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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Arimortis. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 27 febbraio 2025

Necrodeath - Arimortis


#FOR FANS OF: Black/Death/Thrash
Not an entirely long LP, roughly 39 minutes but, wow! How much these 3 sub-genre metalers (black/death/thrash) have amped up their game! I had 'Defragments of Insanity' (2019) & didn't hold onto it because it didn't really resonate with me. Then I heard this and, damn! I've been hooked! It seems a lot better sounding than many previous releases by the band, I suppose they said "let's go all out & see where it takes us!" That's a hypothetical, but really they are sounding awesome! The guitars are wicked & everything here (I'm guessing) made sense to them. Upon release, it made sense to me hearing new material that's not recycled over & over like it happens with so many bands in any type of music. But these dudes did one heck of a good job! The guitars don't repeat over & over, they stuck with solid riffs that sound in their own style, lead guitar outputs well executed too. They actually have a music video out for one of the songs here called "Storytellers of Lies".
Nine songs OK, but just all of them are simply wicked! I just heard this once & was blown away. And part director Milos Forman's 'Amadeus' (1984) where Mozart accused the Italians as being "musical idiots!" was well, far off! I think listeners on this will definitely disagree with that film based musical-judgment as it pertains to Italian artists.
Four people in this band right now: Flegias, who sounds black metal-like on voice, the guitars by Pier Gonella are death/thrash sounding & the remainder of the band (GL & Peso) keep up rather well! I was hoping to get a copy of this LP on Amazon, but it's temporarily out-of-stock! I've heard prior releases from the band, just I've not been as interested in them until hearing this! They've been around rather a while, 1984-1985 or thereabouts!
This exceeded my expectations by a ton, how can you possibly like metal & pass this one up!? Be ready for an onslaught of noise coming out of your speakers & your brain having a super hard time keeping up with it all! (Death8699)
(Time To Kill Records - 2025)
Score: 83