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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Everlasting Spew Records. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 9 giugno 2021

Turris Eburnea - S/t

#PER CHI AMA: Techno Death
Torre d'Avorio, che nome evocativo. Ecco il significato di Turris Eburnea, progetto italo americano che vede la collaborazione tra Gabriele Gramaglia (The Clearing Path, Summit) e Nicholas McMaster (Krallice tra gli altri). Due personaggi di un certo calibro da cui mi aspettavo un progetto assai particolare, e l'EP self titled lo dimostra immediatamente con un massacro sonoro all'insegna di un furente techno death avanguardistico. Lo dimostra subito la nevrotica "Unfied Fields", che potrebbe evocare un connubio tra Gorguts e Deathspell Omega, offrendo un marasma sonoro dissonante, cervellotico e funambolico con un sound sparato a mille, tra black, math, death e jazz e quanto di più ostico da digerire. I due musicisti alla fine ci investono con il loro malvagio costrutto sonoro che ci annichilisce non poco con quell'approccio nichilista ma comunque pregno di significato. Il tutto è confermato anche dalla successiva "Cotard Delusion", una song tecnica e sperimentale nelle sue pause ma feroce nelle sue impervie accelerazioni, complice una voce non proprio accessibilissima e pure una certa carenza in fatto di melodia. I nostri provano ad ammorbidirsi nella terza "Syncretism Incarnate", un pezzo strumentale che sottolinea la preparazione tecnica dei due musicisti e anche il loro intrinseco desiderio di disseminare il caos su questa Terra. La conclusione è affidata invece a "Malachite Mountains", l'ultimo irriverente atto di questo primo capitolo targato Turris Eburnea, gli ultimi cinque isterici minuti di una musica insana, ingovernabile ed imprevedibile, che lascia intravedere ottimi spiragli futuri. (Francesco Scarci)

(Everlasting Spew Records - 2021)
Voto: 69


lunedì 3 settembre 2018

Void Rot - Consumed By Oblivion

#PER CHI AMA: Death/Doom, Hooded Menace
Se pensate che a Minneapolis dopo la morte del compianto Prince la musica si fosse spenta, dopo aver ascoltato il nuovo EP dei Void Rot (conterranei del ben più famoso folletto), uscito per l'ottima etichetta bresciana Everlasting Spew Records, vi dovrete ricredere. 'Consumed By Oblivion' è il loro debut ma qui non parliamo certo di pop, tanto meno di funky, ma di fronte a questa creatura mostruosa con tentacoli che toccano il death metal, quanto il doom, con una sonorità così grave e lacera, che al primo ascolto vi sembreranno i nipoti dei mitici Cathedral di 'Forest of Equilibrium' in una variante accelerata, vi inchinerete e sarete catapultati in scenari inquietanti, bui e neri come la pece. Superba la scelta vocale e la veste sonora ribassata ed ancestrale, dall'effetto caverna oscura: aggressività e nera profondità si sommano nei tre brani che formano il dischetto dei Void Rot che propongono un sound corposo, sludge e lugubre all'inverosimile per questo quartetto dall'intrigante gusto oppressivo, batteria death in velocità e accordi lunghi accompagnati da un insano presagio cosmico, perchè alla fine i nostri cosmonauti oscuri, sanno benissimo come cavalcare il serpente della psichedelia pesante. Un album death/doom diverso per attitudine e capacità di penetrazione nei sentimenti, dotato di un sound violento, intelligente e ricercato all'inverosimile. Difficile paragonarli a qualcuno ma di sicuro sono un'ottima realtà ricca di originalità, una band da seguire sicuramente. Ottimo debutto, splendido lavoro, breve ma intenso. (Bob Stoner)

lunedì 13 agosto 2018

Construct of Lethe - Exiler

#FOR FANS OF: Black/Death
Bleak and barbaric, Construct of Lethe creates worlds of cataclysm governed by furious fates and overwhelming oblivion obfuscating its open originality with a haze that drains the color from the land and the living. In a twisted underworld where a guide wearing an azure-plumed hat gazes down the left hand path toward the sea on which subsists a writhing mass frozen in its romantic frenzy, this confinement on the edge of unreason brings the horrified humans to a hopeless realization. There is no salvation as even the Christian visage, crowned in thorns, wails in despair as he demeans himself by reaching out in deference to his new god.

Where a first listen would easily draw comparisons to the dismal crush of Immolation, Construct of Lethe thoroughly explores its confinement with rich and obsessive precision, finding splendid sorts of intrigue in every dingy corner to unearth a new truth of its island while supping from the dark waters of amnesia surrounding it. A churning of constant terror brings itself out even more horrifically when obfuscated by the bewilderment of amnesiac disorientation. This is no oasis, no life-bringing land from which to unburden the confined, but a place of squalor and screams where the fates seek to strip every semblance of sanity from their quarry as the Stygian passage opens to the paths of horror awaiting their true judgment by long ignored deities.

Throughout its bleak forty and a half minutes, moments of color rise, like the cloaked Hermes reveling in his own deified halo as he sets to the light-bringing task of diverting even the son of another god to an Olympian underworld. The confusion, betrayal, and bewilderment show themselves through the hallucinations in “Fugue State”. The liberation from dogmatic principles as holy suns abate comes in sweeping guitars clawing out of blindness and escaping the cradle of madness in blasting fits of “A Testimony of Ruin”, and the rolling reversal, an Immolation mainstay that inverts convention and sensibility in favor of a plummeting pummeling sound, makes “The Clot” hammer a heart into submission.

The Greco-Roman imagery and mixtures of Latin and Greek language in the lyrics accentuate the inescapable darkness throughout 'Exiler', one caused on Earth by the condemned Christ and his cohort now wailing among the insignificant mass, capturing a dauntingly detailed and unapproachably undulating atmosphere where confusion and captivity create a chaotic mindset manically manifesting myths and terrors. Such flights of fancy fantastically reflect the “Fugue State” across the entire album, endlessly blurring the lines between reality and imagination in order to further forge fear in its every aspect.

The opening in “Rot of Augury” is a strong misdirection, laying its melodic soloing with a bevy of blasting behind it as though calmly guiding sheep into a meat grinder. Stabs of soloing in “Soubirous” bring a moment of calm before fresh tortures are unleashed, taking the tone of the album to glimpse the sanctity of Elysium before being subjected to the “Terraces of Purgation” where puking in the background, angels abominably apostatizing, and Latin chanting create a scene as scary as it is goofy. Nilotic pinches ensure that riffing and lilting guitar moments stay fresh and challenging, brash soloing and varied riffing atop an ever-refreshing cavalcade of drumming pay homage to Morbid Angel as the closing song, “Fester in Hesychasm” shows a band with the stamina and range to expansively explore its esoteric notions. This construct is truly horrifying. (Five_Nails)

(Everlasting Spew Records - 2018)
Score: 80


giovedì 12 luglio 2018

Engulf - Gold and Rust

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Techno Death, Suffocation
La Everlasting Spew Records torna con un nuovo EP della one-man-band americana degli Engulf. Hal Microutsicos, il polistrumentista che si cela dietro a tale moniker, rilascia 'Gold and Rust', secondo lavoro per la band del New Jersey, offrendo altri 11 minuti abbondanti di suoni schizoidi che hanno in Gorguts e Morbid Angel, i principali punti di riferimento del mastermind statunitense. Tre pezzi che si aprono con la frastagliatissima e dinamitarda "Maul", il cui attacco frontale richiama inequivocabilmente gli "Angeli Morbosi" (e anche i Suffocation), ma che per un'andatura un po' obliqua e dissonante, scomoda qualche paragone con la techno band canadese. Il risultato è una song dai ritmi serratissimi che accende la miccia nel generare una forte ansia interiore durante il suo ascolto. La veemenza del musicista americano (rafforzata da un growling cavernoso) prosegue anche nei tre minuti di "Misshapen Abomination", in cui il riffing subisce rallentamenti vertiginosi, prima di ripartire più incazzato che mai. Siamo già al terzo brano, e l'urticante "Sovereign to the Seven Underworlds" ha l'ingrato compito di chiudere un cd che vuole essere l'antipasto (il secondo a dire il vero) per un album di durata più appetitosa. In attesa del full length, lasciatevi investire dalla brutalità degli Engulf, capaci di portarvi sull'orlo del dirupo e spingervi con delicatezza verso il vuoto. (Francesco Scarci)

(Everlasting Spew Records - 2018)
Voto: 65


lunedì 1 maggio 2017

Mindful of Pripyat/Stench of Profit - New Doomsday Orchestration

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Grind
'New Doomsday Orchestration' showcases two disgusting deathgrind bands whose sounds crash right into you from the first second and refuse to relent through their mind-melting onslaughts of blast beats. Where Mindful of Pripyat has a solid enough approach and balances between grinding and letting the guitar ring out its slight death metal moments, Stench of Profit plays frenetic grindcore closer to the noise side of the spectrum.

This split is a demonstration of why grindcore, despite all its chaotic energy and frantic forms, is not the heaviest of metals in the long run. Though this noisy and blatantly in-your-face music can be some of the fastest in notation and quickest to change pace, its tendency towards structural atonality and constantly ambiguous formlessness in theme lays waste without attempting to pick up any pieces. In Mindful of Pripyat, the general push is to grind down a death metal riff as mercilessly as possible. Stench of Profit attempts to be as offensive an affront to your sensibilities, their tongue-in-cheek self-deprecating description as “ignorant music for smart people” is only halfway correct.

The crazed hammering throughout these songs will eventually decay your patience for this toxic noise. Despite a longer half-life than the band following it, Mindful of Pripyat reminds me of the limitations of extreme grindcore music while at the same time conjures in me a feeling that is all too familiar with writing. Each song is a start. As has been said by smarter people than me, 'beginning is easy and continuing is hard'. Mindful of Pripyat plays one-minute starts to songs with barely ripe riffing ideas intermixed with the same raucous blazing blasts that have been done to death by the likes of Skinless, who has not changed form, and Carcass, that has pupated and exploded from its cocoon of grind to become a fantastic death metal example. Like too many of my own scribblings that will probably never get their own physical forms, Mindful of Pripyat's meager manifestations are a pile of underdeveloped blast-laden mush that has little form and even less direction. I wanted to go through this album because of the fact that I don't listen to enough grindcore. Though that makes me no authority on how to review grindcore, despite my attempt to explore a bit more with this album, it gets to the point that a series of atonal one-minute blasts and ridiculous attempts at feeble structures becomes not metal, but a dysfunctional mesh of worthlessness knitted together thematically only at the end by the sound of a Geiger counter clicking away as though it had something to do with disappointing deluge preceding it. This is no album. It's a page of notes that needs some serious editing, discipline, and time to coalesce into something worthy of the moniker of metal.

Stench of Profit is a bit more measured in its approach despite playing songs that are far shorter than Mindful of Pripyat. Reveling in its migraine-inducing madness, this band's relentless surge starts with slower blasts through seventeen psychotic songs, each faster than the one before. The album rises to a height of intensity, stripping the listener of his sanity through formless frenzied flurries. Even though it's easily noticeable where one song ends and another begins, songs like “Calve Fast”, “Divine Education”, and “The Dance of Deceit”, all clocking in at exactly eighteen seconds long, are the same thing over and over. “No Sense” is the shortest song on this half of the album and is just two blast beats separated by a slight tempo change with two screams behind it. Then again, that's really all that every song is here. There's always one change in each song as relentlessness is met with more of the same relentlessness. This isn't “ignorant music for smart people.” It's ignorant music for morons who are so ignorant that they think they're smart.

As radioactive as the decaying abandoned town of its Chernobyl-infected namesake, Mindful of Pripyat's music is a toxic punishment diminishing slightly slower compared to what Stench of Profit has to offer. The attempt at mindless fun in these two grind albums makes for a combination that shows just how much punishment a dead horse can receive from its petulant abusers. At least it's silent between some of these songs, those moments are the best that this split has to offer. I'm done trying to be nice and open-minded about it. This album is obnoxious crap. (Five_Nails)