lead guitar work. They stick mostly with rhythm work but it's so darn amazing. I enjoyed every minute of this release. They really know how to make substantial death metal that's not humdrum.

The guitars and vocals are the highlight, but I thought the drum-work was pretty awesome as well. I only have a beef with the production, that's all. But maybe they wanted it to have sort of a raw sound. Especially for the time of the recording (2008). I'm sure that's what her intention was. Since they know especially what they're looking for to release to the public. I would've liked it if they totally took out all of the lead guitar (as little as there was) since it'd carry the brutality and anger in the music. Benediction thrives on rhythms, chunky and heavy tremolo picked. But they still did a great job here.

This album is definitely worth buying (now also with a new vynil limited edition). I bought it because I liked what I heard on Spotify. I'm not as familiar with their older work with Barney as I am with their modern lineup. But let's hope that they decide to play more of their Birmingham based death metal to the millennials. They definitely need to hear this one if they haven't already. From start to finish this one slays in the riff department. It's really heavy and catchy. I wouldn't expect them to play any other way. And the vocals/drums compliment the music. Get this album because it'll do the world of death metal well for more support. (

(Nuclear Blast/Back on Black - 2008/2023)
Score: 75


sabato 29 aprile 2023

Suffocation - Blood Oath

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Downright abrasive to the ear lobes! What a masterpiece, I cannot say what a riff that's been played on here that was in an ill place or poorly played. All seemed to fall into place perfectly. Vocals are top-notch as well! They're compliment the dark death metal that goes alongside it. The leads were immaculate, too. I believe this was one of the last LP's that's with Frank Mullen on vocals. I think he did a couple more until he hung it up with Suffocation. What a tragedy, as well. He was one of the driving forces for the band and always had been. Well, hold on tight to these vocals here and embrace the music!

The majority of the music on here is downright brutal riffs. Along with Frank's vocals the music just tears it up. Tempos vary from a blitzkrieg of fury to moderate to slower, but technical riffs. All in all, this is an abomination of soul in the dark feeling of despair. Their earlier material shows more disruption into faster flowing riffs. On here, they pretty much shoot on all fronts of metal. That's what makes this release so likable. You'll find that they flow more freely in the realm of slower riffs with the drums backing up the guitars gruntingly. And the lead guitars are all so very technical in flowing.

Frank leads the way though on this album, he belts out his grunting and the music follows his lead quite solemnly. The band does a great job collectively. Again, it's a slower paced Suffocation release, but it's still magnificent in composition. The sound quality is top notch and you can hear everything pieced together. That's what lacked in their earlier recordings...the production was lacking in good sound but on here it's top notch. Everything seems to flow together and all instruments/vocals share triumphant bits of music throughout. I think this is one of my favorite ones ABSOLUTELY!

I heard this on Spotify first off and decided that I needed the CD itself. That's how highly I esteem this release. It goes from death metal to brutal death metal to doom metal all in one release. There just is a lot of fluctuation on here which makes it so versatile! It's a bit under an hour of great metal! If you think otherwise when you hear this, I would be appalled. This album just dominates through and through. It's a somewhat different Suffocation release in that the production is better but the music is more chargingly dismantled. From every avenue this release topples it all! Check it out! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2009)
Score: 85


giovedì 16 marzo 2023

Soilwork - A Predator's Portrait

#FOR FANS OF: Melo Death/Metalcore
This is an interesting album but it doesn't top its predecessor 'The Chainheart Machine'. The riffs are good but not to that caliber. And the vocals are a little more laid back mixed with some clean bits. The music is what's awesome on here. The melodic rhythms that go along with the clean vocals (at times). I liked this release, it is just a little step down from the previous. The leads were outstanding though. As this was the older lineup. These guys have had a great career in music some good releases and some duds. This one is definitely not the latter, it's quality melodic death metal. The intensity is there just not as much.

They mellowed out on this release but the vocals feature a lot of screaming. It's like a mix of melodic death with metalcore. I don't like metalcore much but the music is quality. I just don't like the fact that their intensity lessened hence the "75" rating.

Their modern sound is like this too, their most recent has a lot of mellow parts to them. 'Övergivenheten' which means "The Abandonment" is their latest release that sounds a bit like this. I like both almost equally. They'll never get to the degree of 'The Chainheart Machine' but they're still a good band releasing good music. They just fizzed out whereas they could've progressed musically. I'm still a fan of the band but I just had to lower my expectations of their releases after 'The Chainheart Machine'. There are some good songs on here mainly these: "Neurotic Rampage", "Final Fatal Force" and the title track.

They're dealing with the loss of David Andersson who joined the band in 2012-2022. He died last year at 47 years of age. They can still get to the caliber of this album as they did of their most recent. 'A Predator's Portrait' had some dynamite songs! They've just chilled out.

There will never be a Soilwork of this degree again, but that doesn't mean that they're done as a band. This album is a good follow-up, just not nearly as good as their predecessor. I hope that they keep producing albums though! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2001)
Score: 75


giovedì 9 febbraio 2023

Decrepit Birth - Polarity

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Very first hearing this band and what a monument! I love the technical aspect that they put into this album. It's totally surreal. Every track on here is good. I'm sure Archspire derived some influence from this band in terms of harmonies and overall musicianship. The riffs really speak to the listener and the vocals are just brutal. But not over-the-top brutal. It suited the direction they were taking to this release. I was blown away by the music on here. They really played from the heart with these songs. It isn't just one or two songs ok and that's it. This whole album is phenomenal. The music is what just took it away with me. These guys knew what they were doing with the recording. Such an amazing record and it seems as though they're still active, but on hiatus unfortunately.

From what's speaking to me are the guitar riffs. They put a lot of technicality into the mix, but the riffs are way melodic. That's what grabs me on here. There actually is an ever changing heavy rhythm guitar. What does it for me are the melodies and harmonies, as previously stated.

There aren't a great deal of technical death metal bands that I'm really into. Now I can say I'm a fan of this band after hearing 'Polarity'. They seem to put their heart and soul into the music. For an extreme band, they're not brutal for the sake of being brutal. I think that they put a lot of thought into their songwriting which is crucial to this genre.

Always positive things to say about this release. I thought that they covered all aspects of metal here with the vocals, guitars, and drums. The production was solid as well. There seemed to be some triggered drums though, they were just on hyperpaced mode. Everything fit together on here no complaints really. These guys know how to make good extreme music! I wish I didn't wait so long to check out this band. I figured that I hadn't heard much about them really until yesterday. What a great album! Don't wait around on this, it's worth looking into immediately if you haven't already! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast/Agonia Records - 2010/2019)

mercoledì 25 gennaio 2023

Soilwork - Overgivenheten

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Metalcore
This one helluv a catchy album. I'd say one of their best releases since 'A Predator's Portrait. The guitars are simply amazing and the vocals fluctuate sometimes screaming sometimes singing clean. This reminded me a little of metalcore bands but they've got their own sound to them. Sad about losing their guitarist David Andersson. It's tragic as he was only 47. But being his last effort with the band, I thought the riffs were just amazing. Such feel to their album and variety. Between clean vocals, melodic guitar riffs and a solid sound quality in their overall production. What a monument of an album!

There were a lot of clean tone segments but the guitars that were heavy drowned them out. But yeah, those segments of clean work show so much essence to their souls. It's not a super long release but it's so quality in their musicianship.

I've been following Soilwork since 'The Chainheart Machine' came out I believe in 1998. I've always admired their music and songwriting capabilities. They were always tops with me. And this album does the band justice wholeheartedly. I liked this whole release and it shows the emotional state of the band. Mainly the songwriters they were totally innovative and strong. These guys have been making good music since the late 90's. I always liked their melodic death metal genre. Though, nowadays they're more melodic death mix with a little metalcore. It's still likeable material, don't get me wrong, they're just not as heavy as in the early Soilwork days.

These guys still have a great deal to offer despite losing David last year. He was with the band for about 10 years. A lot of his work was with the final release with this one. He was so talented. And that totally shows on this release. Old Soilwork is gone, but the new is still going strong with their melodic music and amazing musicianship! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2022)
Score: 80


mercoledì 11 gennaio 2023

Municipal Waste - Electrified Brain

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash/Crossover, Nuclear Assault
Some great crossover/thrash. I got the CD, it's totally worth it! They have A LOT of energy. Still a 5 piece I believe with vocals that are tight with the music. I like the guitars the most. The rhythms are fantastic. The songs clock about 2-3 minutes in length, but they're still good! And the energy is all there. The music is what grabs me the most. The vocals not so much. They're a little annoying it's an acquired taste with them. I don't think they're bad just take some getting used to. I own previous albums of this band and I've had the same issue. A lot of guitar solos too but good! The songs are really catchy.

I'm glad they came out with a new album. It's totally tight too! Clocks in only about 33 minutes and 14 songs. All of them are good but if I had to select some to check out would be "Demoralizer", "High Speed Steel" and "Barreled Rage."

I think this band will be active for a while. They make very good music and they're consistent. They kind of remind me of old Nuclear Assault. There are some similarities to that band with this one. Both very good songwriting.

The production quality was clear the instruments and vocals are mixed well absolutely! It does the band justice and more desirable to own. That's the problem with some crossover acts like Enforced or Power Trip. Their recordings are too solid. But on here, everything is crystal. I'm really pleased on how this album turned out to be. Aside from just marginally liking the vocals, the music and energy were stifling. A lot of songs but they're solid and catchy. They're not overly heavy just fast paced. There are not many songs that are slow. The tempos are pretty much fast throughout. What a great full-length yet again! (Death8699)