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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Century Media. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 8 luglio 2021

Enforced - Kill Grid

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Thrash, Slayer
What a dynamic release! Heavy, brutal, fast, and furious! I like the energy on here. It's way high on the thrash/crossover scale in terms of intensity! I hadn't heard this good of a release since now! Their energy is rampant and they've created some high-quality riffs to their music on here. The vocals compliment the music absolutely they remind me a little of the vocals on the band Plague Years. Different genre however. It's the only parallel I could envision this on here to be. Just different yet aggressive sort of hoarse throat. The whole band does a great job of putting together solid music!

I like the riffs the most, they don't seem to let up for most of the release. I'm in favor of all the songs, they're dynamite! The intensity is ferocious and the riffs are rather innovative. I think it's safe to say they've got their own sort of sound. Though they show their influences wholeheartedly. Maybe a little like Slayer, Exodus, et al though their riffs are original. I like the thick sound and chunkiness of the guitar. It's rather charged with voltage they play their solos pretty well out too. It's undying intensity here and it's brought to my attention that the drummer on here Alex came with his awesome influences that made the album possible, along with the rest.

I though that the production sound quality is top notch. And the gallops in the riffs are wholeheartedly amazing. They don't stop in these gallops and tremolo picking yet show more resemblance to old Metallica via 'Kill 'em All' era. There really isn't a part of the album that's left unscathed in regards to the energy put forth. It's mainly the intensity factor that holds true for the entire album. It's a wholehearted effort here in terms of who made contributions. Alex was a say put forth through the drums but the whole band contributed. These guys will exist for a way of time being as masters of their genres.

I did get the CD of this band and thought highly of it! The band is impressive and worth an A- in terms of their effort. They really know how to kick major butt in metal. I would encourage you to check them out if not buying their CD but at least on Bandcamp or YouTube. I was blown away when I first heard this album. It's really interesting that they float in two genres thrash and crossover metal. They dominate entirely and blow away their competition! They're so good at what they do the music just is simply irreplaceable. Please do yourself a favor and check this album out ASAP! It's worth it! (Death8699)

(Century Media - 2021)
Score: 78


venerdì 18 giugno 2021

Napalm Death - Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism

#FOR FANS OF: Grind/Death
This release is charged with hatred amazing they pulled it off. I didn't like this in the beginning because it's so different from their older material. By older I mean when Barney first joined the band via 'Harmony Corruption'. I just need to again get used to all the screaming because there's no burly vocals like in the past even on 'Utopia Banished' and 'Fear Emptiness Despair'. Those were the good days (to me). It's a matter of getting used to the 21st century Napalm. This one is charged with blisteringly fast guitar work though they change it up some songs are just slow and seem out of place.

I think the energy here is great! I don't mind this album, it's a more modern Napalm with all the screaming and aggression. Mitch (I believe) does some vocals on here as well. The whole band does a good job on here, it's just not what I expected. But it's a good follow-up from 'Apex Predator - Easy Meat'. That's another really loud one with insane vocals and noise terror. Both this one and their last has this great energy to them. Just take out the useless songs. Some tracks however sound like 'From Enslavement To Obliteration' but the screaming is higher pitched and the guitars are more tranquil.

The music on here is quite unique the guitar sounds great. Just the vocals take some getting used to. I liked all the tracks that weren't slow and like I said out of place for this release. That's my only beef with the album. Other than that, the axe is amazing. Mitch does a great job with the compositions. Him and Shane are fantastic. I think this newer voice of Barney needs adjustment. I haven't heard him sound like his old self since his early days with the band (as I mentioned). He needs to go back to his roots with Benediction and early Napalm while they were just getting established. And say on the live album 'Live Corruption'.

I thought that the production quality was top notch. Everything you could hear rather well. I wouldn't change anything in that respect. This new generation of the band with no original members left except Shane (way early on) is sort of reinventing their sound. It's mainly death/grind with all screaming. It isn't as much of grind since Danny cannot play nearly as good as Mick Harris was with the blast beating. Mick pretty much founded the grindcore drumming. Danny has never been really strong in terms of blasts, I also admired Mick's creativity. It's too bad he didn't stick with the band I think he's in Scorn now.

The songs with main guitars were phenomenal. The energy on here is amazing. It's worth getting the album, what a release! I loved the guitars the most and a hell of a lot of screaming between Barney and Mitch! The intensity! It only gets better as the album progresses. If you're a Napalm fan, especially the newer Napalm, you'll like this. And even though I'm a longtime fan throughout their discography, this one definitely needs to be checked out! Get it on CD and show support to the music industry! (Death8699)

(Century Media - 2020)
Score: 78


domenica 30 maggio 2021

God Forbid - IV: Constitution of Treason

#PER CHI AMA: Metalcore/Swedish Death
Lo Swedish death miscelato al metalcore americano ha avuto un grande successo in passato creando ad un certo punto anche una indigestione tale da rendere assai complicato da descrivere con parole differenti, gruppi che alla fine proponevano la stessa minestra. I God Forbid sono una di quelle band che in passato mi ha dato una mano nel semplificarmi la vita, cercando di prendere le distanze e interpretare il genere con una certa dose di personalità. Non siamo di fronte ad un capolavoro, però devo ammettere che il quarto album della band statunitense non si presentò affatto male mostrando una longevità per le nostre orecchie non indifferente. Una produzione sporca (ma va bene così) accompagna le note di “Constitution of Treason”, in cui i classici riff hardcore e la vetriolica voce di Byron Davis, si strutturano all’interno della tradizionale metal song, dotata dei tipici riffoni di chitarra (bravi i fratelli Coyle alla sei corde), delle cavalcate alla Iron Maiden, di melodici cori con brillanti clean vocals e taglienti assoli. Il 2005 fu l’anno di questo sound, dei vari As I Lay Dying, dei Trivium e anche dei God Forbid, come pure fu l’anno della moda dei cd suddivisi in 99 frammenti (qui 98), quasi a fare impazzire il recensore di turno che, come me, fatica a capire che pezzo sia arrivato ad ascoltare. E cosi mi ritrovo alla traccia 36, scuotendo la testa come un pazzo esagitato, ascoltando la freschezza e la dinamicità di “The Lonely Dead”, sicuramente il pezzo migliore del disco che tra l’altro si chiude con un suadente pianoforte. I God Forbid se la cavano davvero egregiamente, avendo dalla loro anche una grande capacità tecnico-compositiva e un ottimo gusto per la melodia. (fantastica la tappa 60-69, “To the Fallen Hero”). Alla fine mi ritrovo a tessere le lodi per una band che è riuscita a farmi vincere la mia resistenza verso un genere ormai depauperato di idee. Alla traccia 97 mi trovo ancora super entusiasta e il successivo e ultimo frammento non fa altro che alimentare il mio desiderio di riascoltare questo lavoro. (Francesco Scarci)

(Century Media - 2005)
Voto: 72


lunedì 17 maggio 2021

Necrophobic - Mark of the Necrogram

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Black
This band has been around for a while and I'm just now learning about them! This release is some great death/black metal! I didn't care for their previous release, but with this one, the riffs and the vocals are KILLER. The only beef that I have with this release is the production quality. It's not that great. But still, the music makes up for that. These guys put out some uncompromising metal here. The intensity is pretty high on some tracks, others are a little bit with less intensity. However, the music by far is the reason for them getting a high rating for them. It's good that the music varies on here at least the tempos.

I think that their songwriting capabilities are superior though the lead guitar work needs some work! Otherwise, the rhythms are filled with precision. I like their harmonies and tremolo picked riffing. It's all quality. There's some blast beating going on as well. Suits some of the riffs on here. And a lot of double bass drum kicking to match the tremolo picking. This band has a lot to offer listeners of death/black metal. Or just metalheads in general. They need to know about this album! It's dark, but still really amazing. And the songs never get dull, even on the outro track to the album. I am totally impressed by this band.

As I said, the production quality is OK, just not the best that it can be. But the music makes up for it. These guys have a lot of ideas for riffs and I'd say some of theirs are really technical, yet catchy. I like the vocals, too! They fit the music really well. A lot of screaming to go alongside the riffs. They are a well established band with a huge discography. I haven't heard their old stuff, but I might. I would probably prefer the more modern version of the band because of the musical quality. Their new one is due out in October as well. I'm awaiting that one impatiently! But for now I have this one to jam to!

If you've never heard this band before and you have Spotify, download this album! Or if you collect CD's like me, buy it or if you're into digital tracks, I'm sure they have songs on Bandcamp. I would just say buy the CD to show support for the band! And the music industry itself! These guys have a lot to offer musically. Their work is top notch on this one. It's an undying release of pure horror death/black metal! Thanks to Paul via Sathanas for turning me onto this band. And what a coincidence that they named the band off Slayer's 'Reign In Blood' album the song entitled "Necrophobic." Own this! (Death8699)

(Century Media - 2018)
Score: 78


lunedì 22 marzo 2021

Lacuna Coil - Karmacode

#FOR FANS OF: Gothic Metal
I'm probably one of the ones that's giving this a positive review after careful examination. The critics hold hard on giving their more recent album 'Delirium' which I too gave a positive rating for. While Andre and Cristina don't give their best performance, I still think that they were better than average as their tradeoff vocals occur and the music going well alongside of the vocals. Probably tied with a positive reviewer, I saw the good in the album, not the absolute worst. I think that overall, the music quality is good though they don't do cover songs the greatest, at least not on here that is. But I like the music on here.

Maybe I'm giving them too much credit on here and not being as critical as I should, but I'm still digging this release. I didn't much care for 'Black Anima' because I thought it to be a sort of "wishy washy" follow-up from 'Delirium' with a lot less balls. On here, they're experimenting. Possibly in a different direction than was expected, I still dug the album. Not their longest release, but definitely bearable. I liked the whole release. Even the half-soaked cover originally by Depeche Mode. I've knocked on it, but like I said, it's still bearable. I don't suffice to say that he's a total waste of an album. I don't know how critics can be totally harsh.

I liked this release from start to finish. It's not as good as the newer material, but I still think that they have something here. It's kind of a revelation that they go from this to later 'Dark Adrenaline', 'Broken Crown Halo' and 'Delirium'. I'm not going to include their latest because (as I said) I didn't think that it was up to par. I think those three releases that I mentioned were at their pinnacle even though they lost some of their lineup. hey're playing with low-end tuning guitar-work. Now I believe that their bassist writes the music. But I'm not sure if it was always the case, I just know that this is the case more recently.

Actually, I received this from the webmaster of Archaic Metallurgy. What a gift it is, since it seems that almost all that I've heard from Lacuna Coil I've liked. I'm not familiar with their really early work, but I will be. Cristina doesn't do the best that she's done before, but both her and Andre make good tradeoffs. They've always been good at this though. No real surprise. And I like the music. Blast everyone that dubs this album as ill-fated! This is available on streaming and YouTube. Don't listen to the critics, form your own opinion of it. It's worth it's weight in gold. Support the band, not fallacies! (Death8699)

(Century Media Records - 2006)
Score: 72


giovedì 28 gennaio 2021

Asphyx - Necroceros

#FOR FANS OF: Death Doom
I thought this a great follow-up release, if not better than 'Impending Death'! It has a lot of variability to it let alone aggression. The riffs are definitely better and it seems like the band is getting better with each follow-up. I think that they have a lot to offer the death/doom community. I've found this release to be a quite adaptive and addictive release meshing death and doom together. I enjoyed every track, especially the title-track. Yes, in some respects it's can be up in tempos, others a little slowed down. But they've mixed both genres together. I've found that the quality in the sound is what made this album truly remarkable.

I have nothing bad to say about this release. The fact that there weren't many (if at all) many leads made it an album of sheer rhythms that are catchy and utmost noteworthy. The vocals are good, too! They mix well with the guitars. The drums are also a boon to this release. I'd have to say all the musicians on here put a helluv a lot of effort in the songwriting and it really shows when you listen to this release. I had initial doubts when I first heard about the new release because I didn't much care for 'Impending Death'. I'm glad that I took a listen here on Spotify and I was perplexed! I had to order the CD thereafter.

The guitar riffs are nothing but invigorating. They're catchy, fast, slow, moderate, you name it! I though that is what caught me the most. And the vocals, alongside the guitar, made it a true gem in all respects. There's nothing dull or boring on this album. It's a milestone at that. The band really made some remarkable death/doom metal combined. I had no doubt in rating this! If you're skeptical, just listen to it first and see what I'm talking about! You won't be disappointed. If you are, allow me to eat my words. I think I'm right in saying that this is a gem. Pretty darn well certain about it. No song on here lags.

Check this out on Spotify like I did and you'll get a taste of what I'm talking about. Beginning the new year right in light of tragedy that was inflicted upon the metal community (loss of Alexi Laiho). This would in my view show the metal world how death/doom is to sound like! I don't think that this album is (yet) on YouTube. But I have it on Spotify and pretty soon on CD. I would urge you to get a physical copy because it not only supports music, it shows the band that you enjoy what they're putting out. And if they know this, then they're most likely going to continue to make awesome music! (Death8699)

(Century Media - 2021)
Score: 80


lunedì 18 gennaio 2021

Dark Fortress - Spectres From the Old World

#FOR FANS OF: Atmospheric Black Metal
I prefer 'Eidolon' over this one, but I still think this album is pretty good. The synthesizers make the music darker and the music is pretty intense. Initially, I didn't care for this one, but I still give it a "B-". I think that the music itself isn't the greatest, but at least the intensity is high. That's what's good about it. The riffs are pretty fast and the drums are powerful. I liked the whole album, though again it's not my favorite. The vocals are pretty decent as well. They meshed well with the music. Not every song on here is super fast, but it's good that they change it up. Some clean vocals and guitar as well, it's not ALL brutality.

The guitars are my favorite highlights of this album. I like the riffs on here the most, the vocals are just mediocre. But whatever, they put together a great release (with some drawbacks). When they're on their game here on some songs, they really hit home! With this it's hit-or-miss. The double bass is pretty hardcore, too. Never knew this band is from Germany. Pretty cool. I like what I've heard so far from the band, though this one could be tighter. I suppose 'Eidolon' was tighter because every song was killer. And the atmosphere too was great. This one falls short in the riff category.

The production was pretty decent on here opposed to previous releases. As I say, the songs just needed to be more interwoven. They did a good job on some fronts, though I think if they did better with the songwriting I would've given them a higher rating. The tempos were up and down, but that's not necessarily bad. If they could've gotten better guitar riffs or at least more consistent guitar work then it would've been a stronger rating by me. The fact that the tempos are all over the place makes it harder to get into. Sounds a lot like progressive atmospheric black metal here. The the actual genre is melodic black metal.

I would say to check this out on digital rather than buying the album since it's hit-or-miss. Their earlier stuff, sure but this one needs an acquired taste to liking it. It still is decent and the riffs are OK. But in any case it's a strong album. Very experimental with sounds, guitars, and songwriting. Not my favorite album of theirs just a little better than average. The guitars are definitely my favorite parts to the album, but I think as a whole they put together a somewhat tight release here. I think that at least they were good in making a somewhat progressive album though they could've made it tighter. In any case, take a listen! (Death8699)

(Century Media - 2020)
Voto: 70


lunedì 21 dicembre 2020

Dark Tranquillity - Moment

#FOR FANS OF: Swedish Death
I didn't discount this release when I first heard it because of my initial reaction to 'Fiction' wasn't great, but 'Projector' my favorite release from them of all time. This I felt it a "B" average because there are some quality parts to it, it isn't just a waste of $20. I thought that the vocals were solid (as always) though the guitar riffs are a little iffy. However, I was glad to get this recommendation from a long time friend of mine. I thought that the melodic parts were cool, even though Martin is no longer with the band. I thought that it was an excellent that Christopher Amott (ex-Arch Enemy, current Armageddon) is on guitars. Not that sure of Johan, but both do a great job!

As to who did the most songwriting on this release is obligatory. The guitars are superb, though not as good as they could've been. But I liked the album anyway. The music itself isn't very heavy, just emotional based. Mikael's vocals are some of the best that they've ever been, maybe better than even my favorite from them. The keys blend well with the melodic guitarwork and more of a feeling-based album. Mikael isn't sounding like he's crying on the voice but he's definitely in sad-mode. The riffs accompany the voice and synthesizers with absolute precision. And the production on top of it all is way good.

It was striking that an Amott was a part of this album. Christopher was amazing in Arch Enemy. I'm glad he clanged onto this release. He's one of my favorite melodic death metal guitarists just as Jeff Loomis (Arch Enemy, ex-Nevermore). So as far as the lead qualities on here, they're superb. I didn't think Christopher would last as long as he did in Arch Enemy since their style was continually evolving maybe into something that he wasn't into anymore. But him abandoning melodic death metal completely wasn't the case. And on here is another example of a great effort he puts through with this band. I suppose they did the band justice acquiring him.

I was totally skeptical about this release being something worthwhile and yes it is worthwhile. So on basically blind belief I bought a physical copy of the album despite the putrid reviews. I thought that from start to finish this album has a lot of grit to it. And it's definitely feeling based which is what you want from a band like this. I don't think there's any song that I disliked from the album. It's not the best Dark Tranquillity to date from my viewpoint, but I did like it better than 'Fiction' of course. It's got a different feel than that album. It's definitely not an album to listen to when you're feeling melancholic. Great release nevertheless! (Death8699)

(Century Media - 2020)
Score: 76


mercoledì 16 dicembre 2020

Skeletal Remains - The Entombment of Chaos

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
Follow-up from 'Devouring Morality' and definitely a solid follow-up. I enjoyed it immensely. Again, showing their interests such as Death, Obituary, et al they make their own unique riffs. And the lead guitar is AMAZING. Similar vocals to the last and the atmosphere is a little darker than their predecessor. Both equally as good and invigorating. I liked this band right away when I first heard them. Unique in their own right, vocals raspy throat and rhythm guitars that are quite technical. And FAST! They're still within the death metal genre and sticking to their roots absolutely!

There wasn't a track on here that I disliked. I felt each one was worth it. Definitely hear the influences and they weave it into their own array of sounds. This one isn't all fast tempos but a lot of them were. But the riffs are pretty technical. The whole sort of atmosphere to this album is totally grim and depressing. The vocals are sung in a fashion that goes well with the brutal riffs. Just like their last release, a sense of this sort of hoarseness. Simply is an acquired taste to it. But again, it keeps it more underground. The music and vocals are my favorite parts to the album. Definitely.

The production is sort of raw and echo-ish. But it's good that they did this because it keeps that darkness to it the whole way through. They sure as hell beat your eardrums to death. I really like a good majority of riffs on here. I thought that they were quite good definitely well executed. All the songs are brutal and you don't know what to expect. The drums go well with the music also. They seem to follow along the riffs in the right fashion. Double bass kicks and some blast beating here or there. The tempos are just all over the place. And the riffs in your face kick ass! Some of the leads are just mind boggling.

I liked this whole album, but I thought it was about similar to their last album in terms of quality. A little bit darker, but not that much. I saw a copy of this at the record store and I had to grab this. It's featured on Spotify and I'm sure YouTube as well. I'm a CD collector so I didn't mind getting a copy of this album. Hear it from any source, it's a killer LP. They really know how to write some killer music. You just never know from track to track what to expect. I would say buy the physical copy if you're a CD collector as well because it's definitely worth the money. And help the industry too! (Death8699)

domenica 6 dicembre 2020

Napalm Death - The Code Is Red...Long Live The Code

#FOR FANS OF: Death/Grind
Ever since 'Scum' and 'The Peel Sessions' came out, I was hooked on this band. Even though they play more death metal (especially on this one) it hasn't shyed me away from liking this band. So on 'The Code Is Red...Long Live The Code', you'll hear a more ND death metal approach to their music. Though there is blast beating by Danny on here, it's mostly just fast riffing that's mixed. This is more of a death metal approach to music on here, as opposed to the old line-up producing sheer and utter noise-grindcore. I kind of miss that about the band and thought that 'Harmony Corruption' (and still do) was their greatest times.
I admire the fact that the music on here varies, but miss the intensity of the old ND. At least they're still making music though they're veterans now. Barney's vocals changed after 'Death By Manipulation'. It's not as low and he doesn't do the loud massive roars like Barney of the old. But now they have Mitch contributing screams periodically. Screams ups the variety and keeps you guessing. A still highly politically based band lyrically but the focus is on the music, not so much the lyrics. A lot of songs on here too, that's why they split it up. The guitar is pretty unique though the riff quality is nowhere near as good as on 'Harmony Corruption'.
It's fresh meat though, even though this was released in 2005. It's pretty new to me because it's the first time hearing this album. I don't necessarily like the slower stuff near the ending of the album, but for the bulk of it, it's a "B". I felt that they measured up to their standards. And the fact that this is death metal and not grindcore anymore, they still are pretty much the founders of that genre. I think it'd possibly be Mitch making the turn into death metal and it's a big loss that ND doesn't have Jesse anymore. Died too young, that's for sure. I think Napalm Death wanted a change because the only real original member is Shane. Even he came later however.

I liked this album enough to write about it. I thought that the musical quality was good, just that they should've taken out the outros. They should've just ended at track 13 and that's it. But they squeezed in two unnecessary tracks. I guess that that's how they wanted it to be though. A big transformation from them then I used to know. Especially listening to 'The Peel Sessions' in High School. It seems as though now that there's less fire in the band because of the lack of Mick, Lee and Bill, they should've changed their name. They aren't losing their fire entirely, but let's see how they sound if they're releasing a new album in 2020. (Death8699)

(Century Media - 2005)
Score: 82


domenica 26 luglio 2020

Shadows Fall - Fallout From the War

#PER CHI AMA: Thrash/Metalcore, As I Lay Dying
Definiti in passato come uno dei gruppi più promettenti della scena thrash americana, pur non proponendo nulla di originale, gli Shadows Fall da sempre riescono a confezionare album meritevoli di attenzione. Quello di oggi è in realtà una compilation del 2006, ricca di contenuti interessanti (B-sides, rarità e cover), in grado di generare nei fan un headbanging frenetico. La nomination ai Grammy del 2005, l’apparizione all’Ozz Fest e ad altri numerosi festival europei, ben 250.000 copie vendute di 'The War Within' solo in Nord America e l’aver scalato le charts americane (debutto nella US-Billboard addirittura al 20° posto), hanno poi consacrato gli Shadows Fall a band di grande caratura nel panorama metal, nonostante la giovane età, ma ai posteri l’ardua sentenza. 'Fallout From the War' è un lavoro aggressivo, capace di far del male all’ascoltatore, ricco di un’ampia varietà di stili che passano con estrema disinvoltura dal thrash anni ’80 al metalcore, sconfinando talvolta in territori hardcore, emo, death ed alternative. Non so se questo possa essere considerato l’album della svolta per il combo statunitense, però devo ammettere che non è niente male anche per chi come me, non ha mai amato l'ensemble USA. Le caratteristiche dei due precedenti lavori si ritrovano e fondono tutte insieme: il sound è come sempre carico di rabbia, con ritmiche aggressive, vocals pulite e altre incazzate, assoli piacevoli anche se non proprio eccelsi dal punto di vista tecnico-compositivo. Il platter comunque si dimostra di esser ricco di sfumature degne della vostra attenzione, questo è un album che merita sicuramente un vostro ascolto. Da segnalare infine, la strana decisione di inserire alcune cover di Only Living Witness, Leeway e Dangerous Toys in coda all’album, un paio delle quali si sono rivelate ahimé abbastanza debolucce. Comunque sia, ”Rock’n Roll or die”!!! (Francesco Scarci)

(Century Media - 2006)
Voto: 72


mercoledì 18 dicembre 2019

Despised Icon - The Ills Of Modern Man

#PER CHI AMA: Deathcore/Grindcore
I canadesi Despised Icon (band che vanta tra le proprie file membri dei Neuraxis), freschi peraltro di una nuova uscita, nel 2007 hanno rilasciato la loro terza release con tutte le intenzione di farci del male, ne ho le prove. 'The Ills of Modern Man' (titolo peraltro sempre attuale) si affacciò sul mercato dopo il tanto acclamato 'The Healing Process' e quindi con la difficoltà di superare qualitativamente quell’ottimo disco deathcore. Il six-piece canadese non si è perso d'animo, avendo tutte le carte in regola per poterci sorprendere con una proposta selvaggia e senza compromessi. Così, dopo aver messo il cd nel lettore, non ho più avuto dubbi: il sestetto è sempre pronto per saccheggiare il mondo intero. Dieci tracce brutali, con riffs taglienti come rasoi, stop’n go, cambi di tempo vertiginosi, iper blast-beat, growling vocals e urla animalesche, ritmiche impazzite che corrono a cavallo tra death e grindcore; il risultato? Un disco malato che trasuda rabbia da ogni suo solco. Prodotti egregiamente dal loro chitarrista Yannick St-Amand (Beneath the Massacre, Ion Dissonance e Neuraxis) e mixati ancor meglio da Andy Sneap (Megadeth, Opeth), i Despised Icon per un certo periodo (visto la successiva pausa di sette anni) si sono candidati ad essere i numeri uno nella scena estrema. Brutale, cattivo e fottutamente incazzato, ecco come suona 'The Ills of Modern Man'. Se avete bisogno di scariche di adrenalina pura, questo è il disco che fa per voi. (Francesco Scarci)

(Century Media - 2007)
Voto: 75


giovedì 5 luglio 2018

Dark Fortress - Séance

#PER CHI AMA: Black, Satyricon, Mayhem
Quando ascoltai la prima volta questo disco pensai fosse la nuova band di Attila Csihar? Mi sorse questo dubbio perchè il vocalist della band tedesca, assoldata dalla Century Media, aveva la voce che somigliava a quella del frontman dei Mayhem. E mentre fino al precedente lavoro, proprio a questi ultimi si avvicinava il sound del combo tedesco, con 'Séance' la band teutonica propone un black di difficile catalogazione: dieci lunghe songs che viaggiano su mid-tempo, atmosferiche, dalle tinte malinconico-depressive a tratti, graffianti e gelide come il black old school in altri momenti. Le tastiere sono abili nel creare un’aura oscura attorno a tutto l’album; violini sinistri dominano la scena in “While They Sleep”, mentre le chitarre e la voce di Azathoth contribuiscono a donare desolanti e tenebrose ambientazioni che rendono 'Séance' un lavoro molto interessante pur essendo questo disco del 2006. Il gruppo tedesco fu abile nel coniugare alcuni elementi sinfonici dei primi Dimmu Borgir, con altri presi in prestito dai più recenti Mayhem e Satyricon: il risultato che ne viene fuori è un sound pesante e decisamente cupo. Interessanti sono gli interludi acustici che servono a spezzare le sfuriate black, così come inaspettati sono alcuni ottimi assoli che completano le songs. Bellissima “Shardfigures”, nona traccia dalle fosche tinte invernali, con quel suo riff di chitarra che richiama i primi lavori di Burzum ed uno spettacolare assolo di chitarra acustica, da pelle d’oca, davvero il miglior episodio dell’intero album. Anche a distanza di oltre 10 anni, 'Séance' non si rivela come un album di facile presa, ma ripetuti ascolti vi permetteranno di apprezzare al meglio questo lavoro. Spalanchiamo le porte al gelo dell’Oscura Fortezza. (Francesco Scarci)

(Century Media - 2006)
Voto: 75


venerdì 4 maggio 2018

Himsa - Summon In Thunder

#PER CHI AMA: Metalcore/Death, Arch Enemy, Carnage
Era il 2007 quando uscì l'ultimo vagito degli Himsa, un vero assalto sonoro ai timpani. Forti di una super produzione ad opera di Steve Carter (per ciò che concerne la musica), Devin Townsend (per la voce) e Tue Madsen (per il mixing e la mastering), 'Summon in Thunder' rappresenta sicuramente il top della carriera per il quintetto di Seattle, anche se le critiche all'album furono piuttosto esagerate. Le undici straripanti tracce svelano il dinamico thrash/death metal, ricco di melodie ma anche di tanta furia, una miscela di vecchio speed metal unito ad un suono moderno, rabbioso e senza compromessi. Riff rocciosi (di scuola svedese) avviluppano le menti, con la batteria sempre precisa di Chad Davis che pesta che è un piacere e la voce di Johnny Pettibone a vomitare tutto il suo odio. Il platter della band statunitense non lascia tregua, è una cavalcata continua in cui trovano sfogo gli ottimi assoli delle due asce (influenzati dai solo dei fratelli Amott degli Arch Enemy). Se devo indicare un brano che mi ha colpito più degli altri, cito la quinta traccia “Skinwalkers”, che inizia con un buon arpeggio, prosegue su un mid tempo fino ad esplodere a metà circa in un attacco convulso, ma sempre ben ragionato, per poi concludersi con una raffinata scarica chitarristica. Una citazione spetta anche alla successiva “Curseworship”, per la sua capacità di non darci modo di pensare e non annoiare. Forse proprio in questo sono migliorati questi ragazzi: alla fine del cd, pur rimanendo quella sensazione di già sentito, non sono assolutamente annoiato e ne vorrei ancora. Tecnica inoppugnabile, melodie accattivanti, niente di originale sia chiaro, però l’headbanging è garantito per tutti gli amanti di questo genere di sonorità e non solo. (Francesco Scarci)

mercoledì 25 febbraio 2015

Massacre - Back From Beyond

#FOR FAN OF: Death Metal, Morbid Angel, Obituary
I'm not sure I agree with referring to Florida's Massacre as 'legends'. They had one great album in the early 90s, one god-awful pile of shit in the mid 90s, and...pretty much nothing else. While Death, Morbid Angel, Autopsy, Obituary etc. were busy cooking up album after album of superb death metal goodness - Massacre couldn't manage any more than one worth talking about. Legends? Hardly. Yes, 'From Beyond' was a damn fine death metal release. You know why? Because Massacre understood the need for depth within the longer song structures, and for brevity within the entire affair. Their brand new effort, 'Back From Beyond' (yes, they actually called it that), completely misses this point and falls flat on its face. Let's start with the positive: firstly, the absence of Kam Lee might have worried many. Though I never viewed him as much more than a reject from Death's 'Spiritual Healing' era - he did have some nice grunts which enlivened Massacre's debut. However, fear not! Ed Webb is more than capable of filling Lee's murky shoes. In fact, the vocals are the best thing about this record, period. Webb's visceral growls sound so natural and controlled, even when he completely lets loose and treats the listener to a merciless high-pitched scream (see the beginning of "Succumb To Rapture"). He also gains merits in my eyes for being decipherable, helping 'Back From Beyond' to at least succeed in accessibility where it fails in creativity. The production also warrants a round of applause. Tim Vazquez deserves much praise for making 'Back From Beyond' sound up-to-date and glossy, whilst maintaining that classic Flori-Death feeling. Webb's masterful growls still dominate, but the guitars/bass/drums all fuse together as one well-oiled metal machine. Unfortunately - that's really where the positivity ends. The songs themselves are similar to my writing: dull, and appear far longer than they are. I find it almost insulting that they have an ambient intro in the shape of "The Ancient Ones". This implies that they are preparing the listener to delve into a realm full of atmosphere and well-structured schematics. Unfortunately, it only emphasizes the disappointment when you find out that every song is uninspired, devoid of any excitement, and contains as much variety as a Tesco Value biscuit party-pack. Seriously. Every song sounds the fucking same. Not in the hyper-fun Dragonforce way - in a monotonous, bore-you-to-suicide way. This is where the band should have taken a lesson from their superior debut. 'From Beyond' consisted of 9 tracks, mainly between 4 and 6 minutes. This forced each song to have enough substance to be memorable and interesting, encouraging repeated listens. 'Back From Beyond' consists of 14 tracks (!), mainly between 2-3 minutes. This forces each song to end before it ever has a chance to develop any intriguing musical ideas. Even now, after 5 painstaking listens, I cannot distinguish one song from the other. Superb vocals, production, and artwork contrast awkwardly with bland riffs, forgettable 'hooks', and badly-executed solos. I'm not sure I hold out much hope for this band returning with another full-length release, and neither do I care. I'll stick to Cannibal Corpse, Obituary or Gorguts for quality old-school death metal. 'Back From Beyond' is not excruciatingly bad - it just seems irrelevant in today's climate. It would probably make excellent background music though... (Larry Best)

(Century Media - 2014)
Score: 50

domenica 11 novembre 2012

Krisiun - AssassiNation

#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death
Che sonora mazzata nei denti ragazzi... ecco in poche parole cosa racchiude l'album dei brasileiros Krisiun, il sesto della loro esplosiva discografia: 46 minuti di ferocia inaudita, decisa a perforare i nostri sempre resistenti (ancora per poco) timpani. Il combo sud americano non si allontana di molto dal proprio tipico stile techno-brutal-death, che oramai contraddistingue la band, fin dal lontano debutto del 1993: un sound compatto, solido e rovente, suonato costantemente con un’elevata perizia tecnica. Disumano è il lavoro alla ritmica, con una batteria rutilante, precisa e variegata a costruire atmosfere annichilenti e claustrofobiche; le debordanti ritmiche, ricche di cambi di tempo, constano di selvagge chitarre laceranti, efficaci nel creare un muro sonoro insormontabile, che si alternano, con imprevedibile naturalezza, a momenti d’insana tranquillità, quasi a preannunciare l’arrivo della tempesta, fatta d’impeccabili assoli che giocano molto spesso, a rincorrersi l’un con l’altro, nell’arco dei vari brani. Musicalmente i Krisiun sono accostabili agli Hate Eternal, anche se gli ultimi lavori del combo statunitense non mi avevano convinto completamente, per una certa immobilità di fondo; al contrario, l’ascolto di “AssassiNation”, si è rivelato davvero entusiasmante. L’assalto sonoro profuso dal platter, targato Century Media, e coadiuvato dall’eccellente produzione ad opera di Andy Classen, consacra definitivamente il trio, guidato dai brutali grugniti di Alex Camargo, quale migliore band nel genere. Consigliatissimi agli amanti del genere. Devastanti... (Francesco Scarci)

(Century Media)
Voto: 80

giovedì 9 agosto 2012

Maroon - The Cold Heart of the Sun

#PER CHI AMA: Death/Metalcore
Un inizio al limite del grind apre questo capitolo dei teutonici Maroon, fautori di un metalcore, per una volta suonato come si deve. La solita premessa va fatta: i Maroon non inventano nulla di nuovo, ma ci mettono le palle e tante buone idee in questo concentrato furibondo di death metal (di scuola svedese) miscelato all’hardcore. Si parte alla grandissima con “(Reach) The Sun”, canzone diretta, violenta con una bellissima melodia di fondo e con un assolo che pesca a piene mani dalla musica classica. Il quintetto tedesco prosegue nel farci a brandelli anche con “Only the Sleeper Left the World”, ma sempre con grande intelligenza, quasi da farmi gridare al miracolo per l’ottimo lavoro, in un ambito che ha ben poco di interessante da regalare. Ragazzi, che bomba questo “The Cold Heart of the Sun”: ogni brano è una sorpresa, nonostante nelle sue note siano raccolti gli stilemi classici del genere. Chitarre arroganti si alternano attraverso cambi di tempo da urlo a mid tempos assai ragionati, sfuriate selvagge ci aggrediscono in modo serrato, growling vocals assassine sbraitano tutta la frustrazione del combo di Nordhausen; breakdown, tanta melodia e assoli vertiginosi, completano un album che si può definire sicuramente vincente. Se siete amanti di sonorità death/metalcore nord europee, non contaminate dalla cultura americana, questo disco farà sicuramente al caso vostro. Godetevelo a tutto volume! (Francesco Scarci)

(Century Media)
Voto: 75 

lunedì 2 aprile 2012

Naglfar - Pariah

#PER CHI AMA: Swedish Black, Unanimated
“Le porte dell’inferno si sono schiuse ancora una volta...” Così apre lo sheet informativo del nuovo disco della band svedese. Dopo due anni dal precedente e discreto “Sheol”, il quartetto scandinavo approda nel porto della Century Media con un disco che potrebbe tranquillamente rappresentare l’ideale sequel di “Storm of the light’s bane”, dei leggendari Dissection. “Pariah”, quarto full lenght dei Naglfar, ci mostra subito una novità e cioè la dipartita di Jens Rydén, cantante e leader storico della band, sostituito degnamente da Kristoffer W. Olivius, già bassista del gruppo e anche membro dei Setherial e Bewitched. La direzione musicale della band rimane in ogni modo sempre la stessa: “Pariah” è un album di death/black metal in pieno stile svedese, carico di rabbia ma anche di ottime melodie, ben suonato e ottimamente registrato presso i Ballerina Studios. Rispetto al precedente lavoro si può notare un deciso passo in avanti; la nota più significativa è la ripresa dello spirito che caratterizzò lo spettacolare “Vittra” con quel suo sound pervaso da un’aura maligna, inoltre è da registrare un miglioramento delle vocals, con la prestazione davvero notevole di Kristoffer, più malvagio ed inquietante rispetto al suo predecessore. Per il resto, lo stile del “vascello infernale” Naglfar è sempre lo stesso: sezione ritmica senza tregua con l’inconfondibile riff “made in Sweden”, atmosfere sinistre e tecnica ineccepibile. L’unico neo del disco è forse quello di essere abbastanza ripetitivo e incapace di tirare fuori quella personalità in grado di levare i Naglfar a leader indiscussi del genere. Segnalandovi “The perpetual horrors”, “Revelations Carved In Flesh” e “None Shall Be Spread” quali migliori estratti di “Pariah”, vorrei inoltre ricordare che l’album uscirà anche in limited edition con materiale bonus. Ora, lasciatevi pure sedurre dalla fiamma nera dei Naglfar... (Francesco Scarci)

(Century Media)
Voto: 70

domenica 4 marzo 2012

Zimmers Hole - When You Were Shouting At the Devil...

#PER CHI AMA: Thrash, Strapping Young Lad, Devin Townsend, Nevermore
...”We Were In League With Satan”... Un titolo venato da un malato senso dello humor, non può far altro che celare dietro al suo nome, personaggi geniali: e infatti gli Zimmers Hole sono il chitarrista degli Strapping Young Lad, Jed Simon, il bassista dei Fear Factory Byron Stroud, accompagnati dall'eccellente vocalist (sia in formato growl che heavy classico) The Heathen e dall'onnipresente mostruoso Sir Gene Hoglan alla batteria. La band, alla sua terza release (uscita a distanza di sette anni da “Legion of Flames”), confeziona un lavoro di pregevole fattura, nonché di difficile catalogazione: la musica contenuta nelle undici tracce infatti ha come base un thrash metal molto variegato, tecnico, imprevedibile, a tratti addirittura epico, in cui l'ironia poi la fa da padrone. Le songs della “Colonna Sonora del Diavolo” sono tutte travolgenti: vuoi per la breve durata, per le intuizioni geniali, per la forte componente melodica/ironica, per quei suoi richiami alla follia di Devin Townsend, i suoi forti rimandi rock'n roll, l'eccellente produzione che ne esalta i suoni e l'esemplare perizia tecnica dei suoi esecutori. “When You Were Shouting At the Devil...” rappresenta un ottimo esempio di heavy metal, in cui vanno a confluire influenze provenienti dal prog, dal death, dai classici riffs del passato, dal doom, dal sound dei Black Sabbath, Celtic Frost, Running Wild, Slayer, Candlemass, Dark Angel e King Diamond, influenze, che rendono l'ascolto di questo disco un must per tutti gli amanti della musica metal in genere. Suoni ispirati da gente ispirata, da avere assolutamente! (Francesco Scarci)

(Century Media)
Voto: 80

sabato 18 febbraio 2012

Mercenary - Architect of Lies

# PER CHI AMA: Death/Heavy, In Flames, Nevermore, Gardenian
A me i danesi Mercenary, sinceramente sono sempre piaciuti, per quella loro capacità di essere incazzati e melodici al tempo stesso. “Architect of Lies”, che segue di un paio d'anni il forse fin troppo melodico “The Hours that Remain” (vincitore del Danish Metal Award come miglior album dell'anno), conferma il buono stato di salute del sestetto scandinavo, che dopo un lungo tour europeo, si è chiuso in studio per diversi mesi, per partorire questo valido come back, il quinto per i nostri. Dieci tracce per più di cinquanta minuti di musica brillante, ben suonata, che riprende l'ardore più selvaggio delle prime release, ben bilanciandolo con la spiccata melodia e gli elementi catcy del precedente lavoro. Forte è l'influenza dello swedish death più melodico e grooveggiante (gli ultimi In Flames e Soilwork), ma pure il thrash made in USA (a la Nevermore) trova spazio nel sound dei nostri. Il six-piece danese, si dimostra comunque assai maturo: ottimo il song writing, buone le sonorità che miscelano un death ben strutturato, al tempo stesso assai melodico e accattivante con partiture quasi rock'n roll, frutto del dualismo creato dai due vocalist, René in versione growl e Mikkel dall'impostazione squisitamente rock. Credo proprio che questa apertura, che già era stata apprezzata in passato, apra ulteriormente i confini della musica dei Mercenary anche a chi non ha le orecchie abituate al death metal. “Architect of Lies” si conferma lavoro solido e interessante, destinato ad una fetta di pubblico assai vasta. (Francesco Scarci)

(Century Media)
Voto: 75