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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Brutal Death. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 30 maggio 2022

Shed The Skin - The Forbidden Arts

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
Definitely dark and brutal death metal this is my first venturing to immerse myself into Shed The Skin and their vibe. The music and vocals are very dismal and desolate. I thought that they deserve a "72" rating since the rhythms and vocals do well on here, reminds me a little of later Deicide recordings. In that respect, they sound good. It's one of those albums that you don't want to turn off especially if you're in a chronic death metal type of mood! It's been going in streaks as to when I'm listening to this whole release, I'd have to say it's not very fast tempos it's mainly mild tempos and just balls out HEAVY.

I like the originality in the songwriting and the riffs are good the whole way though. Every song has its own unique structure and the music doesn't really repeat itself. The consistency of fresh licks shine on this one! They are like I said: HEAVY! I told mind that especially since they've yes have got their influences but they've created some pretty unique and powerful compositions. It's something that's lacking in originality within the vein of death metal wholeheartedly. Things are just repetitive in the vein of death metal nowadays. Recycled riffs I mean and sounds. On here, there's just is this unique vibe!

The sound quality was superb. These guys just tear it up, they are more in key with slower tempos, but they do all sorts really. Mostly slower or medium-paced outputs. The quality again suffice to say here did the album justice. They put some good music here. A bit of melodic songs too. So in essence, they've been consistent but they do have their ways into choruses and main riffs that are thick and the vocals go right alongside the music rather well! They didn't lag in any aspect. Wish they had a higher rating in the other review. Obviously didn't think high enough of this recording to give it a 72%.

I'm glad for Spotify getting this streaming and I later bought the CD. I'm totally satisfied with it otherwise I'd care less about this album. It struck me the more I listened to this and heard the value of it. I like the fact that they were straightforward in this LP they tackled many aspects of death metal in this whole composition. It has varying spurts energy-wise. It's charged with slow, medium, and fast riffing. I did definitely liked the sound quality as well. It was good mixing and am awesome recording. I encourage fans of death metal or melodic death metal to check out 'The Forbidden Arts'! (Death8699)

(Hells Headbangers Records - 2020)
Score: 72


mercoledì 4 maggio 2022

Perdition Temple - Edict of the Antichrist Elect

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
This album is a MONUMENT. Gene from Angelcorpse really delivers big time. I found no fault in this release. It's blackened death metal galore with riffs that just tear your eardrums apart. And wholly original, too! I liked how the production came out so well giving the whole release glory. Of course this is way underground metal and worthy of utmost praise! The tremolo picked guitars are top notch. All the music on here is totally innovative and essential when you make a remarkable album into what it truly is. These guys don't dick around in terms of the songwriting. They really made a unique release into what it is.

I liked this album only, their other release(s) I don't care much for. But that's alright, I still find them to be an interesting band. The energy is just so wicked and the aura is wholly in the evil realm. There is just nothing with flaw in it on here. They just built this up into a monument! Gene's riff writing reflects that of the Angelcorpse days. But I think this is a step up. At least for this project he started. It's amazing that this album has been out for 10 years and there's been no one that's reviewed it until now! I wanted to make a bold statement to metal fans that's why, and why they should check this out.

Everything is accordance to perfection. I cannot find any flaws with the riffs, the songwriting, the mixing and the originality as well as influences. It is just a sheer abomination to the eardrums. The riffs are probably the best thing on the album aside from the drums. These guys definitely knew what they were getting into in making this cast-iron iconic LP. No flaws, none. I like the fact that the tempos never seem to let up at all. They really hit home on everything here. I don't know why they choose to regress instead of progress. That would be not up to me or would be my choice but this remains to be one of the top releases in the metal department of the year (2010 - and reissued in 2021).

I cannot believe still that there's no one that bothered to cover this release. They really have it all here tempos fast and riff amazing rhythms without any sort of flaws. Heavy, brutal, fast, and the leads slayed. If you don't hear this band, then that's a disservice not only to the metal community and the band themselves. So please, check them out! They are a band that's highly underrated and one album that will probably be marked as your top ten releases of all time! The album isn't going anywhere except on your CD player or in your earbuds! Get ready for an explosion in your ears! (

sabato 23 aprile 2022

Mortad Hell - There's a Satanic Butcher in Everyone of Us

#PER CHI AMA: Porno Gore Grind
Probabilmente state già sghignazzando non appena avete letto il nome della band e il titolo dell'album. Probabilmente starete sghignazzando ancor più forte perché avrete letto i titoli delle 15 tracce di questo 'There's a Satanic Butcher in Everyone of Us'. E pensare che le due tipologie di individui meno dotate di senso dell'umorismo di tutto il pianeta sono i francesi e i musicisti death metal. Eppure, questo mirabile distillato di blasfemia, doppio pedale e tanto catarro, vi farà sghignazzare interiormente almeno quanto il tizio che quella mattina ha pensato di andare al concerto di Ozzy con un pipistello morto in tasca. (Alberto Calorosi)

Devotion - Necrophiliac Cults

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Upon listening to this release, I've noted that I actually like this one more than their follow-up 'The Harrowing'. It's dark and eerie death metal as I have taken a great liking to their guitar crunch tone. The whole 39 minutes of this release is absolutely brutal death metal! The vocals are dark and grim which goes along well to the music. The album is TOO fast it's more of a grim vibe to it. The leads were sick too alongside the rhythm guitar-work. I enjoyed this immensely. The sound quality did the album good too. I can honestly say that my "C" rating for this wasn't overly generous.

The music and vocals I liked the most on this entire album, but the drums were well played out too! What I like about the guitars is that they're sick and original as far as riff-writing goes. These guys take no prisoners, just the listener! But it isn't much of a prison when you're digging what you hear on an album! I think that they really are a diverse band and that just shows on this release. Yes I do like this more than 'The Harrowing' but both are well played out. Gruesome and vile throat the music just is fantastic too! There isn't really anything that I'd change on this release. They nailed it!

The production quality is just about perfection and everything you could hear including the bass and keys. I wouldn't modify any part of this album. They hit home with one killer release. The only caveat is maybe a few things...the sound of the drums (snare and double bass) as well as some of the rhythm guitar is a bit muddled. That's why I took some points off otherwise it's GRAND. As long as they're playing slow, the riffs are easier to decipher. But the tremolo picking is a little tough to transcribe on a treble clef. But this album is one onslaught of destruction to your eardrums! They got it right on here. Just some things to work on.

I went ahead and bought this CD on eBay but it is available both on Spotify and YouTube. You wouldn't think of a name for a death metal band would be "Devotion", but maybe it's the illusive oxymoron. Do show support for the band by getting the album. But if you want to stick to digital, at least take a listen and hear how it sounds. I thought that it would be good from hearing 'The Harrowing' but I actually like this one a little more than their current release. It's thicker and I like the production quality more. Check it out! (Death8699)

mercoledì 6 aprile 2022

Phalanx Inferno/Melek Tha - Order of Eternal Indifference

#PER CHI AMA: Death & Ambient
Un'abbinata alquanto stravagante quella formata dai deathsters americani Phalanx Inferno e dall'entità ambient francese Melek-Tha. Ecco, la domanda che mi è sorta spontanea durante l'ascolto di questo 'Order of Eternal Indifference' è stata perchè combinare due generi cosi diversi tra loro in uno split album, considerando che chi ama il death nudo e crudo, difficilmente apprezzerà anche il drone ambient. Fatte queste dovute premesse, mi accingo ad analizzare questo lavoro di dieci pezzi che si aprono con il recitato inquietante dei Melek-Tha nell'opener "Codex Gigas of Judgement Phase: Alpha Phase 1", ideale per iniziare quella tempesta metallica che si scatenerà da li a breve, nelle successive quattro devastanti tracce dei Phalanx Inferno, in un susseguirsi di pezzi che dalla "morbid angeliana" "Diminished Dominant" arriva tra saliscendi ritmici, assoli al fulmicotone, growling vocals che si alternano a demoniaci scream (ascoltare la breve "Broken Spirit March" per capirne di più) fino alla quarta e più dinamitarda, "Sanguine Chasm". Quello che succede dopo questa traccia ha però dell'assurdo, visto che si passa da un brutal techno death ad un liturgico ambient che vede alternarsi spoken words con fiumi di sintetizzatori e sonorità industriali a dir poco alienanti, causa un reiterato loop strumentale (ascoltatevi "Gloire Aux Tenebres"). Il cd si fa anche più ostico ove la durata dei pezzi raggiunge vette quasi fastidiose, tipo nei tredici minuti di "Le Grand Requiem Des Impies", dove francamente inizio ad annoiarmi dopo soli pochi giri di orologio e dove auspico di raggiungere la fine del mio ascolto quanto prima. Forse il mio collega Bob Stoner avrebbe apprezzato maggiormente simili sonorità dark dronico ambientali, il sottoscritto decisamente no, soprattutto dopo essersi sparato quella dirompente violenza death dei primi pezzi. Per me, questo fusion album non va bene per niente perchè rischia di non soddisfare i palati di nessuno con un lavoro che alla fine contiene due generi troppo distanti tra loro. (Francesco Scarci)

mercoledì 30 marzo 2022

Burning Skies - Desolation

#PER CHI AMA: Death/Hardcore
Sempre più spesso mi capita che pochi minuti d’ascolto di un disco sanciscano la sua stroncatura o la sua elevazione a grande album: 'Desolation' ahimé rientra nella prima categoria. Analizziamo il terzo lavoro deigli inglesi Burning Skies, un concentrato dinamitardo, ma assai scontato di death/hardcore che oramai ha fin troppo saturato le mie orecchie. Il sound che viene fuori dai solchi di 'Desolation' è in realtà un brutal death con i soliti riffoni iper mega veloci, funambolici blast beat alla batteria, estreme growling vocals. Il tutto è poi corredato da influenze che vanno dall’hardcore di stampo americano (Hatebreed per intenderci e tutta quella corrente musicale), al black metal, fino ad arrivare allo swedish death melodico. La mia recensione potrebbe anche terminare qui, ma cerchiamo di completare fino in fondo questo lavoro. Cosa potrei dire che già non è stato scritto milioni di volte per questo genere di musica? Mah, potrei aggiungere che il quintetto di Bristol in una cosa è preparata, ossia a spaccare il culo a un sacco di altre bands clone. Sono feroci, incazzati, brutali, la loro musica sfocia spesso nel grind, ma purtroppo non mi trasmettono alcuna emozione, se non quella di prendere in mano una sedia e scaraventarla contro la finestra oppure giocare al tiro al piattello con il loro stesso cd. Indubbiamente, i ragazzi sono preparati tecnicamente, ma chi non lo è di questi tempi? Per me 'Desolation' è fondamentalmente noia pura. (Francesco Scarci)

sabato 26 marzo 2022

Corpsegrinder - S/t

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death, Cannibal Corpse
What a killer project George Fisher put out with some help from Eric Rutan, et al. Putting out something within the death metal realm it definitely slays. It sounds a bit like the new Cannibal Corpse 'Violence Unimagined'. But not whole heartedly, just some variation to it. Some more slower parts, but still pretty brutal. Not so much within the brutal death metal category though. This album is to me a "B-" average. It has the elements with a little grove laden death metal with catchy riffs but the album itself is only a little more than 30 minutes in length. I wish it were longer but maybe they ran out of material.

Corpsegrinder sounds the same as he does with Cannibal Corpse so it's quite good! The riffs really stand out and make it interesting to listen to. The production quality was top notch and the guitar sounds like vintage Cannibal Corpse with a kick to it. Being that there are different guitar players each track just about makes it interesting though some of it is a little uninteresting. I'm not saying for the whole album, just some of it I thought was a little humdrum. But sometimes this happens with death metal albums especially when it's a band that you'll know what it might sound like ahead of time.

As I said, I like the production quality it's tops with me just some of the songs I thought were just mediocre. If that weren't the case I'd give it a better score. However, I think it's above average just some of it was drawn out. Corpsegrinder's vocals are pretty much similar to what he does for Cannibal Corpse just a little difference. But not really that much. The intensity isn't as robust in here as on CC Records. But I think that the guitar tuning is about the same as it is on CC it's a little bit groove-laden than anything else. Some songs they're more intense than others but for the most part they're slower.

I definitely can't wait till the CD is available on Amazon. It's a CD I want because it's something that I consider to be way tops with me despite its caveats. The guitars are chunky and slower but the intensity is there. I really liked "Acid Vat" among others. That was the first song that I heart from this which I did research then eventually got the digital download. I'm definitely happy that I've had a chance to review this and experience Corpsegrinder with other people and how he was able to work with other guitarists to make it to what it is. I'd have to say that I told you what I disliked on this and it was more so that I liked it then not. Check it out! (Death8699)

(Perseverance Media Group - 2022)
Score: 73


giovedì 3 marzo 2022

Immolation - Acts of God

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
Talk about some crushing death metal throughout, this band never falls short in being extreme! This is probably one of my favorites of theirs. Fresh riffs devastating the listener. Just all the way BRUTAL! There are tempo changes but mostly mid-fast to fast riffs the whole way through. A little of a clean tone guitars, but not much. The vocals keep the music underground and it goes well alongside the instruments. I don't mind any of this album, it's death metal to the extreme through and through. I wouldn't want anything changed either. The music is what captivates me ABSOLUTELY to the n-th degree!

The guitar riffs aren't overtly technical, they just are unique. And what a solid production quality! I think that's what made this release totally killer aside from the musicians amped it up entirely. I think that's what they lacked somewhat in previous releases. This one hits home all the way. After I heard it on Spotify, I had to order the actual CD. It's something that I can play over and over. I'm not a huge Immolation fan but I like how this sounded. The musicianship was phenomenal. The whole way through this one is totally in your face with brutality and guitars that just hit home in every single aspect.

As I say, the production quality was good and they're on a solid label being it Nuclear Blast. This one barely lets up in any aspect. They're slower riffs but overall the speed and the technicality in the leads were phenomenal. They definitely know how to construct sick rhythms and devastating leads. The vocals exhibit no variety to them which is ok because they wanted to keep it underground. I thought this all the way they know what they're doing! I'd rather not know the lyrics on here as long as they continue to conduct music that is so extreme. And everyone on here seemed to know what direction they needed to go.

This will probably remain the only Immolation that I own because it's in every aspect what I look forward to in a death metal album. The guitars hit home and the vocals just annihilate. Nothing needs to be changed on this album because everything is filled with precision, and precision with vigor! Check out the digital release to see if it's something that would be suitable to your metal pallet. From a skeptic regarding Immolation albums, this one is my favorite out of their entire discography! If you want something that totally slays, 'Acts of God' is where its total at! Take a listen! (Death8699)

domenica 27 febbraio 2022

Corrupter - Descent into Madness

#PER CHI AMA: Death Old School
I nostri amici polacchi della Godz Ov War Productions ci presentano una nuova release del loro diabolico roster, i transalpini Corrupter e il loro debut 'Descent into Madness'. Dimenticatevi ora l'origine della band, non pensate pertanto a raffinate e ricercate forme di black metal intellettualoide, ma concentratevi su un marcissimo passato death metal che sembra essersi perso con l'evoluzione dei primissimi Entombed o lo split dei Dismember nel 2011 (lo so, lo so che si sono riformati nel 2019). Fatte queste dovute premesse, capirete da soli che quanto fra le mani oggi possa non essere cosi originale, tuttavia quanto trasuda da questo debutto è un maligno essudato death che sembra essere sgorgato dalle viscere della Terra. I brani si susseguono con mortifera cadenza tra accelerazioni ferali e growling indemoniati. "End of the Rope", "Darkest Light" e "Into the Hearse" rappresentano il trittico terrificante che apre la danze del Diavolo con un riffing violento che solo nella terza traccia trova attimi di tregua, susseguiti peraltro da ripartenze ancor più selvagge. In tutto questo magma ribollente di puro e crudo death, devo ammettere di essere comunque riuscito a ritrovare un briciolo di melodia a rendere un filo più digeribile un disco che rischierebbe di essere visto come un pugno ben assestato nello stomaco e nulla di più. Invece, percepisco il tentativo del duo francese di proporre qualche variazione al tema: certo "No Life Here" è di una ferocia inaudita anche se i nostri provano ad inserire un break di natura doom a spezzare il ritmo infernale a cui ci sottopongono. La brevità delle song (tra i due e i quattro minuti) ammetto poi che contribuisca ad acuire l'intensità della proposta, nel senso che un brano di due minuti e mezzo come "Horror and Aftermath" è paragonabile ad un paio di ganci ben assestati nel muso che ci mettano al tappeto. Il senso di ottundimento che si prova successivamente nel rallentamento doom, è solo una gentilezza per consentirci di rialzarci da terra e cercare di capire dove ci troviamo. Un pezzo come "Not Enough to Harm", più lungo e strutturato, palesa invece influenze più ricercate nel death americano da parte del duo formato da -J- e -M-, qui peraltro aiutati nelle vocals da Meyhna'ch, mastermind degli ormai disciolti Mütiilation. La scelta della mia song preferita ricade però su "Home for the Dead", un brano dove le variazioni di tempo sono all'ordine del secondo e questa alternanza tra death e doom, innaffiato da un aurea perennemente maligna, la rendono non solo la traccia più ascoltabile del lotto, ma anche quella più morbosa e angosciante. In chiusura, la title track nel suo maelstrom sonoro, palesa nuovamente influenze oltreoceano (Immolation in testa) che sanciscono la brutalità efferata di questa release. (Francesco Scarci)

Aborted - Maniacult

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
This is the first time stumbling upon this band despite their wide discography. Yes, a lot of triggers in the drums but it keeps up with the fast paced tempos. And the leads in my humble opinion are epic! I really dig the guitars the rhythms were dynamic. I think that this is one top album from 2021. Sucks that I just discovered this up until recently. I haven't heard much of it talked about for a great album then but I'm telling you it is a great album. The vocals are brutal and in your face along with the music it just compliments everything. One of those albums that you can listen to ad nauseum and not get bored.

So they are in the death/grind genres and they've pulled it off clearly got this one absolutely! The album doesn't seem to let up, though there are slower tempos to go along with the music. A lot of blasting too though. I feel like on this one they're not getting many points off. The production quality is top notch and they sure as heck made this one to remember. I'm surprised other people have not discovered this or they have and haven't written about it. Come on, one review this whole time?! I am going to put this down in history with and almost immaculate release filled with some many good elements!

The one thing I like about this is that it's totally their own. The variety in vocals, tempos, and top notch leads make it entirely impeccable! I like the higher end vocals more than the low-end but both are complimentary to the songs. First time, me hearing an extreme brutal death metal band in the origin of Belgium. At least in this few genres mixed. They really put a lot of effort into this one and it shows. There isn't a track on here that's sub-par. They all have equal amounts of good tracks to grab the listener. I think that they stole the genres making this into a revelation. What a great album the whole way through!

Yes! They certainly stole the show with this one. I actually bought this on CD which I'm not saying that you should, but it's definitely worth downloading. I just took a chance buying the CD and I was totally satisfied. You have to check it out and form your own opinion. I'm saying that these guys know what they're doing to make quality metal. A lot of albums I didn't care for that were released in 2021 but not this one. I liked it the whole way through! I'm sure that they'll be back again to make an even better performance (if that's possible). Worth looking into and owning it eventually! (Death8699)

(Century Media Records - 2021)
Score: 84


sabato 26 febbraio 2022

Kadavereich - Radiance of Doom

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Techno Death, Morbid Angel
In questo particolare periodo storico c'è chi ha deciso di boicottare le recensioni musicali di band russe, francamente mi dissocio da questo approccio in quanto la musica non è politica e perchè poi auspico che i Kadavereich possano essere in prima linea a dire no alla guerra. Comunque, 'Radiance of Doom' rappresenta l'EP di debutto per la band moscovita (ma che vede anche un membro ucraino al suo interno) che apre il platter con il suono di sirena quasi come segno premonitore di un attacco impellente. "Invincible Sun Devourer" ci trascina quindi in un gorgo black death dove accanto alle chitarre belluine, si staglia una voce animalesca, un growling soffocato in gola che guida un attacco disarmonico e dissonante che sembra chiamare in causa un ibrido tra Morbid Angel e Portal, in un sound vario che mette in mostra anche le qualità dei nostri in sede solistica. Si riparte con "Caldarium of Boiling Blood" da una ritmica più pacata spezzata da improvvise e schizofreniche accelerazioni di chitarra, corredate da interessanti fughe solistiche e break atmosferici dal sapore orrorifico, il tutto comunque avvolto da un'aura misteriosa, sinistra ma comunque melodica. "CCCIII" ci trascina più in profondità negli abissi dell'inferno con un sound quasi più cacofonico, ma in realtà dopo meno di un minuto si stabilizza la porzione ritmica mentre le vocals cavernose di Morkbeast fungono da traghettatore infernale al pari di Caronte. La traccia è distorta, mostruosa, dissonante con le chitarre di Panzer e Bonecrushing Apocalypse a richiamare il sound chirurgico degli esordi degli inglesi Akercocke. Arriviamo velocemente alla conclusione del lavoro con la chiusura affidata alla title track e ai suoi ritmi incendiari e ad una voce che sembra provenire da un'altra dimensione. Per il resto sono i blast beat del bravo Kist a prendersi la scena tra accelerazioni serrate e tetri rallentamenti tetri chiudono in modo egregio una release devastante, destinata ad un pubblico amante di sonorità davvero estreme e bestiali ma comunque intriganti. (Francesco Scarci)

domenica 20 febbraio 2022

Suture - Carnivorous Urge To Kill

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death, Suffocation
This is a brutal re-recorded album and I thought that both 'Skeletal Vortex' and this were almost equally good. Maybe a little bit better. It's not an exceptionally long album 40+ minutes long and long enough to "hit home." These guys know how to put out some sick brutal death metal. This is their latest though it's nine years old. But hopefully they'll come out with something new soon. Most of the songs on here are filled with amazing riffs. The vocals go well with the music and the songs aren't amazingly fast. But the tempos do vary and the riffs are pretty technical. I liked the whole thing even the cover of Deicide's "Lunatic of God's Creation" was well done.

The album goes in spurt where you have quick tempos then slower paced bouts a mixture of pretty much everything all into one full album. The vocals make the music even more brutal and it's justified. I guess if you're looking for brutal death metal, this one and their previous are good ones to start with. I haven't heard the original version of this just 'Skeletal Vortex' but I'm sure the earliest may be decent. This trio put together some great music. It's pretty addictive the riffs and voice are what captured me the whole time. I'm just hoping a new album is underway especially in this pandemic. It would be an appropriate time to make an album.

The production quality was good, not 100% but it's done better than 'Skeletal Vortex'. The riffs are really original and unique. They resemble a little bit of other bands like Deranged, Suffocation et al. But they still have their unique vibe to their style, it's rather brutal but noteworthy. I like this album all the way through. Nothing about it bored me and I've heard it several times. I'm still into it. That's how blown away by it I am. They stick to their roots and just it's mind-boggling. I've tried to turn other people onto their music hopefully successfully. But I'm not so much concerned about them liking it, I'm concerned if I like it.

I bought the darn CD because I had faith that it was a step-up from the first recording that only got a 71% on Metal Archives. And I was right in taking that risk. They sure as hell ousted their 'Skeletal Vortex' release both musically and it was a better produced album as I've said. I'm a bit reluctant to know what the first recording sounded like. I'm sure this one gives it justice. They sure had some great music on here and I was a bit confused at first this being listed twice be it that it was a rerecorded album. I'm (again) glad that they redid this because the sound quality just rips and the music is awesome! Check it out! (Death8699)

martedì 15 febbraio 2022

Blood Red Throne - Imperial Congregation

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Brutal death metal in the vein of Suture and Dying Fetus, though less technical than Dying Fetus. The brutality is all there! The vocals crush they go well with the music! The riffs are the highlight of the album, they're probably the best of the bands since their predecessor. I even think that the music is its strongest that it's ever been! I've heard a few releases from this band and I think it definitely is in the ranks of superior to all of their releases! Everything just seemed to fit together and the guitars are right on cue. These guys just crush it all! I was glad that I picked up the CD after hearing it all on Spotify!

The music and the vocals are the highlights to this release. I think they are often overlooked in the metal community for whatever reason. This being one of their strongest releases if not the strongest! 'Fit To Kill' is arguably one of their stronger releases no doubt. But I'd have to say that this caught me into the circle of brutal death metal making it one of their superior releases to date. They worked hard on making this album quite the powerful one and I'm so impressed with the end result. Of course I listen to the guitar mostly though the vocals aren't at all annoying. They actually compliment to music.

Recording quality is top-notch and everything was well mixed into the quality musical instruments as well as the vocals. They seemed to be right on target I think that this one isn't very fast in their tempos just aggressive. I still think they're similar to modern Suture just not AS brutal. It's a close call though. I'm so happy that they brought this forward to the metal community and whooped ass hands down. There's not that much variety in the music it's just brutal as fuck. And the guitars are tuned down a few steps it sounds like. One of the top albums of last year no doubt just they need more publicity!

Again, I'm glad that I picked up this CD. It's totally my gig and hopefully lovers of brutal death metal. The music wholeheartedly crushed! These guys know what they're doing in the music department and the vocals brought this underground totally! It's so heavy and they use a lot of double bass drums to suit the music! So awesome, it's on repeat mode in my stereo! These guys know what they're doing in respect to songwriting. From start to finish it's quality metal. I know that I rated 'Fit To Kill' as a 80% and this one is getting the same rating but I didn't think it is a perfect score, but close, check it out! (Death8699)

mercoledì 2 febbraio 2022

Devourment - Conceived In Sewage

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
BRUTAL! I like the music on this release. It's not their best release, but I do think it's really solid. Love the guitar riffs the most. And the sound quality is good, too. The vocals aren't as burly as the most, they mainly shift between heavy or heavier. I think the highlight to me is definitely the music. ABSOLUTELY. The fluctuation between throat and deep throat vocals keeps the music at the point to where it follows therein. I thought that the switch keeps it from going monotonous. It's too bad this album isn't longer, but yet again I have to hear their new release! I'll be hearing it soon, though!

This release didn't get very good scores I thought that it was quite solid! The guitars and vocals are sick. They really make the release sound dynamic. I like the riffs the most out of this album the most. They're shockingly good! I heard their previous recording 'Butcher the Weak' which I also thought highly of. I think that this is a talented band. They make great death metal and it's chokingly chaotic! I think that they need to continue making music and I'm hopeful that they will. I don't really have much bad to say about the album, I just have very positive things to utter. Great album, but short!

The production quality is a little sketchy but the music makes up for that lacking thereof. And the burly vocals take state and rip! I'd have to say that they are a band that's true to their roots. I don't necessarily want to talk about the lyrical concepts but the music and vocals are solid. So are the drums. I like how the tempos vary on here. They definitely made some great choices as to what to include here as far as the music is concerned. I think that at this pace they have along life in the metal arena. And discovering this band they made a fan out of me. I can't wait to heart the follow-up to this here.

I believe you can download this album on Spotify or YouTube since it's been out for a while. But yeah, I went ahead and bought their CD. It's about 9 years ago that this was released but that's alright. I'm happy as to what I've heard from this release. I don't have anything really negative to say except that the production could've been a little bit better more flowing in terms of the sound quality. But that's therein the mixing and as far as that goes. Definitely look into this release because it's one brutal album that's highly underrated! I'll keep this playing a while long because it never gets old! Check it out! (Death8699)

giovedì 23 dicembre 2021

Blood Red Throne - Fit To Kill

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
I'd have to admit that I was skeptical regarding this follow-up from Blood Red Throne's previous release 'Union of Flesh and Machine'. I didn't think it possible to top that one, but this one is superb. I like everything about it. The guitars, both rhythm and lead, the production, vocals and intensity. They proved very strong here, songwriting skills for them are getting even better. The music is what grapples the most. Some of the vocals are changed up from low-end to higher-pitched screams. The bulk of the album features the low-end vocals though. It fits the music perfectly. The sound quality is top notch, too. All of the songs just crush.

What's lacking in the death metal community is that bands go from sounding promising to splitting up because of technology and a lot don't progress. It's the exact opposite. I don't mean all death metal bands, but a lot of them. Or they change their style of music. Horrified is a good example of a death metal band that turned to melodic death but melodic death that's just "out there." Blood Red Throne is staying true to their roots and continue to get better and better. In essence, it's going to turn into more followers, listeners, in short, FANS. They sure have me as a long-time fan. It's going to stay that way too, I hope.

The music and vocals are the highlights of this album. Nothing tops this one out of their entire discography in my opinion. The guitars just have great riffs to them and the leads are immaculate. Really everything is with sheer and utter precision. The vocals compliment the guitars and keep it sounding really underground. All the tracks are good and the songs are lengthy. But they never dissuade your attention. Nothing fizzes out on this release. It's anything but "boring." The screams give the songs a little more diversity. It's not just low bellowing grunters. It fluctuates completely.

The fact that this band continues to progress will keep me supporting them. Buying physical CD's really helps the band, but in this day and age, everything is digital. It's good that CD's are still available. I'm sure that they'd appreciate the fact that you buy their albums or listen first then if it's liked buy the physical CD. Do yourself a favor and download 'Fit To Kill', then order it. You won't be disappointed either way, or both ways! Support Blood Red Throne and get it! (Death8699)

lunedì 20 dicembre 2021

Aemeth - Demo 2002

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine
#PER CHI AMA: Death metal, Deicide
Death metal rabbioso che sfocia nel grind per questa band italiana. Una voce cavernosa ed una buona velocità contraddistinguono tutte le canzoni. La produzione è più che discreta, un po’ secca forse, ma che tuttavia esalta il suono di tutti gli strumenti. Sei pezzi, tutti piuttosto originali, ben arrangiati soprattutto per quanto riguarda le chitarre. Non ho alcuna nota biografica per questo gruppo, fatto salvo l'origine del quintetto che dovrebbe condurci dalle parti di Cagliari. Inoltre, il produttore di questo demo è Joe Testa, che firmerà anche un assolo come guest star nella quinta traccia, “The Path Of Losers”. La band se la cava bene anche nei mid-tempos dove i nostri creano interessanti atmosfere. La ritmica comunque si fa sentire davvero bene in tutte le tracce con un qualcosa che, anche se un po’ lontanamente, sembra evocare i Deicide. Un discreto lavoro, consigliato non solo agli affezionati al death.

giovedì 23 settembre 2021

Nucleus - Sentient

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
I didn't think that this was necessarily boring album, I think they experimented a lot to their sound/vibe. It was an elliptical atmosphere and the aggression factor was also there. The riffs were pretty interesting, but not entirely. They did just let the metal flow on here. The production is what could have been better hence the "B-" rating to it from me. I'm sure that their follow-up might've been better. On here, sheer apocalypse. The vocals kept the sound underground as did the music. But the guitars didn't seem that overly sophisticated. I felt that they were kind of in a way a little sloppy.

But a newer band within this genre of so many other bands it's tough to compete and establish your own sound. That I think that they do have. They also do have their own style. When I say "style", I mean it in a sense of their sound formation. But anyway, they did justice to the death metal community on this one. They go from fast to slow to medium tempos in their riff writing. I think this band has a load of potential to be something really great. They just need to dig a little bit more into their creative juices then everything will fall into place. I see them as always progressing and on here you have some sounds that were plain "odd."

Again, the production was at a loss because of the sort of flat sound to it. But the music is good, that's why I'm rating them higher than I think they should've been. If the quality was better then obviously I would've rated higher. These guys will do well if they continue to make music and make it with vigor! Their latest didn't get very high ratings this one actually did better but I need to hear that one before I make a judgement about the quality of it. I felt that this one just lacked in the distortion tone of the guitars. They weren't really overly crunchy or thick, they were just sort of blah or bland feel to it.

Show some respect for the death metal community and check out what this band does on here. I would've gave them better ratings to their guitars, vocals, drums and sound quality if it was better. But still, I think that they did some justice for themselves and put out this album for us to hear and judge. This album is available on a digital source (Spotify) and CD too. I got the CD which I'm happy with just not all the time. But show the band respect and check it out. I think they do have a unique sound to them and definitely their own riff style. Support Nucleus and check this one out! (Death8699)

(Unspeakable Axe Records - 2016)
Score: 68


venerdì 27 agosto 2021

Impur/Sadistic Demist/Unidentified Corpse - Three Way of Death

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death
Le Baleari, che posto incantevole, direi ideale per far proliferare la propria proposta death metal. Questo devono aver pensato gli Impur, che si sono poi messi alla ricerca di altri compagni di avventura per questo split album, ritrovandoli nei russi Unidentified Corpse e Sadistic Demise, a completamento di un disco che mostra fondamentalmente tre modi di proporre death metal. Da qui ‘Three Ways of Death Metal’, il titolo del qui presente cd, che vede appunto la band spagnola degli Impur aprire le danze con un granitico trittico di pezzi che si rifà alla tradizione scandinava dei primi Entombed e Grave, ma pure ai mostri sacri Carcass. Killer riffs, growling vocals, ritmiche arrembanti ed una buona vena solistico-melodica che vede nella traccia d’apertura “Slaves of Decay”, che dà peraltro il nome al loro EP, il mio pezzo preferito. I nostri comunque sono abili musicisti (per la cronaca ci sono ex membri di Carnage ed Helevorn nelle fila della band) il che accresce la qualità complessiva del prodotto, per 13 minuti totali di musica aggressiva e melodica quanto basta. A seguire i Sadistic Demise, band originaria di Kostroma, che con il loro ‘The Way of Sadistic’, ci propongono cinque tracce sanguinolente all’insegna ovviamente di death metal nudo e crudo, costituito da ritmiche martellanti e vocals che si muovono tra lo screaming efferato e il growling mefistofelico. Alla melodie è concesso veramente poco spazio per emergere, fatto salvo per quegli acuminati assoli (quello di “Sadistic Demise” è spettacolare) che per lo meno, donano una parvenza di melodia ed una relativa accessibilità alla proposta. Ovvio che se non siete dei cultori del death metal più spinto e disarmonico, farete una gran fatica ad approcciarvi a questi ragazzotti russi. Analogamente con gli Unidentified Corpse (che incorporano peraltro un membro dei Sadistic Demise) e il loro ‘Domination of Dying People’ (uscito originariamente nel 2013): slam brutal death metal ultra tecnico e consigliato solo agli amanti di queste sonorità spietate. Sette pezzi per 22 minuti di musica sbrodolante, voci animalesche, ritmiche serrate, gran poca melodia e un sound schiacciasassi che non vi darà la benchè minima tregua. A me francamente ha procurato molta noia e un fastidioso mal di testa. Alla fine della storia, per quelli che sono i miei gusti, gli Impur sono i vincitori morali di questa carneficina sonora, con il sound più controllato e melodico del lotto, delle due band russe avrei fatto volentieri a meno. (Francesco Scarci)

(Wroth Emitter Productions - 2021)
Voto: 63

martedì 24 agosto 2021

Cardiac Arrest - ...In Rotten Retrospect

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Slam Death
A great compilation at that, which this is. Some great songs on here featuring the 4 piece on here. The music is death "rot" metal as they call it. Guitars are brutal featuring them in B-flat tuning. And the bass has a sick overdrive pedal which makes it sound even more metal. This band I've liked ever since they formed and this compilation is a conglomeration of tracks on albums of the past. Jim being a pretty strong drummer or as they called him "Grindhead." Adam been the backbone front man of the band that has only gone through a few lineup changes in their whole history starting in 1997.

This compilation clocks in a little less than 40 but it is 40 of pure ear butchery. Adam's vocals are way guttural and the guitars are way thick! That goes to show you how heavy these songs melt your eardrums. Bits and pieces from albums throughout their musical career they do these songs justice not to mention their cranking devastation. I enjoyed all of this everyone seems to contribute to the recording rather well. Multiple vocalists (David and Tom) as well as main vocals by Adam. It's dealing with their flexibility in that department. The guitars are just smashing in intensity. I believe the vocals, guitars, and drums are equally kicking ass!

The sound quality is better every recording on here it's just dynamite. The mixing did good as well they had a great line-up here I wish that it stayed with the same line-up but it is what it is. They are super awesome live as well! Anyway, some of my favorite tracks are on here ("Carnage Your Fate", etc.). Some of the guitar guitarwork on here throughout they did these songs justice. I couldn't ask for a better compilation for $12. Definitely worth it! You won't be able to download this one streamers! You have to buy the CD, to my knowledge anyway. It's worth it though, ABSOLUTELY! This one is a keeper through the whole thing!

In retrospect, everything was done with precision impeccable onslaught. This is death metal that is in no way relenting, it's totally unrelenting! These guys put it altogether and ousted their competition. With the death "rot" metal and great track listing for a sizeable seizing of guitar/vocals in your face! Everything on here is a highlight and nothing is less than extraordinary. These guys know how to put together some great death metal and play all so well. I still wish Jim was in the band but it is what it is This compilation CD is everything people should hope for it to be. It's totally awesome! Get the CD now! (Death8699)

lunedì 28 giugno 2021

Six Feet Under - 13

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death, Cannibal Corpse
La collaudatissima macchina di morte di Chris Barnes e soci usciva nel 2005 con un nuovo dirompente album di brutal death metal. Fuori come al solito per la Metal Blade, la band dell'ex vocalist dei Cannibal Corpse voleva dimostrare con questo '13' che il precedente 'Bringer of Blood' (tralascio l'imbarazzante 'Graveyard Classics 2') era stato solo un errore di percorso. Questo lavoro sembra presentarsi già bene con un artwork molto inquietante ma la proposta musicale alla fine non si discosta più di tanto da quella dei lavori precedenti. Registrato come sempre ai Morrisound Studios di Tampa (Florida), e prodotto dallo stesso Chris, questo disco riparte però da dove aveva interrotto 'Bringer of Blood' e il risultato è un copia incolla del precedente: riffs granitici supportati da una batteria rutilante e dal growling caratteristico di Barnes sempre in primo piano, testi e titoli super splatter (mi basti citare “Decomposition of the Human Race” e “Wormfood”), rallentamenti continui, assoli taglienti e “melodici” sulla scia di quanto fatto dagli Slayer. Con '13', i Six Feet Under continuano imperterriti sulla loro strada, senza spostare di una virgola il proprio baricentro, fregandosene di tutto e di tutti, riuscendo a creare, seppur nella sua brevità (circa 35 minuti), un disco comunque compatto e granitico, un vero tuffo nel passato glorioso del death metal degli anni ’90. Non credo che '13' abbia deluso i fedeli seguaci della band, anche se sono convinto che questo come molti dei dischi successivi, non abbia procurato nuovi proseliti. (Francesco Scarci)

(Metal Blade Records - 2005)
Voto: 62
