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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Shallow Rivers. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 10 maggio 2015

Shallow Rivers - The Leaden Ghost

#FOR FANS OF: Doom/Death, Encoffination, Hooded Menace
The massive second album from Russian Doom/Death act is quite a challenging listen, but one that’s more based on the extreme length of its material than anything else of real importance or detriment to the album. Weaving gorgeous guitar-work and blazing melodic leads here that leave an impressive atmosphere of far lighter fare than the traditional features of the genre who go for darker, much more oppressive styles of atmospheric riff-work which does manage to get a lot of impressive works here. While there’s still the ever-prevalent melodies and atmospheric wandering that are placed in here, the fact is this one instead opts for the droning, melancholic atmospheric that’s quite more motivated in other sections to mesh with pulverizing guitar rhythms, churning riff-work and plenty of energetic work here that keeps the tempo far more engaging here than would normally be the case as this one becomes far more enjoyable as it goes along. Intro ‘Of Silent Winds that Whistle Death’ slowly winds away from droning riff-work and bland melodies for a rather impressive series of darkened riffing, pounding drumming and quite explosive energy throughout the running time which manages to continue on through the extreme rhythms, dynamic variation and tempo changes and the influx of twisted riff-work that makes for a solid, engaging opener. Likewise, ‘Light Upon Us, Haze Around Us’ opts for the eerie atmospheric droning intro before settling for a churning mid-tempo romp through deep, dynamic patterns, plenty of dynamic drumming and the sort of melancholic atmosphere early on not really utilized in a lot of Death Metal before unleashing the maelstrom in the later half with pulverizing double-bass blasts, frantic melodic sweeps and the sweeping aggression found there to make for a more stand-out track that really plays well with its’ epic length. Dialing back on the length, ‘Scorched, Wrecked, Torn, then Crumbled to the Sea’ still offers crushing riff-work and blasting drumming weaving through complex arrangements, blasting tempos and utterly frantic sweeping patterns that carry on the same frantic energy and dynamic rhythms that the longer tracks offered which makes for back-to-back highlights. While ‘We are Cold’ switches it up to a generally enjoyable repetitious riff played around dynamic drumming blasts and effective atmospheric influxes, the shortened length comes off as though from a different band compared to the much more engaging epics elsewhere here. ‘Snow’ feels more traditional with swirling riff-work and dynamic tempos that it really feels like a condensed version of their longer epics and is quite enjoyable with its churning riffing, atmospheric leads and pounding drumming carrying this one through. Finally, the title track goes back to the epic-ness of the rest of the material with blazing riff-work, churning melodies and atmospheric leads that let the heavy rhythms, dynamic drumming and darker works come through quite nicely here which is what makes this one so much more enjoyable and exciting by ending on another strong note. Overall, this was quite an impressive effort and really only struggles with the length of its songs for the most part. (Don Anelli)

(BadMoonMan Music - 2015)
Score: 85


sabato 15 febbraio 2014

Shallow Rivers - Nihil Euphoria

#PER CHI AMA: Death Doom Melodico, Swallow The Sun,
Altro debutto in casa Solitude Production/BadMoodMan, il disco in questione, opera prima dei russi (un duo, peraltro) Shallow Rivers. Non serve spendere molte parole per dare una bella inquadrata al lavoro: melodic death-doom quadrato, preciso, ben cadenzato, aggressivo… ecco, si aggressivo, e meno male! Non aspettatevi un lavoro rivoluzionario perché, ormai è risaputo, il genere trattato dai Nostri è quasi l’esatto opposto dell’innovazione e della sperimentazione, ma accogliete a braccia aperte un lavoro ispirato e ben prodotto, che merita di stare nelle vostre scaffalature musicali tranquillamente tra Swallow The Sun, Daylight Dies (quelli degli esordi, per lo meno) e una certa scuola scandinava. I due ragazzi si dividono tutta la strumentazione, ma per quanto riguarda chi scrive il miglior strumento musicale dell’intero album è la voce cavernosa del bravo vocalist, un growl catarroso al punto giusto e pesante, ma anche capace di inserti melodici ad hoc (per esempio in “Down the River to Vortex”, pezzo di ottima fattura che fa scivolare la durata non da poco, senza intoppi e punti morti). Per il resto, il lavoro di intreccio delle varie trame è svolto in maniera più che dignitosa, con una solida impalcatura a sorreggere il tutto. Unico appunto personale riguarda l’utilizzo delle tastiere, dove forse la scelta delle sonorità avrebbe meritato un minimo di attenzione in più, giusto per togliere quel lieve alone di “già sentito” e “banale”, e dare all’intero disco un’ulteriore nota di personalità aggiunta. Segnalo anche l’intro e “The Weeping Lotus Dance”, dove un riff azzeccatissimo vi resterà in testa già dal primo ascolto. Concludo qui rimarcando il fatto che siamo di fronte ad un esordio e pertanto, anche se gli otto pezzi si susseguono senza drastici cambi di atteggiamento, è d’obbligo segnalare alcune prolissità di troppo qua e la, ma nulla di grave o irrimediabile; in ogni caso gioiamo e attendiamo fiduciosi il prossimo lavoro, perché la strada è spianata e il talento non manca. (Filippo Zanotti)

(BadMoonMan Music - 2013)
Voto: 75
