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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Horror Pain Gore Death Productions. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 11 giugno 2024

Assimilator - Expelled into Suffering

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death/Thrash
Non so se voi ne sentiste la necessità, ma per quanto mi riguarda, scontrarmi con il mondo degli Assimilator, non era proprio nelle mie corde quest'oggi. La proposta del quartetto statunitense riflette una cultura, quella del brutal death, che trova ormai terreno fertile prettamente oltreoceano e che credo, abbia ormai esaurito tutte le cartucce a sua disposizione. Per quanto mi riguarda, infatti, questo genere di sonorità è ormai sorpassato e obsoleto, anche se sono certo che il mio collega Death8699 e tutti i fan del genere, avrebbero da che ridire a riguardo. Però, sfido chiunque a dire che quanto contenuto in 'Expelled into Suffering' sia qualcosa di originale e mai sentito. Per me è un lento e inesorabile maciullamento trita ossa che va dal mid-tempo (a tratti furente) dell'iniziale title track, corredata da vocals gorgoglianti e chitarroni old fashion, a una più scolastica seconda traccia, "Nocturnal Forge", che non sposta di una virgola quanto ascoltato in ambito death/thrash negli ultimi 30 anni. Certo, se vi mancano i riff stile 'Human' dei Death, in questo disco ne potreste anche trovare, cosi come quegli assalti thrash di scuola Exodus o sfrucugliamenti vari influenzati dai Suffocation. Non mancano le sfuriate isteriche nella più ossessiva e angosciante "Changeling", forte di un buon assolo conclusivo o ancora, i blast beat sparati a velocità warp, nella conclusiva "I Am", che chiude questo breve capitolo della discografia degli Assimilator, che di certo oggi non trovano un nuovo fan nel loro stuolo di supporter. (Francesco Scarci)

(Horror Pain Gore Death Productions - 2024)
Voto: 60


lunedì 5 dicembre 2022

Blood of the Wolf - The Declaration of War Eternal

#FOR FANS OF: Black/Death
A more death metal oriented approach this time around opposed to their last few releases. Definitely quality metal the whole way through! Vocals going good with the guitars. The axes are a good "crunch" tone to them hence the blackened death metal sound. Another likeable album for sure. Their songwriting is definitely still top notch. This album clocks in about 40 minutes. All the songs are likable. I especially like the harmonies it makes it more melodic sounding. Mike's vocals still low sounding which is prevalent on their previous releases as well! He's still maintaining the creative vents on the guitar.

The tempos vary some fast and furious and others a little more laid back. In any case, it was a quite diverse release. The energy is all there and the rhythms are impeccable. Mike is great at songwriting, Frank solid on the lead guitar and melodies. Overall, a great lineup not to mention compositions! These guys refuse to let up and just so you know, Christopher Grimes (Withering Soul) is on bass duties. This album could've been a little better produced which is why I took off some points. The music is what counts though and I thought this one a good one to crank up because it's so catchy!

The first few albums they were developing their own sound. As a Chicago band, they have a solid fan base. Other than BOTW, Cianide, Cardiac Arrest, Molder, Withering Soul are just some pretty admirable extreme acts. The scene is growing though and these guys are well versed! One of the most consistent old school Chicago acts are Cardiac Arrest. Koniglio started pretty early too with Rellik. Now, a defunct band these members have ventured into other bands BOTW being one of them.The overall aura to the band is a bit eerie hence their influences to the likes of Marduk and earlier Immortal.

I had to pre-order this because I was curious about the sound of this one. The sound is good, just like I said the production quality was a little sub-par. But the music is superb. These guys can go on for years! The energy is all there and the creativity as well! I like how they are more death metal focused on the songwriting approach, it turned out great! You can stream this, but show the band support by getting a physical copy of this one! It's well worth it. Even myself a veteran in music, I still think the sound quality is better with CD's as opposed to digital. Check this one out! (Death8699)

(Horror Pain Gore Death Productions - 2022)
Score: 74


venerdì 12 febbraio 2021

Blood of the Wolf - III: Blood Legend

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Black, Morbid Angel
This is a bit more mild then their first two albums, but it's still good work! It's a little bit less than 20 minutes in length, but that doesn't take away from the glory of the EP. I'd say all 4 tracks hit home with me. They really know how to work hard and making some original death/black metal. It's all in your face killer! But yeah, all of these are going to pave the way to the next release. By far, they've been heading in the right direction since their debut. I don't think there's anything that I've heard from this band that isn't worthy of praise. The music is what is most captivating and intriguing. The songwriting is just amazing.

Mike was serious when he said that he's been doing good with the writing of these songs. I'd have to agree with him wholeheartedly. There isn't a song I've heard in his entire discography that I've disliked. Now they just need to keep up the pace. It'd be really great if they come out with a full length this year. If we have to wait, we wait. But the EP here is just a segue to probably another good LP. I would say that every riff on this EP is amazing. I think that the production quality here is amazing and the mixing well done, too. They really kick ass once again! Mike's vocals are deep and the riff-writing totally original.

I think that this band is filled with a long life and is totally original. The music is what hits home in every aspect. The low-end vocals just tear it up along with the guitars. Everything here slays! There is a little bit of diversity in the vocals but not much. When they change it up, it sounds good! The drums on here are sick too, fast and furious! They keep up with the guitar well. I'd venture to say that for an EP, this one does a lot of justice for the band. Tempos aren't always the same, but mostly they rip it up with fast blast beats and tremolo picking guitar work. Mike does a great job in the vocal duties.

If you haven't heard this and you're a metalhead, get it! It's a segue to the upcoming album (hopefully soon). I got this on CD, but it is available on Bandcamp and possibly YouTube. I liked all 4 tracks. They just don't end with fury, they are fueled with might! These guys just blew me away when I first heard this. Then checking out albums I&II I though was a good idea. it's good to get all of their material because it's fast, furious and filled with rage. These guys are unrelenting and they don't give up on the intensity. Wish I could see them perform in the some near future if that'll ever be possible again. Get this! (Death8699)

(Horror Pain Gore Death Productions - 2019)
Score: 80
