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domenica 5 gennaio 2014

Satan's Satyrs - Wild Beyond Belief

#FOR FANS OF: Heavy doom
Lace up your boots, fuel up your hog, and blow your mind because you are in for one hell of a wild ride! In 'Wild Beyond Belief' we have a debut from a band that is destined to be a cult, or a gang at least. I must say, it took me quite a while to actually get a hold of a copy of this release, but man is this some addictive stuff. From the moment I heard the band name, saw the sixties biker movie inspired artwork, and took one look at Claythanas in his teal Blue Cheer tee (I have the same one); I could just tell that this was a band made for people just like me. What Claythanas manages to conjure on this gnarly disc is quire the eclectic platter, with the heaviness of metal, the buzzing energy of punk, and the fuzzed out howl of sixties biker rock. It’s a sound that is hard to pin down at first, especially if one is not well versed in sixties music and movie culture, as seen with the other reviewer here. While quite earnest in his attempt, he seemed pretty out of his element. But for anybody that has really delved deep into the history of heaviness, this album is one of the rarest treats of all. While the term punk rock was already in use by the mid sixties, it would be a few more years before anybody called a band heavy metal. However there were already several bands using taking sixties punk/beat rock formula into newer, more ear shattering realms. Bands like Blue Cheer, The MC5, the Stooges, and Davie Allan and the Arrows (to name but a few) were creating music that would be hailed years later as the true foundations for the metal and punk movements that were still years off. And that point is exactly where this album picks up, taking a prototype sixties punk/metal formula and updating it further with elements of the eighties underground sound. The actual sound of the album is quite strange at first, an ultra low, bass heavy mix completely devoid of treble, and clearly meant to blow your system. The muffled tone and constant tape hiss does give it even more of a vintage appeal however, but I feel like most will be thrown off by the mix at first. The bass is also the dominant instrument, carving out thick punky grooves with a tone that mixes Dickie Peterson with Cronos, for a destructive effect. The guitars are a little lower in the mix, but are a total wash of fuzz and wah, not really chuggy but like a punk tone with sixties classic rock influence, and the leads played are in intermingling of those styles. The drumming isn’t really anything special, mostly just propelling the songs, but at least he bashes it out with true force and rockin’ sensibility. Clay’s vocals are pure howling, drenched reverb and soaked in booze and drugs; imagine the aforementioned Cronos trying to track vocals for Fun House by the Stooges! His voice isn’t really impressive but he sings and shouts with pure lust for what hes doing, with plenty of rock star “Oh Yeahs’ and “Alrights.” When all these elements combine, the effect is pure, nitro burning guitar heaven for a music fan like me, but some metal heads may have a problem with just how pervasive the punk influence is on this record. The majority of the songs are fueled by simple punked up rock beats, so the frequent use of similar tempos may irritate some. However, it could be said that most metal bands have a certain tempo that they ride more than most, and here that beat falls right between punked out thrash, and sub-sonic doom. Also the general picking pattern is punky strumming technique quite similar to that of a band like the Misfits (personal favorite). Certain riffs, such as the melodic chorus to “Carnival of Souls have the Fits stamped all over them, so again, metal heads may not like the general riffing style. Riffing like this though was just as common with fuzzy hard rock as it was with punk back in the day though, and there is certainly no shortage of heaviness anywhere on the record. “Bellydancer’s Delight” may have the heaviest riff on the album, with a stomping doomy verse that could have fit a Hellahmmer or Celtic Frost record. But when you hear that creepy organ signaling the Arrows’s esque rave up that is about to conclude the song, the songs shifts into a gear that has more in common with the Yardbirds than Bathory. The album’s awesome title track closes the disk in fine fashion, summing up and bringing out all the elements that make this such a unique record, and with that super retro organ sound, this song just can’t lose, but it also helps that it features some of their best up-tempo riffing, wich leads directly into a guitar freakout worthy of the Velvets, or Vincebus Eruptum. If anything I have written sounds interesting that I highly advise that you seek out this record, because I simple cannot state just how unique of a record it truly is. With all the retro stoner and doom bands going around, it’s great to hear a band that truly understands the harsh sounds of yesteryear enough to actually turn them into something completely true to itself. If you wanna know what Midnight would sound like if they were a sixties biker gang, this may be the closest thing. However, like I said, if you are not well versed in fuzzy acid rock, and if you haven’t seen the Wild Angels, the Devil’s Angels, or Angels From Hell, you may not know what you are getting into. Better yet, if you don’t know Blue Cheer, the Stooges, or Davie Allan and the Arrows, you better do some serious homework! (Nick Ryder)

(Trash King Productions - 2012)
Score: 95


Transient - Transient

#FOR FANS OF: Black, Grindcore, S.O.D.
Solid grindcore replete with blast beats and black metal vocals. Each of the 16 tracks on this release are less than two minutes long, with the opener — “Bottom Feeder” clocking in at less than a minute. Initially, I wondered if Transient were trying to be the Ramones of extreme metal, with their ridiculously short tunes, until I remembered that Stormtroopers of Death (S.O.D.) had been there first. Transient is a band which appears to enjoy punning in their song titles: such as “Praying Mantic”, which opens with a heavy bass/drum groove; “Van Grinder” (perhaps a reference to the National Lampoon movie “Van Wilder”?) and “Big Man Plick” (remember the last “Lethal Weapon” film where Mel Gibson’s character keeps saying to the Chinese restauranteur ‘Flied Lice? Flied Lice??” to which the restauranteur finally responds, “It’s FRIED RICE, you PLICK!!”). “Goad” opens with heavy, distorted bass on top of a thrash beat before the guitars and vocals come in. “False Philanthropy” starts with a slow, doomy riff. “Narcissus Nemesis” kicks off with an ‘all guns blazing’ progression (*nod to Judas Priest*), before going into a chromatic riff. The opening of “Sustain the Yoke” is a solid headbanging / mosh-pit groove. It then pulls back into a slower middle riff before launching back into straight ahead balls-to-the-wall (*nod to Accept*) power thrash, then alternating to riff breakdown with heavy bass. I really do wish that bands would include lyric sheets with these releases, as I can recall in the early days of hard rock/proto-metal—which was pre-extreme-screamo-vox—songs such as the Jimi Hendrix classic “Purple Haze” where he was thought to be singing “Scuse me, while I kiss this guy” (instead of “Scuse me, while I kiss the sky”), and the AC/DC classic “Dirty Deeds” (before original vocalist Bon Scott’s death from alcohol toxemia, which was the inspiration for the Ozzy Osbourne song “Suicide Solution”, referring to drinking oneself to death by accident), where Bon was thought to be singing “Dirty Deeds and the Thunder Chief” (instead of ‘Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap”). If bands don’t want the message of their music to be misunderstood, they shouldn’t leave the correct hearing of their lyrics to chance. Overall, I expect this release to be truly a joy for lovers of grindcore, with irony and attitude permeating throughout. (Bob Szekely)

(Six Weeks Records - 2013)
Score: 90


Wombbath - Internal Caustic Torments

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death, Incantation, early Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse
Among the plethora of death metal releases in the early '90s, at the time when the genre was still new-ground ready to be explored and seemingly everyone went at it with a copy of ‘Altars of Madness’ and a book on Lovecraft, few managed to survive this early pillaging of this genre and are now resigned to the thought of “If only they could’ve followed it up…” much like Sweden’s Wombbath. Dripping with that primordial flavor that landed so many albums in the classic status in terms of tight, vicious guitars that effectively alternate between dense, thrash-based patterns that were found all over the US at the same time or some evocative, more spacious riffs that feel almost doom-like in execution with the emphasis on power over the speed yet mixed in that glorious production job that fills the whole album with a sense of doom and primal evil as if the darkness over the next bend contains a myriad of creatures awaiting for your soul. It’s surprising how evocative this music for this time period as this makes for a stellar album had it been done by seasoned professionals, but as a debut it’s far more powerful than expected with nuances that veterans would make and shows they’ve learned this lesson incredibly well and might even surpass the teachers at select points. Opener "Prevent Anemia" sets off the appropriate tone with a series of fantastic rapid-fire riffs that show a strong ear for deep, guttural rhythms, primal rawness and a vicious streak that would be suitably echoed in further stand-outs "Intestinal Bleeding," "Conceal Interior Torments" and "Several Shapes". "As Silent As the Grave" offers the chance for some stout technicality to creep into the material with more dynamic riff changes and tempo variations than expected, while "Corporal Punishment" starts off a select few tracks like "Performed in Depth" and "Beyond the Gloomy" which contains more of a doom influence with those sprawling riffs and slower paces. A few tracks may be hit or miss with some repeating patterns or a lame riff thrown into the mix, but generally this is among the top-tier mark of the generation of death metal that never found a break and is thankfully available again in a fine re-issue for those that miss the good old days. Mark up a few extra points of the score if you consider the package as well as the song quality for purchasing as you get their entire discography in a demo and EP as well as the full-length which are basically rawer, simpler forms of songs already on this CD (and several in fact are re-recorded on the album anyway) and more for connoisseurs than anything else. (Don Anelli)

(Pulverised Records - 2013)
Score: 90

giovedì 19 dicembre 2013

0 X í S T - Nil

#PER CHI AMA: Death Doom, Dark Metal, Celtic Frost, Bethlehem, Triptykon
Finlandesi al debutto, ormai lo scorso anno, gli 0 X í S T , da pronunciarsi “zero exist”. Forti di un EP del 2010 ('Unveiling the Shadow World'), i quattro ragazzi dalla terra dei laghi confezionano un album dove i riferimenti sono molto comodi, tanto che ci pensa la band stessa ad indicarci nomi blasonati come Celtic Frost e Triptykon su tutti, ma al sottoscritto è risuonato per il neurocranio anche qualche eco di certi Katatonia più lugubri. Si parla di dark metal e forse, per una volta, siamo d’accordo sulla definizione, in quanto questa spesso sembra un po’ semplicistica: un calderone dove buttare mescolanze di vario genere tra “roba pesante” di stampo death/doom e melodia funerea. Insomma, fin qui tanto di grandi aspettative, eppure... già, eppure rimane qualcosa in sospeso. Ho ascoltato più volte questo disco, con vero impegno, ma senza troppo successo. Il risultato è che, come già detto, sembra mancare di qualcosa. Beninteso, i ragazzi non sono dei buzzurri e in quattro strumenti tirano fuori un mood che gratta bene su ogni singola vibrazione emessa del vostro stereo; ciononostante mi rimane il seguente dubbio: non riesco a capire se si tratti di vero talento oppure “solo” (e si fa per dire) di grandi lezioni ben memorizzate ed un minimo rimaneggiate. In sette pezzi, gli unici che hanno catturato e colpito la mia attenzione sono la opening track “Old World Vanished” e la doppietta conclusiva “Of Wood, Stone and Bone” &“Shrivel”: la prima sostenuta da un riff portante meraviglioso nella sua semplicità, le seguenti molto più ipnotiche, dove Shrivel in apertura sembra un carillon tendente all’incubo. Il resto dei brani si muove tra chitarre ribassate e mid-tempo sicuramente d’impatto (impossibile non tenere il ritmo), ma mancanti (sottolineo, A MIO PARERE!) di quella scintilla ultima, che faccia decollare le note e rendere quest’album micidiale. In realtà credo che, per una volta, il problema non sia dei ragazzi ma piuttosto mio, per non essere riuscito a trovare la vera chiave di volta di tutto il lavoro. Quindi mea culpa e l’invito ad ascoltare questo disco, con l’augurio di sviscerarlo e farlo vostro con più successo. Per quanto mi riguarda, aspetterò un futuro lavoro per rimettermi alla prova...(Filippo Zanotti)

(Self - 2012)
Voto: 65


The Roadless - R-evolution

#PER CHI AMA: Glam Pop Rock
I veneti The Roadless tornano con il nuovo album 'R-evolution' dopo aver trascorso gli ultimi due anni a consolidare la line-up e farsi le ossa sui palchi della nostra madre patria. Grazie alle svariate collaborazioni che si leggono all'interno del cd (un jewel case ben curato a livello grafico) e avere concluso l'album presso uno studio di Londra, i The Roadless si giocano le carte giuste per fare il fatidico salto di qualità e visti tutti gli sforzi, sembrano crederci fino in fondo. Le dieci tracce sono un excursus tra sonorità diverse, dal glam rock che si sente soprattutto nelle linee vocali (il buon Jon Bon Jovi dei primi album ha fatto scuola) e il brit spensierato, specialmente per le chitarre e la parte ritmica in alcuni spunti. Volendo aguzzare l'orecchio, ci troviamo anche del funk, ma non è questa la direzione intrapresa dalla band. Il cantato in inglese e i testi non particolarmente complessi chiudono la ricetta per il successo dei The Roadless. Il cd apre con "No Excuses", grancassa che scalcia, bei riff di chitarra e via, tutti dietro al ritmo trascinante di basso e batteria che non vogliono essere in secondo piano. Gli arrangiamenti sono studiati bene e hanno l'obiettivo di rendere la traccia (ma non solo questa) più godibile e catturare in primis un pubblico non abituato a sonorità estreme. Certo, non brilla di originalità, ma chi la cerca oramai? "Pearls" ha un bell'arpeggio iniziale che lascia spazio troppo presto ad uno svolgimento pop, pur se fatto con stile. Chiudo con "What if", gran pezzo che graffia a livello di riff e voce, ben tirato come una muscle car che romba e tuona tra le luci della notte. Anche qui tutto al posto giusto, in particolare si apprezza la parte ritmica che da la giusta carica al pezzo. Complimenti, così si fa. Che dire, i The Roadless sono ottimi musicisti con le idee chiare, quindi otterranno sicuramente altri risultati degni di nota. Cercherei solo di essere meno trasformista nello stile e punterei ad ottimizzare i live, lasciando a case le cover e le ballate. Il popolo esige più rock, originale se possibile. (Michele Montanari)

mercoledì 18 dicembre 2013

The Circle Ends Here - The Division Ahead

#PER CHI AMA: Post-Metal, Post-Hardcore, Cult Of Luna, The Ocean
Lavoro impegnativo quello dei friulani The Circles Ends Here. L'album di stampo post-metal dalle tinte classiche, si apre con "Remiss", un crescendo di chitarra che sfocia rapidamente in un enorme muro sonoro dove emerge la voce in uno scream energico che si vedrà poi mutare in un apprezzatissimo cantato pulito sorretto da delle chitarre eteree. La formula si ripete nelle successive "Rift" e "Porcelain" che però non raggiungono lo stesso impatto della opening track ma mantengono comunque degli ottimi standard compositivi. "Frail" è un ottimo intermezzo dove il combo si scopre con un brano dove fanno da padroni la chitarra acustica ed il pianoforte. La cupa "Trascend" riprende con ritmi più doom, gli stilemi delle prime song riuscendo, probabilmente grazie alla sua semplicità, ad avere un approccio più diretto rispetto le precedenti. Sempre di grand impatto è la succesiva "Nescience" dove, dopo un frenetico preludio batteristico, si innalza furiosa una chitarra ritmica che sprigiona la pura essenza della traccia. La penultima "Lakes" potrebbe essere la chiusura perfetta del disco per le sue atmosfere tastieristiche, ma altro non è che la calma prima della tempesta finale "Monuments", la quale, monolitica ed estremamente potente, ci accompagna in un sussegguirsi di fervore e tranquillità fino alla chiusura dell'opera. La produzione impeccabile rende ogni nota lucente il che rende l'ascolto spiazzante grazie ai giochi di dinamica tra le chitarre pulite, colme di chorus, e i distorti incisivi. I veri protagonisti dell'album però sono la voce e la batteria: la prima sapiente nell'utilizzo dello screaming e del pulito, riesce a cambiare radicalmente l'approccio alle composizioni, mentre la seconda, nonostante la staticità delle sezioni compositive, riesce a rendersi sempre fluida grazie agli innumerevoli giochi ritmici. Chiudendo, questo full lenght è, come detto inizialmente, un lavoro impegnativo poichè necessita di numerosi ascolti per poter assimilare tutte le melodie e le sfumature proposte dal gruppo; ma si sa che gli ascolti che magari sembreranno ostici inizialmente daranno poi grandi soddisfazioni. Bravi! (Kent)

(Memorial Records - 2013)
Voto: 75


Mesphistopheles - Sounds of the End

#FOR FANS OF: Technical Death Metal, Psycropotic, Obscura
With a seemingly profound influx of Technical Death Metal into the scene, the wide-reaching spread of it has hit Australia of all places with this second effort from the Tasmanian act Mephistopheles. One of several bands to use the moniker, this version is pretty much what you would consider the standard norm for the genre tag “Technical Death Metal:” a veritable whirlwind of unimaginatively complex and off-kilter guitar riffing styles into densely-packed songs with a fluidity that’s jaw-dropping in the skill-set required to hit those notes, commanding drumming that keeps the rhythms as obscure and complex as the riffing and a smorgasbord of bass riffs that spindle, buzz and generally act as another instrument to display technical prowess and skill rather than giving a heavy tone to the music. As such, this is pretty much directed mainly at those who prefer such music rather than any sort of writing skill for the songs tend to fall into a trap of being unrecognizable after a while and blend into a blur of chaotic, complex guitars rather than a flowing piece of music which a lot of other bands in this style accomplish to a varying degree of success. Rather, this is the prototypical ‘let’s-see-how-many-riffs-we-can-pack-into-a-single-song’ type of band that many look at as the cliché of the genre, even though there’s a smattering of talent that’s needed to be able to play as unrelentingly fast and accurate as they are. Hitting riffs that complicated, at the speed they do so, with the fluidity accomplished, does take real skill and is ably demonstrated such as "Pariahs of the Universe," "Soldiers of the Endtime," "Battle of the Sea and Sky" and "The Siren of Eternity" all attest to mightily. Even shorter stuff like "Silver Doors" and "Generation O" have a fantastic display of talent required to pull off what’s accomplished in those tracks which does leave this as more than just an average tech/death band, but there’s also not a whole lot else to diversify themselves in such a crowded market. However, for those that forsake all this and merely enjoy and appreciate technical bombast for the sake of it all, bump this score up a few extra notches. (Don Anelli)

lunedì 16 dicembre 2013

Odetosun – Gods Forgotten Orbit

#PER CHI AMA: Death Progressive, Gothic, Moonspell, The Blood Divine
Autoproduzione con i fiocchi per questa band tedesca attiva dal 2008 che con questo album sfodera una classe innata e matura. Un suono corposo, pesante e definito allo stesso tempo, una chitarra stratosferica che libera gotica epicità da tutti i pori, con un carisma e una personalità piena di originalità. A volte sembra di sentire i migliori The Cult ('Love' album) in una forma gotica di scuola The Blood Divine, l'atmosfera buia dei My Diyng Bride ma più orgogliosi, meno psicotici e tanto più rock oriented sulla scia dei Sentenced, con richiami al metal dei Moonspell. Un buon stile compositivo, efficace e ad effetto, i brani non deludono mai le aspettative e si prova grossa soddisfazione ascoltando questo ottimo cd. Magari l'idea sonora non è originalissima ma nel suo cavalcare stereotipi di genere riesce ad evolversi e a distinguersi dalla massa per una vena compositiva, dura e melodica di tutto rispetto, bella, orecchiabile, ben calibrata e ben suonata, carica di venature classic rock, con assoli e riff tutti da apprezzare. Non manca il brano strumentale, lungo, psichedelico e progressivo dal titolo "Journey to Gliese" che sposta pesantemente il tiro verso lo space rock. Nell'insieme dei sei brani di certo non sfigura, riesce a creare un ponte narcotico con certo space stile The Spacious Mind rivisitato in chiave gothic metal, che ci permette di respirare prima dei due brani finali, un tripudio di duro rock con aspirazioni post e psych metal. Un album dall'incedere progressivo in continua mutazione che, tralasciando la mediocre grafica di copertina, possiamo definirlo un gioiellino tutto da scoprire e da consigliare! Ascoltare per credere! (Bob Stoner)

domenica 15 dicembre 2013

Centuries - Taedium Vitae

#FOR FANS OF: Black Hardcore
Opening with a slow, atmospheric fade, “Incipit Tragoedia” (First Tragedy), segues into the second track, “Caeruleus” (Water Spirits). Segues are prevalent between most of the songs on this release. Centuries is an extreme metal band with black metal vocals using slower beats—as opposed to standard blast beat fare — and includes some solid headbanging grooves, such as in “Gelu” (Chill of Death) and “Metus” (Object of Dread) — channeling a touch of Pantera feeling in these rhythms. The disc title, which I first interpreted as 'Tired of Life', is more accurately translated as 'Weary of Life'. They are a Florida (USA) band that has added a degree of mystery to their image by choosing Latin titles for all of their songs on this disc, as well as the disc title itself. This makes me wonder if one of the band members is a former seminary student (since they don’t teach Latin anywhere else these days, to my knowledge), or if they just used the ‘Net to translate their song titles for dramatic effect. That having been said, there are additional shades of meaning that may come from alternate translations of the song titles than the ones chosen to appear in this review. This reviewer has barely begun to develop an ear for understanding the guttural percussive effect of death metal vocals, and has yet to develop an ear for deciphering the words rendered in the full-throated screams of the black metal vocal style. “Tabeo” (Decay) is extreme noise-metal with a drumbeat, including a clean narrative vocal in the background in English. All in all, I found 'Taedium Vitae' (although somewhat inscrutable) best described as a cross between Anaal Nathrakh and Dissection, as it should appeal to fans of both groups. Be forewarned, however not to expect the smooth, tight rhythms tones of the latter, as Centuries’ rhythm guitars on this disc are overdriven yet jangling, with the accidental dissonance of occasional open strings retained on the recording for effect (as pioneered roughly a half-century ago on the Beatles’ neo-metal tune, “Helter Skelter” which appeared on their infamous 'White Album'). (Bob Szekely)

(Southern Lord - 2013)
Score: 60
