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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Peaceville Records. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 23 gennaio 2025

Doedsmaghird - Omniverse Consciousness

#PER CHI AMA: Black Avantgarde
Pubblicato lo scorso ottobre, 'Omniverse Consciousness' dei norvegesi Doedsmaghird, si distingue come un’evoluzione artistica significativa dei membri Ms. Longue Vie Imminent Doom e Mr. Vicxit Baba Maharaja, ben noti per il loro lavoro con i Dødheimsgard (peraltro l'anagramma del moniker della band di quest'oggi). Questo side-project è interessante per la fusione di elementi elettronici con il nero verbo metallico. Fin dall’inizio infatti, c’è una forte sensazione di spontaneità e libertà creativa che differisce da alcune delle più recenti uscite dei Dødheimsgard. L’album ritrae la musica dei nostri come un'estensione naturale del suono distintivo della band madre, ma qui con un'inflessione più irriverente e sperimentale, dimostrata attraverso l'arricchimento del sound con una varietà di elementi sonori, tra cui "blips", "whooshes" e "chimes", che accompagnano chitarre e batteria, creando un'atmosfera quasi psichedelica. A ogni modo, basta ascoltare la prima traccia, "Heart of Hell", per intraprendere un viaggio sonoro che può sembrare confuso, ma che in realtà riesce a rivelare armonie e transizioni logiche all'interno di essa, mescolando darkwave con atmosfere contemplative. Altri brani degni di nota includono la super stralunata "Sparker Inn Apne Dorer" e "Then, to Darkness Return", che esplora (e abbina) ritmi tribali a sonorità cupe di valenza black metal. Infine, segnalerei "Adrift Into Collapse" che chiude l'album, prima dell'outro conclusivo, con una transizione verso atmosfere più eteree e poetiche, utilizzando campionamenti di violini in un contesto cyber-noir. In conclusione, 'Omniverse Consciousness' non è solo un debutto promettente per i Doedsmaghird, ma anche un'opera che espande i confini del black metal contemporaneo, invitando gli ascoltatori a immergersi in un universo sonoro complesso e affascinante. (Francesco Scarci)

lunedì 23 settembre 2024

Behemoth - Thelema.6

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Black/Death
Anche per quest'album, i polacchi Behemoth sono rimasti sintonizzati su uno stile fortemente death metal con toni accesi, acuti, per l’impatto, con frequenti, improvvisi cambi di tempo dettati da intrecci complicati e veloci a rallentamenti profondi. Assoli e armonie tragici, aspri in modo amaro. La chitarra e il basso dipingono i brani assai liberamente, con tocchi nervosi o stoppati, a volte accompagnati dalla batteria o più spesso, quest'ultima ne brutalizza l’insieme. Quest'album intricatamente vario, ha un cantato con urla cupe o agghiaccianti, che racchiude alcuni intro e brevi intermezzi elettronici che incupiscono i soventi crescendo, le ritmiche secche e gli innumerevoli percorsi sonori, lenti o furibondi tra svariati contrasti. L’evidente perizia tecnica non abbandona affatto l’impatto e la triste armonia dell’album, essendo peraltro sostenuti da un’ottima registrazione. Inoltre, diversi pezzi ricordano cose ancor più vecchie dei Behemoth, appesantite e più raffinate da uno stile complesso.

(Avantgarde Music/Peaceville - 2000/2021)
Voto: 75


giovedì 5 ottobre 2023

Mysticum - In the Streams of Inferno

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Industrial Black
I Mysticum sono un gruppo norvegese di black-industriale molto particolare, con atmosfere glaciali ed inquietanti (ma auspico che la maggior parte di voi già lo sappia/ndr). La drum-machine in questo 'In the Strems of Inferno' è simile ad un martello pneumatico volutamente ripetitiva e prorompente. La voce black è malvagia però, quasi in sottofondo rispetto alla musica. Nei Mysticum l’uso dei synth e di campionatori è d’importanza rilevante perché è proprio in queste parti dove viene concentrato il suono freddo e industriale. Le otto tracce qui presenti sono un inno al male, ed è inutile addentrarsi nella spiegazione di ogni singola canzone visto che il lavoro è oscuro in ogni suo elemento e privo di cali di tensione. Ascoltatelo quindi in completo silenzio, fatevi rapire dalla follia compositiva. Imperdibile.

(Full Moon Productions/Peaceville Records - 1996/2023)
Voto: 85


sabato 1 luglio 2023

Napalm Death - Order of the Leech

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School
I think this is a solid release as well as line-up. Except for the fact that they don't have Mick Harris anymore. He seemed to be the driving force when it came to grindcore. But Napalm changed into more of a death metal band than grind. The energy is high up there and the riffs are mind boggling. This is another newer generation of Napalm that I like. A lot of their newer material is OK but I prefer the old. This has a good sound to it and vibe. I think old school Barney is the best but he's doing good on here as well.

The music is the highlight of this album and I did enjoy pretty much all the tracks. Mitch's vocals are a little annoying though, but it brings back Mick to old Napalm. I felt that the bulk of the songs had a good structure to them and the guitar tone was appropriate. They were fortunate that Jesse (RIP) was still with the band at this point. I always liked him with the band. I think after 'Harmony Corruption' the band experienced a fall in their energy (Mick). They've just changed when he left and turned more towards death metal than grind. Not that that's bad, but maybe change their name, I'm not sure.

The guitars sound like they're tuned pretty low hence their thick sound. Really keeping it underground they are and Danny has some wicked drum tracks though it sounds like he's using triggers. That's not bad just has to keep up with the rhythms! I guess I just like the old school Napalm though I do think a lot of their newer stuff is palatable. But yeah, they should've changed their name. However, there are a lot of good moments to this album. Nothing that sticks as well as the old but still, it is quality. Barney isn't as low on the growls as he was on 'Harmony Corruption' or 'Fear, Emptiness, Despair'.

This album is more than 20 years old, but it's still on the good side of Napalm. The main members were with the band on here (Barney, Jesse, Mitch and Shane). I don't know what happened to the last track on this album but all the songs are pretty strong! I decided to buy the CD after hearing this digitally. Mind you, I still collect CD's. It was worth getting, wholeheartedly! The energy and fire is still there on this one it'll just never amount to 'Harmony Corruption'. That one was filled with death/grind glory! Still, an excellent effort on this one. They have shown the metal community fresh new riffs! Check it! (Death8699)

(FETO Records/Peaceville Records - 2002/2015)
Score: 70


giovedì 13 aprile 2023

Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
Vorrei, con questa recensione, rendere omaggio ad un gruppo norvegese ormai sciolto (anche se Metal Archives darebbe la band ancora attiva nonostante non rilasci nulla dal 1996/ndr), che però con questo album di black potente e fiero si era distinto tra gli altri esponenti della scena per una buona tecnica e per una buona costruzione delle atmosfere, tristi ma evocative, vicine a sonorità che resero celebri i Satyricon di 'Nemesis Divina'. Certo, i Kvist avevano dalla loro una regisrazione più modesta ma sempre di buon livello, però erano riusciti comunque a convogliare in un'unica direzione il black primordiale senza tanti fronzoli, al black più ricercato e sinfonico. Da sottolineare l’ottimo intreccio fra armonie di tastiere e di chitarre. Se 'For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike' non fosse in vostro possessso, beh datevi da fare e trovatelo.

(Avantgarde Music/Peaceville Records - 1996/2020)
Voto: 72


lunedì 30 gennaio 2023

Autopsy - Severed Survival

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Grind
This release is the ultimate in death metal history! What's not to like on here?! The guitars, drums, vocals and sound quality are top notch for a 1989 release. No other album that they've done reaches to this standard in death metal. Chris is KING on vocals and drums. You don't find many drummer/vocalists in metal. Mick Harris did a little of it in Napalm Death but I haven't heard any metal guy that does both simultaneously. Chris pulls it off on stage as well. Saw Autopsy last year and wow they played till 1 o'clock in the morning! This album tops their latest 'Morbidity Triumphant'. I felt that it wasn't as good enough of an effort as their debut here.

Chris played on the first Death LP and he was good there as well. Another thing that's good about Autopsy is you can hear the bass guitar. It's prevalent on here throughout. Not into the writings but the music on here is totally original and intense. Some people say that they're the best death metal band ever. I don't agree, but this one is hard to top. It's just so underground and the riffs are top notch. I love the vibe of this it's totally evil and death defying. They've had a good career in metal and they're still going strong! The leads on here are crazy and well executed. A good boon to this release. Top notch lineup!

The production quality here is definitely giving this debut quite a specialty in the death metal genre. They knew what direction they were going with this and stuck to it. Some slow riffs, some faster and wholly uncompromising!

The vocals by Chris were excellent. What a solid effort. He put his heart and soul into this. Some of my favorite songs include "Charred Remains", "Ridden With Disease", and the title track. Take a listen! (Death8699)

(Peaceville Records - 1989)
Score: 90


domenica 16 ottobre 2022

Autopsy - Morbidity Triumphant

#PER CHI AMA: Death Gore
What can I say but: AUTOPSY! For having not been a fan throughout their career, I think this one warrants a "73" rating. A semi-raw production sound like most of the others. I suffice to say here that they have some fresh riffs, and the vocals are pretty brutal. A lot of the riffs are slow which is vintage Autopsy like their previous releases. The intensity is pretty up there and the lead guitar isn't bad at all. It's not overly sloppy, it's actually pretty well thought out. The guitars set the tone for the album and Chris behind the set/vocals seemed to be right on que. For a not so keen Autopsy fan, I can say that I like what's going on here.

I guess it's the vibe on this that makes it listenable. Just the intensity is there and the vocals are thundering. It's amusing what's going on here. Most of the tempos are slow and the overall length on this one is a little over 41 minutes. It could've been longer but they did pretty well on here. I know that this band has a good fan-base. I suppose that I never got into the vibe. But they show their self here and after all these years have made quite a good death metal album. With tempos fluctuating, they cover all aspects of their style. But they're still considered to be strictly a California based death metal band.

The production as I've stated is a bit raw but that's how they like it! I'd have to say in certain aspects the vocals are over-the-top screaming. I like how they fluctuate though. It makes it so that they diversify. I'm not sure what they're tuned to guitar wise probably the same as older albums. It sounds that way though. These guys are immortal! I'm glad that they've reformed in 2009 and they got a fan back in me. They're just different, not typical death metal. They have their own sound and melodies. I think that they're going to be making music for a lot longer now especially since they did well here.

Don't just stream this one, pick up the CD! It's worth supporting the band! That's what I did. I was unsure as to whether or not I would like it. Even other people I've said that I didn't like this. But upon a few more listens the energy sparked and it was worth its weight in AUTOPSY! Check this one out, I thought it is a bit better than 'Skull Grinder'. The music is better and of course it isn't better than their debut. It's probably better than most Autopsy albums I was just curious that's what ended up with me buying the album. I'm going to have to stock up on more of their discography! Take a listen to this one! (Death8699)

martedì 27 settembre 2022

Mortuary Drape - Tolling 13 Knell

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Black/Death
Tredici funerei rintocchi di campana, tredici anni di onorata carriera: era il 2000 e i Mortuary Drape festeggiavano la ricorrenza (che cadeva, a dire il vero, nel '99, anno di composizione del presente cd) con un album che sento di consigliare caldamente a tutti coloro che non amano le cacofonie senza senso, ma prediligono invece trame musicali ricercate e suggestive. Con i Mortuary Drape s'intraprende un viaggio nell'aldilà, in una dimensione ctonica, catacombale. È un piacere immergersi nelle ben architettate, spettrali atmosfere di questo cd, articolato in dieci brani. Non si tratta di un concept album, eppure vi si può ravvisare un elemento unificante, che conferisce all'insieme un tocco di qualità: questo comun denominatore è il carisma dei Mortuary Drape. Un ingrediente di assoluto pregio.

(Avantgarde Music/Peaceville Records - 2000/2013)
Voto: 75


lunedì 20 giugno 2022

Darkthrone - The Cult is Alive

#PER CHI AMA: Black/Thrash
Scrivere qualcosa sui Darkthrone, che già non sia stato detto, diventa ogni giorno che passa, sempre più arduo. Dopo aver recensito il discreto EP 'Too Old, Too Cold', eccomi a dare il mio giudizio anche su questo 'The Cult is Alice', un album che non si discosta poi molto, dai precedenti lavori e porta avanti, a testa bassa, il discorso intrapreso dal duo scandinavo fine anni '80, attraverso queste dieci tracks, non molto dissimili, se volete, dal Mcd sopra menzionato. La musica della band è, come sempre, una colata malvagia di note black, dal forte sapore punk, che contraddistingue il gruppo fin dai suoi esordi. Le dieci maligne songs scorrono via che è un piacere, all’insegna di un mosh frenetico e continuo, creato dal sound grezzo dei nostri, il solito ipotetico mix tra Motorhead e raw black metal. Da segnalare "Graveyard Slut" con un inusuale Fenriz in veste di cantante, brano peraltro già comparso in 'Too Old Too Cold', dove però alla voce compariva il buon Nocturno Culto. I brani sono spesso ripetitivi si sa; devo ammettere però che in alcuni frangenti la chitarra di Nocturno è ben ispirata, sfoggiando alcuni “sporchi” assoli niente male. Angosciante "De Underjordiske", vera e propria calata negli inferi, in cui i due norvegesi ci prendono per mano e ci accompagnano nell’esplorazione dei gironi infernali; la diabolica song mi ha molto ricordato gli esordi dei conterranei Manes per quelle sue atmosfere al limite del claustrofobico. Altro da scrivere su una delle band storiche del black metal, lo ripeto, risulta assai difficile. 'The Cult is Alive' è il tipico album “made by Darkthrone” e si sa, i Darkthrone o si amano o si odiano. Per concludere: album numero 11 per l’act scandinavo e pollice verso l’alto a confermare il valore di una band che, nonostante la non impeccabile perizia tecnica e la scarsa fantasia compositiva, ha saputo crearsi comunque un seguito, davvero ragguardevole, nel panorama metal. (Francesco Scarci)

(Peaceville Records - 2006)
Voto: 73


domenica 24 aprile 2022

Darkthrone - Too Old Too Cold

#PER CHI AMA: Raw Black
A.D. 2006: la fiamma nera di Fenriz e Nocturno Culto continua a brillare nel firmamento del black metal, pur proponendo, come sempre, un nulla di nuovo. Se si deve fare un complimento alla band norvegese, è proprio quello di aver mantenuto da sempre una coerenza di fondo nel loro bagaglio musicale, senza aver mai tradito i propri intransigenti fans. Sta però proprio qui, per quanto mi riguarda, nella staticità artistica del duo scandinavo, il loro limite maggiore per cui non ne ho mai particolarmente apprezzato le gesta. Andiamo comunque a dare un ascolto a questo breve capitolo della saga “darkthroniana”: 'Too Old Too Cold' è un Ep di 4 pezzi, per una durata di circa 13 minuti, dove i 2 classici minimalisti riff di Nocturno Culto, s’intrecciano con i suoni grezzi e sporchi della batteria di Fenriz e con le solite vocals strazianti che s’instaurano sul tappeto old style creato dai due loschi figuri. Insomma, nulla di nuovo sotto il sole: il sound gretto e primitivo dell’act norvegese è sempre una gioia per i fans della band. Interessante la presenza della cover dei Siouxie And The Banshees "Love In A Void", terza traccia di questo piccolo blasfemo lavoro, in cui Nocturno canta in modo epico ricordando non poco la performance ai tempi degli Isengard di 'Vinterskugge'. Da segnalare inoltre la partecipazione di Grutle degli Enslaved, come ospite in "High on Cold War", concentrato di furioso black punk rock’n roll oriented, song che tra l’altro contiene addirittura un assolo!!! Segno che i tempi stavano cambiando anche in casa Darkthrone. (Francesco Scarci)

martedì 21 dicembre 2021

Bloodbath - Grand Morbid Funeral

#FOR FANS OF: Swedish Death
This album has an immense energy to it, being as though a totally "morbid" album title and cover artwork. These Swedish death metallers did a great job here musically, production-wise and aura to the album. It's totally in belonging in the underground! The riffs are just amazing and the leads are phenomenal. This band I just discovered somewhat recently. They just kill from every aspect! I like the music and vocals the most. The guitars are way professional, nothing generic about them at all. The riffs are totally innovative and the energy to the album is all there! There's nothing lacking to this "funeral."

I like the fact that they choose eerie openings to songs. It's just to spook the listener out. This album seems like it'd be a sort of concept release, but I'm not entirely sure in saying that. It just seems that it ever-so fits for what they're trying to do here. The tempos to the songs vary and the music is heavy as fuck! The vocals go along well with the music. It's totally thick as shit. They sound way like a Swedish band definitely. Though a little bit different than say Dismember (split-up) or Entombed. This is more modern type of material they just want to slay you! This album captures it all, especially the guitars.

I think the mixing/production is top notch. They really do a good job weaving everything in there. This band sits among the top of the death metal genre. Their fuel for each song is invigorating. They really hit home with me! The music is entirely original and unique. Their hatred that they spew out is ever so blissful. I think this band has a lot of life left to it. And 'Grand Morbid Funeral' is one of their better releases. It's not good the ENTIRE way through, there are some things that I think that they could change about it but still I'm giving it an "A-" rating. They deserve it with all the diversity the album has to it.

I would definitely say to buy this release because of it's brutality, ingenuity, precision and talent! These guys tear it up! After repeated listens to I definitely are a milestone in the death metal arena. It deserves higher ratings for sure! I would venture to say that they will be around for a lot longer especially now is a great time to write riffs. Their songwriting capabilities is immense. Let's show the band some respect and buy their album! You can always stream it if you have Spotify, but owning the CD is probably the best choice of action. It's showing that you respect their efforts in the metal world! (Death8699)

(Peaceville Records - 2014)
Score: 79


giovedì 2 dicembre 2021

Autopsy - Puncturing The Grotesque

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
This is vintage death metal from this band. It's odd like most of their releases in what they sound like. I would say that this is worth a "B" rating. It's good musically and with the vocals not to mention the production quality. I liked this EP a lot, their newer material I'm more a fan of. The old stuff I have a hard time getting into. Maybe it's the sound of the guitars/bass that reared me away from most of their releases. I'd say that they just are an acquired taste of a band. The vocals are just weird. It's not your typical death metal band. They have their own unique vibe to them. I'd say they have had a pivotal career making their death metal.

I'm glad I got this EP because I'm able to appreciate their sound more and it's a little more modern in the sense that the recording quality is good. The music is good, too! The leads excellent as well. All of this under 30 minute release is worthy of praise. The tempos change around a lot. They are in a way "gore metal". Their sound on here is just underground. It's difficult to get into if you're looking for something fast all the time. Autopsy plays around with tempos. That doesn't make them any lesser of a band in doing this. They want to take you down to the underground sound.

The sound quality (as I've said) is good! I think that the production did them well. It's better than previous releases. I haven't totally given up on the band, I've just sort of made a terms with them and their sound. And I think the more that I'm exposed to them, the more I will appreciate them. They're definitely atypical death metal. And that's evident on this EP, entirely! I think they change things up quite a bit. It's mostly just slower rhythms as the EP progresses. They have some catchy stuff in store for you! I'm glad they seem to get good appreciation by their fans on their material.

I'd say check this EP out on YouTube or maybe Spotify if it's on there. I bought the EP because it's recent and I figured that I'd get a better sense of what I'm getting into regarding their sound. It's definitely gore based. If you want just straightforward death metal, this isn't for you. Autopsy plays around with their sound all the way through. At least that's what they did on here. If you want something that's somewhat new and fresh then this is one to get. But give it a chance because the riffs are odd. And a lot of the music is just not your typical death metal band. Check it out! (

venerdì 19 novembre 2021

Opeth - Still Life


#FOR FANS OF: Prog Death
This is one of my favorites from this band, till they took a dive into progressive rock now. This one, 'My Arms, Your Hearse' as well as 'Blackwater Park', are my favorites. 'Watershed' (to me) is just OK. Really experimental, but alright. So here, we have unrelenting progressive metal. The riffs are outstanding. It’s great to appreciate this progressive metal album. And I do also Opeth's older music. The guitars are my favorite here, just unrelentingly good and fresh riffs. They seem to interchange quite a bit, but that’s the glory of progressive metal. The fact that tempos can just come out of nowhere and just hit you, bam! Heavy guitars and vocals again! It’s really unique. The songs are lengthy on here too, which is good.

As I’ve said, the music fluctuates between heavy and clean guitar work, but it's quality and wholly original. Everything about this band is fresh AND original. The vocals are amazing, too. I liked everything about this release. I thought it to be flawless. In every aspect, just flawless. The music is what steals the listener to it wanting to hear more. And the hoarse then clean vocals (not in order). I like the production quality as well. The mixing and sound is filled with precision, I felt that this is one of the best produced Opeth album in the 90's era of the band. Newer stuff, OK but now it's progressive rock, not metal. It’s amazing how the band just seemed to change to rock.

The effects on here are cool, and the acoustics are quite good. The melodies on this whole album are just amazing. Both heavy and clean. We sort of knew that the path would eventually become different, but that’s alright. I think this album’s music is resoundingly superb. They stole that year (1999) with this release. I really think that the best ones (to me) are the few that I mentioned previously. But there other albums, just not the rock ones are still OK. I like the clean guitar and the heavy guitar. Both are very intricate. The music is what makes this album be what it is – a MONUMENT. The Opeth of the 90’s and early 2000’s are their best.

What I think is the most spellbinding are the guitars. The riffs are wholly original as is are the vocals. They fit the music perfectly. And you cannot help but enjoy the flipside from in your face destruction to an almost ballad-like poles. It’s as if the tempos changes are highly polarized. That’s why people like their old stuff, at least the metalhead crowds. I liked Opeth pretty much right away when I first heard them. It was a shock to the system. They were just highly original and unique. That’s why I still respect their older work. Getting to the new stuff as a metalhead it’s just not there. I’ll stay in respect to the old stuff.

Show support for their music, maybe not so much the band anymore, just their earlier work. They deserve it. It’s possible to like the band a lot just not so much the members. I have utmost respect for this band and if you choose to get the CD upon reading this review, go for it! It’s not on my Spotify, just CD. But I believe they may have it on Bandcamp and the CD is still available through various avenues. I will continue to listen to the older material, the reason why is to keep their spirit alive in the metal community! They were once really great! The work of old Opeth will be a treasured remain. Older Opeth is dead, long live old Opeth! (Death8699)

(Peaceville - 1999)
Score: 90


mercoledì 10 novembre 2021

Morta Skuld - Suffer For Nothing

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School, Obituary
A tinge of Malevolent Creation sounding type of gig here, though the guitars are lower but equally strong. I liked this whole album, especially because it's an old school death metal vibe to it. Wisconsin based Morta Skuld have played alongside Death, Obituary, et al and they've been into the scene since 30+ years ago! I had the privilege to see a live performance of this for this album. They can definitely pull it off live! The album is a bit short, not even 40 minutes but it still packs a punch, to say the least! Decent sounding recording as well, definitely one of the better bands in this old school death metal genre that's still around.

Sounds like they tune pretty low, maybe B or C which gives it that thick heavy tone. The leads are pretty tight too. But mostly the riffs are what holds the most weight to it. People say the drummer uses triggers but maybe, it still sounds good. Maybe so to keep up with the guitars. I'm still not marking off points to this album if that's true. I think that they worked hard on this one, Wisconsin based death metalers pack a punch. And the vocals go well with the music. I thought them pretty powerful live but that's of little relevance as to what is that which we're dealing with here in this recording.

The production quality was pretty spot-on. I thought it to be really powerful of a performance i.e. the entire recording. The lyrical concepts were something that I do omit in writing about since many bands are piss-poor at writing lyrics when the music itself is good. So this is beyond the scope of this album review. Judge for yourself when looking at the lyrical concepts. I thought that they killed it entirely musically-wise. The guitars and drums are what stuck to me, not so much the vocals. Though they resemble a little bit of Brett Hoffman (RIP) via Malevolent Creation. Though they have their own twist to them.

I listened to this one on Spotify first before I purchased the album. It was definitely worth it! These guys knock how to kick ass when it comes to songwriting. I like their vibe and I got the same when they played here live. Definitely a talented band. And the music is intense. I think they have many more recordings in the works. Towards the end of their tour here in Covid-19, I believe that their next platter will pack another punch to it! I hope that it's as good as this one maybe even better! I'll keep a watch out for this band. They've definitely hit to a liking to them entirely! Check out this album! (Death8699)

(Peaceville Records - 2020)
Score: 75

domenica 22 gennaio 2012

Cradle of Filth - Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa

#PER CHI AMA: Black Gothic Symph
È un piacere per me, presentarvi l’ultima fatica dei Cradle Of Filth. Li avevamo lasciati con “Godspeed on the Devil’s Thunder”, sono ritornati con un capolavoro, un melodramma in musica, basato sulla storia di Lilith intitolato “Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa”. Questo nuovo concept album dei Cradle è suddiviso in due cd, uno con 11 track e un secondo con 4 brani. Il primo cd si apre con “The Cult Of Venus Aversa”, dove un bel clavicembalo dolce, dalla melodia settecentesca, fa da apripista, accompagnato da una voce femminile, che sembra quasi prepararci a questa esperienza musicale, e sembra quasi minacciarci quando dice “stanotte arrivo per te…” ed è vero, questo cd sembra avere una vita propria, delle proprie emozioni… Dopo questo attimo di tranquillità (non ve ne aspettate molti questo cd è totalmente violento, potente, devastante e come sempre erotico), il pezzo si concede a noi in tutta la sua brutalità: la batteria inizia le sue rullate veloci, la doppia cassa ci colpisce allo stomaco, le chitarre sono distorte, veloci, mai scontate, sempre in puro stile Cradle sia chiaro, tuttavia c’è da notare quale egregio lavoro sia stato fatto, quando scopriamo la voglia di usare riff diversi, lontani dai soliti canoni black o gothic. Dopo i sette minuti iniziali decisamente oscuri della opening track, ho come la percezione di respirare la stessa aria di “Midian”, per lo meno quella stessa creativa genialità. Passando a “One Foul Step From The Abyss”, una bella melodia di pianoforte ci dà il benvenuto, alla quale poi si attaccano ben presto delle melodie orchestrali, prima della deflagrazione del pezzo vero e proprio: brutale in pieno stile CoF, con i riff di chitarra che per tutto il pezzo si mescolano con le parti orchestrali innescando forti sensazioni, senza mai deludere, anzi meravigliandomi sempre di più, per la vena creativa di Dani (la cui voce è certamente più matura) e soci. Passo a “Retreat of the Sacred Heart”, il suo inizio ricorda “Glided Cunt”, ma è molto più cattiva con il rifferama sempre molto acuminato a supporto di ottime parti atmosferiche, vero pezzo forte di questo lavoro. “Persecution Song” mostra un’altra avvincente melodia di piano iniziale prima di abbandonare progressivamente la propria rilassatezza fino al ritornello centrale. In questa canzone c’è una perfetta amalgama tra i vari momenti (feroci e sognanti), come se si fosse in teatro ad assistere ad una rappresentazione, i cui atti però li ritroviamo in una solo brano. “Lilith Immaculate” si lascia ricordare per la bella voce femminile e il chorus centrale. Skippo velocemente (non vorrei tediarvi troppo) a “Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned)”, (che è anche il primo singolo estratto dall’album e del quale è stato fatto il video) dove veniamo accolti da una bel riff di chitarra iniziale e dove rimango sorpreso dal modo di cantare di Dani che nella sua veste pulita, devo ammettere possedere una gran bella voce. Ritroviamo sempre la solita batteria quasi da sincope cerebrale, davvero questa volta i nostri hanno sovradosato il tutto con intelligente irruenza. Del secondo cd vorrei citare “Mistress From the Sucking Pit”, che ancora una volta si apre con un meraviglioso piano, che poi viene fagocitato dall’entrata distruttiva e potente della ritmica. Tutto in questo pezzo scorre veloce, dalla batteria frenetica e tipicamente black, al riffing distorto che sembra quasi tagliare l’orecchio all’ascoltatore, prima di trascinarmi verso la fine del pezzo, in un misto di sensazioni angeliche e demoniache, alle quali non sono stato in grado di sottrarmi. Il pezzo corre via, veloce come un'esecuzione di un condannato a morte, maledettamente trascinante, prima che le chitarre si mischino ad un assolo di piano pulito, morbido quasi delicato, che contrappone la propria dolcezza ed eleganza alla malvagità degli altri strumenti. Posso concludere questo viaggio nel mondo infestato da creature demoniache, consigliando caldamente l’acquisto e l’ascolto in religioso silenzio, affermando con certezza che per l’ennesima volta la band d’Albione, è riuscita a regalarmi le sensazioni che mi aspettavo, sebbene da più parti siano stati accusati di essere divenuti commerciali. Ebbene, mi trovo completamente in disaccordo con queste affermazioni perché la musica è l’unica cosa sulla quale ognuno di noi può vederla in maniera soggettiva: per me i Cradle non si sono venduti, ma sono semplicemente cresciuti ed evoluti artisticamente, nella vita si cambia, non si può fare solo musica da segheria… Che dire quindi, se non complimenti ai Cradle che per me hanno centrato di nuovo l’obiettivo, conferendo arte, stile, ed eleganza ad un genere un po’ troppo bistrattato. (PanDaemonAeon)

(Peaceville Records)
Voto: 85