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martedì 25 luglio 2023

Druid Lord - Grotesque Offerings

#PER CHI AMA: Death/Doom
Definitely death/doom of a vibe throughout. They're a killer boon to the metal industry offering something quite unique. I really like how the guitars are with such low distortion alongside eerie tones on top of the low burly licks. They don't speed up too often in the songs. They're mostly just slow thick songs with vocals that are also burly. It all goes with this epic vibe Druid Lord has potentiated. I am totally digging it because there's not a lot of bands that choose these two genres all into one. The sound quality was good as well. This is like something that comes out of a horror movie. It's creepy in a way.

The album is about an hour long and they show the listener some dark and spooky sounds all along the way. These guys don't fool around in terms of the doom that they portray throughout. I wouldn't even say this is death metal that it's more doom metal than anything else.

The guitars are the most noteworthy elements along with the vocals. These tempos don't seem to get fast at all throughout. They are death like and totally underground. I liked the leads too! There were some elements of faster tempos but most of this album is doom metal kind of like in the vibe of older Draconian. But the guitars are thick and chunky. They don't fluctuate throughout they keep from going too fast. The vocals are low and at some instances shriek like. I'd have to say that this whole release was definitely fulfilling. And they keep you in the know with doom metal variability.

The guitars throughout were slow and depressing. I think that there's only a select few instances where they play fast. This is just so down of an album you cannot listen to it if you're in a depressive state. It's totally awesome but the whole thing just puts you in a frail state. I think however that I like this album more than their newer release because it carries with it the utmost sense of morbidity and misery. The guitars are continuing to sound low throughout the album and the riffs are slow for most of the songs. I think the leads are quality. I would just characterize this band as a doom metal band because the death metal portion isn't too prevalent. Be sure to check this out! (Death8699)

The Pit Tips

Francesco Scarci

Scar Symmetry - The Singularity (Phase II - Xenotaph)
Arkona - Kob'
Before the Dawn - Stormbringers


Arch Enemy - Wages Of Sin
Disinter - Designed by the Devil, Powered By the Dead
Sinister - Hate

Alain González Artola

Pagan Sword - Enter the Mountain
Mystic Circle - Erzdämon
Lustre - Reverence


Into Dark - I.Glance

#PER CHI AMA: Black Melodico
Da Rzeszów, Polonia, ecco arrivarmi tra le mani il nuovo EP degli Into Dark, quartetto che torna sulle scene a ben sei anni di distanza dal precedente 'Tone​.​Death​.​Memories'. La proposta dei nostri si muove su coordinate stilistiche in apparenza vicine ad un certo black melodico scandinavo. Si parte sparati a mille con "Brooding Wings", song dotata di una buona vena melodica, sebbene la ritmica inizialmente sia paragonabile alla contraerea di Baghdad nelle notti della guerra irachena. Il growling sembra nascondersi nelle retrovie e ampio spazio viene quindi concesso ai giochi di chitarra che l'armigero Nevervil mette abilmente in mostra. Quello che si può captare poi è un senso di malinconia che permea le sonorità dei nostri, soprattutto in quei suoni quasi dissonanti di chitarra che paiono voler abbracciare anche influenze derivanti da Blut Aus Nord e Deathspell Omega. Certo, manca la classe dei due mostri sacri francesi, però non è da sottovalutare quello che gli Into Dark hanno da proporre. "A Prose of Death" parte altrettanto violenta, lo screaming di Skiborg ha il suo perchè, ma quello che continuo ad apprezzare, oltre alle belligeranti frustate di batteria di Pietrov, è l'ottimo lavoro delle chitarre che si concretizza in un break centrale atmosferico e in un lavoro costante di cesellatura in fatto di ottimi riff. È un crescendo, non c'è che dire, che sembra chiamare in causa in questo secondo pezzo una band del calibro degli Unanimated. "Odezwa" è l'ultimo pezzo che compone questo EP, in attesa di ascoltare un album vero e proprio. Si tratta di un black mid-tempo in cui ancora non posso che apprezzare la voce del frontman (in duplice formato, growl e scream), un ottimo assolo, i chiaroscuri melodici che qui vogliono richiamare addirittura il death doom dei Saturnus e metterci quindi una certa animosità addosso nel voler ascoltare quanto prima un nuovo full length di questi promettenti Into Dark. Peccato solo per una pessima copertina, questo lavoro avrebbe meritato sicuramente meglio, ma almeno musicalmente, siamo sulla strada buona. (Francesco Scarci)

Furvus - Deflorescens Jam Robur

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Ambient/Folk
Interessantissimo quanto coinvolgente e assolutamente sentito questo primo disco di Furvus, ennesimo progetto del livornese Luigi M. Menella. Si tratta di un concept album sul declino della cultura e del mondo pagano sul territorio italico, oscurato dalla violenta tirannia persecutoria della Chiesa. Questo concept è musicalmente rappresentato da brani di folk apocalittico e marziali, da altri più ambientali ed oscuri, e da brani di musica medievale. Il percorso storico del disco inizia con la caduta dell’Impero Romano d’Occidente, attraversa il Regno Romano Barbarico per giungere agli anni bui del Medio Evo fino ad arrivare al Rinascimento e al ripristino del riconoscimento dell’uomo-artista, focalizzando in particolar modo l’obiettivo sul genio di Leonardo. Il lavoro di composizione musicale/lirico e grafico è stato meticolosamente studiato e ragionato affinchè ogni immagine, ogni nota ed ogni parola (rigorosamente in latino o in italico antico) potesse rientrare correttamente e coerentemente nel periodo storico trattato in ognuno dei quattro “libri” (ognuno dei quali suddiviso in “capitoli” per un totale di venti brani/“capitoli” e 40 minuti di musica) in cui è suddiviso questo disco. Il lussuoso booklet riporta poi per ogni brano una fotografia di un dipinto, un luogo o un oggetto attinente ad esso ed una massima tratta dai classici della letteratura Greco-Romana. È un disco di grande spessore, pieno di particolari da scoprire e riscoprire ad ogni ascolto; un viaggio nella immortale memoria del passato guidato dalle superbe fotografie del booklet in cui si può perdersi per ore o per sempre.

(Beyond Productions/Mvsa Ermeticka - 1999/2012)
Voto: 75


domenica 23 luglio 2023

Revel In Flesh - The Hour of the Avenger

#FOR FANS OF: Swedish Death Metal
German pioneers within the realm of a more than notorious Swedish sound, this release is a monument! First few times hearing it, it's really insurmountably wicked. Brutal riffs and vocals. The drums shuffle around alongside these wicked guitars. They've established themselves early-on and have kept going in a great progression. I don't see much wrong or ill-fated on this release. They've made it through early on and hit-home with this release. I'm really liking what I'm hearing in the music it seems like they're in a constant flux of different tempos. It gives the release variety and originality.

The vocals fluctuate between burly low to screams which gives it more variability. And the music on top of that puts it at a higher level in sustainability. These guys know what they're doing all-around. It's a monumental release and they sure do need some more press. Hopefully, we'll catch more follow-up releases since this one is about four years old.

There's been bands from Germany like Fleshcrawl who have the pedal that makes it sound like early Entombed, Entrails and Dismember. But their riffs on this one are sure as hell all them. These guys put forth a great 45 minutes of music that's absolute perfection. Just no beat that's missed, riff that wasn't without flaw and vocals that's not fitted in. They've really been a band that hasn't put a limit on their music. They keep down the path that's working for them. I can only see them getting better and better. I've thoroughly been convinced that they've been a hit in the department just picking up this CD yesterday!

Some bands like this end up going south, but I have a strong feeling that they're merely taking a break from the action. I think that they'll be back in the spotlight sometime soon. People in the death metal scene may not of heard of this band. Especially the millennials I hope that more ears will get on this even if it is just streaming for now. I collect CD's so it's not a problem for me to pick up a physical copy and show the band support. I know that Spotify have robbed musicians for years now in one interview one band only got 20 pounds last year and somewhere around 26 million listens to! I know that as long as streaming music goes, musicians are losing out on a lot of money. Especially touring and putting out new releases. The 80's and 90's were a lot different but when Napster came around, then it became out of control. Still, bands are making albums despite this. Lets hope that the true fans buy CD's and Vinyl. Enjoy this release no matter where you hear it! (Death8699)

Vomitory - All Heads Are Gonna Roll

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School
Straight forward death metal with a big-ass kick to it! Various different tempos in the guitar riffing and combine that with screaming/low bellow vocals puts these guys in a different realm! They thoroughly kick some serious ass! Their music is pretty unique and insurmountable. No doubt that this release is nothing under an 75 rating. The intensity is high and there's a plethora of blast beating. They remind me a little of blackened death metal to the likes of a band named Blood of the Wolf via Chicago, Illinois. Not entirely, but they sure as hell resemble it somewhat. Few may disagree, but I think I've narrowed it down.

The vocals along with the music go steadfast and without any compromise. The vibe is there with the death metal kicking serious ass! I was impressed when I first heard this! It's my introduction to Vomitory. Thanks for the recommendation from a friend!

The music is all over the place, but not in a bad sense. Just that it's constantly fluctuating. It makes it unique and always what's guessing that's to come next?! I really dig everything about this release. The music mostly. It's filled with varying degrees of intensity. I've grown a great liking to this album the more spins I give it.

I was surprised to learn that these guys are from Sweden but they don't use the traditional Swedish pedal that a lot of Swedes do with their guitars. I'm glad that they changed up that sort of typical sounds with traditional death metal from that part of the country. I'm totally in awe about how unique this band is with all the tempo changes and the vocals. The drums are right alongside the music and it's tight. The vocals though kick ass and keep the sound to be totally underground! The music here is all their own concoction and the fury/anger is totally felt in the music. I'm surprised that they're not entirely well-known.

They sure as hell keep it brutal and I like this entire album. There isn't a song on here that I disliked. All of this releases just grapples me. And it seems that they got some positive press. Definitely a thumbs-up to those who recognize good death metal! (Death8699)

Hateful - After the Last Breath

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Techno Death
Primo lavoro ufficiale per questa band emiliana dedita ad un death piuttosto claustrofobico e doomish. Il death degli Hateful è ben suonato e registrato in queste quattro tracce per una durata di oltre 20 minuti di materiale. Tra le influenze potrei citare sicuramente la scuola americana, bands come i Death e qualcosa dei Pestilence, poi molti richiami al metal classico (soprattutto per le parti soliste) e così via. Provate a immaginare 'The Fourth Dimension' degli Hypocrisy suonato con uno stile un po' più americano, ma con lo stesso feeling doom e pesante, e magari potrete rendervi conto di come potrebbe suonare questo demo. Ottime le linee di chitarra e la voce con tutti gli arrangiamenti, il tutto suona davvero efficace e potente. Il materiale più recente ('Set Forever On Me' è l'ultimo lavoro uscito nel 2020 per la (Transcending Obscurity Records) segna l'incremento delle parti parti più aggressive, dategli un ascolto e intanto ascoltiamoci queste quattro vecchie tracce.

Ordinis Reliquiae Vol.I

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Black/Death
Prima uscita su CD di questa interessante underground tape label di Napoli che ha pubblicato ottime bands come gli Spite Extreme Wing e gli Hiems. Nei 70 minuti e più di questo platter, possiamo trovare materiale underground di Triumphator, Buio Omega (Ita/Aus), Skoll, Temple Of Tipheret (Ger), Noctifer, Gorewinter (Fin), Nazgul, My Dark Sin, Azagal (Fin), Malvento, Imago Mortis, Kratornas (Phil), Abhor, Impuro (Bra) e Banshee. Naturalmente questa compilation, come del resto tutte le compilation, è caratterizzata dalla presenza di bands valide ed altre alquanto inutili, ma questo come si sa, dipende anche dai gusti personali, quindi non starò qui a far nomi o elenchi. Ci tengo solo a menzionare un esempio di cacofonia pura da parte dei filippini Kratornas, band veramente insulsa che poco ha a che fare col resto. Artwork ottimo e produzione omogenea, un buon prodotto per chi cerca bands da ascoltare e da scoprire.