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martedì 23 marzo 2021

Exhorder - Slaughter In the Vatican

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash Metal, Pantera
This album from start to finish is a never-ending amazing guitar riffs, leads, vocals and production quality that is top notch! This is a MONUMENTAL RELEASE. Within the thrash arena, these guys I'm sure battled with the Bay Area thrash metal bands back in the day. They sure as heck know how to grind it out with some truly amazing guitar they didn't or don't have a huge history of albums but I still think that they have some intriguing sounds coming out of these speakers! I wouldn't think rating this any less than a perfect score. They nailed it all the way through. I wouldn't say that they are thrash/groove, I'd say mostly thrash.

The vocals compliment the guitar work and the most invigorating part of the album is the guitar work. They just hit home all the way in this department. Being a time where thrash was paving its way into the metal community with bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Death Angel, et al. Exhorder has this unique style of guitar-work that really keeps the listener interested all the way through. The crunch tone guitars are just amazing. And the production does the band justice. The leads were amazing too, and I think this guitar work is something that cannot be duplicated.

I wouldn't want the band to change anything about this release. They really show maturity from early on. I'm not into the lyrics but the vocals go well alongside the music. It's not whiny or annoying. The vocals, that is. The music is the best thrash from the day, aside from what Metallica put out in the 80's. The music is just simply insurmountably amazing. And the fact that I didn't discover this band up until recently is a shame. These guys are just simply amazing musicians. They're album 'Slaughter In the Vatican' is going to remain one of the best releases in early 1990's. Sick as all hell!

If you haven't heard this band or this album, I urge you to do so immediately! This is one of the best thrash releases from back in the day when thrash was just getting a liking to the metal arena. These guys bring home one big MONUMENT. I see no flaws in this album or any of these songs. I'm urging listeners of metal music to get this if you haven't it's 30 years old now!! Help them keep the faith in thrash metal and you can be a sure follower of this group, even if it is just this album from theirs. I'm sure they'd be flattered at the fact that you took time to invest in their efforts! Long live Exhorder! (Death8699)

(R/C Records - 1990)
Voto: 90


lunedì 22 marzo 2021

Farer - Nomad

#PER CHI AMA: Doom/Sludge/Post Core
Quattro brani per portarci all'Inferno senza ritorno. Ecco cosa ci propongono gli olandesi Farer con il loro debut 'Nomad'. Mi fa sorridere che si parli di EP, quando la lunghezza media dei brani viaggia sui 13 minuti fatti di un sound claustrofobico e malato, cosi come si presenta l'opener "Phanes", che con le sue urla stridenti e i suoi suoni glaciali, riesce a congelarci il sangue nelle vene. La musica che ci propone il trio dei Paesi Bassi, che vede in formazione due bassisti e nessun chitarrista, propone un causticissimo sound che miscela post metal, doom e hardcore, non disdegnando qualche divagazione in territori post rock. I suoni siderali, melmosi e angoscianti, potrebbero ricordare gli Amenra della prima ora, quelli più violenti ed ancorati alla tradizione hardcore, anche se verso il nono minuto del brano, emergono forti le influenze più recenti ed intimiste della band belga. La dronica cupezza sonora emerge palese nelle pulsanti note introduttive di "Asulon", che mostra come i nostri debbano sempre carburare per 2/3 giri di orologio prima di partire con la loro proposta sonora. E quindi ecco il classico minimalistico prologo in cui accanto a mezzo accordo ripetuto alla noia, esce finalmente una voce umana, calda e decadente. Lentamente la musica cresce e con essa ritornano le harsh vocals di uno dei due vocalist, mentre i bassi in sottofondo creano atmosfere intriganti al limite della psichedelia, con l'irruenza dello stoner e la profondità del doom, il tutto avvolto da un sound ai confini estremi della catarsi che ci accompagnerà fino alla conclusione di questo delirante pezzo. Con "Moros" le cose sembrano farsi un po' più abbordabili, proponendo i nostri un post metal dai tratti più commestibili e morbidi ma comunque assai particolari, che ci immergono in un nuovo trip dal quale sarà complicato uscirne immuni. La song scivola via tra sonorità molto delicate in cui ampio spazio viene concesso al lavoro delle percussioni e a strani effetti noise in background che serviranno a dare il via libera a violente deflagrazioni post hardcore, condite da una notevole linea melodica che a questo punto mi sorprende sapere costruita solo dai bassi. Fighi, non c'è che dire. Anche nella conclusiva "Elpis", dove i tre tulipani si concedono divagazioni shoegaze accanto a quelle inconfondibili note doom/noise/post core che delineano già con assoluta originalità, la spiccata personalità di questi tre stravaganti musicisti orange. (Francesco Scarci)

(Aesthetic Death - 2020)
Voto: 75


Squeamish Factory - Plastic Shadow Glory

#PER CHI AMA: Alternative Rock/Stoner/Grunge
Riff grintosi e melodie accattivanti. Evidenti richiami a mostri sacri del rock pesante conditi con sperimentazioni sonore e spunti personali. Il secondo album degli Squeamish Factory è un interessante tavolozza di colori diversi, nonché una prova del buon percorso di maturazione della band. Il loro alternative rock, che si mantiene fieramente vicino al grunge degli Alice In Chains e allo stoner dei primi Queens of the Stone Age, ben si presta per una critica sociale come quella presentata in questo 'Plastic Shadow Glory', rilasciato lo scorso novembre per Overdub Recordings. Si parla infatti di alienazione, della doppiezza e dell’ipocrisia che sembrano essere diventate caratteristiche necessarie per avere successo nella vita e che condizionano ogni aspetto della nostra cultura. Su questa base, gli Squeamish Factory confezionano una bella serie di schiaffoni da distribuire a tutti i responsabili di questo degrado morale: pezzi come “Humandrome” e “Burn” sono schiacciasassi che uniscono la potenza dei Kyuss alle sferzate nu-metal dei Deftones, “Mirror Gaze” e “Suspended” esplorano territori più atmosferici giocando su passaggi psichedelici ed eco post-punk, mentre il grunge dei maestri Alice In Chains riceve un doveroso tributo in “Snufftshell”. Al di là delle distorsioni dispensate a piene mani, 'Plastic Shadow Glory' rimane un album ammantato da un sentimento di malinconia, come se alla rabbia provata dal quartetto nell’assistere impotenti al triste spettacolo offerto dalla nostra società, subentrasse la frustrazione: per quanto piene di energia positiva, purtroppo queste nove canzoni non basteranno per invertire questa triste tendenza. (Shadowsofthesun)

Lacuna Coil - Karmacode

#FOR FANS OF: Gothic Metal
I'm probably one of the ones that's giving this a positive review after careful examination. The critics hold hard on giving their more recent album 'Delirium' which I too gave a positive rating for. While Andre and Cristina don't give their best performance, I still think that they were better than average as their tradeoff vocals occur and the music going well alongside of the vocals. Probably tied with a positive reviewer, I saw the good in the album, not the absolute worst. I think that overall, the music quality is good though they don't do cover songs the greatest, at least not on here that is. But I like the music on here.

Maybe I'm giving them too much credit on here and not being as critical as I should, but I'm still digging this release. I didn't much care for 'Black Anima' because I thought it to be a sort of "wishy washy" follow-up from 'Delirium' with a lot less balls. On here, they're experimenting. Possibly in a different direction than was expected, I still dug the album. Not their longest release, but definitely bearable. I liked the whole release. Even the half-soaked cover originally by Depeche Mode. I've knocked on it, but like I said, it's still bearable. I don't suffice to say that he's a total waste of an album. I don't know how critics can be totally harsh.

I liked this release from start to finish. It's not as good as the newer material, but I still think that they have something here. It's kind of a revelation that they go from this to later 'Dark Adrenaline', 'Broken Crown Halo' and 'Delirium'. I'm not going to include their latest because (as I said) I didn't think that it was up to par. I think those three releases that I mentioned were at their pinnacle even though they lost some of their lineup. hey're playing with low-end tuning guitar-work. Now I believe that their bassist writes the music. But I'm not sure if it was always the case, I just know that this is the case more recently.

Actually, I received this from the webmaster of Archaic Metallurgy. What a gift it is, since it seems that almost all that I've heard from Lacuna Coil I've liked. I'm not familiar with their really early work, but I will be. Cristina doesn't do the best that she's done before, but both her and Andre make good tradeoffs. They've always been good at this though. No real surprise. And I like the music. Blast everyone that dubs this album as ill-fated! This is available on streaming and YouTube. Don't listen to the critics, form your own opinion of it. It's worth it's weight in gold. Support the band, not fallacies! (Death8699)

(Century Media Records - 2006)
Score: 72


Moaan Exis - Necessary Violences

#PER CHI AMA: Industrial/EBM
Nuova uscita per i transalpini Moaan Exis, band che dal 2016 ad oggi ha già dato vita a tre album ed un EP, tutti orientati e concentrati nei territori sintetici dell'industrial/EBM. In realtà, il duo di Tolosa, nasce con l'intento di rivitalizzare un sound che ha dei capisaldi molto noti, caratteristiche ben delineate nel corso dei '90s e negli anni 2000 che si possono cercare nei lavori di NIN, Suicide Commando, Hocico, Skinny Puppy, Front 242, senza dimenticare le influenze contaminanti del digital hardcore e della techno dark, con un taglio marcatamente cinematografico e tanta rabbia al silicone. 'Necessary Violences' si presenta subito con un ottimo artwork ed un prodotto a regola d'arte, rivendicando un costante suono abrasivo, una sorta di nera prigione digitale ad alta tecnologia ("Alone Together"), mentre il canto è assai violento, coperto perennemente da una distorsione che ne accentua l'aggressività. I ritmi sono quasi sempre ricchi di schizofrenia ed il disagio trasmesso è palpabile fin dall'iniziale ed inquietante traccia d'apertura, "Everyday is a Simulation", carica di cupa atmosfera e sinistri presagi. Il paesaggio sonoro molto dark nelle musiche, interagisce alla perfezione con un cantato di derivazione NIN/Marilyn Manson/Hocico, di sicuro effetto e resa sull'ascoltatore. È un contesto glaciale, rigido, sintetico, malato, perverso, con ritmiche al limite del marziale, ossessive e disturbanti ("Divine Automation" ne è uno splendido esempio). Non si avverte mai l'idea di essere di fronte a qualcosa di banale, anche su alcune basi techno ("Coercion") che potrebbero risultare stra-abusate, si nota comunque una certa dimestichezza e bravura nel rielaborarle intelligentemente e nel rivedere certi giochi musicali, mostrando vecchie teorie sonore rimesse in pista con nuova luce e molta più energia. I Moaan Exis conoscono molto bene i territori da loro percorsi per esprimere al meglio la loro musica e si muovono saggiamente sempre sul filo del rasoio, tra il pericolo di plagio, sbandierato da chi non li ascolta profondamente e chi non percepisce il gusto e la bravura con cui mescolano le carte, e la capacità di rendere l'Electro Body Music, un genere instintivo, una musica di ribellione, tanto violenta e rumorosa quanto trascinante e ballabile. Tutto questo, nel vasto mondo dell'elettronica estrema, li fa apparire interessanti, forti di una conquistata identità musicale, capaci di un grande equilibrio che gli ha permesso di arrivare fin qui senza sbagliare un colpo a livello di produzione, approdando in questo 2021 con un disco brillante, che porta quel titolo inequivocabile che è 'Necessary Violences', che non ha nulla da invidiare ai padri fondatori di questa nicchia musicale. Una nuova generazione di figli digitali perfetti, che dovrebbero essere amati da tutti coloro che si rispecchiano nel duro rumore industriale e nei ritmi asfissianti della techno più oscura. (Bob Stoner)

venerdì 19 marzo 2021

Carnation - Chapel of Abhorrence

#FOR FANS OF: Swedish Death, Grave
Not that far-off from the voice resembling that of to which is Cannibal Corpse's frontman in the 5-piece Belgium based band, Carnation. I've been listening to this quite a bit and the guitars undoubtedly sound like Sweden revisited in the death metal bound band here. I've gotten the courage to take a shot at venting about this debut LP. I've had to capture the whole essence of the album which I've held in high esteem. That is, since day 1 that I got it a physical copy. Not only because I collect CD's, but because I prefer supporting the band and the music industry as a whole. I did not, however see the same greatness in their new release (2020).

If they could do this one again I'd greatly appreciate it! The music and voice is what drew me in and I do like the fact that there are 5 members here because there's more devotion time-wise to the overall outcome. I've found that not only is the music superb, but the rest of the effort by each and all members to be indigenous to this masterpiece debut. The guitar riffs sunk deep in my brain and it seemed that everything put forward to here (music, vocals, bass, production & mixing) to be a wholeheartedly great effort to the band's musical entourage. They grasp in what it takes to be given greatness by a musical protégé.

The tempos are all different but it's a straightforward sound that ultimately is their own showing the much talked about Swedish sound (which I covered) but the vocals sounding that to of Cannibal Corpse's frontman, Corpsegrinder. But they have their own sort of twist here the musical aspect hits home with stunning work. Stunning in the sense I mean originality of the guitar tracks even though they do show a lot of their influences are not Belgium based but Swedish based. They really make their units toned with their pedal which makes that sound I've been discussing here thereof.

If Carnation sounds too much like the flower, you're mistaken. It's this Belgium based death metal act that's got their own sense in this genre. Yes you can be a modern day listener that doesn't want to buy CD's anymore then fine! You can check this out of YouTube or Spotify. But to capture the supreme essence, get the physical copy and blare it out of your boombox! These guys needed more of an introduction to better equip you to what a debut should and does sound like on here. With musical influences that are diverse, Carnation racks it up with one helluv a punch that easily resonates. Check it out! (Death8699)

giovedì 18 marzo 2021

Midnight Odyssey - Biolume Part 2 - The Golden Orb

#FOR FANS OF: Atmospheric Black
The Australian solo-project Midnight Odyssey has achieved a great reputation among the fans of atmospheric black metal since its impressive debut 'Funerals from the Astral Sphere', released in 2011. The project created by Dis Pater has shown since its inception, a tendence to release grandiose works, not only sonically, but also in its length. Midnight Odyssey’s works are not for impatient fans, due to its remarkably long songs and entire duration. Its first two works last around two hours, which means a lot of stuff to digest. Thankfully, the overall quality of those albums makes them a worthy listen, even though it is irremediable to find certain moments of dispersion in those compositions, especially in the longest songs. Listening carefully to a double album can be demanding and this requires tight compositions if you don´t want to sound scattered at certain moments. This happened here and there in those albums, although the conclusion was usually positive, because the positive aspects were superior to the negative ones. In any case, Midnight Odyssey and its mastermind appeared especially inspired, as maybe he had learned some lessons from the first works, when he released the first part of a new trilogy in 2019, the magnificent 'Biolume Part 1-In Tartarean Chains'. This album reached a new level in terms of quality. The length was no so long, even if it was more than 70 minutes long, and more important, the compositions were tight, focused and very well elaborated.

Two years later and having this first part in mind, Midnight Odyssey returns with a second half entitled 'Biolume Part 2-The Golden Orb'. The project’s trademark style and core-sound are still there, although Dis Pater has created this time a different beast. In contrast to the previous album, this opus has a brighter sound in general terms and undoubtedly it sounds more epic. This is indeed a truly majestic album and it shows a less dark side of MO’s soul, obviously related to the concepts developed for this second part of the current trilogy. One of the most important aspects that makes this album have a brilliant and epic one, is the much more generous use of the clean vocals, which have a shining role. The use of this kind of vocals occurs in almost all the tracks, though this does not mean that the extreme vocals are not there. Their presence is a fact, but this time the melodic voices have a greater presence leading to achieve an intended epic feeling. Songs like the opener "Drawn-Bringer" or the followings "The Saffron Flame" and "Unconquered Star", are mainly focused on those vocals, in the form of a sole clean voice or an epic choir. This use marks a great difference from the previous albums, making this new opus the most luminous one. The guitars and rhythmic-base follow similar patterns if we compare them to older works. Nevertheless, the guitars sound thinner this time, maybe due to the production, but I have the feeling that its production is not as crushing or dense as it was in the past. The difference is not enormous, but I can notice a change in this direction. The keys are unsurprisingly a key factor here. Like it happens with the vocals, this instrument plays an essential role in the search of a grandiose tone. The variety and quality in terms of key-based compositions is phenomenal. I am sure no one can complain about the keys, apart from preferring darker synthesizers than these ones. In any case, the opener "Dawn-Bringer" is just an example of how epic this album is. The keys are absolutely solemn and remind the most breath-taking film soundtracks. I can even feel a medieval touch in the arrangements used for tracks like "The Saffron Flame" or in the hypnotic beginning of "Below Horizon", which transports the listener to an ancient civilisation. Midnight Odyssey surely knows how to create a hypnotic and immersive sonic experience through its compositions. The most classic dark and space-related keys return for a quiet and beautiful final track entitled "When the Fires Cool", ideal for this vibrant journey.

Although I consider its predecessor a superior album, due to its incredibly focused compositions and greater balance in the use of the different vocals, 'Biolume Part 2-The Golden Orb' is also an impressive work. Perhaps, this album is not the dreamed work for those who desired more extreme vocals and a darker sound. In spite of this, the excellently achieved grandeur, the richness and the quality of the arrangements, make Midnight Odyssey’s last opus an excellent album and a must for every fan of atmospheric metal. (Alain González Artola)

mercoledì 17 marzo 2021

Malevolent Creation - Retribution

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
Probably the most notorious, played out (but never tired of), most talked about Malevolent Creation album ever made. This might read "100%" in rating but I think it can go even higher! The vocals and music are like none other. These guys made a record that no fan is in disagreement on. If they are, they're wrong. I've never heard music like this possible, but they made it possible. Or impossible. Wow, it gives me the chills every time I listen to it! There's no riff that is overplayed, no vocals ill-fated, it's a masterpiece of an album. I cannot get enough of it, even until this day. Being that it was released in '92 and still reigns "CHAMPION" in no speculation into anything else of it.

Being a life-long Malevolent Creation fan and even though they've made some great ones like the first and this, but not all of them measure up. And Bret dying at 51 made them a little lesser-than. But Lee carries them in '13th Beast', it's just that they've had a rocky road even with Bret in the band. But not on 'Retribution'. They just have blast beats galore, choruses that are in high-esteem, riffs that are only made from a god and quality recording which are thanks for that. The music and vocals again are notorious on here. Everything shows their influence but they make it to their own. And nothing to regret here. Maybe that they haven't had enough people to review 'Retribution'.

Achievement in the death metal arena only comes around every so often. In '92 it was them, aside from Deicide's 'Legion', but Malevolent Creation came up with a record that stood out in the genre that year. They too were a young band then and there were all original members. There's only one left, too. Bret had screams that were deafening and here's where you hear it, and good. His vocals complimented the music. They not only destroyed your eardrums, they did on the whole record. I'm happy to say I have a physical copy of this album. I wouldn't want that to be any other way. Were there any flaws here? I didn't find any and I've listened to this album multiple times!

You'll never hear a riff like these played out, vocals ever taken so much precedence over this, and sound quality only with precision. The only thing that wasn't good enough (if that), was the duration of the album. So then, you have to play it again! It'll never go stale with this one. I've never heard anything like this for the band. They kill it all especially your eardrums. They reached glory here and glory it will always be. Bret got me into this album, and the guitars during my guitar days were no compositions like these. I would have to say I'm glad to have lived when they were on top of their game. And this one will be the true CHAMPION always. Own it! (Death8699)

(Roadrunner Records - 1992)
Score: 90
