#FOR FANS OF: Death Metal, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide
This is an extremely brutal death metal album that pulverizes the eardrum. I have their previous release, but I think that this one is stronger. It might only be a bit over 30+ minutes of music, but it sure packs a punch. These guys take no prisoners. I liked this album from start to finish! The music, the vocals and the sound quality. All top-notch. The vocals sound a little like Glen Benton in 'The Stench of Redemption' release, there is a similarity to his coming out in Deranged vocals. That's not a bad thing, it fits the music, absolutely. These guys put together one helluv a kick ass record all the way.
The album just doesn't let up. It's in your face pretty much the whole way through. There's only a couple of tracks that are a bit slower. But they're still brutal. The riffs are catchy and original. I liked them a lot. I felt that they did the band justice with this one. A step up from their previous release. Well thought out music, all the way. And intense as fuck! Everything on here seemed to fit in and just seemed to make sense from a musical standpoint. They seemed to have totally progressed since their last album. The vocals fluctuate but it's mostly growling. This is good though. Making it brutal for listeners.
Lead guitar is pretty technical and the rhythms go well with the vocals. Nothing bad to say at all about anything wrong with this album. They meshed Deicide with Cannibal Corpse together interwoven it into their own sound. I feel that they seemed close to both of those bands in style and from a musical aspect. But I like it. They have their unique qualities and vibe to them. Though the two mentioned bands have their sound to them that Deranged seemed to not copy but just show their influences. And the production quality was good for an underground band to beholden-to.
I didn't download this album first, I just grabbed it off the CD shelf and it struck me having their prior album and liking that I thought that this one too would be worth it. And mind it was! You can download it or maybe YouTube it just as long as you're a death metal fan or brutal death metal fan. Either way, it's good as gold, I gave this release an "A" because I felt that from start to finish the quality of the music was enough to grand it that. But if you're a CD collector, I'd say even more so to buy the album! This band keeps on improving. So go and hear what it sounds like in any avenue! (Death8699)