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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Metal. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 26 maggio 2024

Cantique Lépreux - Le Bannissement

#FOR FANS OF: Black Metal
The always prolific scene from Québec brings us again some quality stuff, and as usual, it is something strongly connected to its superb black metal scene. This time it is the turn of Cantique Lépreux, a band formed ten years ago in Quebec City. Its four current members are also quite active in the scene, particularly the three founders, who are involved in several projects. This makes clear the close relationship between the different projects and how involved the musicians are. Although the band’s first years were quite active with the release of two very solid albums, it has taken much more time for the new opus to see the light of the day. The result initially seems to be quite good, the reason why the well-established label Eisenwald has decided to release it.
'Le Bannissemnt' is the name of the new beast, and it has most of the characteristics of this local scene. To be fair, the projects that I have listened to have their own distinctive point, but in general you can feel that the full scene shares some aspects that make it easy to identify a band from Quebec. Cantique Lépreux is not an exception, as its black metal has a distinguishable aspect that makes you know immediately its origin. Tremolo picking guitars reign here with an excellent work, accompanied by the characteristic agonic shrieks and a mainly quite fast pace through the whole album. Remarkably powerful tracks like the album opener "Le Revissement" and last track "Consécration" are the perfect examples. They go straight to the bone, with ferocious and fast-paced drums and some intimidating powerful screams. The tremolo riffing, so characteristic of the genre, is totally dominating here with an impeccable performance, full of excellent riffs. These are the type of tracks that must make the audience go mad on the stage, for sure. A longer track like "Riviéres Rompues" also shows that the guitar players can add more variation to the riffs. The addition of some nice solos, which are perfectly well performed, is also enriching. There are not a lot of calm moments on this album, and honestly, one of the fewest that the listener will encounter are found in "Le Rêve Primordial". This composition contains some mid-tempo and even slower sections, which mark a good contrast to the domination fast ones. Some acoustic guitars are also included, a fact that, coupled with the more diverse pace, makes this song the most varied one of this album.

In conclusion, 'Le Bannissement' is a quite good album from Cantique Lépreux. It doesn’t revolutionize the local scene, but it offers exactly what the listener wants. Its seven very solid compositions, with an excellent guitar work and an undoubtedly energetic pace all along it, will surely satisfy you. (Alain González Artola)

(Eisenwald - 2024)
Score: 75

lunedì 21 settembre 2020

Subway to Sally - Nord Nord Ost

#PER CHI AMA: Folk Metal
Premesso, odio il cantato in crucco e trovarmi di fronte a questo disco, mi si scatena una sorta di allergia. Vabbè, cercherò di essere professionale fino in fondo. I Subway to Sally, come sapete, provengono dalla Germania, nazione importante solo per crauti e birra, per quanto mi riguarda. Formatisi nel 1992, vantano una discreta produzione discografica che spazia tra l’hard-rock e il metal, passando attraverso la musica folk-medievale, tanto da essere più volte accostati ai loro conterranei In Extremo. Questo 'Nord Nord Ost' album uscito una quindicina d'anni fa, non aggiunge più di tanto alle loro precedenti produzioni, se non per l’aver relegato in secondo piano la componente folk e vedere l’ingresso del batterista Simon Michael a completare la line-up. Per quanto riguarda la musica, direi che i Subway to Sally seguono il filone capitanato dai Rammstein, come era successo per 'Engelskrieger' con i classici pesanti riffoni di chitarra, musica elettronica e tante melodie popolari parecchio ruffiane. Alcuni brani non sono neppure malaccio, sempre dotati di ottimi arrangiamenti e piacevoli inserti acustici di liuto, violino e mandolino, tanto per citarne alcuni, ma poi quella voce, quella fastidiosa voce che si staglia sopra gli strumenti e che utilizza la “melodiosa” lingua tedesca per trasmettere le proprie emozioni, riesce nell’intento di rovinare tutto. No, proprio non riesco a mandare giù questo tipo di musica, ci ho provato con diversi ascolti, ma niente da fare, inoltre ho spesso trovato i brani fin troppo prevedibili e poco efficaci. Se anche voi, come me, non amate il cantato in teutonico, lasciate perdere; se siete amanti di Rammstein o In Extremo, i Subway to Sally potrebbero essere una discreta (ma niente di più) alternativa. (Francesco Scarci)

(Nuclear Blast - 2005)
Voto: 60
