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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Aborted. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 26 maggio 2024

Aborted - Vault of Horrors

#FOR FANS OF: Deathcore
I thought that this is an outstanding release. It slays from the putrid review that this got previously from another user. I thought it's definitely better than their previous release. I like how they switch off from burly vocals to screaming vocals. They are anything but boring! And plain or obligatory. These guys put together one quite an album. I like how they come easily into the segue of the onslaught! I don't see how they can explore such a great death/grind that they all they seem to do. There's no nonsense with this band, they are straight up abominating. The double bass drums fire off like cannons, and the lead guitar simply rips.

40% from an annihilation like this is quite a pretty poor rating that definitely is off-base with no critical efficacy. This release is definitely tops in my book, especially one of the tops of the March they greeted us with! What a monument of an album that's quite an abomination to the ears!

I think that it's gotten enough spins here to hear how intricate this release is! The music steels the listener and the vocals back and forth keeps you from guessing what's to come up next! The drums seem triggered and super highlight to the release as well!

Some people seem to want to show how disenchanting this release is, and I think the opposite! They're tops with me and I think that this album is better than their previous release of whom I thought a treasure as well! "Maniacult" I didn't think that it was as good as this one. It's the production quality, the vocals, the music and the mixing that make this into a gem into a release. It's my one of the top releases from this year so far. I think this will hold true for the remainder of the year! I like the guitars, I think that they were tops with me. The guitar alongside the drums is what sealed this into itself a "Maniacult", only this one is 'Vault of Horrors.'

These guys know how to belt out quite a release and with no compromise! The death/grind is simply there the whole way through! The music is the ultimate highlight of the album. I think this is how they were able to make this into an utmost vile and dismay reeking from Belgium! You can hear it in the vocals that they shred simply with precision! The death/grind is altogether there, and they don't seem to let up any less than their past recordings!

Check it out yourself and make and opinion not based on the negative reviews, consider what you think! (Death8699)

domenica 27 febbraio 2022

Aborted - Maniacult

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
This is the first time stumbling upon this band despite their wide discography. Yes, a lot of triggers in the drums but it keeps up with the fast paced tempos. And the leads in my humble opinion are epic! I really dig the guitars the rhythms were dynamic. I think that this is one top album from 2021. Sucks that I just discovered this up until recently. I haven't heard much of it talked about for a great album then but I'm telling you it is a great album. The vocals are brutal and in your face along with the music it just compliments everything. One of those albums that you can listen to ad nauseum and not get bored.

So they are in the death/grind genres and they've pulled it off clearly got this one absolutely! The album doesn't seem to let up, though there are slower tempos to go along with the music. A lot of blasting too though. I feel like on this one they're not getting many points off. The production quality is top notch and they sure as heck made this one to remember. I'm surprised other people have not discovered this or they have and haven't written about it. Come on, one review this whole time?! I am going to put this down in history with and almost immaculate release filled with some many good elements!

The one thing I like about this is that it's totally their own. The variety in vocals, tempos, and top notch leads make it entirely impeccable! I like the higher end vocals more than the low-end but both are complimentary to the songs. First time, me hearing an extreme brutal death metal band in the origin of Belgium. At least in this few genres mixed. They really put a lot of effort into this one and it shows. There isn't a track on here that's sub-par. They all have equal amounts of good tracks to grab the listener. I think that they stole the genres making this into a revelation. What a great album the whole way through!

Yes! They certainly stole the show with this one. I actually bought this on CD which I'm not saying that you should, but it's definitely worth downloading. I just took a chance buying the CD and I was totally satisfied. You have to check it out and form your own opinion. I'm saying that these guys know what they're doing to make quality metal. A lot of albums I didn't care for that were released in 2021 but not this one. I liked it the whole way through! I'm sure that they'll be back again to make an even better performance (if that's possible). Worth looking into and owning it eventually! (Death8699)

(Century Media Records - 2021)
Score: 84
