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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Thrash. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 20 giugno 2022

Darkthrone - The Cult is Alive

#PER CHI AMA: Black/Thrash
Scrivere qualcosa sui Darkthrone, che già non sia stato detto, diventa ogni giorno che passa, sempre più arduo. Dopo aver recensito il discreto EP 'Too Old, Too Cold', eccomi a dare il mio giudizio anche su questo 'The Cult is Alice', un album che non si discosta poi molto, dai precedenti lavori e porta avanti, a testa bassa, il discorso intrapreso dal duo scandinavo fine anni '80, attraverso queste dieci tracks, non molto dissimili, se volete, dal Mcd sopra menzionato. La musica della band è, come sempre, una colata malvagia di note black, dal forte sapore punk, che contraddistingue il gruppo fin dai suoi esordi. Le dieci maligne songs scorrono via che è un piacere, all’insegna di un mosh frenetico e continuo, creato dal sound grezzo dei nostri, il solito ipotetico mix tra Motorhead e raw black metal. Da segnalare "Graveyard Slut" con un inusuale Fenriz in veste di cantante, brano peraltro già comparso in 'Too Old Too Cold', dove però alla voce compariva il buon Nocturno Culto. I brani sono spesso ripetitivi si sa; devo ammettere però che in alcuni frangenti la chitarra di Nocturno è ben ispirata, sfoggiando alcuni “sporchi” assoli niente male. Angosciante "De Underjordiske", vera e propria calata negli inferi, in cui i due norvegesi ci prendono per mano e ci accompagnano nell’esplorazione dei gironi infernali; la diabolica song mi ha molto ricordato gli esordi dei conterranei Manes per quelle sue atmosfere al limite del claustrofobico. Altro da scrivere su una delle band storiche del black metal, lo ripeto, risulta assai difficile. 'The Cult is Alive' è il tipico album “made by Darkthrone” e si sa, i Darkthrone o si amano o si odiano. Per concludere: album numero 11 per l’act scandinavo e pollice verso l’alto a confermare il valore di una band che, nonostante la non impeccabile perizia tecnica e la scarsa fantasia compositiva, ha saputo crearsi comunque un seguito, davvero ragguardevole, nel panorama metal. (Francesco Scarci)

(Peaceville Records - 2006)
Voto: 73


Testament - The Formation of Damnation

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash Metal
This is a good one! The 80's Testament had low quality recordings so the production quality wasn't there. Now with the 21st century version of the band we don't have that. This one is pretty solid and tight. There are a few members here that came and go which would be bassist Greg Christian whom the band had a falling out with and Paul Bostaph (ex-Forbidden, ex-Slayer) on drums here. I thought that the songs were awesome and sound overall is definitely top notch. The music and vocals stand out the most. I like how they redid some of the old tracks ("Souls of Black", "Practice What You Preach", etc.). Sound quality is just so much better!

Peterson has been one long-time member that seems to be the driving force of rhythm guitar though now he's executing some leads as well. I wish he'd stay rhythm and let Skolnick write all the solos. That's not happening unfortunately. But Peterson writes awesome rhythms as shown on the re-recording of the first two albums on their 'First Strike Still Deadly' release in 2001. Testament has a multitude of LP's that are solid, new or old. They're still hacking it these Bay Area thrashers. I always liked this band, they don't seem to disappoint! With this LP, their approach was solid rhythms and forceful vocals. Everything seemed to go well on here!

I liked all of the songs on here and this is a solid recording. Not sure why it'd get a bad rap in ratings, very good quality music here. I liked the rhythm guitars the most and a few of Skolnick's leads. Chuck Billy always delivers to that's not an issue. I tell you, there aren't many things wrong with this recording. That is, in my humble opinion. I was missing this CD in my collection so I made sure to pick it up. I just figured that since it was Testament it'd do no real wrong. Though, like I said they had some album flops but not many. As long as they had most of the founding members then it's solid.

Well, this is a 2008 recording that's streaming, but I just bought the CD. If you want to hear what it sounds like before buying it it's on Spotify or YouTube. The main members (Alex, Eric, Chuck & Greg) were featured exclusively on here. So you bet it's going to be solid. The guitars galore here and Chuck with his unique vocals makes it out of sight! I guess I felt that it needed a strong rating since the music had me sucked in here. They really were underrated on here. I think a "80" is appropriate because the songwriting was super spot on everything seemed to come together on this one! Take a listen! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2008)
Score: 80


lunedì 13 giugno 2022

Kreator - Hate Über Alles

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Thrash
What a solid follow-up from 'Gods of Violence'. That one just grew on me. But this one is solid in every way! Mille sounds great on vocals. And the riffs are sick. Fresh and well thought out! The overall quality is not only the music but the sound quality as well! Kreator's career stretches over 40 years and long-time members (Mille & Ventor) are still hacking it. As long as Mille stays on rhythm, cannot go wrong! Sami does a good job in the lead department but not as good as Frank Blackfire (the old lead shredder). This one has a mountain of aggression and technical thrash riffs. They just simply tore it apart here.

I don't necessarily like the lyrics though I never did like their concepts. But the music and overall sound kicked ass. Wish I could see them once again but I'm not sure if that's going to happen. A friend said they're Saxon sounding on this one, though I've never really explored that band. I've just been into Kreator since the late 80's. I'm one that's always hell stuck on 'Coma of Souls'. But they have a lot of good albums to explore such as 'Phantom Antichrist', 'Enemy of God' and 'Violent Revolution' (not in order by release date). Their previous had some good songs as well though overall this one is the key solid release!

I think the compositions themselves are what makes this one so admirable. They really do have it here! They're in their 50's and like fellow thrashers Destruction are still putting out good quality music. There was a brief time when Kreator took a dive with 'Renewal'. I thought that that was the last of them after I heard that one. I was wrong and since they've been thrash which is their roots! I think they've hit a wide array of fans once again showing that they will not compromise! The riffs on here were the highlights the melodies and rhythms simply kicked major ass from all aspects!

Well, I cheated and downloaded the album in skepticism after hearing a few music videos then I heard the whole album! So I made sure to get this on CD! I'm glad I got their physical copy and am no longer skeptical of this one. The music is really strong here. Maybe because they took around 5 years of getting it put together after 'Gods of Violence'. This one is way tighter and more melodic in my humble opinion. Kreator is as strong as ever and this album just shows us that. I know there will never be another 'Coma of Souls', but this one is pretty close! Long live Kreator! (Death8699)

giovedì 9 giugno 2022

Simulacre - Les Voix du Sang / Archvile King - Vile

#FOR FANS OF: Black/Death
Con quattro pezzi a testa a disposizione, andiamo a scoprire lo split album concepito dai Simulacre e dagli Archvile King, questi ultimi apparsi sulle pagine del Pozzo in occasione della loro recente release 'À la Ruine'. La musica proposta dalle due band transalpine volgono lo sguardo, come casa madre Les Acteur de l'Ombre Productions vuole, verso un black/death ferale a tratti sperimentale. Questo è già riscontrabile nell'opening track affidata ai Simulacre, quella "Les Voix du Sang" che dà anche il titolo alla porzione di disco affidata al quartetto di Bordeaux. La proposta della band mi piace, offrendo un black primordiale costituito da lunghi tratti in tremolo picking e partiture atmosferiche super ricercate, sia a livello tecnico che melodico, con un sound che mi ha evocato per certi versi, i nostrani Laetitia in Holocaust. Lo screaming graffiante di Thomas Chassaigne (alias NecroC) completa il quadro dei Simulacre, una band dotata di una certa dose di personalità e violenza. Basti ascoltare la veemenza palesata nella seconda "Tribus", un pezzo che acquisisce una certa fruibilità per l'ottimo assolo in chiusura. Ben altro impatto la più tranquilla (e obliqua) "Time Tombs", un altro esempio di quanto i Deathspell Omega abbiano fatto scuola con il loro sound ultra mega dissonante, arricchito qui sempre da ottime porzioni chitarristiche in chiave solistica. A chiudere la proposta dei Simulacre, prima di lasciare il campo alla one man band degli Archvile King, ecco la diretta "Myste", un bello schiaffone in piena faccia, fatto salvo per un break evocativo a metà brano. Con gli Archvile King e il loro 'Vile' (EP uscito originariamente nel 2020) si torna a galoppare con un death thrash dalle venature black che, nell'opener "The Bastards of the Sea", mi ha richiamato dapprima gli Old Man's Child per poi virare verso sonorità più old school. Un bel riffone thrash metal (scuola primi Testament) seguito a ruota da una ritmica tonante scuola questa volta Celtic Frost ma anche Sepultura era 'Schizophrenia', contraddistinguono "Pax Infernum (Dog of War)". I rintocchi di campana in stile "For Whom the Bell Tolls" aprono "The Feast of the Worm King", un pezzo super diretto e tirato, dotato di un bel assolo conclusivo (con arpeggio incluso). A chiudere il disco la stravagante (almeno per il titolo) "Gwyneth Paltrow Is a Lich" (Lich dovrebbe stare per cadavere/ndr), 156 secondi di chitarre e vocals al vetriolo per un finale tutto in discesa. Insomma, quello dei Simulacre/Archvile King è uno split interessante che vi permetterà per lo meno di capire se il sound di queste due band vi ispiri oppure no. (Francesco Scarci)

Overkill - The Grinding Wheel

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash Metal
This one has some "fire" here in its intensity! About 65 minutes of KING thrash. I'm not a huge Overkill fan, I guess Bobby "Blitz" kind of irritates me in excess. However, I do favor more modern Overkill especially this one! I like the "groove" on this definitely some cool riffs! Bobby isn't super annoying on here I thought that the music went well with the voice. Killer production, too! Some of the ratings on this, not many, but some are fully putrid! 40%?! No way, this album is a radical "75%" to me. The whole album kicks some serious ass best to evaluate the whole release not just a few songs, if that!

I'm just really into the guitar riffs the most and I thought that there's wicked innovation on that front! These guys know how to make some killer licks and the overall music just slays. I think some of their other releases are pretty strong too like 'White Devil Armory' and 'The Winds of War' also I though they were hits! This one is about the same amount of praise that I'm giving it. There's diversity to it but mostly the guitars were definitely great spectacles. The leads were strong as well. But overall, the rhythms fit just right! As the album progresses, Bobby is less irritating especially keeping an open mind.

The production as I've mentioned is good, but not the best that Overkill's had. It's not like the somewhat "raw" sound of their classic 'The Years of Decay'. These guys have remained consistent over the years. And the guitars are just way fantastic. I cannot stress that enough. Just catchy songs and upbeat tempos. They did well too with the backup vocals as well! King guitars and the beats fit well with the guitars. These songs to me are classics. I'm surprised I didn't write about them a while back. It was just sitting on my CD rack.

In case you're new to Overkill, the three albums here are definitely monuments. You can opt to the older material, but the more recent I find suitable to my pallet. This album is a good one to start with. It's long, catchy and palatable. The guitars are wicked catchy! And the production quality is solid. Killer leads too! This album is streaming so yeah, you don't have to buy it unless you like or collect CD's like me! Worth a listen to, this album deserves praise! I cannot see how they (critics) loathe this one. It's so catchy and admirable. One of my favorites from the band absolutely! Check it out! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2017)
Score: 75


giovedì 5 maggio 2022

Illa - The Body Keeps the Score

#PER CHI AMA: Metalcore/Groove Metal
È una bella ondata thrash metalcore quella che ci investe con "Regrets", traccia d'apertura dei danesi Illa e del loro EP, 'The Body Keeps the Score'. La band, originaria di Albertslund, deve il suo nome all'antico norreno e al significato di malattia della parola ILLA. I nostri ci prendono quindi a mazzate in faccia con un sound solido e compatto che miscela ai generi sopraccitati anche hardcore e groove metal, affrontando in queste quattro tracce il tema della malattia mentale. E cosi, nell'iniziale "Regrets" si parla di ansia, la corrosiva "True Self" tratta il superamento delle cose passate, la title track dello stress post traumatico, mentre la conclusiva e veemente "Wastelands", fronteggia il tema della depressione, tutti delicatissimi argomenti peraltro, che mai avrei pensato di affrontare con bordate di chitarra devastanti, growling vocals, e ritmiche dinamitarde, semmai con sonorità più intimistiche e malinconiche. Fatto sta che questa è la visione dei nostri e noi non possiamo far altro che dargli un ascolto. (Francesco Scarci)

lunedì 25 aprile 2022

Tankard - Kings of Beer

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Thrash Metal
Mai mi sarei aspettato, che i Tankard dopo 'Disco Destroyer' riuscissero a superarsi ed invece, 'Kings of beer' è quasi un capolavoro. Un album thrash demenziale portato al massimo come solo loro sanno fare. Stavolta mancano quasi del tutto gli elementi punk che erano soliti usare per rendere ancora più divertenti i loro lavori. Su tutto l'album domina comunque quella potenza che conosciamo bene del thrash metal tedesco, quello senza troppi fronzoli per intenderci. Le intenzioni dei quattro ubriaconi teutonici si concentrano su canzoni dirette che colpiscono subito al primo ascolto e con l'opener "Flirtin' with Disaster" sarete immediatamente investiti dalla rabbia contenuta del disco. Ogni canzone è significativa, ma legata comunque alla title-track che troneggia su tutte. 'Kings of Beer' poi non vuole solo rendere omaggio alla birra ma, se ci fate caso, è simile a 'Kings of Metal' dei Manowar e non è un caso, perché il testo vuole ironicamente prendere in giro le famose parole dei quattro newyorkesi, leggetelo e capirete.

(Century Media - 2000)
Voto: 78


domenica 24 aprile 2022

Darkthrone - Too Old Too Cold

#PER CHI AMA: Raw Black
A.D. 2006: la fiamma nera di Fenriz e Nocturno Culto continua a brillare nel firmamento del black metal, pur proponendo, come sempre, un nulla di nuovo. Se si deve fare un complimento alla band norvegese, è proprio quello di aver mantenuto da sempre una coerenza di fondo nel loro bagaglio musicale, senza aver mai tradito i propri intransigenti fans. Sta però proprio qui, per quanto mi riguarda, nella staticità artistica del duo scandinavo, il loro limite maggiore per cui non ne ho mai particolarmente apprezzato le gesta. Andiamo comunque a dare un ascolto a questo breve capitolo della saga “darkthroniana”: 'Too Old Too Cold' è un Ep di 4 pezzi, per una durata di circa 13 minuti, dove i 2 classici minimalisti riff di Nocturno Culto, s’intrecciano con i suoni grezzi e sporchi della batteria di Fenriz e con le solite vocals strazianti che s’instaurano sul tappeto old style creato dai due loschi figuri. Insomma, nulla di nuovo sotto il sole: il sound gretto e primitivo dell’act norvegese è sempre una gioia per i fans della band. Interessante la presenza della cover dei Siouxie And The Banshees "Love In A Void", terza traccia di questo piccolo blasfemo lavoro, in cui Nocturno canta in modo epico ricordando non poco la performance ai tempi degli Isengard di 'Vinterskugge'. Da segnalare inoltre la partecipazione di Grutle degli Enslaved, come ospite in "High on Cold War", concentrato di furioso black punk rock’n roll oriented, song che tra l’altro contiene addirittura un assolo!!! Segno che i tempi stavano cambiando anche in casa Darkthrone. (Francesco Scarci)

sabato 23 aprile 2022

Agro - Ritual 6

#PER CHI AMA: Thrash/Death
È la seconda volta nella mia lunga carriera di scribacchino che mi trovo a recensire una band proveniente dal Sud Africa, la prima fu con i The Ocean Doesn't Want Me. No, per favore non aspettatevi cinque uomini di colore che impugnano i loro strumenti e mettono a ferro e fuoco i palchi di tutto il mondo, gli Agro infatti (peraltro mai nome fu più brutto) fanno parte degli africani bianchi. A parte queste divagazioni etniche, 'Ritual 6' rappresenta addirittura il sesto lavoro (ad oggi sono otto) per il quintetto di Johannesburg: la band gode di una certa notorietà in patria che li ha visti suonare un po’ ovunque nei vari club, in tour con i Mortification nei maggiori festival del Sud Africa e Botswana, portandoli a vendere ben 10.000 copie solo nel loro paese. Dopo la parentesi questa volta geografica, veniamo alla musica dei nostri: diciamo subito che non siamo di fronte a nulla d’innovativo (quando mai), infatti il combo africano suona un thrash/death di discreta fattura, caratterizzato da riff di chitarra un po’ grossolani, sui quali si immettono piacevoli inserti tastieristici che dovrebbero stemperare l’arroganza delle ritmiche e il cantato growling di Cliff Crabb. Se vogliamo fare un paragone con una qualche band famosa, potrei immaginare la musica degli Agro come un ipotetico mix tra Pantera e Crematory, non disdegnando qualche puntatine in territorio Machine Head o Nevermore. Se non avessi saputo che l’album in questione fosse il sesto per la band, avrei creduto fosse il loro esordio, perchè ancora molte sono le sbavature soprattutto in ambito esecutivo; qualche buon’idea c’è anche nei 55 minuti che costituiscono l’album: "B.df.p." non è una song malvagia, ha delle valide soluzioni musicali, c’è soltanto da lavorare qua e là per limare le innumerevoli imperfezioni e “grezzure” che contraddistinguono questo lavoro. Con calma, non c’è fretta, intanto una sufficienza risicata, i nostri cinque sud africani se la portano a casa, in attesa di tempi migliori. (Francesco Scarci)

(Armageddon Music - 2006)
Voto: 60


lunedì 18 aprile 2022

Slayer - Repentless

#PER CHI AMA: Thrash/Speed
Nonostante gli avvicendamenti significativi (la sostituzione di Lombardo con un oplita che prende il nome di Paul Bostpah; il decesso del chitarrista Jeff Hanneman, si dice, per le complicazioni conseguite al morso di un ragno; un nuovo produttore e infine pure una nuova label), i maniscalchi del chainsaw-metal riuscirono a mettere insieme il consueto crogiolo di apocalisse, disperazione, superominismo ("Inject the system with something new / A social terror to lead the few...") e randellate sul muso transitando con coraggio e disinvoltura dal thrash-con-parecchio-speed-e-un-po'-meno-sludge di "Repentless" al thrash-con-parecchio-sludge-e-un-po'-meno-speed di "When the Stilness Comes". L'obiettivo di quest'ultimo album era dichiaratamente quello di gettarsi dietro le spalle certe recenti ingiustificabili nu-merdate per tuffarsi di nuovo tra le ascelle pelose e discutibilmente nettate appartenenti a orde di patetici veterometalloni tutt'ora piagnucolanti sul vinile di 'Reign in Blood'. Strano che nessuno abbia avvistato Rick Rubin nei paraggi. Molto strano. (Alberto Calorosi)

(Nuclear Blast - 2015)
Voto: 72


giovedì 14 aprile 2022

Destruction - Diabolical

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash Metal
On the first few hearings, I figured this is going to be another "recycled" Destruction album but it grew on me! The only founding member left is Schmier as Mike departed from the band after being a founding member for 39 years. Some of the material on here remind me of 'Release From Agony' as some riffs are similar to that title track way back then. The album itself is somewhat brutal in the sense of thrash brutality. It's not as hard as 'Born To Perish', but it still has its highs and lows. I enjoyed the whole album though despite the fact that it's hit-or-miss with the songs themselves. They really haven't invented anything new.

I still dig Schmier's vocals over the music it's sounding pretty good! I think that he's the driving force in the band. They're never going to play another 'Infernal Overkill' or the EP's 'Mad Butcher' and 'Eternal Devastation'. But the fact that they're still around making music is impressive. I suppose once you've got the fire it stays and even if it doesn't at least it's relatable at least the anger and fury in metal. The leads on here are pretty impressive. They remind me of their old guitarist Harry Wilkens. Now that guy can shred! But Damir does a good job on his own ground with some of fury!

The studio recording sounds pretty solid. The fact that Mike didn't show up means that they've done what they can for this album and he's out. Schmier's comment about Mike not looking healthy is right. He didn't want to change his lifestyle even at the age of 56. It's creeping up on him and it's time for the new generation of Destruction with a solid lineup. The whole album sounds solid in respect to its quality. They really tore it up but like I said not as hard as 'Born To Perish'. Still, it's got some sick riffs and leads. That being said, they still have time before they hang-it-up totally and retire. I mean Metallica is talking retirement too!

I had to order this one on CD because I enjoyed what they sounded like on here. There was one cover song by the punk band GHB the final track on the album. Destruction is showing success in the charts hitting up there! Amazing, they just released this and it's already soaring! I'd have to congratulate on another solid studio album! Wondering about the touring that they're going to be doing. If you're into thrash or some of Destruction's previous works, I'm sure you'll like this. Even though it's sort of like I said "recycled" but it still has a long of good songs on it. Check it out today! (Death8699)

(Napalm Records - 2022)
Score: 75


sabato 26 marzo 2022

Kreator - Extreme Aggression

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash Metal
The album that's previous to my favorite which undeniably is 'Coma Of Souls', this one packs a punch as well. The lyrical concepts are just starting to advance with the band and the aggression in the music has illuminated. The real talent comes out in this one. The guitars were quite technical and voracious. Mille's vocals is just getting their own sound that he hasn't really abdicated his whole musical career in thrash metal. Just if the lyrics were as good as the music this would get a higher rating. But that's not the case here. Subsequently they get a low "A." Fans this is no disappointment.

It's hard to believe this is about 33 years old. And the band is still going strong. It's say Mille's songwriting is what keeps me keyed into the band and their down-to-earth mentality in interviews. I've been a long-time Kreator fan. Some albums rotted though but not on here. My first listen to this album I was under the impression that it's tops with me. It was a good segue into 'Come Of Souls'. So yeah, the music leaves a scar in the memory never gets a healing since their aggression holds them true. I'm glad that they've stayed a band this whole almost 40 year career. They will always be a tops with me ABSOLUTELY.

The production quality was much better than their previous releases. The guitar riffs are what hit home with me and the vocals. And the fact that the sound quality is top notch. Mille could've done a better job on the lyrics, but they're still forming as a band or as Mick Harris would say "we're all chuffed in repulsion." Being from Germany and a lot of the philosophical influences they've not explored so much yet but I think with later releases they're more spiritual than anything else. As on 'Gods of Violence' the song "Satan is Real" is a good idea of Mille in that mindset that he's identified this and it's true the hell on Earth that there is!

This album is about 40 minutes too short, I wished it would've clocked in longer, but I'm glad to have enjoyed it nevertheless. The music, sound quality, guitars, vocals, drums and aura is all-encompassing. I think that this is one of their best releases in their entire discography. Of course over the years they've evolved but even early on they still showed groundbreaking talent. These guys know how to play quality thrash metal! I do wish Frank Blackfire would've stayed with the band throughout their career to date it's just Mille and Ventor being longtime members. Get a hold of this album! (Death8699)

(Noise Records - 1989)
Score: 85


giovedì 17 marzo 2022

Megadeth - Dystopia

#PER CHI AMA: Speed/Thrash
Un megariffing speed-thrash monocromatico e acefalo infarcito di scale originali quanto una barzelletta raccontata da Malmsteen; cetriolate di basso-batteria praticamente ogni volta che si può e, per incorniciare il tutto, la consueta perizia vocale degna di un camallo portuale scagazzato da un gabbiano. La formula, inspiegabilmente vincente da oltre trent'anni, è destinata stavolta a funzionare (invero egregiamente) per un periodo non superiore ai primi trenta secondi di "The Threat is Real". Il resto di questo scialbo 'Dystopia', verosimilmente assemblato ad esclusivo appannaggio dell'autore, ha l'unico scopo di rendere noti l'opinabilissimo concetto mustainiano di melodia ("Poisonous Shadows"), il discutibilissimo concetto mustainiano di classic rock ("Post American World") e l'eccepibilissimo concetto mustainiano di surf-punk ("The Emperor"). Un lavoro che vi suggerisco di mettere nel vostro lettore come soundtrack della prova finale dei campionati mondiali di sbadigli. (Alberto Calorosi)

(Tradecraft - 2016)
Voto: 50


domenica 13 marzo 2022

Archvile King - À La Ruine

#PER CHI AMA: Black/Thrash, Windir, Aura Noir
Della serie "quando non so cosa fare creo una one-man-band", ecco arrivare l'ennesima proposta dalla Francia con il classico polistrumentista a offrire la sua visione black del mondo. Lui si chiama Nicolas N. Baurus e arriva da Nantes con il suo progetto Archvile King, supportato dalla ormai super potenza Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions. 'À La Ruine' ci spara in faccia otto pezzi nudi e crudi che sembrano rievocare i fasti norvegesi della fiamma nera degli anni '90. Strana la scelta di aprire però con "Chroniques du Royaume Avili", un pezzo fuorviante dove figura la delicata voce di una gentil donzella, per poi lasciare spazio alla furia black di "Mangez Vos Morts" (incentrata sul tema della peste causata dalla perdizione morale del genere umano), sparata a tutta velocità su incandescenti e marcescenti linee di chitarra zanzarose che disegnano trame elementari piuttosto melodiche nel loro incedere travolgente. La cosa si ripete anche nella successiva "Celui Qui Vouvoie le Soleil", con un black thrash che certamente poco aggiunge al panorama odierno, ma che francamente trovo gradevole per le sue melodie ed un equilibrato uso di violenza e di una certa epicità. Magari le grim vocals del frontman non saranno il massimo ma il disco si lascia ascoltare con una certa facilità, complice anche qualche break acustico qua e là che ci consente il tempo di rifiatareo e rigettarci poi nella mischia. "Atroce" attacca con una certa placidità tra un riffing in sottofondo pronto ad esplodere dopo un minuto di attesa. Poi, solo furia estrema che in questo caso ammetto non mi abbia granchè conquistato. I ritmi continuano ad essere vertiginosi anche in "Dans la Forteresse du Roi des Vers" (interessante l'epico ma breve assolo in chiusura di scuola Windir) e, saltata la semiacustica e strumentale title track, anche nelle tumultuose (e dal piglio post-black) "Vêpre I" e "L'Artisan", altri due esempi di melodia messa a disposizione di una ferocia inaudita che pecca, a dire il vero, di carenza di originalità. Se i brani sin qui erano stati cantati in francese, c'è spazio anche per una bonus track in inglese, "Cheating the Hangman", un pezzo che a livello ritmico potrebbe essere accostabile ai Megadeth con lo screaming black, stile Aura Noir per intenderci. Insomma, in 'À La Ruine' sento buone idee (soprattutto nella prima metà del disco) che trovano però più di qualche limite in fatto di originalità, un tema su cui lavorerei maggiormente nel prossimo futuro per evitare di essere risucchiati in quel vortice infinito di band che propongono un canovaccio più o meno simile. (Francesco Scarci)

(LADLO Productions - 2022)
Voto: 66


domenica 20 febbraio 2022

Dew-Scented - Intermination

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Thrash
This some intense material! I'd say that this one is more "thrash oriented" than "death oriented" but definitely a mixture of the two. Being the outro album from the band, they sure wrapped it up with the clincher. It's the best one that I've heard from them or riffing oriented it is! I admire their unique style to approaching songs. They seem to have their "own" sound to this past releases as well but I believe this is one of more aggressive ones to their discography. I enjoyed it from start to finish. You have to give them credit for being a part of the metal community with a certain wit to their songs. At least scoring two genres into one.

I did notice the fact that every album of theirs starts with an "I". Not sure why they did this but it is rather unique. Everything about this album and band is unique. I believe that this one again is their strongest to date. They did it all right on here. Such aggression! The vocals go well with the guitars. Everything seemed to fit well into each song. I liked all the songs on here. They sure as hell blew my eardrums away! More thrash as I said than death oriented metal. I think that they really did want to go out with a "bang" here. Whatever the reason, it's a great album!

Music was well orchestrated, production quality quite well done and mixing was top notch. They seem to lure you in with a quiet intro which segues into brutality. This one literally is LOUD. The riffs are the best things on here though everything fit in with the compositions. I believe that this band was truly unique. They wanted to do something that no one else has done before. Of course, showing their influences like Slayer for example it's relevant that this band was fueled with fire! They molded their influences into their own sound. Really good musicianship here. I don't have anything bad to say about the band or album.

I went ahead and bought this CD even though I think it may be on YouTube or Spotify. I like to collect CD's and this one I wanted to have for my own collection. I would say continue to support the music community and get it too, but not everyone nowadays is eager to collect CD's anymore. If it wasn't for a friend, I wouldn't have known about this band. She was quite appalled to hear that they broke up. As was I when I saw their status. I can still appreciate this release musically a masterpiece. They were a really good band with a decent track record this one again being my favorite. Check it out! (Death8699)

domenica 30 gennaio 2022

Eidolon - Hallowed Apparition

#FOR FANS OF: Power Thrash, Nevermore
What a dynamic piece! Blending in three genres all at once. The guitars were amazing and the vocals perfectly drawn out. I really liked this whole album. It's a shame that they're broken up! I cannot get enough of this release. The music itself is that what's captivating. And the energy of it all. What some great musicians for this album! The riffs are so elegant and well played out as were the solo guitar pieces. I just have nothing but good things to say about this release. What musicianship, talent and great heavy/power/thrash metal that goes along with this entire piece of work. The music itself isn't too fast tempos and it's more captivating that way!

Every riff is coordinated to mix amongst-side the vocals as if they were perfectly in unison with them. And given that this is a quite diverse sort of metal album, you have clean areas in small bits mixed with a majority of thick distorted guitar riffs. The solos are sublime in construction. I enjoyed them also. But mostly the guitar and vocals are what's appealed to me the most. Everyone did a great job too in construction of musicianship. Again, it's too bad about their split not long after this album was released. And if it weren't for a friend of mine, I would've never encountered this band/project.

Production sound was adequate with making this an above average release. Quite into the genius in musicianship. I couldn't be happier with the outcome of this release and just wish that they would've stayed together. But I'm sure it was a mutual consent to end their effort in the making of albums within this scope. Their guitarist Glen Drover is in many different bands-past and present. What a diverse musical career he's had. He's been a part of many different successful bands - Megadeth, Queensryche, et al. So that's probably the reason why the band has taken a split mutually concerned in the way of metal.

I heard this first on Spotify and then decided to get a copy in the mail via in the form of a CD. It's just such a great album that didn't get enough press in my opinion. These guys know how the hell to make some great songs. And what a great band! I was wondering what the score would be and I thought "next to perfect." They really did some great work throughout the album. All the songs were strong! I didn't experience any lack thereof in songs each one was not greater or lesser than in any respect. They tore it up musically here covering three different genres stomping all of them! Check them out! (Death8699)

(Metal Blade Records - 2001)
Score: 82


sabato 29 gennaio 2022

Solicitor - All Debts On Death

#PER CHI AMA: Speed Metal
Uscito da pochissimi giorni, 'All Debts on Death' è il nuovo 7" degli americani Solicitor. La band originaria di Seattle, propone due nuovi pezzi a quasi due anni di distanza da quel debut album, 'Spectral Devastation', uscito durante lo scoppio della pandemia, che sottolineò le buone qualità di nostri. Oggi li ritroviamo con "Killer for Hire" e "Megalomaniac", due nuovi pezzi atti a mostrarci il loro stato di forma. Il side A si apre con un sinistro giro di chitarra a cui fa seguito una bella ritmica speed super incalzante, melodica ma anche un po' sghemba, a cui aggiungersi poi sarà la voce urlata della frontwoman Amy Lee Carlson, un mix tra il cantante degli Agent Steeel e una versione più grezza di Noora Louhimo dei Battle Beast, band con cui i nostri non condividono praticamente altro. Il pezzo è bello tirato a metà strada tra heavy metal e speed, per una proposta che sembra proiettarci indietro nel tempo di oltre 30 anni, forse anche 40, identificando tra le influenze dei Solicitor anche gli Exiter. Tuttavia, la seconda parte del brano  s'incupisce, rallenta i giri del motore, dà più ampio spazio agli strumenti prima degli ultimi 60 debordanti secondi dove i nostri sciorinano un discreto assolo, che si perde nell'impastato degli altri strumenti. Il side B parte piano ma dopo 40 secondi ci butta nel mezzo della tempesta con la voce di Amy Lee a ficcarsi nella nostra testa insieme alle vertiginose linee di chitarra e ad un apparato ritmico che, quando prova ad articolarsi un po' di più, sembra voler emulare gli Overkill. Comunque alla fine di un altro ben più interessante giro di assoli, questi due pezzi ci dicono che il quintetto statunitense è in forma e pronto più che mai a tornare in sella magari con un album più lungo e strutturato. (Francesco Scarci)

sabato 8 gennaio 2022

Bryan Eckermann - Plague Bringers

#PER CHI AMA: Black/Death/Heavy
Della serie one man band come se piovessero, ecco arrivare dal Texas Bryan Eckermann, uno che con questo 'Plague Bringers' ha tagliato l'onorevole traguardo dell'ottavo album in sette anni, quindi non proprio l'ultimo degli sprovveduti. Bryan ha infatti accumulato un bel po' di esperienza e affinato la propria proposta anche con altre band (Scars of the Flesh e Wings of Abaddon, tra le altre), fatto sta che 'Plague Bringers' (sequel peraltro di quel 'Winters Plague (The Final Eclipse)' uscito nel 2018) contiene nuove 12 tracce devote ad un mix tra black, death ed heavy metal, palese quest'ultimo soprattutto nelle eccellenti parti soliste che il polistrumentista statunitense sciorina a profusione in questo disco. L'album si apre comunque con le dirompenti ritmiche di "Ice Queen" e lo screaming efferato del mastermind che ci mostra quanto la proposta della band sia bella dritta e violenta, pur trovando grandi spunti di interesse, come accennavo, nelle parti soliste, quasi il buon Bryan si trasformasse qui in un guitar hero. Analogo l'incipit della successiva "Sands of the Hourglass", un pezzo di certo più oscuro, malinconico e compassato dell'opener, che oltre ad ospitare alle pelli Clint Williamson dei Darker by Design, trova modo di dar sfogo alla propria irruenza con un sound che percepisco ammiccare per certi versi, ad un che degli Old Man's Child, per quella sua vena melo-sinfonica abbinata a brutalità death/black. Il comparto solistico si conferma anche qui ad alti livelli e questo sicuramente rappresenta uno dei punti di forza dell'artista nord americano. Intro tastieristico scuola King Diamond per "The Devouring Sun" e spazio poi ad un death/thrash venato di sofisticazioni sinfoniche e vocals gracchianti, ancora a confermare la propria ispiratissima proposta, in un brano peraltro dal finale davvero avvincente. Ottime le keys in apertura a "Reflections in a Dirty Mirror", brano tosto e compatto, che vive di un'alternanza tra parti atmosferiche e altre decisamente più tirate, mantenendo comunque inalterata l'elevata dose di melodia. Un orrorifico tastierone apre "Moonlight and Frostbite", song che vede il featuring dell'esplosiva ugola di Stu Block, ex Iced Earth e attuale voce degli Into Eternity, ad impreziosire ulteriormente una proposta costantemente accattivante, che qui si muove tra le maglie musicali del Re Diamante, a cavallo tra black, thrash ed heavy metal (da urlo a proposito l'assolo, peccato sia cosi breve). Convince, convince il sound del buon Bryan, e sembra funzionare piuttosto bene anche laddove l'artista non fa la classica scoperta dell'acqua calda (leggasi il sound grooveggiante della title track o la più piattina "An Oath of Scrying Souls"), dove tuttavia basta un tocco pregiato di chitarra per ribaltare un risultato inizialmente scontato. Prologo atmosferico per "Astral Realms", un brano che francamente non mi ha, come si suol dire, scaldato il cuore, troppo insipido rispetto agli standard del disco. Si torna a far male con l'approcco temibile di "Skinwalker", un pezzo dai mille volti, dalla devastante parte introduttiva al break sinfonico nella parte centrale, fino al mid-tempo conclusivo, in cui a mettersi in mostra sono tutte le facce di Bryan. Ma c'è ancora spazio per i brani più lunghi (oltre sette minuti) della release, la spettrale e dirompente "Of Death and Decay" e la struggente melodia di "Tomorrow's Lie", quest'ultima da ricordare anche per il ritorno di Clint Williamson, non solo a prendersi cura della batteria ma anche della voce. L'acustica tiepida di "Oblivion" chiude un album intrigante (peccato solo per quell'orribile artwork di copertina), di un artista che in tutta sincerità non conoscevo, e che oggi mi invoglia ad andarne a sapere molto di più dei suoi precedenti lavori. Ben fatto Bryan! (Francesco Scarci)

giovedì 23 dicembre 2021

Death Angel - The Dream Calls For Blood

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash Metal
This album is solid, it has a flare or flame to it with sheer energy flowing. These Bay Area thrashers have been active for quite some time! Pretty much 30 years it's safe to say. And they're still making good music. This one isn't their best, but it isn't their worst either. Quite a variety of sounds coming from acoustic guitar-work but mostly thrash guitar riffing. The leads were decent, too. But I really enjoyed the rhythms. And the vocals of course! They go well with the music. Most of the songs are high energy! They have that Death Angel groove to them as well. Kind of like on their earlier work 'Act III'. But not entirely.

These guys are killer live as well. Too bad no concerts in Covid-19. The band keeps making killer music even up until now. They're veterans, safe to say that. They still have that intensity to their riff-writing. I would say all the songs I liked pretty much. I think the vocals carry the music and overall energy to the record. They really need to keep going in this thrash metal direction. And the riffs are pretty original sounding (like always). They change things up a bit but not that much. I like the guitars the tone is chunky. They don't need to hold back in their writing. They know exactly what they're doing.

The production quality was excellent it did them justice. And they didn't really need to change anything on here. I like the music the most but the vocals just have so much intensity. Not ALL THE TIME but a lot of the time. Their tempos change up quite a bit which gives the music variety. I cannot stress enough of the guitars sounding KING. They're just so darn catchy. The lead trade-offs too are phenomenal. It's a sheer domination! There's only a few places where you find some real screaming. But not an overabundance of it. The intensity of the guitars it goes well with.

This is a later album in their career as thrash metal musicians. They're still killing it! Support the band! One things to notice are the guitar riffs. They're really catchy and original. They're totally slaying! This release is just sheer domination. They really know what they're doing and how to make cool, original thrash metal. There's an abundance of energy to the record that it just soars. I liked this the whole way through the album. Totally recommended for thrash metal lovers and support the Bay Area thrashers Death Angel! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2013)
Score: 76


martedì 21 dicembre 2021

Destruction - Under Attack

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash Metal
Pretty divulsion of packed thrash revolution, as they would most likely utter. One of the few left with Mike on guitar being the founding member since '82 or '83. Schmier now is one of the only founding member of the band. Still on here for guest lead guitars have Harry (ex-Destruction) who's been superb the whole way through his career with Destruction. The songs here are definitely quality! It's probably a better LP then their current on 'Born To Perish'. They put forth one great concoction of songs that totally kick ass. I thought it definitely stronger than 'Metal Discharge' and 'Spiritual Genocide'. One of their better ones!

The riffs are really cool though not as catchy as the early Destruction or late 80's work by the band. I felt that 'All Hell Breaks Loose' and 'The Antichrist' were some more modern full-lengths that caught Destruction to the core. I like the fact that they had multiple guest musicians on here except that their follow-up album from this one 'Born To Perish' features them as another 4 piece that was like in the late 80's as on 'Eternal Devastation/Mad Butcher' and 'Release From Agony'. I enjoy their era with Harry Wilkens as member of the band. He was also featured on 'Live Without Sense'. I feel that they're stronger as a 4-piece.

The sound quality on here is top notch! And the riffs are probably some of the better that dates back to early '00-'01. They diversify as well, it isn't just solely thrash, they mix it up with some clean guitar as well. Schmier sounds like Schmier where during the earlier days he has a little bit of a higher pitch voice and on their latest live CD 'Live Attack' he's a pitch lower it seems. I like him on here and the energy to this album is high! They seem to tear it up in the riff department. The vocals go well with the music. Everything goes and flows smoothly the whole way through! There wasn't a track on here that I disliked.

You can get this on YouTube, I'm not sure if Spotify has it streaming. It doesn't on mine but in any case I bought the CD. I felt like it's Destruction so there's hardly a chance of them disappointing. And I was correct! Every song on here is full of energy and great riffs. I felt that they were way strong on here though they get a good "B" rating on here. Definitely Destruction infuriation galore. These guys have the energy and originality in their songwriting. They don't let up on here and the cover track on here which I believe is Venom was well played out. And of course the outro being "Thrash Attack." Own this one! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2016)
Score: 75
