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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Mammoth Grinder. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 20 novembre 2024

Mammoth Grinder - Undying Spectral Resonance

#PER CHI AMA: Death Old School
Siete pronti per prendere un paio di schiaffoni ben assestati in pieno volto? Questo è quello che sono pronti ad offrirci gli statunitensi Mammoth Grinder con questa loro nuova uscita di cinque pezzi. Con un incipit che ricorda ben da vicino le prime release degli Entombed, 'Undying Spectral Resonance' si presenta con un brano che fin dapprincipio catalizza la mia attenzione sul quartetto texano. "Corpse of Divinant" è una straordinaria quanto malefica canzone di puro death metal old school, carico di quelle venature stile area di Stoccolma primi anni '90, miscelata con un che degli Autopsy e una spruzzatina di Obituary. Un fantastico colpo alla mascella che immediatamente mi annichilisce per potenza, perizia tecnica (notevole a tal proposito, il super tagliente assolo verso la fine), un pizzico di groove, e un vocione che arriva direttamente dalle viscere della terra. E la successiva title track non sembra promettere nulla di buono, con una linea di chitarra che scandisce in modo evidente il ritmo, qui mid-tempo, del secondo pezzo, ritmo che si fa più incandescente nel finale, con un'altra sciabolata solistica che mi evoca i bei tempi andati del death a stelle e strisce di fine anni '80. E se "Call from the Frozen Styx (Interlude)" è un inutile interludio strumentale, che nell'economia peraltro assai risicata dell'album, mi fa storcere solo il naso, "Decrease the Peace" sembra soffrire dello stop ritmico della precedente song e, fatto salvo per un altro spettacolare assolo, rischia di scadere nel dimenticatoio in tempi brevissimi. Fortunatamente, ci pensa la conclusiva "Obsessed with Death" a ripristinare le incandescenti ritmiche dei primi brani, con un rifferama marcescente e altrettanto convincente, che ci inducono ad un esagitato pogo senza precedenti. Ed è qui che il disco si interrompe bruscamente; in tutta franchezza, avrei infatti desiderato quattro/cinque pezzi in più, per godere di sonorità che si sono perse nella notte dei tempi. (Francesco Scarci)

lunedì 9 novembre 2020

Mammoth Grinder - Cosmic Crypt

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School, Dismember
This album has an odd twist to it some strange genres mixed into one. But I thought it to be a solid release. I may be interested in their earlier material. I think that their "style" is pretty unique. Strange sort of atmospheric sound to the songs. But the music is wholly original and worthwhile, hence the "B-" rating. I think that they made something happen here as guttural but unique release! The leads aren't the greatest, I tended to favor the music over everything. The vocals are hoarse and they fit the music well. I liked the album pretty well. There weren't many songs that I disliked.

The riffs were unique and heavy. The whole aura of the album was eerie. I like it. The production quality could've been better but it is what it is. No one knows what happened to this band. It's a shame because they really had a lot to offer musically. The songs on here were pretty much like Dismember's 'self-titled' album. The main riffs that is. But they mold it into their own. I really like this band. Wish that they wouldn't have disappeared. There's so much that they have to offer. And the fact that their music is pretty original and noteworthy. I like how they put their songs together.

The production quality is the only thing that I took points off of as well as the leads. But the rhythm guitar is pretty well played out and heavy. I thought that from start to finish 'Cosmic Crypt' hit home with me! They really do a good job at orchestrating sounds. And the fact that they are their own unique style. I thought that there was nothing really that they needed to change on here. Just take out the leads pretty much because they were loud and screechy. Other than that, a great release! I think that unless they make a comeback, they'll leave it to this one as being their outro release.

You might be able to find this one on YouTube or Spotify. I'm sure that's possible. I bought the CD. But that's because I'm a CD collector. And it was worth it. I didn't think much of the album when I first heard it till I played it a few more times. The music is great on here. Just HEAVY and brutal. They put everything together very well. The vocals never changed throughout the release and the musical tempos were similar on each song. But they're very likeable, weird but OK. I showed the band support by buying their CD. I didn't know what to expect but it turned out to be good! Check them out! (Death8699)