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venerdì 29 ottobre 2021

The Pit Tips

Francesco Scarci

Forelunar - Forlorn in Despair
Noltem - Illusions in the Wake
Grav Morbus - Masohhist


Cradle of Filth - Existence Is Futile
Lutharo - Hiraeth
Morta Skuld - Suffer For Nothing

Alain González Artola

Yvla de Lune - I
Silent Thunder - Usurping the Hall of Might and Splendour
Forgotten Sword - One Ring - One Rule


Sodom - Decision Day

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash Metal
This album is quality thrash metal. It's not overly heavy in any respect. It's a relatively mild Sodom with a killer groove to it. All 50 minutes were worth it. I liked all the songs. I mostly liked the guitars and vocals. Those are two key things I look forward to in an album. The production sound is good as well. It crystalizes the music and gives it justice. The quality in the guitar riffs are totally there as well as the leads. I dug everything about this release. It didn't bore me in any way, it was in every respect WORTH IT. If you're a lover of thrash metal, you've got to hear this one. Even though it's a "B" average, it still has that German thrash vibe to it.

Sodom has been around since 1981 and Tom Angelripper (bass/vocals) has been the longtime member of the band. They have gone through several lineup changes especially was notable when Frank Blackfire was with the band during the 80's and 'Persecution Mania' as well as 'Agent Orange' came out way back then. They've been on and off with quality releases but here they show that they're still making good thrash metal albums. I enjoyed Sodom early on having the cassette tape of 'Persecution Mania' playing it quite often back then. I feel like they still "have it" in terms of the music and groove.

So there was a gap in listening to the relatively newer releases, but I got a few of them. 'Epitome of Torture' is another example. I favored this one over it. But it still was a good release. Sometimes it's hit or miss with bands but those who are in for a long time still are releasing descent music like Destruction and of course Sodom too. Sodom seems to take a different approach though. Destruction seems to have albums that sound the same. These guys experiment with sounds. And riff-writing wise. They have some quite catchy riffs here, as was also heard with the release of 'Code Red'.

It'd be a good idea to maybe check this out on YouTube. What you'll find is that the album isn't really that fast, but catchy. And qualiy sound production as well. It's definitely one that hits home in every aspect. The lineups change but the frontman is always about kicking ass. All 50 minutes as I said is worth sitting through. And what we have to look forward to is their new release this year. I'm hoping that it will be somewhat similar to this or old Sodom. But until then, we still have 'Decision Day'. Check it out! (Death8699)

(Steamhammer - 2016)
Score: 75


Flying Norwegians – Wounded Bird

#PER CHI AMA: Psych/Country Rock
La cittadina di Bergen non significa solo Burzum, Borknagar, black metal o avantgarde metal, molto tempo prima del periodo metal infatti, la musica nell'abitato norvegese, aveva forgiato altri eroi e altri generi musicali. Alla fine degli anni '60, il chitarrista Rune Walle e il batterista Gunnar Bergstrøm, erano degli emergenti e giovani musicisti molto abili, che vennero presto reclutati nella rock band Saft, e parteciparono all'incisione del terzo, fortunato album, dal titolo 'Stev, Sull, Rock 'n Roll'. L'ambizione dei due però ardeva forte per una svolta musicale più country, eguagliando le vette di Eagles e Flying Burrito Brothers, così nel gennaio del 1974, i nostri decisero di formare una propria band dal nome, Flying Norwegians. La breve introduzione storica, serviva a presentare questa ultima ristampa (disponibile anche in cd, vinile e formato digitale), del loro fortunatissimo secondo album, intitolato 'Wounded Bird', del 1976, che li rese assai celebri in patria e che portò Walle a suonare anche con gli Ozark Mountain Daredevil in America, a seguito di celebri band come the Doobie Brothers, Jeff Beck, The Beach Boys. Da allora ne è passata di acqua sotto i ponti, tra album buoni e sperimentazioni meno significative, tour, separazioni e reunion, fino ad arrivare a questa fedele ristampa che mantiene il sound caldo e profondo della band direttamente dal mastertapes originale, senza stravolgerne gli equilibri, mantenendone le caratteristiche originali. Qui tutto il calore del loro sound viene trasferito con perizia e gusto in digitale, per assaporare al meglio le atmosfere della steel guitar e quegli ambienti d'estrazione a stelle e strisce che, in quel periodo, permisero alla band scandinava di essere soprannominata col giusto onore, Eagles di Norvegia. Il resto lo dice l'ascolto del disco, con le sue atmosfere sognanti, in pieno spirito psichedelico d'epoca 60's, con innesti di rock alla The Byrds e quel classico country sempre in perfetto equilibrio. Composizioni multicolori contornate anche di escursioni musicali virtuose, il canto solare, il banjo e l'immancabile folk di matrice americana, la presenza costante di una forte e caratteristica connotazione europea, in stile Runrig (periodo 'Play Gaelic'), che mantiene costantemente i brani lontani da qualsiasi tentazione di plagio. Inutile fare l'elenco dei brani migliori, l'opera va riscoperta nella sua totalità, canzone dopo canzone, nota dopo nota, per essere assaporata a dovere. Un ottimo lavoro di ristampa che non mancherà d' essere ben apprezzato anche da chi non ha potuto ascoltarlo alla sua prima realizzazione, sicuramente apprezzabile anche da un pubblico più giovane, appassionato di riscoperte storiche. (Bob Stoner)

martedì 26 ottobre 2021

Glasgow Coma Scale - Sirens

#PER CHI AMA: Post Rock Strumentale
La scena teutonica per cosi dire alternativa, sta crescendo ormai da un paio d'anni a vista d'occhio, sfornando band a destra e a manca. Gli ultimi di cui faccio conoscenza, ma non sono certo pivelli avendo quasi dieci anni di attività alle spalle, sono questi Glasgow Coma Scale, combo originario di Francoforte che con questo 'Sirens' mostra il proprio suggestivo mix di post rock e stoner. Peccato solo che si tratti di una proposta strumentale perchè le carte in regola per fare benissimo, c'erano tutte. Lo dimostrano le intimistiche sonorità dell'opener "Orion", che ammiccano nei suoi quasi otto minuti, ad uno space rock che potrebbe chiamare in causa un che degli Hawkwind, senza dimenticarsi di quelle partiture psichedeliche nel finale che ci conducono nei pressi di un sound di kyussiana memoria. Niente male, davvero. Peccato solo che il comparto vocale sia coperto da pochi secondi di spoken words. "Magik" parte in sordina, con un prog rock astrale seducente ma che necessita di quel quid per farla esplodere e renderla più coinvolgente. Arriverà verso il terzo minuto con il brano che aumenta i giri del motore per 60 secondi prima di un break atmosferico di scuola Porcupine Tree che fa da preambolo ad un finale a dir poco infuocato. Ci siamo, ci siamo quasi, bisogna lavorare esclusivamente sui dettagli. Quelli che verosimilmente vengono maggiormente sottolineati in "Underskin", un delicato ed etereo brano post rock, niente di particolarmente originale, ma dotato sicuramente di un certo appeal, soprattutto là dove i nostri schiacciano con più veemenza sull'acceleratore dando delle bordate elettriche su di un tappeto ritmico post metal malinconicamente ondivago. Però diavolo, se ci fosse stata una voce, non sarebbe forse stato meglio? La title track prova a venire fuori con un sound ancor più accattivante ma niente, quello che manca è un urlaccio che faccia sentire tutte le emozioni che stanno in seno alla band. "Day 366" prosegue sulla scia di un emozionale post rock d'annata, fluido, melodico, sicuramente interessante ma che tuttavia manca di un pizzico di originalità in più, cosa che magari poteva essere prodotta da una voce, chissà. Si lo so, risulto provocatorio addirittura noioso, ma non mi stancherò mai di ribadire la necessità di un vocalist che blateri qualcosa anche solo per pochi secondi. Tutto sarebbe risultato molto più figo, anche per quel che concerne la conclusiva "One Must Fall", ultimo fragoroso atto all'insegna di oscuri suoni lisergici guidati da una poderosa ritmica che rendono questo 'Sirens' un disco da consigliare però ai soli amanti del genere. (Francesco Scarci)

Dead Head - Swine Plague

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash/Death, Kreator, Sadus
I was taken aback after hearing this! What a speed/thrash killer release! Vocals sound a little like Warbringer's vocalist but a little bit different and the music is top notch. I totally dig the riffs on this one. Definitely innovative for them being that this is my first exposure to this band. I enjoyed the album immensely! Though, there's too many solos for my taste. But the intensity is on just about every track! With exceptions, of course. This album has the grit to be strong the whole way through! I think that's it's deserving of a "B" rating overall. I found it to be straightforward and consistently good!

I really like a lot of the riffs they're spewing out on their guitars! They sound great (the tone). It's perfect crunch tone for quality playing. The whole album seems to be strong with consistent riffs that makes the songs flow like an ever flowing stream! (Dismember) This band is quality and they have many years to go in this genre. Another thing I like about this one is that it's pretty raw. Kind of like Metallica's 'Kill Em All' but not as much, still as a comparison it seems to be like that sound. This band plays some pretty fast and technical riffs.

As I talked about, the production is good just the guitars and sound is raw. But that doesn't ruin the magic of this release. I would take out excessive leads but that's just me. It's another reason why I marked points off from the score. But the vocals fit well with the music. In that respect, it's solid. I'm not a fan of the lyrical concepts, just the music. That seems to be the strongest aspect as to what's going on here. Their music is what drew me into this release. The band has some other albums out that I haven't listened to yet. Actually heard about them from a buddy of mine.

I had to order this CD because I'm hearing way much of what I'm into with thrash/speed metal bands. And just discovering this band by word of mouth makes me want to get all their releases! But anyway, you can listen to the digital copy on Spotify or like me show support for the band and buy the physical copy of this album. There are just so many highlights to this release and the energy is top notch up there! That's what you have to love about this band, their strength in songwriting and aura they send to the listener. Check them out! (Death8699)

(Hammerheart Records - 2017)
Score: 73


lunedì 25 ottobre 2021

Haley Bonar - Impossible Dream

#PER CHI AMA: Indie/Folk/Alternative
Un seducente eppure calibrato dream-folk più ("Jealous Girls" – insinuantemente lennoniana, non trovate?) o meno ("Hometown") sonnolento quello della cantante americana di nascita canadese che risponde al nome di Haley Bonar. Forse dalle parti di una Hope Sandoval che s'infila i calzettoni di lana; più ("Kismet Kill") o meno ("Called You Queen") rugginoso, più o meno alla Courtney Love che cerca il barattolo della schiuma da barba. Potreste individuare qua e là un certo fattonz-pop ultramodaiolo tipo Warpaint, specie nei momenti maggiormente guidati dall'elettronica: i Radiohead apotropaici di "I Can Change", i War on Drugs nello spremiagrumni di "Stupid Face". Prestate poi attenzione alla (eccellente) produzione, soltanto apparentemente semplice eppure sovente risolutiva e, spesso, riverberante (prendete ad esempio "Your Mom is Right" o ancora "I Can Change"), a conferire una profondità sonora inaspettata, soprattutto in cuffia. (Alberto Calorosi)

(Gndwire/Memphis Industries - 2016)
Voto: 75


The Big South Market - Muzak

#PER CHI AMA: Hard Rock
Si esordisce con un groove intimidatorio, compatto e rissaiolo, rintuzzato da semicelate evoluzioni batteristiche da vecchio thrashettone impenitente ("Big Deal"). Nella diametrale "Before (You Make it Deeper") invece languono sensazioni eminentemente alt-metal, forse per via del trattamento distorsivo riservato alla traccia vocale, forse per mero spirito di contrapposizione. Il resto dell'EP dirige la prua nella confortevole direzione di certo magmatico hard rock novantiano ("Moondrink"): a proposito della proposta dei The Big South Market, ve li ricordate ancora i Pride and Glory? Di certo blues suburbano riscaldato sul cucchiaino nella maniera, per esempio, degli Alice in Chains (ascoltate il mood di "Red Carpet" o la anagraficamente desertica "Desert Motel"). 'Muzak' è la musica per ambienti: musica da parrucchiera, da dentista, da ascensore, da centro commerciale. La musica di merda, insomma. Quella finalizzata unicamente a coprire il silenzio. 'Muzak' era una autorevole rivista indipendente di RPI. Segue un estratto dal manifesto culturale pubblicato sul numero 1 della rivista: "Con questa parola gli inglesi indicano la musicaccia. Quella di Orietta Berti. O Engelbert Humperdick. O David Cassidy. / ... / E perché no? Anche i Beatles. Anche quelli disguistosamente muzak di Michelle...". (Alberto Calorosi)

(Red Cat Records - 2016)
Voto: 50


Enforced - At The Walls

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash/Crossover
The only thing that lacked on here, was a good production sound. There seemed to be somewhat of an echo to the vibe, but the music is top notch! I like the fact that they're a 5-piece. These types seem to be the best there is! I love the riffs on this one too! They're fast and furious, definitely an album worth checking out. The music is quality. And the vocals go well with the music, too! They did a good job with the lead guitars as well. But the rhythms I key in more than anything else! Totally original riffs and songs filled with ultimate vigor! Their energy on here was phenomenal!

This band is definitely underground! I'm not too familiar with crossover metal but I do know that Power Trip is one also. Enforced had a definitely stronger production sound on the new album, but this one might've been on a lower budget. Though these guys tear it up! Everything on here is quality and I'm sure hearing the songs live would sound better than this recording. I'm not sure about that, I just know that is why I took points off from this release. It could've been longer, too. It's clocked in under 30 minutes in length. It's still good, though! I like this album and band quite a lot, that's for sure!

As I've pointed out, the production could've been better, but the mixing was good. You can hear everything quite well. And the music on here is tops with me! The riffs original, the vocals unique and the overall sound the music has to it is above average! I will continue to support this band! They seem like down-to-earth people and their music is enjoyable to listen to! I think thrash is my favorite genre and that mixed with crossover is a definite boon to this quality debut! I have no beef with the guitars or the vocals. Everyone seemed to do their part in this recording. I'm just surprised that I found out about them a little bit later on in their career.

I have yet to get this on CD, right now I'm working with the Spotify version of the album. I still think that CD's are better when listening to an album. I think I'm right in saying that! Anyway, this one is definitely worth checking out. The riffs are what hit home with me! I just wish the album was longer, it's under 30 minutes. I suppose they wanted to put what they had at the time out there just to get in with the metal community. Everything else is fine, I talked about the production being sub par. It's not the greatest, but at least you get to hear the riffs and everything else in quality form. Check it out! (Death8699)

domenica 24 ottobre 2021

Carcass - Torn Arteries

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
It took a lot of spins to come up with a comprehensive text and score for this album. I wanted to be as fair as possible. This one holds in the ranks of not Surgical Steel but Swan Song where that one left off. It seemed easier to like 'Surgical Steel' because it was fairly straightforward and catchy. 'Torn Arteries' is an acquired taste. It's a mix of melodic death with death 'n roll. So watch for those two styles meshed into one. The whole 49 minutes became interesting after a while. That's why I hesitated before I scored this and simply waited. The rhythms are just a little weird. They weren't entirely catchy, though some things stuck!

Jeff's voice doesn't change on here and there were a little back-up grunts (not many) though it was mainly the raspy vocals. They went good with the guitar riffs, they seemed to flow. I just think that Bill could've done a better job in the riff department. However, they were riffs that weren't duplicated on previous releases. Bill felt that the split that they had in time when they reformed he felt that it'd never happened because he failed in music (he's contention). It was because Carcass never amassed the popularity that At the Gates and In Flames did. It was based on a two-part YouTube interview less than 10 years ago.

A lot of people didn't care for this one. But I just thought it's different but it's still them. At least Bill and Jeff are playing new music. I wasn't happy it took about 8 years for this one to be released and I can't for a fact say it is their pinnacle in contribution to the metal community. I just felt it was a "B." I swore that I told my friends it was a 75% but I raised it after further analysis. Carcass of the old era will never be again, especially since Ken is permanently damaged and can't play for Carcass anymore. And Michael is off with Arch Enemy making his contribution to the melodic death metal genre. If it weren't for 'Heartwork' I don't think Michael would've left. I'm not sure.

A review poured out on its debut to the music world and it's taken me weeks to amass an assessment of it. I wanted to be as thorough as I could be. Yes the music is good in higher ranks, the production was solid, the compositions strong, and it's overall essence is positive. For those streaming, I bought the CD. However, I listened on Spotify the day it was released. I thought it good enough to buy but dwelled on this review for almost a month. Not that long, but you get what I'm saying! Be careful in making a judgement of the album, give it playing time and a fair shake before determining whether or not you'd say good things about it! Great effort! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2021)
Score: 78
