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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Grabunhold. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 24 gennaio 2021

Grabunhold - Heldentod

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Black/Epic
The German band Grabunhold is a four-piece project created four years ago by extreme metal musicians and Tolkien lovers to merge both passions in a unique project. This combination is pretty well-known in the scene as black metal, alongside with power metal, has maybe been the subgenre with more bands influenced by the legendary writer. Anyway, these Tokien-esque lyrics are not the only source as some lyrics have a strong melancholic nature. The combination of both topics is undoubtedly something, which always can fit with the dark and powerful essence of black metal.

After a demo and a promising EP, the ensemble focused its efforts to release the always decisive debut album, which should show the project´s true potential. 'Heldentod' is the name of the beast and its firmly rooted in the most iconic elements of the black metal genre, with the always distinctive touch of the German scene, which usually has this effective mixture of fury, aggression and a yet melodic background in its music. We won't see a lot of it in the impetuous beginning of the album opener "Wolkenbruch über Amon Sul", with a furious and straightforward attack of some vicious vocals, merciless drums and sharp guitars. Regardless of it, as the song evolves, we can appreciate an increasing melodic touch in the guitars, occasionally accompanied by majestic clean vocals, which give an epic touch to a song that was initially pure brutality. This contrasted combination of elements define perfectly what Grabunhold offers in its debut album. As it happens quite usually, the longer tracks offer a greater scope to introduce more changes, influences and arrangements in the songs, being the ideal compositions to create more epic tracks. It happens with the first song, but this feeling is stronger in the excellent "Morgenröte am Pelennor" and in the final song "Der Einsamkeit Letzter Streiter". The first one includes some acoustic guitars, a tiptop melodic riffage and heroic clean vocals aligned with the lyrical theme, being at the end my favourite track of the album. The final song shares some characteristics with Pelennor’s song, though it has a more melancholic tone. In any case, these longer tracks allow to create compositions with more variations and the aforementioned epic touch. On the other hand, we can find more straightforward songs like "Hügelgräberhöhen" or "Fangorns Erwahen", which a quite sorter and therefore, they are focused on being fast and aggressive. Although we can appreciate that the riffing is still remarkable, it varies from darker tones to more melodic ones with a respectable naturalness.

Grabunhold’s debut 'Heldentod' is clearly a quite sold first effort and shows an interesting evolution in the band’s core sound. The expected German black metal style is there but it has a quite distinctive touch and balance which makes this opus a quite interesting and enjoyable experience. Personally, I prefer the longer tracks as per their epic touch showing the variety the band is capable of. (Alain González Artola)

giovedì 5 settembre 2019

Grabunhold - Unter dem Banner der Toten

#PER CHI AMA: Black, Mayhem, Windir
I Grabunhold sono un quartetto proveniente da Dortmund, palesemente ispirato al black metal di metà anni '90 al contempo anche alla letteratura tolkiana, dal momento che il moniker si rifà agli spettri dei Tumuli citati proprio da J. R. R. Tolkien in uno dei suoi scritti. 'Unter dem Banner der Toten' è l'EP di debutto dopo che nel 2017, i nostri avevano rilasciato un promettente demo intitolato 'Auf den Hügelgräberhöhen'. Dicevamo delle influenze della band: dall'ascolto della tumultuosa opener "Gespenster", i richiami ai vecchi classici sono evidenti: si va infatti dal fare riottoso dei Mayhem al più sinfonico degli Agathodaimon o al più epico dei Windir, come sottolineato dalle melodie in apertura di "Hexentanz", la seconda song. Il quartetto suona in modo comunque convincente e pur non inventando nulla di nuovo, si lascia piacevolmente ascoltare, alternando ritmiche infuocate con dei fraseggi di epica vastità che conferiscono una certa ariosità alla proposta del combo germanico. La seconda song vede peraltro i nostri abbandonare il cantato in screaming per delle spoken words, mentre il sound va dilaniando le carni con frustate di blast beat e chitarre in tremolo picking. "Von Gefallenen Helden und Vergess" è il classico bridge che ci conduce a "Grabunholde", ultimo atto di questa prima prova per la compagine germanica. La song è delle quattro quella che mi ha convinto meno, sebbene rimanga visibile il marchio di fabbrica dei Grabunhold che qui arrivano a palesare più forte anche una certa componente malinconica, oltre che delle orchestrazioni che sembrano evocare i Dimmu Borgir di 'Stormblast'. Alla fine, quella di 'Unter dem Banner der Toten' è una prova onesta che mette in luce pregi e difetti della band ma che lascia un discreto margine di crescita per il futuro della band in un genere sempre più scarno in fatto di idee. (Francesco Scarci)