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lunedì 20 giugno 2022

Testament - The Formation of Damnation

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash Metal
This is a good one! The 80's Testament had low quality recordings so the production quality wasn't there. Now with the 21st century version of the band we don't have that. This one is pretty solid and tight. There are a few members here that came and go which would be bassist Greg Christian whom the band had a falling out with and Paul Bostaph (ex-Forbidden, ex-Slayer) on drums here. I thought that the songs were awesome and sound overall is definitely top notch. The music and vocals stand out the most. I like how they redid some of the old tracks ("Souls of Black", "Practice What You Preach", etc.). Sound quality is just so much better!

Peterson has been one long-time member that seems to be the driving force of rhythm guitar though now he's executing some leads as well. I wish he'd stay rhythm and let Skolnick write all the solos. That's not happening unfortunately. But Peterson writes awesome rhythms as shown on the re-recording of the first two albums on their 'First Strike Still Deadly' release in 2001. Testament has a multitude of LP's that are solid, new or old. They're still hacking it these Bay Area thrashers. I always liked this band, they don't seem to disappoint! With this LP, their approach was solid rhythms and forceful vocals. Everything seemed to go well on here!

I liked all of the songs on here and this is a solid recording. Not sure why it'd get a bad rap in ratings, very good quality music here. I liked the rhythm guitars the most and a few of Skolnick's leads. Chuck Billy always delivers to that's not an issue. I tell you, there aren't many things wrong with this recording. That is, in my humble opinion. I was missing this CD in my collection so I made sure to pick it up. I just figured that since it was Testament it'd do no real wrong. Though, like I said they had some album flops but not many. As long as they had most of the founding members then it's solid.

Well, this is a 2008 recording that's streaming, but I just bought the CD. If you want to hear what it sounds like before buying it it's on Spotify or YouTube. The main members (Alex, Eric, Chuck & Greg) were featured exclusively on here. So you bet it's going to be solid. The guitars galore here and Chuck with his unique vocals makes it out of sight! I guess I felt that it needed a strong rating since the music had me sucked in here. They really were underrated on here. I think a "80" is appropriate because the songwriting was super spot on everything seemed to come together on this one! Take a listen! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2008)
Score: 80


giovedì 16 giugno 2022

Warpaint - S/t

#PER CHI AMA: Darkwave/Dreampop
La seconda esperienza discografica delle Warpaint si colloca nell'intersezione tra l'immenso background musicale dell'eminente (e preminente) produttore Flood e certe lomografiche diffrazioni iperurbane losangeline anni novanta, tipo festino a base di crack e cheerleader strafatte, per intenderci ("Disco // Very"). Per inquadrare le sonorità delle nostre potete altrimenti immaginarvi dei Sonic Youth ficcati nella Washing Machine (la lavatrice dai) con un chilo di ammorbidente ("Feeling Alright" o il singolo "Love is to Die"). Altre sfumature dream-pop: Tori Amos pianta una grana perché non vuole saperne di registrare la cover di "Foreign Affair" ("Biggy"); Mary Margareth O'Hara sostiene che l'autunno nel tinello dei Kings of Convenience è persino più triste dell'inverno nel solaio dei Sigur Ros ("Go In"). I Mazzy Star si qualificano per la finale dei campionati mondiali di pera e divano ("Teese"). Nonostante la nebbiolina psicotropa, l'album risulta nitidamente torpido e, a tratti, languidamente sonico. Staccate l'antenna, accendete la TV, procuratevi qualcosa di molto forte e passate l'intera nottata stesi sul letto a fissare il rumore bianco con questo album in autorepeat. (Alberto Calorosi)

(Rough Trade - 2014)
Voto: 75


Primus - Green Naugahyde

#PER CHI AMA: Funky Rock
Era il 2011 e 'Green Naugahyde' rappresentava il telefonato ritorno degli autocompiaciuti fautori del funky-prog-crossover-eccheccazz-metal tanto gradito alle world-orecchie dei metallazzi anni novanta, transita attraverso la riproposizione di un certo numero di vecchi clichè, partendo dalla copertina di plastilina per arrivare ai suoni costruiti sui consueti filamentosi tappeti elettrici emananti dal basso di Les Claypool con la nevrotica batteria di cartone di Jay Lane (già in formazione nell'88 ma finora invisibile su disco) e il chitarrismo avant-freak di Larry LaLonde a fungere da estemporanei generatori di stravaganza. Si spazia (si fa per dire) dallo spotlight-funky alla R-H-C-P di "Tragedy's a' Comin'" ai classici Primus-salterecci ("Lee Van Cleef"). Lunghi passaggi jammosi ("Extinction Burst") e psych-floydiani ("Last Salmon Man"), qualche furba inversione chitarra-basso (al 2° minuto di "Jilly's on Smack", per esempio) e, di tanto in tanto, qualche geniale riff (la scorreggia brodosa di basso che domina "Eyes of the Squirrel"). Mettete su questo disco se non vi disturba l'idea di ascoltare esattamente il disco che vi aspettavate di ascoltare da parte di quella stessa band che anni fa vi entusiasmava proprio perché ogni volta era qualcosa di assolutamente diverso da ciò che vi aspettavate. (Alberto Calorosi)

(Prawn Song - 2011)
Voto: 70


lunedì 13 giugno 2022

Kreator - Hate Über Alles

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Thrash
What a solid follow-up from 'Gods of Violence'. That one just grew on me. But this one is solid in every way! Mille sounds great on vocals. And the riffs are sick. Fresh and well thought out! The overall quality is not only the music but the sound quality as well! Kreator's career stretches over 40 years and long-time members (Mille & Ventor) are still hacking it. As long as Mille stays on rhythm, cannot go wrong! Sami does a good job in the lead department but not as good as Frank Blackfire (the old lead shredder). This one has a mountain of aggression and technical thrash riffs. They just simply tore it apart here.

I don't necessarily like the lyrics though I never did like their concepts. But the music and overall sound kicked ass. Wish I could see them once again but I'm not sure if that's going to happen. A friend said they're Saxon sounding on this one, though I've never really explored that band. I've just been into Kreator since the late 80's. I'm one that's always hell stuck on 'Coma of Souls'. But they have a lot of good albums to explore such as 'Phantom Antichrist', 'Enemy of God' and 'Violent Revolution' (not in order by release date). Their previous had some good songs as well though overall this one is the key solid release!

I think the compositions themselves are what makes this one so admirable. They really do have it here! They're in their 50's and like fellow thrashers Destruction are still putting out good quality music. There was a brief time when Kreator took a dive with 'Renewal'. I thought that that was the last of them after I heard that one. I was wrong and since they've been thrash which is their roots! I think they've hit a wide array of fans once again showing that they will not compromise! The riffs on here were the highlights the melodies and rhythms simply kicked major ass from all aspects!

Well, I cheated and downloaded the album in skepticism after hearing a few music videos then I heard the whole album! So I made sure to get this on CD! I'm glad I got their physical copy and am no longer skeptical of this one. The music is really strong here. Maybe because they took around 5 years of getting it put together after 'Gods of Violence'. This one is way tighter and more melodic in my humble opinion. Kreator is as strong as ever and this album just shows us that. I know there will never be another 'Coma of Souls', but this one is pretty close! Long live Kreator! (Death8699)

Entrails - The Tomb Awaits

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School, Dismember
This album has the classic Swedish style death metal of the early 90's. It's very much in the vein of old Entombed and Dismember. But they've weaved in their own sound. The riffs are fresh and killer. So is the energy surrounding this release. It's invigorating! I liked this whole album all the way through. The musicianship is insurmountable. It's great that this Swedish death metal sound has stayed alive in modern bands. The music is downright brutal though. The vocals and the guitar riffs are explosive. I would venture to say this is a top release in the year of 2011. Amazing it's that old now.

Everything about this album is worthy of praise. It's brutal, original, production quality solid, everything. I really enjoyed this release. I'm not interested in the lyrics but the vocals just crush. And the guitars have some great original riffs to them. They've brought back this sound and they're taking it seriously! There's multiple time signature changes and all of it takes the side of sheer and utter brutality. They are definitely serious about their music. And the fact that they're getting more well know is crucial. I could listen to this album all day and hear something different every time.

The production quality as I mentioned was outstanding and the slight hint of reverb to the sound is awe-inspiring. The band really hit home here and I think it deserves a perfect score. There's nothing that I would change. The mixing too did justice for all the instruments/vocals. They really are talented musicians hands down. If you haven't discovered Entrails, then you haven't dug deep enough in your collection to bring them into your world. They are a band that is just unrelenting in precision and noteworthiness. All different tempos but everything well put together. That's all I have to say about this.

Get this album, it's really worth it if you're a death metal fan or just like metal in general. And especially if you like that Swedish sound to it. Or you're just looking for something new to try then this is where to start! They venture deep in original sound quality with the help of a good production this album lays it all out for you. The band is just equipped with enough riffs to make your head spin. They are a band that I hope will or if they do stay around for a long while. They're music is insurmounably amazing. They are one of the better bands that's modern with this unique sound. Get it! (Death8699)

(F.D.A. Records - 2011)
Score: 80


The Decemberists - The King is Dead

#PER CHI AMA: Folk Rock
L'impervio percorso artistico del più ingombrante genio del prog-nu-folk non facente sesso con le groupies, scivola per sottrazione con la stessa velocità di una discesa lungo la coclea di Fibonacci. Ma se è facile sottrarre da 'Crane Wife' (il quarto album della band statunitense) le progressioni progressive e mainstrimate mainstream, se è altrettanto facile sottrarre da 'Hounds of Love' certi arzigogolanti arzigogoli da 'Quesito con la Susi' o da ultimi Porcupine Tree, meno facile è sottrarre alle vivaci composizioni dei primi album dei The Decemberists quella rurale spontaneità che odora di cuoio e merda di vacca. 'The King is Dead' è la (meravigliosamente eseguita e impeccabilmente prodotta) teca di cristallo che espone il songwriting di Colin Meloy al massimo del suo talento creativo. Ascoltate questo album ogni volta che pensate di aver fatto una cosa di cui avete paura di pentirvi. Vale a dire, spesso. (Alberto Calorosi)

(Capitol Records/Rough Trade Records - 2011)
Voto: 75


giovedì 9 giugno 2022

Shed The Skin - Thaumogenesis

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School
Another brutal one! But this is way tighter and lots of great riffs! The vocals are about the same as the predecessor. But it's stronger hence then 80% score. Even the band was really proud of this release. The quality of the songs were to a greater caliber than any of their existing LP's. It'll be great when I actually get this on CD! These guys cover it all with the tempos it's heavy but slower then faster. They seem to maintain slower riffs/tempos throughout. Sounds like they tune the guitars low. They are totally underground on their compositions. The leads are well done on here too!

This album is under an hour in length but that is how much brutality they are able to put forth through your speakers. Everything about this album deserves to be mentioned because Kyle and crew just slayed! Actually am getting their CD though it's only available on their record label Hells Headbangers Records. I thought that the compositions were way in line with their concept for this release. They themselves felt that the band as a whole went above and beyond with this release. I heard the change from 'The Forbidden Arts' to this one. It's a whole lot stronger they succeeded in their goal of what they wanted to come out with this!

The sound quality to the album is excellent. I feel like everything was superb! They really did great on this LP. I think the biggest thing is making the guitar riffs much catchier than their last, the music was fresh and original. I listened to this album repeatedly and not once did I get sick of it. It's pretty brutal, but the music in some cases are melodic bit with a load of chunk riffs but overall superb musicianship. This band continues to get better on each succeeding release. It's all that can be expected of a band not fall backwards like say Deicide without the Hoffman brothers in the band. This is Kyle's band and he's consistent.

I ordered this CD as mentioned previously on Hells Headbangers. Hopefully, there's quite a bit of a future for this band. I think as long as their music is being explored, then they'll keep putting out LP's. I believe that this is their strongest album to date. There's songs that are consistent and memorable. I thought that just hearing it on the digital was good to get the essence of the release just getting a physical copy will be fantastic! If you are unaware of this band's albums, they're available on digital try this album and 'The Forbidden Arts' and listen for yourself if it's your cup of tea. This release is fantastic! (Death8699)

(Hells Headbangers Records - 2022)
Score: 80


Simulacre - Les Voix du Sang / Archvile King - Vile

#FOR FANS OF: Black/Death
Con quattro pezzi a testa a disposizione, andiamo a scoprire lo split album concepito dai Simulacre e dagli Archvile King, questi ultimi apparsi sulle pagine del Pozzo in occasione della loro recente release 'À la Ruine'. La musica proposta dalle due band transalpine volgono lo sguardo, come casa madre Les Acteur de l'Ombre Productions vuole, verso un black/death ferale a tratti sperimentale. Questo è già riscontrabile nell'opening track affidata ai Simulacre, quella "Les Voix du Sang" che dà anche il titolo alla porzione di disco affidata al quartetto di Bordeaux. La proposta della band mi piace, offrendo un black primordiale costituito da lunghi tratti in tremolo picking e partiture atmosferiche super ricercate, sia a livello tecnico che melodico, con un sound che mi ha evocato per certi versi, i nostrani Laetitia in Holocaust. Lo screaming graffiante di Thomas Chassaigne (alias NecroC) completa il quadro dei Simulacre, una band dotata di una certa dose di personalità e violenza. Basti ascoltare la veemenza palesata nella seconda "Tribus", un pezzo che acquisisce una certa fruibilità per l'ottimo assolo in chiusura. Ben altro impatto la più tranquilla (e obliqua) "Time Tombs", un altro esempio di quanto i Deathspell Omega abbiano fatto scuola con il loro sound ultra mega dissonante, arricchito qui sempre da ottime porzioni chitarristiche in chiave solistica. A chiudere la proposta dei Simulacre, prima di lasciare il campo alla one man band degli Archvile King, ecco la diretta "Myste", un bello schiaffone in piena faccia, fatto salvo per un break evocativo a metà brano. Con gli Archvile King e il loro 'Vile' (EP uscito originariamente nel 2020) si torna a galoppare con un death thrash dalle venature black che, nell'opener "The Bastards of the Sea", mi ha richiamato dapprima gli Old Man's Child per poi virare verso sonorità più old school. Un bel riffone thrash metal (scuola primi Testament) seguito a ruota da una ritmica tonante scuola questa volta Celtic Frost ma anche Sepultura era 'Schizophrenia', contraddistinguono "Pax Infernum (Dog of War)". I rintocchi di campana in stile "For Whom the Bell Tolls" aprono "The Feast of the Worm King", un pezzo super diretto e tirato, dotato di un bel assolo conclusivo (con arpeggio incluso). A chiudere il disco la stravagante (almeno per il titolo) "Gwyneth Paltrow Is a Lich" (Lich dovrebbe stare per cadavere/ndr), 156 secondi di chitarre e vocals al vetriolo per un finale tutto in discesa. Insomma, quello dei Simulacre/Archvile King è uno split interessante che vi permetterà per lo meno di capire se il sound di queste due band vi ispiri oppure no. (Francesco Scarci)