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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Sony Music. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 29 luglio 2022

Opeth - Blackwater Park

#FOR FANS OF: Prog Death
This album is a bit heavier than 'Still Life' though it features more diversity (piano). But it is also a bit heavier than their predecessor. The music varies a lot here. Hence the progressive metal effort. It's a shame that the band stopped playing metal and swayed to progressive rock. But at least we can appreciate their older music than what's now that they are dishing out. The music and the vocals are the best parts of the album. The length of the album is another one that exceeds 60 minutes. They really were a talented progressive metal band. I'm not in the liking of how they changed, but like I said, their old stuff is their best stuff.

The metal and tough sound permeates throughout this album. But they do a good job with taking a break from the heavy guitar bits to settle down with clean guitars and vocals. Mikael uttered that he hates the deep throat on songs, but it's still good to have. It could be another reason why they're a rock band now. I like the old stuff only, 'Heritage' is not for me, sorry. The music on here is fantastic. They really don't include much lead guitar riffs, just acoustic guitars and clean tone riffs. But it constantly fluctuates. I like it when they put forth the metal in the songs. It takes me aback, but it's also good to hear them always changing it up.

I like the music and vocals the most, they can do without some things though most of it is appropriate here in making this a dominating album. I like the deep vocals, the clean is a good change up however. I wouldn't really change anything on here, the music is just amazing. It's the riffs that do it for me. The bar chords and that mixed with the clean is well-done. The fluctuation always keeps you guessing. They don't seem to run out of ideas on here. The music just flows and the thickness in the chunky guitar is spellbinding. I like the clean stuff too, it's good for a change. Sometimes it's difficult to hear only heavy shit.

I would say that every song on here is worthwhile, nothing on here misses a bit. I would say this is one of the best Opeth releases in the early 2000 era. But just how they changed made me pause. As long as they keep it to music that is progressive metal, then good. But that's not going to happen again, at least that is my prediction. They put in their bit in the metal world, onto the next chapter. I like this one entirely, as I said, nothing that needs a change on here. I like the clean a lot on here. Both the vocals and guitar, it sounds really amazing. But once the heavy guitar bits come forth, then the destruction of your eardrums.

I venture to say if you still have a CD player, buy the physical copy of the album! Show support for metal music! This one is another great chapter in metal history. It's not that you necessarily have to like the band members to respect what they have done for the metal world over the years in their career in music. They still need your support for ongoing the next chapter in their career. Check this one out, you'll hear a great many things worthwhile and experimental. The heavy and clean are both wicked, and they show their talent for mixing these two aspects into a great many compositions. Own it if you don't already! (Death8699)

(Music For Nations/Sony - 2001/2021)
Score: 86


martedì 26 giugno 2018

Evanescence - Synthesis

#PER CHI AMA: Gothic Rock
L'affaticato intrecciarsi di efferate orchestrazioni gonfie di pathos e un drum n' bass drammaturgico proposto nella programmatica "Never Go Back" in apertura, sintetizza appropriatamente intenti e conclusioni evolutive di un album progettualmente confuso e straordinariamente povero di idee. Al di là dei pochi, maldestri tentativi di ricontestualizzazione (nell'epocale "Bring me to Life", ora dotata di una base elettronica che pare scritta da Michael Cretu in persona, ci si limita a rimuovere maldestramente il controcanto rap. Perché poi? A voi dispiaceva così tanto?), piuttosto che usare l'orchestra per fare quelle cose per le quali di solito ci si procura un'orchestra, per esempio esplorare un po' la dinamica verticale delle armonizzazioni (canzoni come "Going Under" avrebbero in questo senso un potenziale vertiginoso), si preferisce attenuare tutto e limitarsi conferire preminenza alle evoluzioni ipereuclidee dei vocalismi (sovente troppo) Turuniani di A-L (la scialba "Hi-Lo" o "Lacrymosa"). "Imaginary" è pasticciata fin oltre l'orizzonte variopinto del ridicolo e, sempre a proposito di ridicolo, l'inedita "Imperfection" sembra scritta da Janet Jackson. La creatività della band che ha (forse involontariamente) riscritto l'estetica del nu-goth appare sempre più evanescente, e la band medesima sembra più interessata a dollarose reunion e a fluttuare nell'iperuranio dorato delle band-ahimè-diventate-troppo-famose-troppo-presto-per-combinare-qualcosa-di-diverso-da-un-bell-accidente-di-niente, che a suonare per davvero. (Alberto Calorosi)

(Sony Music - 2017)
Voto: 45


mercoledì 29 gennaio 2014

Cradle of Filth - Midian

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Black Gothic 
Una suggestiva intro di tastiere apre le porte di 'Midian', quarta release, datata 2000, della celebre band britannica. Il mondo mutante creato dalla fantasia dello scrittore Clive Barker ha ispirato non solo il titolo del cd ma anche le immagini che illustrano il booklet. Chi di voi ha letto "Cabal" o ha visto l'omonimo (e controverso) film, non potrà fare a meno di ripensare ai mostruosi Notturni nascosti nella sotterranea città di Midian... Venendo al contenuto prettamente musicale, l'unico difetto dell'album è la durata eccessiva di alcune canzoni, superiore in certi casi ai 6 minuti. Ciò non toglie che "Midian" sia, a mio avviso, un piccolo capolavoro. La produzione è impeccabile, i suoni curatissimi e nitidi, e gli strumenti sono sfruttati appieno. Da segnalare i brani "Chtulhu Dawn", "Death Magick for Adepts" e "Lord Abortion". 

(Sony - 2000)
Voto: 85