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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Century Media. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025

Body Count - Merciless

#PER CHI AMA: Crossover/Thrash
Mai avrei pensato di scrivere dei Body Count, la provocatoria band statunitense guidata da Ice-T, sempre attenta alle tematiche sociali e antirazziali. Eppure quando ho dato un ascolto distratto a 'Merciless', il mio iniziale scetticismo e la mia scarsa attenzione, si sono trasformati in grande entusiasmo. L'ottava release del collettivo americano è caratterizzata da un sound denso e aggressivo, con chitarre pesanti e ritmi incalzanti che riflettono la furia e l'intensità tipiche della band, pur mantenendo la propria identità ancorata a quel crossover, tra rap metal e hardcore. Brani come "Psychopath" e "Drug Lords" (la prima con la comparsata di Joe Bad dei Fit for an Autopsy e la seconda con Max Cavalera alla voce) offrono riff potenti e ritmiche serrate, creando un'atmosfera di urgenza. In particolare mi soffermerei sulla title track che ho particolarmente amato, con quel suo sound ipnotico e robusto al tempo stesso, che mi ha evocato 'South of Heaven' degli Slayer. Aggiungiamo poi una produzione che privilegia la rotondità del suono, permettendo a ogni strumento di risaltare, e alla voce di Ice-T di farsi sentire con una forza ineguagliabile (anche se a volte rimanda un po' troppo al buon vecchio Tom Araya). E a proposito di vocals e vocalist, nella selvaggia "The Purge", dobbiamo segnalare il featuring di Mr. Corpsegrinder (Cannibal Corpse), in un altro pezzo che francamente grida al miracolo, in una miscela tra gli Slayer più compassati e i Massacre. Parlando di guest star, poi non posso tacere l'assolo di David Gilmour (si, quel signore inglese che suonava nei Pink Floyd) nell'intramontabile cover di "Confortably Numb", un pezzo riletto in chiave rappeggiante. E ancora da menzionare, le apparizioni di Howard Jones (ex Killswitch Engage) nella velenosa e super ruffiana (ascoltatevi il ritornello) "Live Forever". Potrei andare avanti citandovi altri mille personaggi che hanno preso parte a questo disco, ma la mia raccomandazione è di dare un'opportunità a questo disco, ne potreste rimanere anche voi piacevolmente sorpresi. (Francesco Scarci)

(Century Media - 2024)
Voto: 78


martedì 28 gennaio 2025

Dark Tranquillity - Endtime Signals

#PER CHI AMA: Swedish Death
'Endtime Signals' dei Dark Tranquillity, si erge come un autentico monumento alla malinconia e all'introspezione, un viaggio musicale che esplora i meandri più profondi dell’anima. Questo nuovo album rappresenta una fase evolutiva per la storica band svedese, intrecciando un mix di pessimismo e riflessione che permea ogni traccia. Il viaggio si apre con "Shivers and Voids", un brano che fonde un’introduzione malinconica affidata alle tastiere a chitarre distorte, creando un’atmosfera avvolgente e accattivante. Riff affilati e percussioni martellanti dialogano con passaggi più atmosferici, mantenendo l’ascoltatore costantemente in tensione. Tra le tracce più impattanti troviamo "Unforgivable", un pezzo dirompente e diretto, dove i blast beat scuotono le fondamenta e i riff sembrano divorare lo spazio circostante. Nonostante l’intensità travolgente, la ricerca melodica rimane centrale: gli assoli di chitarra, impeccabili dal punto di vista tecnico, offrono istanti di pura estasi sonora. "Neuronal Fire" impressiona con un’introduzione atmosferica che culmina in momenti di aggressività magistrale. Il brano si distingue per il suo assolo di chitarra particolarmente ispirato e per le dinamiche avvincenti che catturano sin dal primo ascolto. "Not Nothing" si apre lentamente, avvolgendoci in una malinconia quasi ingannevole, per poi trasformarsi in una potente traccia di metal estremo. Le melodie accattivanti e un finale che richiama l’incipit, conferiscono al pezzo una struttura circolare perfetta. Ogni brano dell'album diventa una finestra su paesaggi interiori complessi, dove luce e tenebra danzano in un duello eterno. La rabbia manifestata in alcuni episodi (penso a "Enforced Perspective", il brano meno convincente del lotto) si alterna a momenti di intensa riflessione. Un esempio toccante è "One of Us Is Gone", un tributo emozionante all'ex chitarrista Fredrik Johansson, spentosi nel 2022 per un tumore. Qui la band si allontana temporaneamente dall’aggressività del metal per immergersi in una dolcezza malinconica, accompagnata da violini che si intrecciano magistralmente con le melodie vocali di Mikael Stanne. Il risultato è una sinfonia ricca di emozioni, capace di colpire nel profondo. Allo stesso modo, "False Reflection" si presenta come una ballad atmosferica che si trasforma gradualmente in un finale epico. Il connubio tra tastiere e chitarre pulite aggiunge delicate sfumature a un album pervaso da forza e determinazione. In definitiva, 'Endtime Signals' non è solo un album: è un’esperienza immersiva di quasi sessanta minuti (nella versione con due bonus track), un’opera che invita a riflettere sulla condizione umana. I Dark Tranquillity riescono a mantenere viva l’essenza del loro sound distintivo, pur esplorando nuove frontiere artistiche. Con una produzione attenta e una scrittura profondamente ispirata, questo lavoro risulta uno dei più affascinanti della loro recente discografia. Preparati a lasciarti trasportare da questa sinfonia cupa e stratificata, un album da ascoltare ripetutamente per coglierne ogni dettaglio e le mille emozioni racchiuse tra le sue note. (Francesco Scarci)
(Century Media - 2024)
Voto: 78

giovedì 23 gennaio 2025

Swallow the Sun - Shining

#PER CHI AMA: Doom/Depressive
‘Shining’, il nono album in studio dei finlandesi Swallow the Sun, rappresenta un punto di svolta significativo nella loro discografia. La nuova uscita del quintetto di Jyväskylä propone un suono che, pur non rinunciando del tutto alla componente death-doom più pesante del passato, si orienta verso una dimensione più melodica e accessibile. Questa evoluzione si traduce in composizioni maggiormente dirette e orecchiabili, come si può notare in brani come “Innocence Was Long Forgotten” e “MelancHoly”, esempi perfetti del cambio di rotta intrapreso dalla band. Tuttavia, questo nuovo lavoro non abbandona l’oscurità che da sempre ha contraddistinto gli Swallow the Sun. Al contrario, l’album è pervaso da un’atmosfera avvolgente e da melodie che evocano profondità insondabili, dove la luce appare solo come un lontano ricordo. Questa sensazione emerge anche nelle liriche, che esplorano temi come la perdita, l’isolamento e la vulnerabilità. E la musica diventa così un mezzo catartico, un riflesso sonoro delle fasi del lutto e un’espressione poetica che risuona nel cuore dell’ascoltatore (ascoltare la title track per comprendere al meglio). L’esperienza complessiva dell’album risulta, però, contrastante: i brani alternano momenti malinconici ma carichi di groove, come accade in “Under the Moon & Sun”, a tracce che sembrano rievocare i fasti e le atmosfere plumbee delle origini della band, come in “Charcoal Sky”. Sebbene questa eterogeneità possa sembrare un punto debole per chi cerca maggiore coesione musicale, in realtà essa rivela un viaggio interiore tormentato e irrisolto. È un invito ad affrontare i propri demoni, sintonizzandosi con il profondo senso di inquietudine che permea l’album. Ciò che rimane indiscutibile è la capacità degli Swallow the Sun di non essere mai prevedibili. Pur richiedendo un ascolto attento e una buona dose di pazienza per assimilare appieno i brani, ‘Shining’ si conferma come un’opera di grande qualità e profondità emotiva. (Francesco Scarci)

mercoledì 18 dicembre 2024

Enforced - A Leap into the Dark

#PER CHI AMA: Thrash/Hardcore
Gli statunitensi Enforced li abbiamo già recensiti un paio di volte e quindi è stato semplice prendere il loro nuovo 'A Leap into the Dark' e analizzarne i contenuti che poco si discostano dalle release passate, proponendo infatti quel thrash metal che tributa band del calibro di Slayer, primissimi Testament ed Exodus. Tre nuovi brani, una riedizione della vecchia "Casket ", oltre a un paio di cover, quella degli Obituary di "Deadly Intentions" e quella degli English Dogs con "The Chase is On" per saggiare lo stato di forma della band originaria della Virginia. Il disco si apre con il riffing classico di "Betting on the End", una semplice e quanto mai efficace ritmica thrash su cui si innesta la voce roca del frontman e un paio di assoli ben assestati che mi hanno evocato i Testament di 'The Legacy' e un finale di chiara matrice slayeriana. Ah, bei ricordi andati. La title track attacca subito con un altro bell'assolo, da cui ripartire con un sound più arcigno, di matrice quasi hardcore, un forsennato giro di rullante e una bella cavalcata speed metal che sembra voler ricercare le proprie radici in 'Kill'em All' dei Metallica; un bel cambio di tempo ed ecco il nuovo giro di assoli a sollevare una song fin troppo spigolosa e angosciante. Una ritmica scuola 'Seasons in the Abyss' per la successiva "Deafening Heartbeats", con tanto di brevi rasoiate solistiche a rinforzare la veemenza dei nostri, fino a quando la band rallenta pericolosamente nel finale. "Casket" è un singolo che era comparso in una compilation del Decibel Magazine nel 2021 che mantiene una più intatta componente thrash/hardcore che mi emoziona molto meno rispetto alle precedenti tre tracce, forse perchè qui non c'è ombra di quegli assoli che reputo indispensabili per il genere. In chiusura, le due cover già menzionate: quella degli Obituary, con il brano estratto da 'Slowly We Rot', sembra ricalcare fedelmente l'originale, anche se la voce di John Tardy è quasi inimitabile, mentre le saettate di chitarra sono davvero una figata. L'ultima song suona invece come un tributo al punk hardcore degli inglesi English Dogs, con un pezzo che non fitta esattamente i miei gusti, essendo troppo spinta verso il versante sporco, brutto e cattivo dell'hardcore. 'A Leap into the Dark' è comunque alla fine un gradito ritorno per tutti i fan della band di Richmond. (Francesco Scarci)

lunedì 20 maggio 2024

Necrophobic - In The Twilight Grey


#FOR FANS OF: Black/Death
This is a softer release from the band, even though they mix black metal with death metal. I'd have to conclude that they are a "milder" Necrophobic than I'm used to. These guys mix what it sounds like more of a Viking metal sound with a death metal prerogative. The vocals go well with the music. This is my favorite Necrophobic album by far. Just everything is supreme and perfect, filling the listener with this slaying metal, metal listen to that clocks in about an hour in length. I don't mind them borrowing their name from a Slayer song, but at least they could've come out with stronger earlier albums. Those don't really sit well with me.
They're just more mature on here and the music is more melodic, but the brutality is less than their predecessors. I like how they fluctuate with various tempos, and they're just more experienced here. They don't seem to let up on the music. It's strikingly intricate! 
I think from the first few listens to, they're much sharper in musicality and maturity. In some songs they'll be faster than other with an orchaschedrial than other songs. The leads are top-notch. They really whiz through the fretboard with everything in unison.

The vocals are top screams, slaying the music wholeheartedly. This release doesn't really have with it any flaws. Hence, the reason I gave it a perfect score. They range between brutality, a milder form of metal, then a more clean song base which captures everything notwithstanding. What a kick ass black/death metal platter that seems to hit everything metal related. Even the clean guitars segue into a more brutal sound, bringing with it such a metal, such a metal event through in and throughout. I like everything on here. And it only took me a couple of listens to that picked up everything wholeheartedly. More than any Necrophobic release than any other!
Can you grasp this total onslaught? I was able to and let's hope that they don't get softer, hopefully this will be their mildest LP! (Death8699)
(Century Media Records - 2024)
Score: 80

sabato 11 maggio 2024

Marduk - Memento Mori

#FOR FANS OF: Black Metal
One of the best releases of 2023, at least out of 10. Though, I do miss Legion on vocals, who gave up metal to pursue being a tattoo artist. Still though, Daniel had some big shoes to fill! I think he pulled it off quite well. And I like the fact that this release isn't like 'Panzer Division Marduk' with the utmost blast beating. There were many different tempos and the production sound was quite good! These guys have a lot of life left in them! I like the music mostly and the vocals, it's much promise to Marduk's longevity. Morgan on guitars and Simon on drums show almost a quite new of a band, and these musicians have some big shoes to fill (as I say).

They're still one of the best black metal musicians around. I like how Daniel's voice soars and holds out the screams. It's screaming throughout, alongside the blast beating. They uphold the blend of 'Nightwing' and 'Panzer Division Marduk.'

This is 40 minutes of a hellish Marduk still going strong even though the lineup has changed quite a bit, but it's good to hear that they're still going on strong! These guys have some unique riffs. A lot of tremolo picking and bar chord mania!

I've been able to get into this album quite easily because there's so much diversity to each song. On each track, you've got to figure the screaming and blast beating, but then there are points in here that are calmer. Not that many, but they do change it up. I like every song on here, they stayed true to their roots and with this newer lineup was able to not compromise in musical style and black metal onslaught. I thought that with the ending is quite abrupt. I admit that 'Panzer Division Marduk' is still my all-time favorite from them. They just never seem to let up on that one. But this one probably a more diverse one than that one, and it needed to be so. It's because they needed another side to them that wasn't brutal all the way through.

Definitely one of the best in 2023 in terms of black metal or just metal in general. Take a listen and you'll hear what I'm saying! (Death8699)

giovedì 18 aprile 2024

Borknagar - Fall

#FOR FANS OF: Epic Black/Viking
What a transitory epic platter that's filled with the utmost soul-driven heart. I'm not a big fan of bands like Amon Amarth or other Viking metal bands, but Borknagar is one of the ones that I'm totally into their vibe. They're totally chill and hold an illicit like vibe. These guys over the years have kept it mild. Not their first releases, but some that I've come across have been mellow. The more releases they put out, the more they mellow out. It doesn't make them totally like eunuchs, it just means they're getting older and more musical. They have made a turn for their best in precepts with their latest sound, which is the greatest they've put out.

The guitars go mainly in a slow pace with some variation and melodic as all heck, do they swarm. The music is the best part of the release, alongside the vocals. They're in unison of the music wholeheartedly. What melodies and an overall beautiful all be that will never 'Fall.'

Every song on here is full of passion in the music! The vocals sway from hoarse to clean and back again. It's killer if there's an exact moment to highlight the whole release is a highlight! The guitars seem to go well with the songs/album/riff by riff. I've been a fan since I got 'Winter Thrice.' I just like their overall sound to their songs. This stuff isn't appeasing the brutal metal people, just those of whom are more into bands like Katatonia, et al. They're way mild and intricate in that sense. Just getting milder and milder they seem with each passing bar. To that realm, they appease the masses of listeners to Viking mild sense of direction that they have become.

These guys have been around for some time now, belting out their melodic metal till way back in the 1990's. I think they've moved on with careful progression and sticking to their Viking metal roots! This is one you don't want to pass up on! So many great songs! (Death8699)

venerdì 12 aprile 2024

Naglfar - Cerecloth

#FOR FANS OF: Swedish Black, Dissection
This release is a re-visitation of the "old" Naglfar via the 'Vittra' release with a little fine-tuning. The guitars are similar like in the past tremolo picking and a slight reverb upon the production the vocals are similar as well just darker I'd say. They're screaming vox but darker and dreary. It sets the tone on how the album is going to be like, especially on the production quality.
I don't agree that this album averages a moderate "65" rating I believe that it's top-notch. It stole me right away, and I liked it immediately. Especially the doom if there entails. There really aren't an overabundance of lead guitar work, just some. It weaved into the tremolo picking of the rhythm guitar.

They really did well on here, I mean so eerie and desolate are the guitar riffs with vocals accompanying the riffs making it so depressing. They really upped their game in the melancholic department, as most of their work has done. I'd say it's more morbid than 'Harvest.' The melodies flow in the depths of hell.
If you key into the production/mixing/sound departments, you'll hear that they wanted this to sound ultimately grueling.
I'm not much into the lyrical conceptions, I just care about the vocals and the music. I feel they're at a really strong point and that they are at the pinnacle of their melodic black metal. They are pretty much experts on how to make such good recordings in this genre, and I feel that they were undercut on the ratings. They really are sending home a message that they're not letting up in their intensity. And the tremolo picking is superb. There's a lot of it on here, not too many bouts of slower tempos, most of it is fast, I'm a huge fan of this band and rightfully so because they keep putting out songs/albums that grasp the listener with their immense intensity. Don't pass this one up!
The eerie sense of this release is all there, and they definitely upped their underground vibe that you can feel totally throughout! Check it out and see! (Death8699)
(Century Media - 2020)
Score: 76

lunedì 11 marzo 2024

Skeletal Remains - Fragments of the Ageless

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death Metal
Heavily DEATH and OBITUARY influence like the previous recordings ('Devouring Mortality' & 'The Entombment of Chaos'), they have more of their own sound to them on this release. The vocals are a little bit different too, less echo and reverb, just a grueling sound. The last two releases have been solid, and this one is definitely another "winner" so to speak. The leads are chaotic, the rhythms are chunk filled, and the recording quality is top-notch. These guys put together one creative platter for us death metal fans to incorporate it. Take the last two releases, put them combined into two, and then you have this one ultimately creative. Also features a Hate Eternal cover song entitled "Messiah of Rage."

This release is pretty fast metal all in all and it's tight. This one is definitely a "screamer." They seemed to be on the cutting edge and more mature than the previous two releases. This one is another 45 minutes in length and by no means is it "boring." High energy and great riffs.

I'm not one into lyrics in metal, just as long as the music is good, and the production quality is awesome, then I'm totally locked in. Anyway, the whole bulk of this album is interesting when you pick apart the riffs. Very good musicianship all the way through!

I like the crunch tone guitar sound. And the leads are highly technical and a tad bit of reverb/delay on those navigating through the fretboard. The ultimate quality in sound, and the drums sound great. I dug this whole album, it was an entire masterpiece. Nothing to take away or add to it, the whole album is superb. I caught onto the fact that this album is utterly brutal. They really seem not only to be maturing, but also taking death metal to new heights. I would say that they're constantly maturing. They're taking it a step more brutal each succeeding release. And the guitars are done with ultimate precision! These native Californians sure as hell upped the brutality and are coming into their own, especially on here! (Death8699)

venerdì 23 febbraio 2024

Insomnium - Anno 1696

#FOR FANS OF: Melo Death
Good release, I'm just having some animosity with the vocals, not so much the music. So instead of a top rating, I docked some points away because I didn't care for the voice on this album. It usually contains a barometer into my writing up on the band. Sure the intensity is there, I suppose it's an acquired taste as to how much I'd like to enjoy most of this. The screaming is all right, just sort of growing on me, I suppose. I do think that the music is critical here, and in retrospect I think it's definitely the driving force to this album. They sure are an intense band that bring about their all influences, be it At The Gates, or bands within the melodic death arena.

Solid recording. No complaints there really, and it seems like the more I hear of the vocals, I like them in small increments. The vocals and guitars I think are the segue into a solid release that this album is and therefore accepting the most good out of it, I must do!

Mixing was also good, and if you notice that they've signed with a major label (Century Media). That got them deep into some fame that they must take home and the band shall flourish in this genre. They are by no means as good as say Arch Enemy's old work but maybe that's a band that's more established since they've been around in the metal world since '96, Arch Enemy that is. These guys are not from Sweden though, they're from a Finnish act. They definitely got some good positive ratings on this one, and rightfully so! The music takes everything away. They kind of make me think of Children of Bodom as well, in the vein of Hatecrew Death Roll'.

Love the melodic guitar, and the leads are pretty decent! Overall, this album (for me) went from when I first heard it as a maybe 75 or 70 rating to 80. The experimenting was all there and the moods with the guitars are ever so wicked. They're not totally in your face melodic death. They're pretty experimental in sounds, and it fits the mood if you're heavy into melodic death like I am. Definitely one of the top releases in 2023.

If you have a way to get a song or two to take a listen to, I think it's the best idea as to see if they're going to be on your radar. Check them out, melodic death freaks, or just lovers of extreme metal! (Death8699)

giovedì 25 gennaio 2024

Napalm Death - Time Waits For No Slave

It's sad to say that the grindcore days are over. But at least Napalm Death is still making music, even though it's totally different from what they began as. 'Time Waits For No Slave' is a good illustration where they're coming to two genres, death metal and some grind. It's odd because I was so used to the Mick Harris blast beats from the six years that he was with the band. But Danny is an OK replacement. This album is heavy, but the tempo changes are evident and totally there, but the blasting is limited. The production quality is a little raw, but OK. I liked the whole album. I thought that, at least for death metal fans, this is a good one.

The guitars aren't riffing too fast. That intensity is gone, but at least the music sounds good. It's a shame that they lost Jesse. I think he was a big influence on the band, being that he was with Terrorizer in the early days. I guess when Mick left the band, that was the end of the real extreme days. I felt that he was the best grindcore drum in existence. Danny is good, especially on here. It seems as though he's matured behind the set and is more comfortable being alongside this band. It's amazing that they've been around since 1981. I was 5 when they formed! Anyway, it's difficult to pinpoint specific highlights on here, just that some tracks are fast then they completely chill out.

I like the variety on this release, it can get really intense. Their newer stuff is LOUD. Meaning their latest release. This album is one of their longer releases, it clocks in at about 50+ minutes. It's worth listening to, but it just takes some getting used to. If you're expecting Napalm Death of the old, it's sad, but they're not really doing it. This release I'd say in the death metal genre is solid. I actually decided to order the CD. I know that this album is outdated, and they're working on new material. I just thought that I'd write about it anyway. Even if it is an older Napalm Death release.

Saying farewell to Jesse and the departed members of the earlier Napalm. It's a good line-up still, and there literally are no leads on this album. It's just all rhythms, which is why I like the album. Jesse was more solid in the lead department, but Mitch has constructed some pretty good riffs. They're diverse and that's what makes the album interesting to listen to. I know earlier it sounded as though I wanted old ND back, but that just isn't going to happen. What they evolved to is something totally different. A lot of their albums post-Mick are strictly death metal, except 'Utopia Banished'. But that one wasn't very good in my opinion. (Death8699)

(Century Media Records - 2009/2021)
Score: 70


venerdì 12 gennaio 2024

Vital Remains - Icons of Evil

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
It's a toss-up for me, either 'Dechristianize' or this one 'Icons of Evil'. I don't pay attention to anyone else's reviews, so there is no influence on scores or review material latched onto. I think 'Icons of Evil' is a little less raw and I favored it a bit more than the predecessor, it was a little more death metal oriented too. I like a bit of the guitar harmonics as well. Glen sounds like he does on later Deicide releases. A little monotonous but that's alright. It fit well with the music and lyrical topics (since he is a Satanist). I enjoyed the whole album, just didn't key into the lyrics since they're not my cup of tea.

A long album, but that's a little atypical of death metal releases. The average is about 30–45 minutes, this one is over 60 minutes! I thought that it was good, though they spent a while with the songwriting. And I liked the guitars, not so much the leads, just the rhythms and harmonics (like I mentioned). Brutal music, but I thought better than the earlier Vital Remains. Too raw for me, not 'Dechristianize' but their earlier work. Wasn't a big fan of the earlier stuff. They have not released an album since this one, but they're still active. I'm not sure when they're going to come out with new music but this one and 'Dechristianize' I'll settle with.

The production was top-notch I believe thanks to Erik Rutan who's now in Cannibal Corpse replacing Pat O'Brien. I'm not sure if there are any original members left of the original band. They've gone through so many line-up changes! And even though they're continuing on the Satanic route sort of death metal they could sure put out something of the "newer" sound for the band. We'll have to wait and see. I don't think Glen is going to do any more guest lead vocals since he's still tied up with Deicide. But I'll be watching for that, and he did a great job filling in with the time that he had with the band.

I had to order these CDs from eBay ('Dechristianize' and 'Icons of Evil'). They (to me) were worth ordering. Even if it is the only two that I'll ever own of the band. Don't expect anything utter than brutal death metal with a tinge of melodic work from those albums and this one even more brutal. Both 'Dechristianize' and 'Icons of Evil' are some of my favorite death metal albums of all time. I'm glad that I took the time to wait and see how they were on Spotify before purchasing both. I collect CD's so these two are greatly precious to me. Let's just not get into the lyrical concepts! Long live Vital Remains! (Death8699)

(Century Media/Osmose Productions - 2007/2022)
Score: 80


sabato 15 luglio 2023

Krisiun - Ageless Venomous

#PER CHI AMA: Death Metal
‘Ageless Venomous’ is a milestone. This is second to ‘Conquerors…’, a previous release that was impeccable. This one is right there too. Amazing death metal from Brazilian natives. They’ve had a great career and are still making good music. Definitely one of their best. The songs are so catchy. Moyses shows that he could still shred. This release was from 22 years ago... still is a classic. I’m surprised it took me so long to review this. I’m glad that I am now. This is death metal supreme. This one has bonus tracks that I have. Good the whole way through impeccable as I say. These guys have been around for over 30 years. I still don’t think they get the recognition they deserve and touring with top bands in the genre.

The sound quality on here was good. Top notch. How long is the recording though is the question really! The songs are really well composed. They have some great riffs on here. On all the tracks though, not just some. I really enjoy this album immensely! It’s one that I can jam over and over. It doesn’t get old. They put together some spotless riffs and Alex is great on vocals. The drums are good too. There’s more variety on this one than ‘Conquerors'. It’s not just blast beating. A lot of double bass. Sounds kick ass.

These guys are brilliant songwriters. Their new one is really good too. They are kind of like veterans now, but they’re still going strong. I didn’t really get into the early material just ‘Conquerors’ onward. I’ve had a great career so far I just wish they had a bigger fan base. I will always support this band.

These guys have some more albums to put out. And they just had a most recent one released this year. You can download this one on Spotify or listent to on YouTube but I bought the CD. As usual, of course. This is to show support for the band, pick this up. If you haven’t already heard this the music on here is fantastic. They just smoke. Check it out! (Death8699)

(Century Media Records/Svart Records - 2001/2022)
Score: 80


martedì 14 marzo 2023

Old Man's Child - Ill-Natured Spiritual Invasion

#FOR FANS OF: Symph Black
I don't think this album is "boring" at all. Sure maybe to other critics but not to me. I thought that this was a total monument. Such a great follow-up from 'The Pagan Prosperity'. It has better music and production quality. I liked the songs on here more than their predecessor. The vocals are still solid on here matches up with the music. Kind of guttural Galder but still GOOD! He's done great things for his project here. I think maybe nowadays he's spending too much time in Dimmu Borgir where he should be capitalizing with this project. Dimmu hasn't had a good album since maybe 'In Sorte Diaboli'. On here, he dominates on all instruments!

Every song is good and they are somewhat lengthy. But that's good, he has so much to offer musically. A true legend in every respect. I like his vocals too they're dark and the screams are totally fathomable. He really topped his musicianship on here. I think that this is one of his best releases out of all of them. The music, the production, sound quality, vocals and overall effort was ingenious. This guy knows exactly how to make music that's within a somewhat dying genre: melodic black metal. Naglar is tops on their genre like this one. But I like Old Man's Child more. They aren't all about speed.

This album is super catchy. I liked every single song on here but just to give you an idea, here's some: "Towards Eternity", "Demoniacal Possession" and  "My Evil Revelations." These are just to give you an idea of what this album is like. He has such catchy capabilities on this release. I think more so than 'The Pagan Prosperity', he just stepped it up a notch and the fact that the sound quality is much better he had it made on here. No need to criticize the album and coin it as "boring." He did a great job on the songwriting and overall musicianship. Totally dominated!

Check out those songs or the other tracks too and see what you think. This album was recorded about 25 years ago and still holds weight in the best albums category. Galder has spent a lot of time with Dimmu and I think that if Old Man's Child is still active he should release a new album. Dimmu hasn't done many good albums for a long while. He should take a step back from them and record an album with this project! He founded this band and has shown us his amazing talent on all instruments not to mention vocals that totally crush! He tears it all up on here. Have a listen! (Death8699)
(Century Media/Cosmic Key Creations  - 1998/2020)
Score: 80

venerdì 24 febbraio 2023

Old Man's Child - In Defiance of Existence

#FOR FANS OF: Black/Thrash
Another good one in the making recognized 20 years later but Galder has not expired as founder of this one-man-band. This was a good follow-up to 'Revelation 666...'. I think that the guitars are solid making solid sounds beget admirable compositions. Galder doesn't seem to let-up in making good releases. All of the instruments and vocals go well alongside one another. Some tinge of acoustic work here too, but very briefly. This album is mostly hardcore melodic black metal. Galder's vocals don't shift much as they are pretty much screaming voice throughout the album. Not much variation to them.

I especially like how the music goes well with the synthesizers. I'm not one that is a favorite of these things co-existing but Galder makes it work. I enjoyed this album the whole way through. All the songs are good. Everything seemed to work on a whole!

I would think it's safe to say that all Old Man's Child releases are solid. But this is a key release for the band. It shows not only maturity, but the progression in the melodic black metal arena and how Galder is a pivotal person in the metal community. Not only has he brought his own unique style to this genre but creativity and undying metal. It's good that he's staying active here in this arena of the genre providing key sounds to his uncompromising aggression. This album features Cradle of Filth's drummer Nicholas Barker. The whole album again turns out good making it an "75" in my book for a rating!

In concluding, don't expect anything but the finest melodic black metal in 2003. This guy is the force behind extreme music. He's done a great job in both his band and Dimmu as well. Let's hope he'll continue to make great music in the up and coming years! (Death8699)

lunedì 30 gennaio 2023

Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence

#FOR FANS OF: Swedish Black
Razor sharp death/black that has a production that isn't overly raw for a 1993 underground LP. This is the beginning of their career in the metal scene and what a gem this is! It's a sad thing about their guitarist though, he passed away in 2013 from suicide. Died too young that's for sure and he was featured in other bands such as a brief period in the band Dark Funeral. This one was a helluv an effort by the band especially named themselves off a Slayer song from 'Reign In Blood'. These guys don't fool around. The guitars were melodic and straightforward the highlight of the LP the vocals as well!

There is kind of an echo/reverb to the voice making it sound darker than it really is. The musical aspect was quite original and forthright. I enjoyed this whole release it is a gem to their discography. Not a lot of bands that fit in this category of metal.

The music isn't too fast but there is quite a bit of tremolo picking and bar chords that make it sound pretty heavy. I like the harmonies. And the riffs sound a little bit like Dark Funeral's and some other bands from the darker side of metal. I like the fact that they're underground completely and their attitude seems to be "don't take no prisoners" which reflects their musicianship.

I can't say more good things about this album that I already talked about. They're quite diverse and noteworthy. For a debut, this shows some pretty good maturity musically. I've owned some of their LP's before nothing as good as this one. This is where everything started for them and they've been pretty popular in the metal community for underground music. I should've started collecting them from the start, but I'm getting this when they've already been well established. Nevertheless, they're a great addition to metal in general. They've had a long career so far and are still active. I hope they continue on this path of the underground scene. (Death8699)

(Blood Mark Production/Century Media - 1993/2022)
Score: 85


lunedì 29 agosto 2022

Arch Enemy - Deceivers

#FOR FANS OF: Melo Death
This is definitely a solid more consistently good release than their predecessor 'Will To Power'. It has good rhythms and melodies that they seemed to go back to but never as good as the first three Arch Enemy albums in their established discography. I don't think it's ever going to be what it once was but at least they're making new albums. Alissa has better vocals than Angela to me but Johan fit in the first three releases. They had hallmark rhythms in the early days that 'Deceivers' seemed to touch upon. And with Jeff Loomis on lead guitar fits where Nick I don't think did and Christopher yes in the early days.

AE is Michael's band after he left Carcass spending time working on two albums with them 'Necroticsm' and 'Heartwork'. I suppose he wanted his own style of melodic melodies and so forth. 'War Eternal' got a lot of negative press too being there were only 3 songs that I care to listen to. But 'Deceivers' seems to be a rebirth of magic melodies that they've constructed. And Alissa is consistent as well lighting up with her brutal vocals some clean, too! But not many at that. I believe that this is an album with multiple combinations of clean, heavy and heavier guitars with Jeff contributing his lead guitar amazing licks.

It seems as though there's multiple contributions in the songwriting, though I believe Michael still has the bulk of the songwriting and melodies. This is a pretty fresh hitting release but with Angela, 'Wages of Sin' probably was her best. For Alissa, this is her best most diverse attack on the vocal department. These guys refuse to go away. I tell you, some of the songs they released before this album came out I didn't like. But when I heard the whole album it reigned supreme. It's not entirely brutal, there are segments of clean vocals and melodies. But it seemed to fit in the direction it took with a more progressive type of melodic death.

I had to order this CD because I think it's one that I'm going to play to death. A lot on here I hold to be true to what metal I'm in favor of. The guitars have a lot of highlights. And the vocals as well. Production quality is fantastic which made the album more likable. I didn't rate this higher than a "75" because I think it didn't hit higher than that mark. Pose more melodic riffs I would've probably hit a higher score of. But yes, this didn't to me deserve any negative marks really. A really well arranged melodic death metal release that they can chalk up to a successful contribution to the metal community. (Death8699)

(Century Media - 2022)
Score: 75


martedì 16 agosto 2022

Krisiun - Mortem Solis

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
A step into the older Krisiun via 'Conquerors of Armageddon' but slower. There's a similar production quality but better. The riffs on here seem to flow. Reminds me also of 'Ageless Venomous' at least the songwriting as well. It's a dive into the middle of those both releases mentioned! I like this one a lot, but it's not getting higher than a "75" rating. They basically found some riffs to work with the vocals but the time signatures are not constant blast beating. In fact, a lot slower. These guys have been going strong since their origin in the year 1990. I'm surprised no second guitarist this whole time just the brothers Alex, Max and Moyses.

This one lasts for about 40-45 minutes and well worth it. A lot of the riffs are technical though they don't receive the blast beating like 'Conquers...' did. I don't think they'll ever make an album as good as that one in my humble opinion. But they show us fresh riffs and that they still have it in the songwriting category. Moyses doesn't have a whole heck of a lot of leads but the licks shine in glory. Brazilian death metal-ers never seem to let up. The sound quality of the album is quite good nothing really muddled everything flows well. The vocals, guitar and drums are top notch. They've gotten a little experimenting with the music.

It's wholly brutal here but they have a lot of things that they've done differently. I still think that 'Conquerors...' and 'Ageless...' are better but this one has a lot of high points where they've just constructed some great melodies for a death metal band. Maybe take out the acoustic guitar and leave it to utter brutality. I suppose that they just wanted to vary it a little but I didn't find it necessary to include that. Otherwise the whole album just shines. It's just a different approach to their music. I thought it could be a little faster but maybe this is going to be the way they're going to be writing like till they break up and go their own ways.

There are a lot of highlights to this album I just think it could've been faster. That's my only beef I have of this whole album. The end of 'Conquerors..' and 'Ageless...' into their own "new" era of the band. They still uphold the brutality at times but all is variety. I like the album and I encourage purchasing a CD or if you wish to stream it's on YouTube and Spotify. These guys need support even though they've been around for over 30 years. They still have it and hope that they will continue have it. Show your gratitude that these guys still are making good brutal death metal! (Death8699)

(Century Media - 2022)
Score: 75


domenica 24 luglio 2022

Grave - Out of Respect For the Dead

#FOR FANS OF: Swedish Death, Dismember
This is a quality album, I'm not sure why people think it's "generic." I thought it anything but that. This is a MONUMENTAL release from the band. Hope that they come out with a new album soon, too. But this one is a good one that they left off with. I think that the rhythms are awesome and the vocals go along well with the music. Every song on here was worth its wait at the time. They put in some phenomenal music to this one. I like the sound to it. The vocals are tolerable and vicious! There is an unrelenting vibe to strike here. A great follow-up album I thought that they did an outstanding job.

The songs are furious and INTENSE. The riffs are victorious in sound. They all seem to flow together. And some demon-struck sort of vibe to the music. I thought that this was a good release from 2015. And a boon to the death metal community. Nothing generic about this. The music just reigns supreme. They really show maturity being in the death metal community for a long time. And yes, they conquer! Not every song is fast and furious, they change it up here and there. And the leads are pretty good, too. But mostly the riffs are MONUMENTAL. I don't think this band has an album where they don't play their heart out.

The quality of the production was great and they sound great! Everything on here I liked. It took some time to get used to this one, but when I laid it all out, everything went together. And the more I hear the album, the more I like it. I think that they really dominate the scene and are able to show the metal community that they're still kicking ass after many years being active. I hope that they come out with a new one sometime soon. I'd be curious to hear what it'd sound like. They really are killer through and through again. More people need to find out about this one since nobody is really writing much about them.

I bought the CD since I'm a CD collector but you can probably hear this on YouTube. I'm pretty sure that's the best avenue to hear it. It's been some years since it was released so yeah, check it out on there. You'll hear sounds that never before have been heard. It's HEAVY and straightforward death metal. They have a certain groove to them as well so you won't get bored with it. Just the leads aren't the greatest that they could be but still the rhythms make up for that. I gave the album a "77" because I think that even though it was solid on the forefront, there were still some things that needed better working. Own it! (Death8699)

(Century Media Records - 2015)
Score: 77


domenica 22 maggio 2022

Lacuna Coil - Broken Crown Halo

#PER CHI AMA: Gothic Alternative
Se pensate che la più originale e anticonformista goth band italiana, da sempre eccentricamente vestita di nero e capace di compiere la coraggiosa e inaudita scelta di cantare in inglese, percorrendo sonorità desuete come il gothic-pop alla Evanescence e il nu-metal adolescenziale, potesse addirittura arrivare a confezionare un originalissimo concept dall'inconsueta copertina su tematiche praticamente inedite quali l'occultismo e l'horror vintage tardosessanta, beh, se siete riusciti a formulare un pensiero tanto assurdo, allora siete sicuramente quel genere di persona che non riesce a perdonarsi di pensare che Cristina Scabbia abbia le gambe corte e le tette piccole. (Alberto Calorosi)

(Century Media - 2014)
Voto: 50
