
giovedì 27 gennaio 2022

Archspire - Bleed the Future

#FOR FANS OF: Techno Death
What a jumpstart to the nerves in the intro to this album. Totally killer from where they left off with their previous release ('Relentless Mutation'). I won't dig back into earlier work namely 'The Lucid Collective' but their previous and now this just is simply amazing! The riffs own this release and the way the vocals are able to go alongside the music is just amazing. I'm not overly into technical death metal, but this band I've been following. The music is what grapples me. I think their previous had more catchy riffs than this one but I still think that they're hacking it with this release 'Relentless Mutation' will probably remain my favorite though.

The way that they piece songs together is just beyond belief. I understand that people aren't too into their gig but still I like this band. They have a way of arranging music that's just so catchy and innovative. Their album is about 30 minutes but with the drums going in hyperspeed and guitars playing insane riffs 30 minutes is enough (I believe). I made sure to get a physical copy of this album because I just figured that anything they put out there I like. You've got to be into the riffs fast and furious or cut short then acoustic tones. It's quite variable. I do admit that the drums are on overkill, but I'm still digging the album.

Season of Mist had some great bands/releases on this record label of last year, I'm just loving the production and mixing. They are top notch with extreme metal! It's a love/hate relationship with Archspire and I happen to love them. They've got extraneous talent that shouldn't be overlooked! Seriously, they seem to make this look or sound easy. Maybe they have had so much practice with the riffs and overall music that they can put together some like 'Bleed The Future'. Stay open minded with the band, they've really got so much to offer. I'm amazed at their talent and energy. All of the band members contributed equally!

It just couldn't be streaming this, I had to have it! Since most kids all they know is streaming music or other people that just got rid of their CD's altogether. Not me, I want to contribute to bands whos fans are why they make music, well mostly it's that way. Just Armageddon has been released here, utter pandemonium. The past two releases I'm loving entirely. The riffs do it all for me absolutely! This band doesn't seem to let up with ferocity. They're not everyone's cup of tea but they sure are with me! Do yourself a favor if you're not going to buy it, make an effort to at least stream it and see what you think! (Death8699)