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sabato 4 maggio 2024

Midnight - Hellish Expectations

#FOR FANS OF: Black/Speed/Thrash
This is definitely better than their predecessor 'Let There Be Butchery.' This one is just a bit shorter of an album, but they accomplished a lot! I saw them with Mayhem, and they put on one hell of a show, only they're missing a rhythm guitar player. The vocals fit well with the music. The music is sort of like punk based, and the vocals are pretty unique! I liked this whole release, all 25 minutes of this. Just wish it was longer. But it still packs a punch to it. The leads are a little sloppy, but the vocals and production quality is top-notch. These guys mix black metal with speed metal. Quite a unique pair of genres to go together, but they turn it off well.

25 minutes of brain wrenching metal into your eardrums, these guys don't mess around. Not much into their lyrical topics, but it is what it is. Just as long as the music is, quality is what matters to me. They've got a pretty big fan base, being from Ohio.

Their metal sound wreaks havoc on the eardrums, they're here to stay. All the songs rip and average about 2:50 minutes in length. But the intricate sound that they own themselves. Every song on here is good, the music and the vocals and sound quality rips 'Let There Be Butchery.' They're getting more creative and intriguing to listen to!

Athenar should not be doing everything on this release. Even if it's just a session musician, that would be OK. He's got to remember that they do tour, so he needs band members to accompany him to this metal, this metal event of onslaught! There are bands like Old Man's Child and Everydying that are in charge with everything. That (to me) gets a lot of ghosting with other musicians. I'm sure that they would want to be a part of this band, especially since he's built up a great fan base humbly. It may be because he's weary of them taking over what he wants for the band, and with a one-man piece, he's a part of everything. I'm not sure, but I do know that he's an outstanding musician, though maybe difficult to work with.

In any event, grab a hold of this, it's one of the best releases of March 2024! (Death8699)

venerdì 3 maggio 2024

Black Eucharist - Inn of the Vaticide

#PER CHI AMA: Black/Death
E diamo il benvenuto anche ai Black Eucharist, formazione statunitense dedita a un black metal, a dir poco blasfemo. Usciti lo scorso anno per la Stygian Black Hand con questo 'Inn of the Vaticide', la band è finita sotto l'ala protettrice della Godz ov War Productions, che ne ha preso la licenza per il formato cd. Otto i brani a disposizione, di cui uno strumentale (la brevissima e ambientale "The Soiled Crucifix"), che vi faranno rimpiangere di non aver messo nel vostro lettore qualcosa di decisamente più ascoltabile. La proposta del trio nord americano è infatti di quelle che ti prendono a scarpate a livello della mascella, frantumandola, con un sound lacerante, violento, e clamorosamente old school, in grado di miscelare parimenti black, death, thrash e, perchè no, un filino di grind, in una debordante centrifuga sonora che non vi concederà pace. E cosi, la cavalcata comincia con "Black Ejaculate" e le storture ritmiche di un brano che sembrava cominciare sotto differenti auspici, almeno fino al minuto 2.50; da li in poi inizierà un'aggressione ferale che non vi concederà il benché minimo scampo fino alla conclusiva "A Foul Stench Lingers at Peor". In mezzo, pura aggressione e poco più, tra linee di chitarra super acuminate, lo screaming efferato di Infestor, cambi di tempo repentini figli di un retaggio death metal, ritmiche ultra mega serrate (ascoltatevi "Drowned Flock" o la title track per avere un quadro generale della situazione) e, udite udite, anche qualche raro break atmosferico (come accade nella più complessa e irriverente "Broken Staff of the Shepherd", dove addirittura si sente il rumore della crocifissione). Ecco, giusto per farvi capire che quelli che abbiamo fra le mani oggi, non sono proprio gli ultimi fra i novellini della scena (visto il loro pregresso anche sotto il moniker Black Ejaculate, sublime come nome peraltro). Tuttavia, l'ascolto di questa release, mi è parsa per certi versi scontata e priva di quella originalità che oggi vorrei ascoltare in un po' tutti i dischi che mi capitano fra le mani. Ma se siete di bocca buona, ma soprattutto masochisti e avete voglia di farvi maciullare le ossa, alla stregua di quanto facevano gli Impaled Nazarene degli esordi, beh, non siate timidi e fatevi sotto. (Francesco Scarci)

giovedì 2 maggio 2024

Nocturnus AD - Paradox

#FOR FANS OF: Sci-Fi Death Metal
Definitely some high-quality Sci-fi death metal! They pack a punch and do it so furiously! I don't see anything missing from this release, be it the metal that they put forward! The rhythms, leads and production quality are such high quality! I have not much of anything but good things that these guys deliver on here. They sure are exquisite death metal! The melodies, the aura and the put forward metal they have in store for you is a great illustrious platter! This one is probably a top rate or just about it release. Way close to that! These guys know what they're doing in regard to the making of a death metal record and how it should sound!

I like the rhythms the most. They're full of energy and diversity. The vocals do compliment the music quite a bit! There are actually a few different styles of which they sing: BURLY then SCREAMING interchangingly. It goes rather well with this platter.

This album clocks in at about 60 minutes, which makes it easier to listen to because they've spent plenty of time getting it
produced. Not to knock bands that have half of the amount of quality time. Some bands like Deicide or Slayer have shorter crank time. And word just about Deicide Jack Owen, who was with the band for about 20 years, ghosted them over a musical dispute. I'm just happy this band keeps working hard on getting LP's put out and quality music, not just quantity. The vocals sway as do the leads, but it isn't anything that isn't perfect of a recording. The production/mixing is quite well done! The music is totally Sci-Fi death metal. We knew that right away!

I wish that this CD wasn't unavailable on Amazon.com. I've just been hearing it via Spotify. I much want a physical copy to show that I support the band! These guys still have a length of life in them and need the word spread as much as able.

Definitely, one of the best release in 2019 and their new one is due out this year! Let's hope that it's another great one! (Death8699)

(Profound Lore Records - 2019)
Score: 80


Bloody Sound – Sound Bloody Sound

#PER CHI AMA: Alternative Rock
La marchigiana Bloody Sound Record, per festeggiare i sui vent'anni di attività discografica in nome del più arcigno concetto "do it yourself", ha collezionato una raccolta di 14 tracce inedite estratte dai lavori dei tanti artisti del proprio rooster, passati nei corridoi sonori fin dal 2004, e inglobandoli in una raccolta molto interessante e intelligentemente confezionata, che porta il titolo mirato di 'Sound Bloody Sound', ovvero lo stesso della prima compilation fatta uscire appunto nel 2004, quando l'etichetta era ancora una fanzine. Calcolando il vasto territorio del suo patrimonio sonico, l'ambiente musicale trattato è alquanto variegato, e spazia dal punk alternativo dei Lleroy, per arrivare alle sperimentazioni dei Saturday Night Dengue. Da questa etichetta che conta uscite di artisti assai quotati, tra cui OvO, Fuzz Orchestra e Jesus Franco and the Drogas, salta fuori una compilation che si fa ascoltare con tanto interesse dal primo all'ultimo brano, passando per punk, alternative, afro jazz, hip hop contaminato, elettronica, ambient e avanguardia. Si parte con "Cilicio", brano esplosivo degli ottimi Lleroy, per continuare con un'altra bomba che scuoterà le folle, il brano "Borgobio" di Zolle, a cavallo tra l'alternative e quel modo di intendere il rock potente, in aggiunta al glam dei Turbonegro. Di seguito i già citati Saturday Night Dengue, sperimentali, quanto l'interessante canzone di Esseforte, tribali ed etnici i primi, hip hop dal suono singolare con influenze elettro jazz il secondo. Māyā ci parla con morbida verve psichedelica; psych più elettronica invece per la coppia Mattia Coletti/Marco Bernacchia in "Night Monk", più rumorosa a tratti la proposta dei Kaouenn, mentre più luminosa quella di Terenzio Tacchini in "Plein Air". Scansionando il tutto a settori musicali e non nell'ordine di scaletta del disco, si passa poi al lato più sperimentale d'ambiente, sulla falsa riga di soundtrack ispirate e visionarie, come quella di Loris Cericola ("Tutto Tondo" sarà uno dei miei brani preferiti) o l'inconfondibile stile chitarristico del noto musicista/produttore, Bruno Dorella con la sua strumentale, cupa e desertica interpretazione del brano "Ghost Wolf". Tonto presenta una canzone dal taglio elettrodub, peraltro bella coinvolgente ma la mia attenzione cade sulla bella traccia dei Sapore, che trovo deliziosa, dal canto stregato e dalla sua sonorità astratta, acida e ipnotica. Gli Heat Fandango ci regalano una bella performance, con la loro "Giro di Giostra", al limite tra '60s garage e rock italiano, assai godibile, che riporta l'ago della bilancia verso il rock più sanguigno e nervoso che si va a incanalare perfettamente a "Sea of Darkness" dei CUT, cult band bolognese in corsa nel circuito rock da parecchio tempo. Un elenco esteso ma dovuto per cercare di darvi un motivo valido per addentrarsi in una compilation di questo tipo, compito che molti ascoltatori stupidamente, saltano volentieri a piè pari. Il bello di questa collana di titoli, è proprio il gusto musicale che fa da filo conduttore, e si muove in perfetta sintonia tra brani molto diversi tra loro, riuscendo a tessere una trama credibile e di qualità, che aiuta l'ascoltatore ad appassionarsi al disco, traccia dopo traccia. La Bloody Sound ci ha fatto proprio un bel regalo per festeggiare i suoi primi vent'anni di musica alternativa, con la release peraltro disponibile in cassetta, cd deluxe handmade a tiratura limitata, e ovviamente in formato digitale. L'ascolto, a questo punto, direi che è doveroso. (Bob Stoner)

lunedì 29 aprile 2024

Destruction - Thrash Anthems II

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash
This is a good second round of re-done tracks by the MONUMENTAL Destruction. It's pretty tight, sounding better than the originals (I think). Though they don't have Harry Wilkens back in the band and I think their former drummer Olly still is supporting the band, it's just that he doesn't play on any of the newer albums. Mike (guitars) seemed to step up his game on leads. I'm used to him being a bit sloppy, but he's done a good job on here. It seems as though they sort of lost that spunk a bit on intensity, but they're getting up there in age. Mike admits that he smokes too much weed.

The music is classic Destruction, it just seems milder. And the Dead Kennedy's cover was good, showing that punk rock influence. I'm sure Jello Biafra knows or might know about them covering his former band. Weird to hear it in thrash metal fashion. Some great remakes her of songs like "Dissatisfied Existence", etc. shows that they still have it, just slowed down a bit like I said. At least they have two of the original members, Schmier and Mike. They've gone through a bunch of drummers since Tommy's departure way back in the 80s. The band never really changed, just their newer material all sounds the same.

The production quality is top-notch. I like the sound of it and how all the tracks mixed together. Though the guitars could've sounded a little more crunch-like, but still they did a good job of remaking these tracks. It really does sound like Harry on some leads it's just not specified on here, though it has to be him. Mike can't pull off such fast leads the way Harry did. I know that he did participate in more recent albums as a guest musician. Mike's great on rhythm. He's been a good songwriter in the 80s, though their more recent material doesn't seem to change. They're not as catchy as the old stuff. Which is probably why the remakes.

I have the physical CD of this release and enjoyed it a lot. I think the first one is good as well, maybe even better. Furthermore, I liked both of them, though, and I think it was a good idea to put these songs through better production quality and mixing. I think they did a good justice to the songs from the early days. Maybe they received some criticism over the older material sounding low-budget and the new material monotonous and songwriting monotonous as well. I liked this remake the entire way through. They did a good job from start to finish. Especially enjoy the Dead Kennedy's cover as well! (Death8699)

(Pledge Music - 2017)
Score: 70

Moon Incarnate - Hymns to the Moon

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Doom
The German trio Moon Incarnate, born in 2022, has recently released its debut, 'Hymn to the Moon', with the well-known label Iron Bonehead Productions. With just two years of existence, things have moved quite fast, which is not a big surprise considering how experienced are the musicians involved in this project. All the members have at least other two side-projects, a fact that clearly shows how active they are in the metal scene. This indicates that the musical vision behind Moon Incarnate was quite clear for them, which led them to rapidly focus their efforts on their first release, which is a pivotal moment for any project.

Moon Incarnate's sound is firmly rooted in the doom/metal subgenre, with a classical touch that I would mention. The influence of quintessential projects, especially from the mighty 90s, is clearly present and serves as a lighthouse for them. Their debut album, 'Hymns to the Moon,' also features old-school album artwork and consists of seven enjoyable pieces of pure doom with expected elements and enriching arrangements that are always welcome. The riffing plays a main role, as you can imagine, with a good dose of very competent riffs and appealing melodies. The vocals are harsh, but they don't exclude the use of clean ones, while the arrangements are used in a very good way and quantity. The guitar harmonies of the album opener "Hymn to the Moon" are a good taste of what to expect. This is pure doom with its slow pace accompanied by tasteful guitar riffing. Things become serious with the first track, "The Tempest." The somber riffing is complemented by deep and intimidating growls, while the pace is even slower compared to its predecessor. The atmospheric touch of this track gives an epic feeling and definitively enriches the composition. Some clean vocals are already included here, but just in the form of narrative voices. This is generally how these vocals are used, but we have a couple of good examples of a more relevant use, like for example in "Nemesis." The track has an interesting contrast between the mainly guitar-oriented structures and some atmospheric moments, where clean vocals are generously used, achieving an enjoyable combination. Furthermore, although this album's pace isn't particularly varied, a track like "Nemesis", offers a slightly faster rhythm with a good use of the double bass. The aforementioned atmospheric arrangements are used in moderate quantity, but they always work. It can be an introducing dark keynote, some vocal imitating synthesizers, or a similar resource, but they always give an extra point of richness and ambience to the composition. 'Hymns to the Moon' comes to its end with one of the best tracks, entitled "The Kraken". An album closer has the responsibility of ending the album on a high note, and this track achieves its duty. Here we can find another interesting use of clean vocals, in this case as the track opener. Once again, these soft vocals are used in a remarkably atmospheric section, which marks a great contrast to the following traditional/doom part, where growls and riffs command the song until its powerful finalization.

In conclusion, 'Hymns to the Moon' is a very solid first step in Moon Incarnate’s career. The listener will find here seven songs of trademark doom/death metal, appropriately enriched with different elements that give them their own personality. (Alain González Artola)

(Iron Bonehead Productions - 2024)
Score: 78


Morgue Supplier - Inevitability

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Grind
This release is pretty "weird" in my opinion. It sways from slow to metal to grind to chill time. It's definitely the strangest release that I've heard from 2022. That's what makes it so intricate and appeasing. These guys have been around for a long while, but 38 minutes of different Aboriginal feel or vibe to it makes it what stands out. When you think you're being pulled into one extreme to total disheartening atypical dementia. These guys have some death metal mixed with grind action. Though they fluctuate quite a bit! Guitars are fast, mid-paced and overheartenly slow. Their lead guitar work is quite astringent. And the vocals you get quite a variation retro Napalm Death 'The Peel Sessions.'

Guttural vocals mixed with screaming you get all sorts, especially like Lee Dorrian (ex-Napalm Death, Cathedral). Those of whom they seem to draw their influence from. This album is only a little more than 38 minutes. However, what you get is 38+ minutes of death/grind.

I have not heard a band so strange yet episodic and manumatic as these guys via Morgue Supplier. They're incorporating many different sounds and vibes until finally the album fades out. The grind pieces are fluctuating and speedingly incorporated.

The guitars are just an atypical type of mixture between single picked notes to a little bit of everything. The vocals go with the guitars, but both, they encapsulate gore mixed with screaming anguish. Throughout, they seem to go nowhere except on the path of resilience. The vocals shriek highly and the guttural sound doesn't let up. It goes on and on with total morbidity. I enjoyed this album, but I'm thinking that what I enjoyed the most is them going on and on hitting walls with the drum slots and guitars mixed with praying different versions of guttural onslaught. I think the best part of the release is that it doesn't sway too much into oblivion, it is oblivion that slays it! (Death8699)

(Transcending Obscurity Records - 2022)
Score: 80


The Pit Tips

Francesco Scarci

Labyrinthus Stellarum - Vortex of the Worlds
Severoth - By the Way of Light
Blazing Eternity - A Certain End of Everything


Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding
Cardiac Arrest - The Stench of Eternity
Metallica - 72 Seasons

Alain González Artola

Anima Hereticae - Descenced From The Mountains
Sworn - A Journey told through Fire
Kings Rot - At the Gates of Adversarial Darkness