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#PER CHI AMA: Brutal Death |
Un po' di insano marciume dagli States con questo 7" targato Glorious Dead: due i brani per quello che sembra essere un side project del quartetto formato tra gli altri da J. Humlinski (Feast Eternal) e M. Rytkonen (Prosthesis, Slaunchwise, Charnel Valley, Bindrune Recordings), che ci propinano due marcescenti pezzi di death metal che affondano le proprie radici nei gloriosi anni '80-90. "Mangled Cerebration" apre le danze con la sua inaudita ferocia che però assai poco ha da chiedere e soprattutto da dare. "Celebrate the Corpse" invece chiude le danze dopo soli nove minuti con un mid-tempo (peraltro mal registrato in sede live) che guarda al doom nella sua prima metà, per poi divampare in un brutal death piatto e senza mordente. Solo per amanti di simili sonorità. (Francesco Scarci)
Voto: 55
A two track demo of downright dirty death metal released on seven inch vinyl as well as in a digital format, 'Imperator of the Dessicated' hearkens to the early improvisational days of the subgenre where viscous imposing guitar tones overrode harsh and disparate harmonies, production was awash with reverb, decaying melody always found itself forced through a blender of atonality, and trading demos as basic and sparse as this kept the medium alive. From such a clearly crafted first impression, it's no wonder that The Glorious Dead hopes to evoke that raw early death metal sound and shapes it with flying tremolos, bassy production, and squealing guitar solos that make “Mangled Celebration” as seemingly chaotic as it is emulating the style from a retrospective perspective. The second single on this EP, “Celebrate the Corpse” starts at a crawl that sounds more like it was recorded at a backyard party than at a proper venue. Through audible crowd noise that even the blast beats can't drown out, The Glorious Dead holds its sound down well in a live setting with merely production is holding the band back, but what the outfit needs now is to elaborate on its start and show some authentic and one-of-a-kind personality in its music. As redundant as these two track titles are, the clear breadth between both gives this short EP some semblance of personality to this bare bones release. Though The Glorious Dead makes little of a name for itself on this short seven inch, the band gives some insight into a foundation from which it could build if the band wanted to attempt something elaborate. (Five_Nails)
(Bindrune Recordings - 2019)
Score: 50