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giovedì 8 luglio 2021

Felled - The Intimated Earth

#FOR FANS OF: Atmospheric Black/Folk
Felled is an interesting project founded in Oregon in 2014. The band was born from the ashes of Moss of Moonlight, a project previously located in Washington, where Jenn Gruningen and Cavan Wagner sang about a hypothetic independent Cascadian land. Felled, now relocated to Oregon, has become a four-piece band, and continues similar conceptual paths, but with a broader connection to nature and paganism. Felled combines black metal with some neo-folk influences, which is not an unknown combination in that area of the country. These neofolk influences usually come in the form of melancholic melodies, making this sort of bands to have a certain somber atmosphere.

In its seven years of existence, Felled hasn´t been particularly prolific, releasing a demo in 2017 only, but the band has finally signed a deal with the respected underground label Transcending Obscurity Records, and releasing in these days the debut album 'The Intimate Earth'. As soon as the album begins with the first track "Ember Dream", we have a clear picture of how Felled sounds. Aggressive rasped vocals domain accompanied along the song by guitars with a raw tone, yet melodic when its needed. The pace varies constantly between fast and slower sections, creating an interesting piece of music. But what stands out is generous use of the violin, an instrument I personally love and that has a brilliant participation in this album. Tiffany’s mournful melodies add the expected neo-folk touch to Felled’s music, not sounding straightforwardly depressing, but with this melancholic tone that a genre like neo-folk usually has. The second track "Fire Season on the Outer Rim" follows similar patterns, even though it adds a greater contrast between the heaviest parts and the calmer ones, including some short atmospheric and folk interludes, which serve as a bridge between the different sections of the song. The addition of occasional clean female vocals, usually done by Jenn, with the help in the backing vocals by Tiffany, also enriches the compositions, which are tastefully composed and executed. As mentioned, the mixture between the raw guitars, which include also melodic riffs, and the violin, create a truly hypnotic atmosphere, which makes you feel the profound connection to nature, specially to the vast and beautiful landscapes that can be found in Oregon and Washington states. The album contains only five songs, but their length is quite long as they have an average of almost seven minutes. This length usually works well with this genre as the compositions need time to expand and create the wanted absorbing atmosphere. Its hard to pick a favourite song, but the album closer "The Salt Binding" is a wonderful way to close this excellent debut. The feeling is strong in this track as the melodies are truly outstanding. The mournful beauty of the riffs is captivating, the violin is as beautiful as you can expect, but the novelty here is related to a more presence of clean female vocals in the first half, which gives a truly unique touch to this song. They sound like a farewell song sung in the middle of distant forest. Moreover, when they are combined with the raspy vocals in the heavier second half of the song, they sound like a storm suddenly appearing in the horizon. This is indeed a classy song to leave the listener totally satisfied with this album.

In conclusion, 'The Intimate Earth' is the remarkable debut album by Felled, which has created a quite emotional release full of great melodies, where the violin has a predominant role, though the rest of instruments, and obviously the excellent vocals, help to create a very recommendable album. (Alain González Artola)

lunedì 5 luglio 2021

Dordeduh - Har

#FOR FANS OF: Atmospheric Black
Romania’s extreme metal scene hasn´t been one of the most notorious ones, but it has always offered undoubtable quality every time I have had the chance of checking out something new. If someone thinks about this scene, there is a particular name which always comes to our mind, Negură Bunget. This project began as a pure atmospheric black metal project, which included absolutely hypnotic keys and excellently composed and executed compositions. Their first songs were, indeed, something closely related to the purest form of this genre. In any case, as time passed NB’s compositions became more and more original, which was something clear in its third opus ‘'N Crugu Bradului', a much more experimental album, which included progressive influences. But it was with the subsequent album, entitled 'Om', where the band perfected its sound with an outstanding mixture of black metal, atmospheric keyboards, progressive sound and a strong connection to the Romanian folklore and folk music. Thanks to this album, the band gained a great recognition in the scene, but as all good histories the end was near, as the disputes between original members Huppogramos and Negru, ended with the departure of Huppogramos and the long-time member Soul Faur. Negru decided to continue with the band and released the excellent 'Vîrstele Pămîntului', before NB lost almost every inspiration with the last and disappointing two works, prior to Negru’s unfortunate death. Meanwhile, the other two members created Dordeduh, whose debut album 'Dar De Duh' received great reviews. This album continued the path that was previously developed in 'Om', though I must admit that I didn´t fall in love with that album, at least completely. The good ideas where there, but it lacked something, including a more suitable production.

After this convulsive time and the well-received debut Dordeduh continued as an active band, though sadly we have waited a full decade to listen to something new from them. Was the long wait worth of our time? For sure. With 'Har', Dordeduh hasn´t changed a lot as the irremediable influences from the magna work 'Om' are still there. But the band’s members have put a lot of work on it and have made an undeniable step forward in terms of composition, musical evolution, and production. Now yes, the production seems to be perfectly balanced, leaving the room to these compositions to sound experimental, but at the same time with a strong feeling and ambience. 'Har' is an impressive album with no weaknesses, as every single song has an incredible quality, richness of details and its own personality. The album opener "Timpul Intilor" has the expected immersive introduction, as spiritual and hypnotic as you could expect from these guys. The change of tempo is also brutal, as the band sounds smashing with a powerful production, where guitars, drums and a solid and quite present bass guitar do their work perfectly well. The riffing is original, complex, but at the same time absolutely captivating. The vocals, courtesy of Huppogramos, are top-notch, with intimidating growls, wisely combined with the excellent cleans used for the most atmospheric sections. The pace is as rich as the rest of elements integrated in this composition, flowing from straightforward aggressivity to calmer sections, always with a flawless naturality. One of my favourite tracks of this album, and to choose one is a quite tricky track, is the second song "In Vielistea Uitarii", where the band’s trademark atmospheric keys are absolutely absorbing. Every element of this album is made to transport you to a distant place, not only the keys, but also the tasteful guitar lines and the primordial voices, which give the necessary rawness to the music. The balance between originally and ‘true’ atmosphere is something that Negură Bunget mastered back in time, and now Dordeduh unsurprisingly shows the same enormous talent. Even the clean vocals have something spellbinding, which make them special. And if this is not enough, the always excellent folk elements appear to perfect, which is already an astonishing piece of music. "Descent" is one of the softest pieces, though it still retains the expected originality and complexity. The particularity of this song is that the clean vocals almost sound catchy, which is always a surprising element in bands like Dordeduh. Anyway, this shows the level of inspiration that Dordeduh has reached with 'Har'. "Desferecat" is another impressive piece with a ritual touch in its pace, slow and hypnotic, where the always flawless combination of deep grows and fine clean vocals catch your attention from the very first moment. In this song the listener will find one of the most beautiful keyboard interludes which serves as a bridge to the final part of this extraordinary song. Huppogramos and Soul Faul has always shown an enormous talent with the keys, and this is another proof of their marvellous capacity. The album closer, if we don´t take into account the short, yet great outro "Vaznesit", "De Neam Vergur", is another long piece which includes most of the elements which make this album a quite special release. The ambient intro evolves and gains strength with a clear progressive evolution, showing again the experimental soul of this band, as the song become heavier and more intense. The combination of the most progressive elements and the extremer influences is made once again with taste and naturality, as the different sections are built up with sense and musical cohesion. The end is intense and majestic, a perfect ending without any doubt.

In conclusion, Dordeduh’s sophomore album 'Har' is nothing less than an immense album, that enriches the legacy of these incredibly talented musicians. If the debut was praised by many fans, this second album will convince all the fans who will find rich and complex details, always with an enthralling atmosphere, to digest and taste with time and all the listens that this album requires and deserves. A must for everyone who looks for originality and quality. (Alain González Artola)

(Prophecy Productions - 2021)
Score: 90


sabato 3 luglio 2021

Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant

#FOR FANS OF: Symph Black
This is by far the best Dimmu Borgir album that I've ever heard! Every song on here is amazing! The music, the guitars, the synthesizers, the keyboards, the vocals all innovative and amazing! This is a pretty symphonic album, but the riffs and aura is totally unique. I wish they didn't take a path for the worst in the black metal community. The rhythms on here are simply amazing! I've not heard such amazing riffs especially on "Mourning Palace", that one is an amazing track. But all of the tracks are equally good! The synthesizers go well with the music. They actually compliment it. Careful orchestration!

The music itself is the best to talk about here. Just the distortion filled guitars make every track just amazing. They just knew what they were doing on here. They carefully paved the way for many bands to follow in their foot-steps and with this in existence there's still time for the band to improve. It seems as though with the newer material they've abandoned their creative roots and lost a lot of fans, including me. But I'll always be a fan of some certain albums. Maybe 4 or more of their albums. But this one is insuperable. I don't know how they went from such an interesting band to making what they now make. It happens.

The production quality was a little raw, but still awesome that you can hear everything going on and it just all fits. I don't have any complaints with this release. They went from slowly progressing in the old albums to this one then started regressing. It's sad. I wish that some day that they'd create something like this one again. But it's just wishful thinking. We'll let this one alone in a category of its own. Their music on here just slays. I like the guitar riffs and vocals the most. And I hate to say it but the synthesizers as well. They weren't annoying at all. They made the album more atmospheric.

If you're new to this band, this is a good start! They're at their best on here and the riffs just tear your speakers apart! Amazing album and interesting band but caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) with the albums. This one is a good one to start with, the previous are too raw. That's my opinion at least. This one is raw but the music steals the audience, absolutely! You need to hear this release it's so epic and dominates on so many different levels! Show the band that fans are still interested especially those not exposed to the older material! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 1997)
Score: 95


venerdì 2 luglio 2021

Impiety - Versus All Gods

#FOR FANS OF: Black/Death, Marduk, Angelcorpse
This Singapore based band has quite a discography, but let's talk about 'Versus All Gods'. What a great album! It's furious and fast, but tempos shift and their mixture of black/death/thrash is pretty unique! I enjoyed this whole album. It was quite diverse and full of energy. The hatred comes out in the music plus hence their lyrical concepts. It's an unrelenting display of blasphemy as far as their topics and ferocious metal! There wasn't a song on there that I disliked. I thought the whole album deserves praise. It could've been longer in length but that's alright. They tear it up on all avenues!

The riff-writing or be it songwriting was done rather well and executed. I enjoyed the music and the vocals went well along with the guitars. It's a reminder of how bands like Angelcorpse and Marduk hold this sort of intensity. Impiety is in one different genre though the thrash metal aspect in addition to the death/black mixtures. The lead guitars slayed too. It's great that bands like this are still active and making good albums. I don't think this really has many flaws. The whole 38+ minutes shows the listener how to literally kick as with the guitar and vocals. The drums were furious as well!

I thought that the production quality did the album justice. They picked a good producer to mix this onslaught of abomination. There's nothing that I would really change on here sound-wise. It was absolutely triumphant! These musicians do a great job and they came on here to demonstrate that. I really think that they have a lot more time to be in existence. What a band! I liked this so much that I bought the physical copy. It was my way of supporting the scene and band themselves. I think that Impiety is a big influence on the metal scene though they need more people to review their music!

From start to finish, these guys tore it up. his CD laid dormant on my CD wall until recently. I suppose that upon first few listens to I wasn't convinced. Then a rebirth in faith that the album was all it cracked up to be and I am writing about it! If you're a supporter of the music industry, do the band justice and buy the physical CD. You can of course listen on Spotify or YouTube to see if it's your cup of tea so to speak. If not, then you don't have to support them, but I will continue to. This album is just a gem of compilation of songs. I enjoyed this very much so and if you're into extreme music, support them! (Death8699)

(Shivadarshana Records - 2019)


mercoledì 30 giugno 2021

Mesarthim - Vacuum Solution

#PER CHI AMA: Electro/Cosmic Black
Il misterioso duo australiano dei Mesarthim torna con una nuova release che va a renderne più cospicua la discografia. Sempre sotto la guida esperta della nostrana Avantgarde Records e con un concept perennemente ispirato alla cosmologia, la band ci propone un sound ancora una volta intrigante, in grado di miscelare cosmic black con elettronica e space rock, in un favoloso mix di melodie che si esplicano alla grande lungo le cinque tracce qui incluse. Quello che più ho apprezzato di 'Vacuum Solution' è sicuramente l'utilizzo dei synth nella memorabile title track posta in apertura, che è impossibile non memorizzare e arrivare quasi a fischiettare. Non me ne vogliano i due musicisti australiani, ma questa rischia di essere una delle canzoni più melodiche della loro discografia, sebbene le screaming vocals provino a mantenere un ancoraggio con le produzioni precedenti. Certo che quel finale quasi EBM rischia di stravolgere (positivamente sia chiaro) il pensiero che mi lega da sempre ai Mesarthim. Con "Matter and Energy" le cose sembrano complicarsi ulteriormente, lasciandosi penetrare sempre più dal beat techno elettronico, con il solo cantato black a mantenere un ponte di connessione con la musica estrema. Con "Heliocentric Orbit" ci manteniamo in territori affini, con i due che provano a unire quel sound techno dei Samael di metà carriera con la musica trance e le ultime invenzioni vocali (quasi anime giapponesi) degli azeri Violet Cold. Audaci. Impavidi soprattutto in "A Manipuliation Of Numbers", un pezzo che prende in prestito le tastierine del dungeon synth e le mette a servizio di un sound più etereo che comunque riflette il trademark dei nostri. A chiudere, ecco "Absence" con il suo ambient nudo e crudo, una sorta di colonna sonora di film stile "Interstellar" o "Gravity", che chiude l'ennesimo viaggio nello spazio di questi due sognatori australiani. Ah, una piccola curiosità: l'artwork di copertina è realmente una foto della Nasa. (Francesco Scarci)

martedì 29 giugno 2021

Belëf - Infection Purification

#PER CHI AMA: Black/Death, Behemoth
Spesso accade che dalla sola copertina di un disco sia possibile risalire al genere musicale, quanto mai scontato, e talvolta sia possibile saggiare anche la qualità di una band. È il caso di questi francesi Belëf, e al loro esordio, rimasto poi tale, su lunga distanza, dopo sette anni spesi di gavetta e un mcd all’attivo ('Deathwind Legion'), sfruttando un’ottima chance concessagli dalla Candlelight Records. Il quartetto transalpino, capitanato da Adramelech (chitarre) e Mordred (voce), propina 56 minuti di estenuante black metal di ben poco valore. Già dall’iniziale “Brutal Destruction” (che dura ben 12 minuti!!) si capisce che non abbiamo a che fare con dei geni della musica. I quattro ragazzi s’impegnano alla ricerca di un proprio sound, per uscire dal marasma raw black metal. Cercano (raramente) di abbinare alla furia tipica del genere anche qualche soluzione vicina ai primi lavori degli Emperor. Se proprio volete farvi un’idea un po’ più chiara di quello che suonano i nostri, potreste immaginare un ibrido tra i Behemoth (quelli death), i primi Marduk, gli Zyklon e le dissonanti armonie dei Ved Buens Ende di 'Written in Waters', il tutto condito da forti inflenze death/thrash tipiche dello stile americano. Vocals gracchianti, batteria stile mitragliatrice, chitarre marce e piatte, che rappresentano i punti di forza di 'Infection Purification'. Negli ultimi due minuti di “Immortal Abomination” si cela una traccia nascosta (come se ce ne fosse stato bisogno), una scheggia breve ed impazzita di inaudita violenza. Per me, un album semplicemente da dimenticare. (Francesco Scarci)

(Candlelight Records - 2005)
Voto: 45


lunedì 28 giugno 2021

Six Feet Under - 13

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death, Cannibal Corpse
La collaudatissima macchina di morte di Chris Barnes e soci usciva nel 2005 con un nuovo dirompente album di brutal death metal. Fuori come al solito per la Metal Blade, la band dell'ex vocalist dei Cannibal Corpse voleva dimostrare con questo '13' che il precedente 'Bringer of Blood' (tralascio l'imbarazzante 'Graveyard Classics 2') era stato solo un errore di percorso. Questo lavoro sembra presentarsi già bene con un artwork molto inquietante ma la proposta musicale alla fine non si discosta più di tanto da quella dei lavori precedenti. Registrato come sempre ai Morrisound Studios di Tampa (Florida), e prodotto dallo stesso Chris, questo disco riparte però da dove aveva interrotto 'Bringer of Blood' e il risultato è un copia incolla del precedente: riffs granitici supportati da una batteria rutilante e dal growling caratteristico di Barnes sempre in primo piano, testi e titoli super splatter (mi basti citare “Decomposition of the Human Race” e “Wormfood”), rallentamenti continui, assoli taglienti e “melodici” sulla scia di quanto fatto dagli Slayer. Con '13', i Six Feet Under continuano imperterriti sulla loro strada, senza spostare di una virgola il proprio baricentro, fregandosene di tutto e di tutti, riuscendo a creare, seppur nella sua brevità (circa 35 minuti), un disco comunque compatto e granitico, un vero tuffo nel passato glorioso del death metal degli anni ’90. Non credo che '13' abbia deluso i fedeli seguaci della band, anche se sono convinto che questo come molti dei dischi successivi, non abbia procurato nuovi proseliti. (Francesco Scarci)

(Metal Blade Records - 2005)
Voto: 62


domenica 27 giugno 2021

Akvan - City of Blood

#PER CHI AMA: Ethnic Black
Credo sia risaputo quanto il sottoscritto sia alla costante ricerca di band provenienti dagli underground più stravaganti del mondo. Questi Akvan arrivano da Teheran (anche se il mastermind dietro a questa creatura, Dominus Vizaresa, è nato negli U.S. e poi si è trasferito in Iran) e sotto l'egida della Snow Wolf Records ma pure della nostrana Subsound Records, per ciò che concerne l'edizione in vinile, eccoli ritornare con questo nuovo 'City of Blood'. La peculiarità della one-man-band iraniana è quella di proporre un black alquanto primordiale, contaminato però da melodie etniche provenienti dalla tradizione persiana. Certo, l'opening track "Vanquish All" è prettamente un pezzo black grezzo, con tanto di produzione assai scarna, chitarre zanzarose e screaming vocals, molto '90s per intenderci nei suoi contenuti. Tuttavia, alcuni giri di chitarra o alcune melodie punteggiate peraltro da strumenti della tradizione locale, sembrano proprio condurci in quei luoghi cosi carichi di fascino e mistero. E il risultato alla fine ne beneficia alla grande, perchè non vi dirò che gli Akvan sono dei banali persecutori della tradizione black degli anni '90, ma in realtà propongono un sound carico di malinconia, cosi sognante a tratti ma comunque ben caratterizzato a livello musicale e pure a livello solistico. "Hidden Wounds" irrompe con un tremolo picking tipicamente black ma dopo due secondi si capisce che si tratta di melodie tipiche della tradizione mediorientale, che prendono le distanze da quanto proposto da altri esponenti della scena per certi versi affini, come Melechesh o Arallu. Qui ci sento infatti un qualcosa di più integralista, più vero, con le radici ben affondate nella cultura persiana. E fa niente che poi quello che ci ritroviamo fra le mani sia black a tutti gli effetti, le atmosfere che respiro e vivo durante l'ascolto di questo pezzo, cosi come soprattutto nella seguente "In Narrow Graves", pezzo strumentale di tradizione persiana senza chitarra, basso e batteria, mi regalano qualcosa di importante e profondo. La conclusiva "Halabja" è l'ultimo vorticoso capitolo di questo EP, che delinea lo stato di grazia, l'ispirazione e l'originalità di Dominus e dei suoi Akvan. (Francesco Scarci)

(Snow Wolf Records/Subsound Records - 2021)
Voto: 74
