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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Death8699. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 6 agosto 2023

Nunslaughter - Red is the Color of Ripping Death

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School
Pretty cool Pittsburgh/Cleveland, Ohio based death metal. I was more than happy with this CD, my first one I owned of theirs. The music is what I appreciated the most and the vocals are atypical. They fluctuate which is a good thing that you don't get with standard death metal vocals. It's something to appreciate when artists are of a little variety based rather than the burly voices that you get from bands. I thought that the musical element was quite good as well. They make their riffs varying in intensity. And this one is I'd say a "screamer." Various degrees of fluctuation. While they're to me not good as an "70" rating, this album sure is good despite.

I thought that this was a pretty atypical death metal album that has a lot of highs and not so many lows. They vocals were a pinnacle and the guitars just took over and dominated. They went alongside well with the vocals.

This band kills it live and the studio recording of this one was top-notch. They were on top of their game on this one and there wasn't a time on here in the whole 35 minutes that was uninteresting or not entertaining. They slabbed their death metal in such a way that it was way happening and in no way "boring." Fluctuations in tempos, heavy down picked guitar riffs and an astounding production quality for Hells.

There's more and more bands signing on Hells Headbangers that are super underground that put forth way intriguing metal albums. They just have a way of making these death metal albums especially here on Nunslaughter that has been a total devastation. Really great production sound that did the band justice. It's helping the underground scene grow popularity and helping them get recognized. Tons of bands now on Hells kicking ass because of the label and mixing quality with a minimum amounts of flaws. Keep note on this band and other bands on this label to get justice where it needs to be! (Death8699)

venerdì 4 agosto 2023

Midnight - Let There Be Witchery

#FOR FANS OF: Black/Speed Metal
A truly likable band that has two genres mixed into one. They put on a good live show as well! I like the fact that they're a metal band that sounds just as they do without the likes of other bands. Unique riffs and songwriting. The vocals suit them well with the music too! I hope that they continue making newer and newer albums. This past tour with Mayhem they didn't steal the show but put on a great performance. I liked their entire set. They really have a lot of energy to them and the riff-writing for this studio release was top-notch. They know how to write some pretty great songs that captures like no other.

The riffs are the best part of the album! They totally light up the speakers and they've shown that they can continuously write music that is catchy and unique. The album is only about 34 minutes but the whole way through they kill it!

Some really wicked unique riffs on the guitar front. These guys just dominate and on purpose. They've demonstrated that as a few members that are in the band that they can be ultra creative. The leads are just somewhat of a drawback. But still, they dominate!

Production quality is also good. A really well rounded album all the way through! I'm glad that I picked this up and saw them live. I'm not familiar with their older stuff but it seems as though they got some similar ratings. I'm not surprised that this black/speed metal band has done well even with the lack of people that they have at their live shows. I'm happy that the album emulated their live show. The music is what stole the show for me. They totally know how to create good guitar riffs throughout. It's not likely that you'll hear a band that has these two different genres into one. Absolutely phenomenal! (Death8699)

martedì 25 luglio 2023

Druid Lord - Grotesque Offerings

#PER CHI AMA: Death/Doom
Definitely death/doom of a vibe throughout. They're a killer boon to the metal industry offering something quite unique. I really like how the guitars are with such low distortion alongside eerie tones on top of the low burly licks. They don't speed up too often in the songs. They're mostly just slow thick songs with vocals that are also burly. It all goes with this epic vibe Druid Lord has potentiated. I am totally digging it because there's not a lot of bands that choose these two genres all into one. The sound quality was good as well. This is like something that comes out of a horror movie. It's creepy in a way.

The album is about an hour long and they show the listener some dark and spooky sounds all along the way. These guys don't fool around in terms of the doom that they portray throughout. I wouldn't even say this is death metal that it's more doom metal than anything else.

The guitars are the most noteworthy elements along with the vocals. These tempos don't seem to get fast at all throughout. They are death like and totally underground. I liked the leads too! There were some elements of faster tempos but most of this album is doom metal kind of like in the vibe of older Draconian. But the guitars are thick and chunky. They don't fluctuate throughout they keep from going too fast. The vocals are low and at some instances shriek like. I'd have to say that this whole release was definitely fulfilling. And they keep you in the know with doom metal variability.

The guitars throughout were slow and depressing. I think that there's only a select few instances where they play fast. This is just so down of an album you cannot listen to it if you're in a depressive state. It's totally awesome but the whole thing just puts you in a frail state. I think however that I like this album more than their newer release because it carries with it the utmost sense of morbidity and misery. The guitars are continuing to sound low throughout the album and the riffs are slow for most of the songs. I think the leads are quality. I would just characterize this band as a doom metal band because the death metal portion isn't too prevalent. Be sure to check this out! (Death8699)

domenica 23 luglio 2023

Revel In Flesh - The Hour of the Avenger

#FOR FANS OF: Swedish Death Metal
German pioneers within the realm of a more than notorious Swedish sound, this release is a monument! First few times hearing it, it's really insurmountably wicked. Brutal riffs and vocals. The drums shuffle around alongside these wicked guitars. They've established themselves early-on and have kept going in a great progression. I don't see much wrong or ill-fated on this release. They've made it through early on and hit-home with this release. I'm really liking what I'm hearing in the music it seems like they're in a constant flux of different tempos. It gives the release variety and originality.

The vocals fluctuate between burly low to screams which gives it more variability. And the music on top of that puts it at a higher level in sustainability. These guys know what they're doing all-around. It's a monumental release and they sure do need some more press. Hopefully, we'll catch more follow-up releases since this one is about four years old.

There's been bands from Germany like Fleshcrawl who have the pedal that makes it sound like early Entombed, Entrails and Dismember. But their riffs on this one are sure as hell all them. These guys put forth a great 45 minutes of music that's absolute perfection. Just no beat that's missed, riff that wasn't without flaw and vocals that's not fitted in. They've really been a band that hasn't put a limit on their music. They keep down the path that's working for them. I can only see them getting better and better. I've thoroughly been convinced that they've been a hit in the department just picking up this CD yesterday!

Some bands like this end up going south, but I have a strong feeling that they're merely taking a break from the action. I think that they'll be back in the spotlight sometime soon. People in the death metal scene may not of heard of this band. Especially the millennials I hope that more ears will get on this even if it is just streaming for now. I collect CD's so it's not a problem for me to pick up a physical copy and show the band support. I know that Spotify have robbed musicians for years now in one interview one band only got 20 pounds last year and somewhere around 26 million listens to! I know that as long as streaming music goes, musicians are losing out on a lot of money. Especially touring and putting out new releases. The 80's and 90's were a lot different but when Napster came around, then it became out of control. Still, bands are making albums despite this. Lets hope that the true fans buy CD's and Vinyl. Enjoy this release no matter where you hear it! (Death8699)

Vomitory - All Heads Are Gonna Roll

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School
Straight forward death metal with a big-ass kick to it! Various different tempos in the guitar riffing and combine that with screaming/low bellow vocals puts these guys in a different realm! They thoroughly kick some serious ass! Their music is pretty unique and insurmountable. No doubt that this release is nothing under an 75 rating. The intensity is high and there's a plethora of blast beating. They remind me a little of blackened death metal to the likes of a band named Blood of the Wolf via Chicago, Illinois. Not entirely, but they sure as hell resemble it somewhat. Few may disagree, but I think I've narrowed it down.

The vocals along with the music go steadfast and without any compromise. The vibe is there with the death metal kicking serious ass! I was impressed when I first heard this! It's my introduction to Vomitory. Thanks for the recommendation from a friend!

The music is all over the place, but not in a bad sense. Just that it's constantly fluctuating. It makes it unique and always what's guessing that's to come next?! I really dig everything about this release. The music mostly. It's filled with varying degrees of intensity. I've grown a great liking to this album the more spins I give it.

I was surprised to learn that these guys are from Sweden but they don't use the traditional Swedish pedal that a lot of Swedes do with their guitars. I'm glad that they changed up that sort of typical sounds with traditional death metal from that part of the country. I'm totally in awe about how unique this band is with all the tempo changes and the vocals. The drums are right alongside the music and it's tight. The vocals though kick ass and keep the sound to be totally underground! The music here is all their own concoction and the fury/anger is totally felt in the music. I'm surprised that they're not entirely well-known.

They sure as hell keep it brutal and I like this entire album. There isn't a song on here that I disliked. All of this releases just grapples me. And it seems that they got some positive press. Definitely a thumbs-up to those who recognize good death metal! (Death8699)

sabato 15 luglio 2023

Krisiun - Ageless Venomous

#PER CHI AMA: Death Metal
‘Ageless Venomous’ is a milestone. This is second to ‘Conquerors…’, a previous release that was impeccable. This one is right there too. Amazing death metal from Brazilian natives. They’ve had a great career and are still making good music. Definitely one of their best. The songs are so catchy. Moyses shows that he could still shred. This release was from 22 years ago... still is a classic. I’m surprised it took me so long to review this. I’m glad that I am now. This is death metal supreme. This one has bonus tracks that I have. Good the whole way through impeccable as I say. These guys have been around for over 30 years. I still don’t think they get the recognition they deserve and touring with top bands in the genre.

The sound quality on here was good. Top notch. How long is the recording though is the question really! The songs are really well composed. They have some great riffs on here. On all the tracks though, not just some. I really enjoy this album immensely! It’s one that I can jam over and over. It doesn’t get old. They put together some spotless riffs and Alex is great on vocals. The drums are good too. There’s more variety on this one than ‘Conquerors'. It’s not just blast beating. A lot of double bass. Sounds kick ass.

These guys are brilliant songwriters. Their new one is really good too. They are kind of like veterans now, but they’re still going strong. I didn’t really get into the early material just ‘Conquerors’ onward. I’ve had a great career so far I just wish they had a bigger fan base. I will always support this band.

These guys have some more albums to put out. And they just had a most recent one released this year. You can download this one on Spotify or listent to on YouTube but I bought the CD. As usual, of course. This is to show support for the band, pick this up. If you haven’t already heard this the music on here is fantastic. They just smoke. Check it out! (Death8699)

(Century Media Records/Svart Records - 2001/2022)
Score: 80


giovedì 13 luglio 2023

Bear Mace - Charred Field of Slaughter

#PER CHI AMA: Death Old School
A strong Death influence circa 'Spiritual Healing' among others definitely are there too. These guys are Chicago natives with kick ass death metal! I believe this one should be at least a 72 rating because of the great follow-up that it is opposed to their debut. A 5-piece band showing what they can do musically and the vocals are atypical. There's sort-of an echo to them what makes the band unique on that front. The guitars are pretty killer riff-wise. They have quite brutal riffs with a lot of tremolo picking and unique frenzies. I think that the band has potential for a long sustainability. They not only have to compete with the Chicago scene (Cardiac Arrest, Cianide, Usurper, et al) but the world.

They need more of a fan base and they're not getting much press. A friend turned me onto them. This is definitely a strong follow-up musically and instrumentality. I did myself a favor and bought the CD. I ignored the low rating and liked it a lot!

Aside from the Death influence I felt that they had riffs that were in their own unique sort of vibe. The vocals have reverb on them and the music compliments the voice. Definitely came out a winner here. No downplaying here this was worth it!

The guitars are what did it for me. They had a strong sound with riffs that kicked ass and drums backing them up which were crushing. The production/mixing quality was top notch. There was nothing left out and the sound really killed it in terms of precision. Bear Mace was a step up the latter in death metal with this album which will have fans that hear this one in awe. They need to spread throughout the world because their music is really unique. Aside from their influences, they show much more maturity and variety. I feel like they showed a great progression from their debut. The music and vocals hit the spot for me! (Death8699)

(Self/Redefining Darkness Records - 2020/2022)
Score: 72


domenica 9 luglio 2023

Kaivs - Horrend

#FOR FANS OF: Swedish Death, Dismember
It's clear, immaculate Swedish death metal frenzy in under 13 minutes. Way expectational for a band Rome based. They don't seem to let up this whole time! That somewhat burly voice from Max supporting the music that's ultra HEAVY. Good production, too. But I'm looking more towards the music which on the most stands out for me. The recording did them well for their prominent music. I embraced this sound and was able to agree with my initial reaction to the sound of the music. These guys say that they're "no one", but not hardly that. They are totally a band that's so worth checking out.

These guys are among the likes of Dismember, older Entombed, Fleshcrawl, et al. What I'm hearing is the potential for this band to succeed in the 21st century music scene. All three of the songs carry with them the old school sound and Max their vocalist is interesting to with his tone.

I'm not going to scramble to the lyrical content, just the music, mixing and utmost potential. Since they've brought this to me a few weeks ago, I've been hooked. Aside from what I've currently said, the band has a backbone of bronze. Don't mistake them in reading this that just because they're from Rome that they're not going to deliver. The guitar I loved the most. A lot of tremolo picking just ad nauseum. Not much lead guitar, but that's alright I dig rhythm only work just as much. Especially if the lead guitars are sloppy. So what to really expect? The Swedish influence in death metal, burly vocals, slow/to moderate tempos in playing, good production quality, and just a really good listen to overall! Enjoy! (

sabato 1 luglio 2023

Napalm Death - Order of the Leech

#FOR FANS OF: Death Old School
I think this is a solid release as well as line-up. Except for the fact that they don't have Mick Harris anymore. He seemed to be the driving force when it came to grindcore. But Napalm changed into more of a death metal band than grind. The energy is high up there and the riffs are mind boggling. This is another newer generation of Napalm that I like. A lot of their newer material is OK but I prefer the old. This has a good sound to it and vibe. I think old school Barney is the best but he's doing good on here as well.

The music is the highlight of this album and I did enjoy pretty much all the tracks. Mitch's vocals are a little annoying though, but it brings back Mick to old Napalm. I felt that the bulk of the songs had a good structure to them and the guitar tone was appropriate. They were fortunate that Jesse (RIP) was still with the band at this point. I always liked him with the band. I think after 'Harmony Corruption' the band experienced a fall in their energy (Mick). They've just changed when he left and turned more towards death metal than grind. Not that that's bad, but maybe change their name, I'm not sure.

The guitars sound like they're tuned pretty low hence their thick sound. Really keeping it underground they are and Danny has some wicked drum tracks though it sounds like he's using triggers. That's not bad just has to keep up with the rhythms! I guess I just like the old school Napalm though I do think a lot of their newer stuff is palatable. But yeah, they should've changed their name. However, there are a lot of good moments to this album. Nothing that sticks as well as the old but still, it is quality. Barney isn't as low on the growls as he was on 'Harmony Corruption' or 'Fear, Emptiness, Despair'.

This album is more than 20 years old, but it's still on the good side of Napalm. The main members were with the band on here (Barney, Jesse, Mitch and Shane). I don't know what happened to the last track on this album but all the songs are pretty strong! I decided to buy the CD after hearing this digitally. Mind you, I still collect CD's. It was worth getting, wholeheartedly! The energy and fire is still there on this one it'll just never amount to 'Harmony Corruption'. That one was filled with death/grind glory! Still, an excellent effort on this one. They have shown the metal community fresh new riffs! Check it! (Death8699)

(FETO Records/Peaceville Records - 2002/2015)
Score: 70


mercoledì 28 giugno 2023

Dead Head - Dream Deceiver

#FOR FANS OF: Thrash/Death
I actually like this album more than their newer material! The music is better, so is the production and vocals. Quite an array of thrash galore and not so much death metal here, they seem to blend those two genres together. The vocals are a little different from what I'm used to, but the music is top notch! A lot of memorable riffs here and quite a sum of variety, too! Everything fit together on this release. Nothing seems to really lag, the energy is high up there. All 10 tracks (but the last release under Hammerheart Records, has 17!) are good, there weren't any that I though were lesser than others. They really seemed to put their creative juices to work on this one.

One thing that I won't get into are the lyrical concepts. Everything else I'm pretty open to on here. This is a second album I've heard from this band and I'm really liking what I'm hearing! The guitar riffs I've paid close attention to and I've concluded it's probably their best in existence! I took the liberty to find this on CD because I really want to hear it in my stereo, not nauseating headphones. They don't have a mountain full of followers nor press, so helping this band is the best way to show they mean business in the metal realm. I've done my part and if you're not convinced, it's your issue.

This is somewhat of an old-style production type of recording, but everything seemed to be mixed well! The guitars and vocals I paid most attention to. I've found that there's not an overabundance of lead guitar going around here, just enough. That's something I found fault in their more recent recordings. The rhythms were straightforward and somewhat technical. But they sure as hell made catchy riffs! They were pretty original in their songwriting. I didn't find much flaws in their playing, they were immaculate! The voice went well with the music! I've found the music to be the most likable aspect to this release.

As I've said, show some support to this band and buy the CD! It's worth it, to those who still have CD players! Spotify and YouTube both feature this album. I would take an hour out of your time and take a good listen to this release! It's worth your time. I wouldn't be urging you to do it if I didn't believe it to be true! Thrash galore and the riffs are hell of a lot of creative in this genre of metal! I'd like for this band to stay in existence for a while longer even if it just amounts to a few good releases. But like I said, I've found all the albums I've heard from this band to be palatable! Check them out!

(Bad Taste Recordings/Hammerheart Records - 1993/2019)
Score: 74


Iron Maiden - Powerslave

#FOR FANS OF: Heavy Metal
Probably the most catchy Iron Maiden release that I've ever heard. And I've been into metal for over 30 years! The chorus's are epic and the rhythms are unique as all hell. The leads amazing and Bruce on vocals never disappoints! The riffs and vocals are how this album shines. Not a song here that is "bad" or "bogus." They all are amazing! I'm surprised that I became a Maiden fan so much later on in their career. But that's alright, I'm able to enjoy it now! The guitars and vocals especially. They put on a great live performance as well! The songs sound as good as they are on the album.

This whole album rocks, there isn't a song on here that's devoid of glory. Every song is a highlight and for a 40 year old album the production is good. I got the remastered version but still! All the instruments were well mixed. Hands down, my favorite Maiden release! The songs are just epic! The lead guitars smoked as well. They sound just as good live as they do on the album. Maybe even better! These guys are the pioneers in heavy metal. If you just take a listen to this one if you're a critic and you'll hear what I mean. They're a 5-piece on this one live there were 6 members. Man do they crush live!

Bruce sounds great on here and he had to battle throat cancer. Of course, this was way back in the early 80's when he was in his prime. He still sounds good though at 64 years old. I'm glad I got to see them perform before they retire. It doesn't seem like they're going to though, I think there's still the fire in all of them. I still need to build up my Maiden collection I only own two of their releases. Good thing that there's a local record store that stocks a lot of METAL!! I made sure to get this one first since I've heard it before. It's no surprise that there's 30 reviews for this album! A lot of say about it!

Do yourself a favor if you're a newbie in heavy metal start with this Maiden album! Buy the CD, don't just stream it. But well, if you're going to stream it first get a physical copy next if you aren't convinced. The guitars, vocals and vibe is all there. "Aces High" and "2 Minutes To Midnight" are my favorite songs from this one. But they're all good. The originality in the guitars and Bruce's voice is top notch. The range is there and Bruce just smokes. This guy can really sing. The guitars go well with the vocals. Do yourself a favor and pick this up it's worth its weight in gold! (Death8699)

domenica 4 giugno 2023

Metallica - 72 Seasons

#FOR FANS OF: Heavy Metal
I really loathed this release the first few times that I listened to it. And I thought that this is the end for them! But I did have a violent change of heart when I heard the riffs talking to me. Being a guitarist, I am now appreciating the dynamics of these songs wholeheartedly. James sounds like he did on 'Hardwired...To Self Destruct'. But I felt that one only had 4 good songs. This one flourishes throughout. 77 minutes of pure heavy metal and not really much thrash elements left. Those are gone after them 80's. Sometimes it gets hard to listen to them and then hearing the first 4 releases. That was when they were at their pinnacle.

A track that they did a video for "Lux Aeterna" actually turned out really well and the title-track is pretty cool also. But the bulk of the songs are just a bit above average. The vocals aren't anything like the 80's Metallica. James is actually singing and he's laid off of being brutal and aggressive. It's ever since the black album that they really changed. And I don't mean in a good way. You don't get that thrash metal intensity. The music is just semi-heavy and the leads are darting fast but in a way sloppy, but Hammett is 60 now, so age is wearing on all of them for that matter. It's their 40-sum anniversary in being in existence, that's quite a feat.

People, I think put way high expectations on this release but they seem to do as well as they could. I'm not justifying critics including myself but at least they're making an effort. It's been 7+ years since 'Hardwired...' but this one is 77 minutes in length (as I mentioned) so all that electricity is bursting out of your speakers. It's what is, the music is above sub-par. They're not overly aggressive or rock like they were in past releases. For whatever reason, Metallica has always scored higher on the Billboards than Megadeth ever has. Maybe Dave's still whining because of their success over his even though Megadeth has been more consistent.

There's a lot of good songs on here aside from the ones I mentioned. I'd say buy the CD or Vinyl, I think it sounds better than the digital. Mind you, Lars said stream it he's OK with that despite the suing of Napster when people were downloading their music I think back in 2003. I guess he figures that they have enough money by now. And another thing I might add is that Hetfield called the band "average musicians." I don't know about that but if they were average then they wouldn't ever be as successful as they have been over the years. I think that that was an unthinking statement. Metallica has been successful for a reason! (Death8699)

(Blackened Recordings - 2023)
Score: 75


martedì 16 maggio 2023

Cannibal Corpse - Kill

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Ferocious and unrelenting this is a MONUMENT of death metal and a boon to Cannibal Corpse's discography. Even though this is 15+ years old, it's still popular among my death metal choices when feeling I need brutal. The guitars are chunky and thick, just what the meat holder's in their cast iron brains in belting out amazing/metamorphosis style metal. I was surprised it took a while before I noticed more/less of this. So here now is it's justice! It's hit-or-miss when it comes to Corpse but they've managed to put out some good LP's following this one. Pat O'Brien is no longer with the band, but I still think they're making monstrous material.

Here, Corpsegrinder shows us again the diversity in his vocals from guttural to screaming. It was amazing his story in metal history. He was the guy who didn't want to do work in classes just sing in a band. Well, he found it and they found him a good replacement for Chris Barnes. Barnes should be edging retirement after some poor Six Feet Under releases while Corpsegrinder continues to belt it out! He does so quite unbelievably. And Corpse still has a long life left enter Eric Rutan on rhythm/lead guitars. Though the new one doesn't pack as much of a punch than this one does. Hard to surpass this release!

The production quality is quite good and that being said the music is justified in the guitars enter everything else. I must be a guitar player but it's not what I notice everything in a recording. The music on here is just devastating! They put together a lot of quality riffs that at times are hard to grasp probably because they're in B-flat tuning. I surmount that both guitarists Rob and Pat worked equally on designing sick riffs to this release. The good thing about this is that everything fit together nicely to some brutal death metal! Everything seemed to be great here and they as a band work well together plus I'm sure it's a big loss to lose Pat.

I bought this a while ago, just thought I'd write about it now since it's still getting air-time in my stereo. They don't seem to disappoint here, my favorite things about this one are the guitars and vocals. Their latest 'Violence Unimagined' is tight too but not as thick as the chunky guitar is here. Nor are the leads as good. This is one of my favorite Corpse releases aside from the early stuff ('Butchered At Birth' & 'Tomb of the Mutilated'). I'd have to say that 'Torture' and 'A Skeletal Domain' are my favorites as well. 'Kill' is among the many fine releases from and unrelenting and brutal group CANNIBAL CORPSE is! Check this out! (Death8699)

(Metal Blade Records/Daymare Recordings - 2006/2021)
Score: 80


mercoledì 10 maggio 2023

Benediction - Killing Music

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
It'd be good (since they're not defunct) that they do a follow-up from this album. It's quality death metal though Birmingham based band that's been in existence for quite some time now. Former vocalist Barney who's with Napalm Death exclusively still measures up in supreme quality. That's for sure, though this one deserves a "75" because the production was a little bit pithy. Aside from that, the music is great, not to mention original, too. They change it up a bit on here it's not too fast tempo-wise, but brutal. This whole album is doggone brutal. They're still good even without Barney on vocals.

All the tracks are catchy guitar-wise. Catchy and unique. And that double bass drum kicking ass alongside the tremolo picked axe-work. These guys have been awesome throughout the years. Let's hope they will work on new material, if they're still thinking about it! They sure are unique as stressed they're also a healthy contribution to the death metal community. They know how to write some killer licks with a minimal amount of lead guitar work. They stick mostly with rhythm work but it's so darn amazing. I enjoyed every minute of this release. They really know how to make substantial death metal that's not humdrum.

The guitars and vocals are the highlight, but I thought the drum-work was pretty awesome as well. I only have a beef with the production, that's all. But maybe they wanted it to have sort of a raw sound. Especially for the time of the recording (2008). I'm sure that's what her intention was. Since they know especially what they're looking for to release to the public. I would've liked it if they totally took out all of the lead guitar (as little as there was) since it'd carry the brutality and anger in the music. Benediction thrives on rhythms, chunky and heavy tremolo picked. But they still did a great job here.

This album is definitely worth buying (now also with a new vynil limited edition). I bought it because I liked what I heard on Spotify. I'm not as familiar with their older work with Barney as I am with their modern lineup. But let's hope that they decide to play more of their Birmingham based death metal to the millennials. They definitely need to hear this one if they haven't already. From start to finish this one slays in the riff department. It's really heavy and catchy. I wouldn't expect them to play any other way. And the vocals/drums compliment the music. Get this album because it'll do the world of death metal well for more support. (

(Nuclear Blast/Back on Black - 2008/2023)
Score: 75


sabato 29 aprile 2023

Suffocation - Blood Oath

#FOR FANS OF: Brutal Death
Downright abrasive to the ear lobes! What a masterpiece, I cannot say what a riff that's been played on here that was in an ill place or poorly played. All seemed to fall into place perfectly. Vocals are top-notch as well! They're compliment the dark death metal that goes alongside it. The leads were immaculate, too. I believe this was one of the last LP's that's with Frank Mullen on vocals. I think he did a couple more until he hung it up with Suffocation. What a tragedy, as well. He was one of the driving forces for the band and always had been. Well, hold on tight to these vocals here and embrace the music!

The majority of the music on here is downright brutal riffs. Along with Frank's vocals the music just tears it up. Tempos vary from a blitzkrieg of fury to moderate to slower, but technical riffs. All in all, this is an abomination of soul in the dark feeling of despair. Their earlier material shows more disruption into faster flowing riffs. On here, they pretty much shoot on all fronts of metal. That's what makes this release so likable. You'll find that they flow more freely in the realm of slower riffs with the drums backing up the guitars gruntingly. And the lead guitars are all so very technical in flowing.

Frank leads the way though on this album, he belts out his grunting and the music follows his lead quite solemnly. The band does a great job collectively. Again, it's a slower paced Suffocation release, but it's still magnificent in composition. The sound quality is top notch and you can hear everything pieced together. That's what lacked in their earlier recordings...the production was lacking in good sound but on here it's top notch. Everything seems to flow together and all instruments/vocals share triumphant bits of music throughout. I think this is one of my favorite ones ABSOLUTELY!

I heard this on Spotify first off and decided that I needed the CD itself. That's how highly I esteem this release. It goes from death metal to brutal death metal to doom metal all in one release. There just is a lot of fluctuation on here which makes it so versatile! It's a bit under an hour of great metal! If you think otherwise when you hear this, I would be appalled. This album just dominates through and through. It's a somewhat different Suffocation release in that the production is better but the music is more chargingly dismantled. From every avenue this release topples it all! Check it out! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2009)
Score: 85


venerdì 21 aprile 2023

Deicide - In Torment In Hell

#PER CHI AMA: Death Metal
Upon first hearing this, I think it's one of Deicide's worst albums with the Hoffman brothers. I thought 'Insineratehymn' was pretty generic despite my high score upon a few listens to. The newer generation of Deicide is pretty bad, 'The Stench of Redemption' I marked pretty poorly but in retrospect that was a decent album with Ralph Santolla (RIP) and Jack Owen. But 'In Torment In Hell' I still like, I just think it's really sloppy and uncreative. They kind of pulled a 'Serpents of the Light' intro with the title-track but it's just turned into their own riff. They're pretty careless on here and left their creative juices behind.

I like the intro, but overall the music just sucks. They didn't offer much in airing 31 minutes of shit metal. I'm not sure if they had their contract up with Roadrunner or what. A totally thoughtless release which had many fans (including me) disappointed. How can they take a break and make up for this. With 'Scars of the Crucifix'? I don't know, maybe. But the Hoffman brothers legacy is over onto the next generation (which it has been) of Deicide. I'll always appreciate the first 4 releases from this band. But talk about getting lazy! That's exactly what they did here and their previous (as I noted).

Nothing on here is worth getting excited over. You would think a band would progress over the years and not the reverse of that. But they just show you that they just suck on this album. It doesn't matter what track you pick, they're all equally worthless. I actually went ahead and ordered this on eBay hoping that some day I'll appreciate this album. Listening to it on headphones has me keyed into all the flaws with it that I don't want to do. They used to be an inspiring death metal band with riffs that were supercharged and creative. I guess that they just didn't want to continue their career making quality material.

I heard this on Spotify with disbelief. What happened!! This average score was 45% and hell my score is right about there too! I wouldn't say to buy this even if you are a Deicide fan. I did, but with much reluctance. Putrid as hell, what a major dud! There's nothing on here worth mentioned maybe check out the title-track, "Vengeance is Mine" and "Christ Don't Care." Then you'll get an idea of what to expect. They're still death metal, just at their worst. I don't want to turn you off from being a fan of the band it's just that when music sucks, something has to be said why or what happened that made it that way. Beware! (Death8699)

(Roadrunner - 2001)
Score: 45


mercoledì 5 aprile 2023

Vektor - Black Future

#FOR FANS OF: Prog Thrash
This album is incredible. The amount of work it took to put it together, riffs and all was probably a while! David DiSanto is probably one of the top progressive thrash metal guitarists known. His work is quite technical! The rhythms and leads are outstanding. I'm glad the band reformed, though with some different musicians. That is fine as long as they can keep up with this guy. Vektor is a band with an acquired taste to them, they're not for everybody. Even though they're not for everybody doesn't mean that metalheads should disrespect their work. This album quite resoundingly is just an ass-kicker. So fast in many parts, yet there are parts where tempos slow down.

I liked all the songs on here and felt that every single one of them was put heart and soul into. The main things I like about it ARE the tempo changes and vocals. David's high-end screams shriek but most of the time they're tolerable. The abilities here with the songwriting capabilities are just astounding. I don't care what anyone says, Vektor is in a league of their own. Far surpasses a lot of bands nowadays. These guys are truly respectable individuals in terms of music, maybe not morals. But that's not what concerns me here. All I care about is the band's music, not lifestyle habits or way of life. As long as they can hack it here, that is what matters.

I've been able to find this album in a local record store actually, it only took 10 years to show up at a record store. I thought being Vektor it's gotta be good. And as I came to believe that it was a good choice! The songs on here are somewhat long, some the tracks are over 10 minutes in length. But they never get boring. They're more interesting the more you listen to them. Being a former guitarist, I notice things about the riffs and that the tremolo picking is superior, the leads spellbinding! These guys are far above being amateurs. They're way more advanced, the music just slays. I wouldn't say any song on here is "dull." Quite the contrary.

Since I bought the physical CD, doesn't mean that it is required. As long as you get to hear this is what matters. But showing that you support the band in any way, that is what counts. These guys I hope will stick around for a long while. It's been 10+ years so far (with gaps), so I hope they will endure a long career. I always say to support the band by buying their album, but now people mostly revert to digitally downloading albums. Some of my friends don't even have a CD player! But stay old school and buy the CD if you still have a device that plays it! Vektor is sticking around, and what a debut 'Black Future' is and what they all have become! (Death8699)

(Heavy Artillery Records/Earache Records - 2009/2018)
Score: 85


lunedì 3 aprile 2023

Vital Remains - Dechristianize

#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal
I got this on my digital release before I decided to buy the album. I still like their latest more, but oddly enough I'm scoring it the same as that one. The main beef I have with the album is the snare drum, other than that I thought it was an impeccable release. The songwriting is amazing. I love the riffs and intensity. It seemed like this one did well but I'd have to say that 'Icons of Evil' was more suitable to my pallet upon listening to and times I've listened to it. However, I thought that this one was a bit faster tempo-wise and aggressive. I don't care much for the early stuff and I have no idea what the new stuff is going to sound like when it's complete.

I'll probably just stick with the two Vital Remains releases not the old. I think the newer is less raw and more likable. This one is downright amazing. The riffs are just everywhere and brutal. They really hit-home with this one. I think that they just are great with having Glen via Deicide voluntarily in for lead vocals on here. He sounded more like the "newer" Glen on his vocals. The lineup is forever changing and I don't think there are going to be any of the original members on the new stuff. All of it is pretty much 21st century members. Time will tell when the new album arrives (if ever) and we'll see how it pans out.

The production quality is quite good, a little bit raw though. But the music sounds top notch despite that. The guitars are fantastic. I felt that overall an impeccable album. They got better than the older (quite fast) and seemed to be the most mature on 'Icons of Evil'. I think that they deserve all the praise they seemed to on this album. Really innovative songwriting (as I say) and wicked leads. Overall, a very dark and depressing album. And the perfect lyrics for Glen right up his alley with the Satanism. If you might want to not read the lyrics to this release if you're bound by religion, but just maybe learn the titles of the songs.

Like I did, I downloaded this album first but didn't check it out right away. I waited a while. I thought that the new album was just more suitable to me. But most were in disagreement. I think that both are just amazing death metal. I don't think that anything on here was done wrong, I though that all the songs were solid. And the leads were top notch. Glen sounded brutal, just applicable to the music of this release. He did them justice both albums. So yeah, this was unrelenting and amazing, I wouldn't change much of any of it except the snare drum! Other than that, check it out!

(Olympic Recordings/Cosmic Key Creations - 2003/2020)
Score: 80


giovedì 23 marzo 2023

Opeth - Watershed

#FOR FANS OF: Prog Death
This is one HEAVY Opeth release. There's more aggression here alongside some bolstering riff-dynamics which are intriguing. Mikael said that he's "also a genius when it comes to music" and I'd have to agree up until they changed from progressive metal to progressive rock. They should've not sold out because my contention is that they lost some true fans. But anyway, 'Watershed' some call "disjointed" but I say on here highly experimental. When they belt out heavy riff, that's something to admire and bang your head to. Although I like older Opeth more meaning 'Blackwater Park' and 'Still Life', 'Watershed' still has it's moments of precision.

Mikael's vocals are way aggressive on here. It's way on the progressive scale, but I find more brilliance the more that I listen to it. It's not as catchy as the two albums I mentioned, but I still think that its diversity and ingenuity is still there. They are just changing a little bit of styles here on the guitars and vocals. Some things sound a little backwards, but that's because I think that this is one of their more experimental efforts to date. And because of this, I took some points off, not because of the direction, but because of the sounds from the guitar aren't as creative as past works in any respect. One that I haven't mentioned that's my favorite of all-time is 'My Arms, Your Hearse'.

A lot of the tracks are all over the place, but the sound quality is still top notch. I enjoyed the clean guitars and the solemn vocals. But they needed a little bit more grit to the songs to bring the ideas together. Mikael falls a little short of his "genius" here probably because he wants to tend the band into a different direction. This being one of the albums that remains to be maintained before their fall from the metal community. They just show that they were heading this direction. I've found sort of just a select few songs that I can follow and some of the progressive rock sound meshed into this release. It doesn't help that Mikael doesn't like to sing brutal vocals.

In summary, this is a decent effort by the band. But for me, it's just a "70" rating. The songwriting on here was a bit "off" and hard to swallow. I'm not saying that it's their worst release, I'm just saying that it needed some work. Songs don't seem to flow in tandem like they did on their older releases. Well, this is it, hello to the progressive rock that follows a band that had some great talent to just throw it away. I guess Mikael just lost the fire and turned to another direction with the band just to sell records. He could've put more energy into this release and showed us that Opeth's metal days would go on till the end. (Death8699)

(Roadrunner - 2008)
Score: 70


giovedì 16 marzo 2023

Soilwork - A Predator's Portrait

#FOR FANS OF: Melo Death/Metalcore
This is an interesting album but it doesn't top its predecessor 'The Chainheart Machine'. The riffs are good but not to that caliber. And the vocals are a little more laid back mixed with some clean bits. The music is what's awesome on here. The melodic rhythms that go along with the clean vocals (at times). I liked this release, it is just a little step down from the previous. The leads were outstanding though. As this was the older lineup. These guys have had a great career in music some good releases and some duds. This one is definitely not the latter, it's quality melodic death metal. The intensity is there just not as much.

They mellowed out on this release but the vocals feature a lot of screaming. It's like a mix of melodic death with metalcore. I don't like metalcore much but the music is quality. I just don't like the fact that their intensity lessened hence the "75" rating.

Their modern sound is like this too, their most recent has a lot of mellow parts to them. 'Övergivenheten' which means "The Abandonment" is their latest release that sounds a bit like this. I like both almost equally. They'll never get to the degree of 'The Chainheart Machine' but they're still a good band releasing good music. They just fizzed out whereas they could've progressed musically. I'm still a fan of the band but I just had to lower my expectations of their releases after 'The Chainheart Machine'. There are some good songs on here mainly these: "Neurotic Rampage", "Final Fatal Force" and the title track.

They're dealing with the loss of David Andersson who joined the band in 2012-2022. He died last year at 47 years of age. They can still get to the caliber of this album as they did of their most recent. 'A Predator's Portrait' had some dynamite songs! They've just chilled out.

There will never be a Soilwork of this degree again, but that doesn't mean that they're done as a band. This album is a good follow-up, just not nearly as good as their predecessor. I hope that they keep producing albums though! (Death8699)

(Nuclear Blast - 2001)
Score: 75
