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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Shivadarshana Records. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 28 giugno 2024

Trom - Evil

BACK IN TIME: recensione gentilmente concessa da Nihil Zine  
#PER CHI AMA: Occult Dark/Deathrock
Monumentalmente macabri e plumbei questi svizzeri Trom. Sicuramente non definibili black metal, almeno non musicalmente. Una band che, per quello che so, ha prodotto solo questo cd dal vivo nel lontano '96, un demo l'anno seguente, per poi ritornare nell'altra dimensione da cui era piovuta (e riapparire solo nel 2023 con 'Liber Mud'). Alcuni membri sono poco più tardi riapparsi in un progetto gothic/dark chiamato Undead Product, con cui hanno realizzato un 7", per poi sparire nuovamente nel nulla. Ma torniamo all'ascolto di questo lavoro che è accompagnato da un'aria pesante, mortalmente pesante, come le malsane esalazioni di un pozzo. Spesso durante l'ascolto, avrete la sensazione di vedere qualcosa apparire davanti a voi, perché questa non è musica ma magia, magia nera (in stile Urfaust per intenderci). Il cantato è di una bellezza che ipnotizza, una voce profonda e imponente, ma anche minacciosa e lugubre. Le liriche sono in francese, con peraltro parti in latino e tedesco; una soltanto è in inglese. Un lavoro che, seppur registrato dal vivo quasi trent'anni fa, gode di un buon suono, anzi forse proprio questo contribuisce a creare un'atmosfera più pesante, sembra quasi di vederli suonare avvolti in una densa nebbia. Come già detto, non siamo al cospetto di un cd black, ma direi piuttosto di occult dark death rock. Ascoltate e meditate.

(Shivadarshana Records - 1996)
Voto: 74


venerdì 2 luglio 2021

Impiety - Versus All Gods

#FOR FANS OF: Black/Death, Marduk, Angelcorpse
This Singapore based band has quite a discography, but let's talk about 'Versus All Gods'. What a great album! It's furious and fast, but tempos shift and their mixture of black/death/thrash is pretty unique! I enjoyed this whole album. It was quite diverse and full of energy. The hatred comes out in the music plus hence their lyrical concepts. It's an unrelenting display of blasphemy as far as their topics and ferocious metal! There wasn't a song on there that I disliked. I thought the whole album deserves praise. It could've been longer in length but that's alright. They tear it up on all avenues!

The riff-writing or be it songwriting was done rather well and executed. I enjoyed the music and the vocals went well along with the guitars. It's a reminder of how bands like Angelcorpse and Marduk hold this sort of intensity. Impiety is in one different genre though the thrash metal aspect in addition to the death/black mixtures. The lead guitars slayed too. It's great that bands like this are still active and making good albums. I don't think this really has many flaws. The whole 38+ minutes shows the listener how to literally kick as with the guitar and vocals. The drums were furious as well!

I thought that the production quality did the album justice. They picked a good producer to mix this onslaught of abomination. There's nothing that I would really change on here sound-wise. It was absolutely triumphant! These musicians do a great job and they came on here to demonstrate that. I really think that they have a lot more time to be in existence. What a band! I liked this so much that I bought the physical copy. It was my way of supporting the scene and band themselves. I think that Impiety is a big influence on the metal scene though they need more people to review their music!

From start to finish, these guys tore it up. his CD laid dormant on my CD wall until recently. I suppose that upon first few listens to I wasn't convinced. Then a rebirth in faith that the album was all it cracked up to be and I am writing about it! If you're a supporter of the music industry, do the band justice and buy the physical CD. You can of course listen on Spotify or YouTube to see if it's your cup of tea so to speak. If not, then you don't have to support them, but I will continue to. This album is just a gem of compilation of songs. I enjoyed this very much so and if you're into extreme music, support them! (Death8699)

(Shivadarshana Records - 2019)
